Who is Who in North Brilend

Explorer Abby – one of the Rangers of Opal and one of the original compatriots who accompanied the Troupe to the Sudaar camp in the river valley.
Algalon the Observer – Chief of Woodwrights in Edmond’s Crossing
Amaruq the Grey Wolf -“the candle crone” – an herbalist in South Opal who also sells enchanted candles
Arlaina – an orphan from Chizend City in East Brilend, raised by Kelemist the Lost and sent to Calithil to find the location of the God of Knowledge. She is Rowan McNabb’s one-time lover and object of his maliciousness.
Master Ashlock Bates of Opal – Head of House Bates, the second most powerful merchant house in Opal. Ashlock has sworn vegeance against Mar’Khabazza for the murder of his son, Morley.
Morley Bates (deceased) – Elder son of Ashlock Bates and a member of the hoods slain while breaking into Mar’Khabazza’s home
Ogslight Bates – younger son of Ashlock Bates. First encountered the Troupe in Beryl while trying to sell iron to Mordant Grimsby, quartermaster of the garrison at Beryl, under the umbrella of Mar’Khabazza’s contract from Edmond’s Crossing. He was later accused of the murder of Balthus von Indi after Mar’Khabazza set him up as a patsy but later acquitted.
Inquisitor Caleras – prosecution of breakers of the Emperor’s Law in Opal
The Three SistersCulcordia the Spinner – one of the three sisters responsible for weaving threads of creation into the web of reality. Together the Three Sisters create Time and Entropy: Culcordia creates the Thread of Life, Licensa determines its quality, and Hilina determines it’s length. In layman’s terms, people pray to Culcordia for luck, Licensa for fortune, and Hilina for health and long life.
Overseer DathrohanOverseer Dathrohan – a stern man completely dedicated to the smooth operation of the mines. Everything else is secondary.
Drelana the SageDrelna the Sage – owner of the Crow Club in Opal. Finder of things for a price. Broker of deals for a price. Keeper of secrets for a price.
Ranger Jade Everwood “the Rogue Knight” – chief ranger in Edmond’s Crossing.
Merchant FelgunneMerchant Felgunne – head of the merchant bank and headquarters in Opal.
Sentinel FengusSentinel Fengus – an immature yet doughty Northman hired as the daytime guard and doorman for the Salt House. His loyalty was bought for the price of a broadsword that was forged and enchanted by Ravenna.
Earthcaller FranzahlEarthcaller Franzahl – a duergar of the Keep in Opal, known by his granite helmet shaped like a wolf head. The de-facto leader of the duergar of Opal.
Corporal Furlbrow – a member of the city watch who accompanied the Troupe and Senior Sergeant Joktuk into the sudaar camp in the river valley as well as investigating the sack of Beryl.
Ghanorlah-ben-Thylorh-mah-Lanoorha-Tis – heir to the scepter and circlet and rightful leader of Clan Jaguar. She was held captive by the winter elves until freed from the enchanted mirror by the Troupe during their raid on the monastery.
Elder Goldwell – Chief of Ironworkers in Edmond’s Crossing
Earthmender Gorboto – Duergar shaman in allegiance with the winter elves. Known by his stone helmet shaped as a demon with many many teeth
Gorgannon – basher and doorman at the Crow Club
Gredi Grimsby – Mordant Grimsby’s daughter. Survived the sack of Beryl by the winter elves by hiding with Kehopu in a bolthole in Mordant Grimsby’s cellar
Mordant Grimsby (deceased) – quartermaster of the garrison at Beryl. He was killed in the sack of Beryl by winter elves.
Arne Gunhilde – the new leader of the Hoods in Opal. He assumed command after the death of Elder Sarophas.
Andrea Halloran – proprietor of the Tempest Inn in Opal
Earthcaller Halmgar (deceased) – Slain by the Troupe in the Duergar caves below Opal on behest of Earthcaller Franzahl. A duergar known by his demon helmet of red stone.
Anastasia HartwellAnastasia Hartwell – merchant broker for the Guild of Merchants in Opal
Hilina the Kismet – one of the three sisters responsible for weaving threads of creation into the web of reality. Together the Three Sisters create Time and Entropy: Culcordia creates the Thread of Life, Licensa determines its quality, and Hilina determines it’s length. In layman’s terms, people pray to Culcordia for luck, Licensa for fortune, and Hilina for health and long life.
Lady Catriona von Indi – head of House Indi, the fifth most powerful merchant house in Opal. Assumed control of House Indi after the murder of her husband Balthus Indi
Sentinel Jarad – (deceased) a foppish yet hard-hearted Northman hired as the nighttime guard and doorman for the Salt House
Senior Sergeant Joktuk – a taciturn and grizzled Chutki soldier and watch commander of the city guard.
Kanosak the Keeper “the Rat Man” – Kanosak the Keeper is the keeper of the Ledger – the book that holds the current tally for each dept owed by prisoners working the mines here in Opal. Prisoners of the Empire sent to the Jewell Cities are assigned a debt that must be paid to the Emperor and this debt is paid off by working in the mines.
Kehopu – Mordant Grimsby’s Chati housekeeper. She survived the sack of Beryl by hiding in a bolthole in Grimsby’s cellar with Gredi, Grimsby’s daughter
Kelemis the Lost (deceased)– Ravenna’s adopted father who bought her from her father in Khazdu City to be trained as a spy to send into Calithil to free the God of Knowledge after Arlaina’s failure to return. A member of the Sept of the Serpent. He was drugged and slain by Kyle and the Hoods during their kidnapping of Ravenna.
Huntress Kima – a one-time friend of Kyle sent on the original expedition to the sudaar camp in the river valley to keep tabs on Ravenna. She was subsequently won over by the Troupe and their effectiveness and steadfastness in battle.
Kyle – an orphan from the streets of Opal, raised by Elder Sarophas to hate and fear any channeler, as they were “responsible for the Upheaval and the destruction of Evet”.
Licensa the Allotter – one of the three sisters responsible for weaving threads of creation into the web of reality. Together the Three Sisters create Time and Entropy: Culcordia creates the Thread of Life, Licensa determines its quality, and Hilina determines it’s length. In layman’s terms, people pray to Culcordia for luck, Licensa for fortune, and Hilina for health and long life.
Postmaster Malown – scruffy-looking head of communications and logistics for the town of Opal. Also a member of the Sept of the Serpent and disciple of the God of Knowledge.
Huntress Lokni
Speaker Mar’grom – the People’s elected official of Opal
Huntsman Markhor
Masha – an imposing Koyatki matron who runs the Salt House with a ruthless efficiency. Her stews and baked goods are legendary.
Merajit the Alchemist – a Chakagari man in a tattered black robe who walks with a gnarled black cane in one hand and either his pipe or a bottle in the other. A member of the Sept of the Serpent, he is a devout follower of the God of Knowledge.
Mondaleth the Sage – chief scholar of the monastery found at the base of Akin’s Ridge and member of the Sept of the Serpent. He was held captive by the winter elves until freed from the enchanted mirror by the Troupe during their raid on the monastery.
Lorekeeper Mykos – head librarian and chief curator of the library in Opal. Ravenna’s first disciple after becoming the God of Knowledge.
Naisha – A Chati woman rescued by Mar’Khabazza from the Duergar mines under Opal during their assassination of Earthbinder Tavgren and Earthcaller Halmgar.
Senator Barin RedstoneSenator Barin Redstone – the Emperor’s representative in Opal and ally to Mar’Khabazza. Redstone is craven and an alcoholic, preferring to spend his time in the Menagerie and complaining to anyone who will listen about their lack of respect for his position and authority.
Elder Sarophas (deceased) -the lieutenant-commander of the watch and head judicar the Rose and organization sworn to pass judgement on those who can touch the essence though execution or “silencing”. He was killed by Ravenna during an attempt by the Hoods to burn her as a witch.
Abigail Sawyer – an assistant at a meat curing shop in central Opal, she is known as “the ghost whisperer” by Mar’Khabazza for her interest in the shadowy voidwalkers inhabiting Cignoria.
Seelohnor Delohvra “Fortune”
Sentinel Selarin
Selthor’ah-mah-Lanoorha – half-sister of Ganorlah. She was held captive by the winter elves until freed from the enchanted mirror by the Troupe during their raid on the monastery.
Sentinel Stillwater
Senator Mehr Stonehallow (deceased) – the Emperor’s representative in Opal. Once was an ally of House Bates and House Rin’ji, he was murdered by Mar’Khabazza who assumed his likeness to cast the swing vote to open access to the Merchant Guild’s bank in Opal to all noble houses.
Earthbinder Tavgren (deceased) – was one of the duergar killed in the raid on the underground duergar temple below Opal. His helmet was a mottled grey worf helmet.
Ardala Terilaen
Lord Balthus Terilaen
Lianne Tesper
Ambrose Tesper
Tharnun “the Slenderman”
Quarrymaster Thesten – manager of the miners in Opal
Sentinel Thenysil
Gryth Thurden – bartender at the Crow Club
Justiciar Mariel Trueheart – executor of the Emperor’s Will in Opal
Quartermaster Urgronn – Chief of Merchants Guild in Edmond’s Crossing
Lotwil Veriatus – a rough looking, taciturn man from the Empire hired on as as the steward of the Salt House