spell name: PRAYER 1 C | list name: protections | level: 1 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 5 bonus to his rrs and maneuver rolls. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: BLESS 1 C | list name: protections | level: 2 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 5 bonus to his db and maneuver rolls. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: RESISTANCE 1 C | list name: protections | level: 3 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 5 bonus to his rrs and db. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: HEAT RESISTANCE C * | list name: protections | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d* | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target is protected from natural heat up to 200 degrees farenhelt; +20 to all rrs vs. heat; -20 to elemental fire/heat attacks. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and teh duration is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: COLD RESISTANCE C * | list name: protections | level: 5 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d* | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target is protected from natural cold up to -20 degrees farenhelt; +20 to all rrs vs. cold; -20 to elemental cold/ice attacks. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and teh duration is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: TEMPERATURE SPHERE (10' R) | list name: protections | level: 8 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration | range: caster | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: all who are within the sphere are allowed the benifits of either a heat resistance or a cold resistance spell; the sphere is not mobile. |
spell name: PROTECTIONS SPHERE 1 C | list name: protections | level: 10 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: all within the radius are allowed the benefits of prayer 1 or bless 1 or resistance 1; the sphere is not mobile. |
spell name: PRAYER 3 C | list name: protections | level: 11 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1-3 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 15 bonus to his rrs and maneuver rolls. multiple targets would have the 15 divided up. three targets would get +5 each, etc. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: BLESS 3 C | list name: protections | level: 12 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1-3 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 15 bonus to his db and maneuver rolls. multiple targets would have the 15 divided up. three targets would get +5 each, etc. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: RESISTANCE 3 C | list name: protections | level: 13 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1-3 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 15 bonus to his rrs and db. multiple targets would have the 15 divided up. three targets would get +5 each, etc. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: TEMPERTURE SPHERE (20' R) | list name: protections | level: 15 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration | range: caster | area of effect: 20' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: all who are within the sphere are allowed the benifits of either a heat resistance or a cold resistance spell; the sphere is not mobile. |
spell name: PROTECTIONS SPHERE 3 C | list name: protections | level: 17 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: all within the radius are allowed the benefits of prayer 3 or bless 3 or resistance 3; the sphere is not mobile. |
spell name: PRAYER 5 C | list name: protections | level: 18 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1-3 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 25 bonus to his rrs and maneuver rolls. multiple targets would have the 15 divided up. five targets would get +5 each, etc. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: BLESS 5 C | list name: protections | level: 20 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1-5 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 25 bonus to his db and maneuver rolls. multiple targets would have the 15 divided up. five targets would get +5 each, etc. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: RESISTANCE 5 C | list name: protections | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1-5 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 25 bonus to his rrs and db. multiple targets would have the 25 divided up. five targets would get +5 each, etc. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: PROTECTIONS SPHERE 5 C | list name: protections | level: 30 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: all within the radius are allowed the benefits of prayer 5 or bless 5 or resistance 5; the sphere is not mobile. |
spell name: VALOR | list name: protections | level: 30 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: fh | duration: 3 rounds | range: self | area of effect: 30'r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: for the duration of the spell, those chosen by the caster take half of normal concussion hits from attacks and they do double concussion hit damage in melee and they receive a + 10 modification to their obs and dbs. |
spell name: PROTECTIONS TRUE | list name: protections | level: 50 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a +30 bonus to his rrs, maneuver rolls, and db; and 30 is subtracted from elemental attacks against him. |