spell name: LOCKLORE | list name: escaping ways | level: 1 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: i | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: give the caster +20 bonus for picking the lock analyzed, and +10 for anyone to whom he describes the lock. |
spell name: LOCK/UNLOCK | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 1 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can cause any one lock to be locked (or unlocked). The complexity of the lock may alter the success or failure of this spell. |
spell name: UNLOCK 1 | list name: escaping ways | level: 2 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 1'/lvl | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can cause any "mundane"" complexity lock (e.g., sliding bolts) he can see (within range) to be unlocked or locked (lock is just normally unlocked/locked and can be locked/unlocked normally)." |
spell name: JAM | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 2 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 door | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can cause any one wooden door (up to 3'x 8'x 6") to swell and jam so as to be 90% unopenable (door may still be broken down)." |
spell name: ESCAPING 1 | list name: escaping ways | level: 3 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to escape from cloth bindings in 1 rnd. |
spell name: AUGMENT SHADOW | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 3 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: 5'R/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: All shadows in radius deepen, aiding hiding by +25%. |
spell name: UNLOCK 2 | list name: escaping ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 1'/lvl | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can cause any "routine"" to ""medium"" complexity locks he can see (within range) to be locked and there is is a chance such a lock will unlock: routine (50%), easy (40%), light (30%), medium (20%)." |
spell name: CHAMELEON | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster's exterior and skin alter to approximately the pattern and color of his surroundings allowing a +2/1 v 1 hiding bonus when still and +l/lvl hiding bonus while moving. This bonus is cumulative with other hiding aid spells. |
spell name: MAGIC LOCK | list name: escaping ways | level: 5 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 door or cont. | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: a door or container can be magically "locked""; the door can be broken normally or the spll can be displelled; otherwise the door can not be opened." |
spell name: CLIMB | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 5 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster gains +2/level to his climbing skill due to increased toe and finger strength. |
spell name: ESCAPING 2 | list name: escaping ways | level: 6 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to escape from rope bindings in 2 rounds. |
spell name: LEAP | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 6 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to leap up to 5'/level laterally or up to 27 level vertically. |
spell name: TRAPLORE | list name: escaping ways | level: 7 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 trap | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: give the caster +20 bonus for disarming the trap analyzed, and +10 for anyone to whom he describes the trap. |
spell name: LAND | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 7 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F* | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to land safely from a fall of up to 2071vl. |
spell name: UNLOCK 3 | list name: escaping ways | level: 8 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 1'/lvl | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can cause any "routine"" to ""extremely hard"" complexity locks he can see (within range) to be locked and there is is a chance such a lock will unlock: routine (70%), easy (60%), light (50%), medium (40%), hard (30%), very hard (20%), extremely hard (10%)." |
spell name: SWIM | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 8 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to swim at normal walking pace. Caster is able to remain afloat in all but hurricane-type conditions. |
spell name: ESCAPING 3 | list name: escaping ways | level: 9 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to escape from leather or wood bindings in 3 rounds. |
spell name: SILENCE | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 9 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: 1'R/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Any sound originating within the radius of this spell is completely muffled. This spell will not affect spells will verbal components. |
spell name: JAMMING | list name: escaping ways | level: 10 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 door | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: causes a door to expand and jam into its frame (roll 1-100: severity ranges from slightly stuck to unopenable). |
spell name: INVISIBILITY | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 10 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster and all within up to T radius of his body are rendered invisible until either 24 hrs pass or the caster or an affected object are struck a violent blow (being hit by a weapon, falling, striking a violent blow, etc.). |
spell name: REMOVE BLINDFOLD | list name: escaping ways | level: 11 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: removes any "eye covering"" from the caster's face." |
spell name: DISTRACTION | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 11 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 10'R/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may create desired sounds emanating from any area within range, e.g., running noises, breaking noises, disturbed crowd noises, etc. |
spell name: RUN | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 12 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may move at up to 4x normal walking pace without expending exhaustion points. If caster stops running or performs any other action this spell is canceled. |
spell name: UNLOCK 4 | list name: escaping ways | level: 13 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 1'/lvl | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can cause any "routine"" to ""sheer folly"" complexity locks he can see (within range) to be locked and there is is a chance such a lock will unlock: routine (80%), easy (70%), light (60%), medium (50%), hard (40%), very hard (30%), extremely hard (20%), sheer folly (10%)." |
spell name: MULTIPLE SPLIT | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 13 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates multiple images (up to 1 per 4 levels) of the caster (visually identical in every way) that move as he directs. These images are insubstantial and when struck a physical blow, are destroyed. |
spell name: ESCAPING 4 | list name: escaping ways | level: 14 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to escape from chain bindings in 4 rounds. |
spell name: SLOW | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 14 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: M | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes a target to move and act at half speed. Thus, everything takes target twice as long to accomplish. Target is slowed for one minute per 5% failure. |
spell name: UNGAG | list name: escaping ways | level: 15 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: removes any "mouth covering"" from the caster's face." |
spell name: UNPRESENCE | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 15 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster's mind is undetectable to mental or magical detection. |
spell name: CONFUSE | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 16 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: M | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target is incapable of making decisions or initiating action; he may continue to fight current foes or in self defense. Target is confused for 1 minute per 5% failure. |
spell name: UNLOCK 5 | list name: escaping ways | level: 17 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 1'/lvl | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can cause any "routine"" to ""absurb"" complexity locks he can see (within range) to be locked and there is is a chance such a lock will unlock: routine (90%), easy (80%), light (70%), medium (60%), hard (50%), very hard (40%), extremely hard (30%), sheer folly (20%), absurd (10%)." |
spell name: FADE | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 17 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster 'fades' to become a hazy outline that flickers and wavers. Caster gains +50 to all hiding attempts, +100 under ideal conditions (underground, dark, cloudy night, etc.). Caster may take no overt action or the spell will be canceled, but he may be hit, fall down, etc. without losing the spell. |
spell name: ESCAPING 5 | list name: escaping ways | level: 18 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to escape from reinforced chain bindings in 1 minute. |
spell name: TRACELESS PASSAGE | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 18 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may move without leaving visible traces of his passage. Thus it is possible for the caster to walk on new- fallen snow, sand, mud, etc. without leaving a trail. |
spell name: UNDOOR | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 19 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 door | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Vaporizes any one non-magical door. |
spell name: ESCAPING 6 | list name: escaping ways | level: 20 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to escape from locked metal bands (shackles) in 2 minutes. |
spell name: ILLUSION | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 20 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates a simple immobile image or scene in an area of up to 1' radius per level. Of the following options up to 1 per 5 levels of caster may be chosen: a) an extra sense may be added to the illusion (the corresponding 'Mirage' spell must be known), b) the duration may be doubled, c) the range may be doubled, d) the radius may be doubled (up to 640' radius). |
spell name: ESCAPING 7 | list name: escaping ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to escape from solid metal or stone bonds in 3 minutes. |
spell name: MISDIRECT | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: M | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may cause up to 1 pursuer per level (who fail their RR) to choose the wrong path at an intersection, if there is no obvious clue showing which way the caster has gone. In the case of PCs, the GM should give misleading information that brings about the desired end. |
spell name: UNLOCK TRUE | list name: escaping ways | level: 30 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 1'/lvl | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can cause any "routine"" to ""absurb"" complexity locks he can see (within range) to be locked and there is is a chance such a lock will unlock: routine (95%), easy (90%), light (80%), medium (70%), hard (60%), very hard (50%), extremely hard (40%), sheer folly (30%), absurd (20%)." |
spell name: FALSE TRAIL | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 30 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: varies | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes a false trail to be laid from the point this spell is cast to a point up to 100' per level away. This trail will follow any path that the caster desires and will duplicate the caster's previous trail perfectly according to terrain and environment. If the caster doesn't have a means of eliminating his real trail from this point then two trails will be available for tracking (or more if caster casts this spell more than once). |
spell name: ESCAPING TRUE | list name: escaping ways | level: 50 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to escape from any bonds in four minutes. |
spell name: MERGE | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 50 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can merge into any solid, inanimate material (up to body +1 '/level depth). Caster may move freely while merged (up to 10'/round). Caster can 'see' out of material if within 6" of the surface. " |