spell name: CHILLS | list name: disease | level: 1 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a cold; roll for severity (high is bad for target). |
spell name: GREY VISION | list name: disease | level: 2 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target is color-blind. |
spell name: SMELLING LOSE | list name: disease | level: 3 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has no sense of smell. |
spell name: HEARING LOSE | list name: disease | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has no sense of hearing. |
spell name: TONGUE ROT | list name: disease | level: 5 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: over the course of one week the target's tongue will rot away and he will not be able to speak. |
spell name: ASTHMA | list name: disease | level: 6 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets severe asthma; for every round of physical exertion (melee, running, firing a bow, rowing, etc.) the target will have a -5 mod to any activity involving physical exertion. when this reaches -100 the target lapses into unconscious. each -5 mod requires three rounds of rest to eradicate. |
spell name: LEPROSY | list name: disease | level: 7 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets leprosy, which causes a gradual loss of feeling in the extremities (and blood flow); this doubles the effectiveness of wounds in these areas. |
spell name: MINOR ALLERGY | list name: disease | level: 8 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target becomes slightly allergic to a substance (not himself) of the caster's choosing; when in the presence of this substance, the target will be at -30 on all activity. |
spell name: HEMOPHILLIA | list name: disease | level: 10 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target becomes a hemophiliac; any "hits/round"" and concussion hits are doubled; healing hits requires double the normal expenditure." |
spell name: MALARIA | list name: disease | level: 11 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target contracts malaria; after the initial bout of high fever, delirium, coma and incapacitation (lasting between 3 days and 2 weeks), the target will be subject to random "relapses"" similiar to the initial bout." |
spell name: WITHERING HAND | list name: disease | level: 12 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster may instantly kill and wither any one plant which he touches. some plants may get an rr (magical, living, large, etc). |
spell name: EPILEPSY | list name: disease | level: 13 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target becomes an epileptic. in a tension situation there is a 5% chance he will go into an epileptic fit. if someone threats them (i.e., holds them down and places an object in his mouth), he has only a 1% chance of dying; if not, he has a 10% chance of dying. |
spell name: PNEUMONIA | list name: disease | level: 14 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target contracts pneumonia. if the target is kept warm and completely immobile for two weeks, he will have only a 25% chance of dying (much higher if not treated). the chance of dying is lowered 5% for every 10 points by which target's constitution exceeds 50. |
spell name: MAJOR ALLERGY | list name: disease | level: 15 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target becomes slightly allergic to a substance (not himself) of the caster's choosing; when in the presence of this substance, the target will be at -60 on all activity. |
spell name: ELPHANTIASIS | list name: disease | level: 20 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target gets elephantiasis. one of his extremities swells and grows up to 5x normal size. |
spell name: LEUKEMIA | list name: disease | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the taget catches leukemia. target will weaken at a rate of 2% per day (-2/day, cumlulative to all activity); when the total reaches 100%, the target is dead. |
spell name: RABIES | list name: disease | level: 30 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target gets rabies. after 21 days of no visible effect, the disease sets in. the target's organs contract; the foams at the mouth, becomes very thirsty and violent; and any one he bites or scratches must resist or catch the disease. the target dies five to seven days after disease's onset. |
spell name: PLAGUE | list name: disease | level: 50 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target gets the "plague"". if he fails his rr, he will die 95% of the time (in 10 minutes); the other 5% of the time he believes that he resited, but becomes a carrier instead. anyone coming within 5' of a carrier must resist or face the same chances as the original target." |