spell name: DETECT ESSENCE C | list name: detecting ways | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any active spells or items from the essence realm; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: DETECT MENTALISM C | list name: detecting ways | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any active spells or items from the mentalism realm; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: DETECT CHANNELING C | list name: detecting ways | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any active spells or items from the channeling realm; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: DETECT INVISIBLE C | list name: detecting ways | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any invisible things; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. all attacks against something so detected are modified by -50. |
spell name: DETECT TRAPS C | list name: detecting ways | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any traps; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. it gives a 75% chance of detecting a trap (may be modified by certain traps). |
spell name: DETECT EVIL C | list name: detecting ways | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects if any being is evil or an item created by evil or longu used bu a very evil person; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: LOCATION (100') C | list name: detecting ways | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' radius | sourcebook: spell law |
description: give the direction and distance to any specific object or place that the caster is familiar with or has described in detail. |
spell name: PERCEIVE POWER (100') C | list name: detecting ways | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives an estimate of power for any active spells, items, or persons(level); caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: DETECT DEATH C | list name: detecting ways | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects dead bodies and whether anything has died in the radius in the last 24 hours; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: LOCATION (300') C | list name: detecting ways | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 300' | area of effect: 300' radius | sourcebook: spell law |
description: give the direction and distance to any specific object or place that the caster is familiar with or has described in detail. |
spell name: DETECT SPELL C | list name: detecting ways | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any spells that have been cast in the area examined; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: LOCATION (500') C | list name: detecting ways | level: 16 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 500' | area of effect: 50' radius | sourcebook: spell law |
description: give the direction and distance to any specific object or place that the caster is familiar with or has described in detail. |
spell name: PERCEIVE POWER (300') C | list name: detecting ways | level: 18 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives an estimate of power for any active spells, items, or persons(level); caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: LOCATION (1 MILE) C | list name: detecting ways | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1 mile | area of effect: 1mile radius | sourcebook: spell law |
description: give the direction and distance to any specific object or place that the caster is familiar with or has described in detail. |
spell name: DETECT DETECTIONS C | list name: detecting ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any detection spells that is operating in the area examined (gives exact spell detected); caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: DETECT TRUE C | list name: detecting ways | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any of the lower level detection spells can be used, 1/round. |
spell name: LOCATION TRUE C | list name: detecting ways | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1 mile/lvl | area of effect: 1 mile/lvl radi | sourcebook: spell law |
description: give the direction and distance to any specific object or place that the caster is familiar with or has described in detail. |