spell name: WRAP | list name: Pack Law | level: 1 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 1' R/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to wrap, bind, or otherwise package an object or objects using normal materials at hand (string, twine, paper, boxes etc.). Packages to be wrapped may not be more than 1 cubic foot per level in size. Effect takes place immediately. |
spell name: STACK | list name: Pack Law | level: 2 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: 1' R/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to stack objects (must be stackable objects, no ball-bearings). Objects stacked are still subject to the laws of physics, e.g., no stacks of copper pieces 16 feet high. Stacked objects may be stacked at up to 100 objects per round. The caster may only stack items weighing up to 1 ounce per level of the caster. |
spell name: CREATE SACK | list name: Pack Law | level: 3 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to create up to 1 normal sack per level of experience from appropriate materials, e.g., cloth, paper, leather, string, twine, etc. These sacks may be any size desired (limited only by the size of available materials). Effect takes place immediately. |
spell name: CREATE CRATE | list name: Pack Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to create up to 1 normal crate per level of experience from appropriate materials, e.g., wood slats, fasteners, etc. These crates may be any size desired (limited only by the size of available materials). Effect takes place immediately. |
spell name: CREATE BARREL | list name: Pack Law | level: 5 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to create up to 1 normal barrel per level of experience from appropriate materials, e.g., wood, iron rings, pitch, etc. These barrels may be any size desired (limited only by the size of available materials). Effect takes place immediately. These barrels are watertight if desired. |
spell name: CREATE CHEST | list name: Pack Law | level: 6 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to create up to 1 normal chest per level of experience from appropriate materials, e.g., wood, fittings (hinges, clasps, bindings), fasteners (nails, wedges), These chests may be any size desired (limited only by the size of available materials). Effect takes place immediately. |
spell name: PACK TYPING | list name: Pack Law | level: 7 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is informed of what is in a package. If the package is in the possession of another person, then that person is allowed a RR before this spell will succeed. This spell is not effective on a package that is protected from magic detection, or scrying. |
spell name: LOCK/UNLOCK | list name: Pack Law | level: 8 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to lock (or unlock) any normal lock. |
spell name: ADJUST | list name: Pack Law | level: 9 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: 1 pack | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to shift items in a package around to reach something stored on or near the bottom of that package without disturbing the other items. |
spell name: TRAVOIS | list name: Pack Law | level: 10 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates a travois of force that will enable caster to move a load of up to 100 lbs/lvl of caster at half the base rate of the drawing animal. |
spell name: ARCANE POUCH | list name: Pack Law | level: 11 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates a hidden carrying area (actually a null space that exists only in the caster's mind) up to 1 cu'/lvl of caster in area that will hold any number of objects weighing totally not more than one pound per 5 levels of caster. Caster is able to recall what is kept in the Arcane Pouch instantly to hand. For example, Puzz the mage is captured by bandits and is stripped, bound, and gagged. During a moment alone he called up his trusty dagger that is stored in his Arcane Pouch, which enables him to escape. For the duration, the caster may retrieve from or place the item within the Arcane Pouch any number of times. If the item has not been retrieved before the end of the duration, the stored item will appear at the casters feet. |
spell name: CART | list name: Pack Law | level: 12 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates a cart of force that will enable caster to move a load of up to 50 pounds per level of caster at up to twice the base rate of the drawing animal. |
spell name: PROTECT PACKAGE | list name: Pack Law | level: 13 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Shields the outside of up to 1 package per level of caster from the environment, with the total outside area of the packages not to exceed 10 square feet per level of the caster, e.g., rain, snow, wind, etc. This spell will not protect against temperature differences, merely moisture damage. |
spell name: WAGON | list name: Pack Law | level: 14 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates a wagon of force that will enable caster to move a load of up to 100 pounds per level of caster at the base rate of the drawing animal. |
spell name: PACK SERVANT | list name: Pack Law | level: 15 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to call any item in his pack (up to 1 item per level) to hand with a moment's concentration. |
spell name: CARRY | list name: Pack Law | level: 16 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to move up to 10 lbs/lvl at his own walking pace. |
spell name: MOVE | list name: Pack Law | level: 17 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to move large loads (up to 250 lbs/lvl) short distances (up to 1' per level per round with no acceleration). |
spell name: LOAD | list name: Pack Law | level: 18 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to move objects from one place to another without concentration. Caster casts this spell on a pile of objects which are then transferred (usually from ground to wagon bed or back). Caster is able to transfer up to 10 lbs/lvl/rnd a distance of up to 5 ft per level. This spell will not move objects heavier than allotted, and when this is attempted, the spell will be canceled. For example, Hollad, a 20th level mage, casts this spell on a storeroom full of weapons. The spell then moves the weapons (approximately 200 lbs of them per round) to the designated place (in this case, a waiting wagon outside the building(total linear distance from point A to point B is 87 foot)). |
spell name: DIMINISH WEIGHT | list name: Pack Law | level: 19 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to diminish the weight of an object or package by up to x 1 per two levels of caster. For example, a 20th level caster could diminish the weight of an object or package by 1/10 (1000 lbs could be as light as 100 lbs). |
spell name: CARAVAN | list name: Pack Law | level: 20 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: FP | duration: 1 day / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: This spell has a twofold purpose. The first purpose is to make all members of the caravan recognizable to each other (outsiders will be easily noticed). This portion of the spell “magically” marks every member of the caravan. The mark manifests itself to every type of perception (though not in an unpleasant or dominating way). The caster may affect up to 10 targets/lvl. The second part of the spell keeps all animals which are a part of the caravan together in one formation (to be decided by the caster) at the appropriate distance apart, with little work from the drivers. The caster may affect up to 10 animals/lvl. Every target and animal may make a RR versus the effects of this spell. |
spell name: BEAST OF BURDEN | list name: Pack Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 beast | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates an animal of force that will transport up to 20 lbs/lvl of caster as a normal pack animal (movement rate 7 mph). |
spell name: STASIS PACK | list name: Pack Law | level: 30 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 day / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to pack one item (up to 1 cu'/lvl) that will be kept in stasis for up to 1 day/lvl. If the packing container is opened before the duration is up, the spell is canceled. If this spell is cast upon a living target, that target must make a save or be placed in stasis when put into the container. |
spell name: DIMENSIONAL PACK | list name: Pack Law | level: 50 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster creates an interdimensional space (that will hold up to 1 cu'/lvl) that will hold up to 20 lbs/lvl of caster, yet weigh only 1 lb/lvl of caster. This spell must be cast on a suitable container, e.g., backpack, barrel, large box, etc.) which is normally able to carry the 1 lb/lvl. If this spell fails, any item inside the space is forever lost. |