spell name: MASS PRODUCTION TRUE | list name: creations | level: 75 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster can produce a plant with no limitations to size of plant or animal created; must be representative of the region. the caster may produce a number of creations up to his level. the caster is unable to produce a member of an "intelligent race""." |
spell name: LORE MASTERY | list name: lore | level: 75 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: i | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster can ascertain exact nature, origin, purpose, and history of all items within 100'. |
spell name: BODY WISH | list name: life mastery | level: 75 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: the caster may restore or create the entire body of a being who is dead, if the caster is able to physcially touch some remnant of the target's body (lock of hair, etc). as this magnificent spell is actually a type of wish, drawing on power far beyond the domain of any private mortal magic user, the gm will have to roll a reaction for the cleric's deity; i.e., whether the deity will permit restoration or recreation of the deceased body. |
spell name: MASS TELEPORT TRUE | list name: lofty bridge | level: 75 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f | duration: | range: 50' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster teleports as many targets as the caster's level to any point. there is no range limit. target can pass through barries by specifying exact distances. this is very risky. the following chances for failing exists: never seen place (only described) = 50%; studied for 24 hours = 10%; studied carefully for 1 week = 1%; lived in for 1 year = .01%. in case of failure: first determine direction of error (randomly), then determine amount of error (make an open ended roll for number of feet). |
spell name: MASS HASTE X | list name: rapid ways | level: 75 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f | duration: 10 rounds | range: 50' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: target(s) may act at twice his normal rate. the duration is ten person-rounds of haste for as many targets as the caster's level. (i.e 1 person hasted for 50 rounds, five people for ten rounds, etc. for a level 50 caster) |
spell name: PSEUDO-REALITY | list name: illusion mastery | level: 75 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: e | duration: until dispelled | range: special | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. the duration is permanent. the image can be any size that would fit into a 10' r sphere. nine of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the radius of the sphere limiting the size of the image can be doubled or d) the range can be doubled or e) another image can be created and moved (all separate phantasms that move must be within the caster's field of vision). the phantasm may move as directed by the caster, and will continue to obey his directions when he is not concentrating (attacks still use the caster's directed spell bonus for ""strike""). the phantasm has ""substance"" and all items in the phantasm will act exactly as normal real items unless a successful rr is rolled against them, or they are dispelled. any items within the phantasm will vanish if taken outside the perimeter of the phantasm.if someone is killed or injured, or if an item is damaged, a rr is permitted after the damage to ""undo"" the damage by disbelief. if the subjects, however, do not try to disbelieve, the effects may be permanent. note: the gm must take considerable control in the interpretation of specific situations caused by this powerful spell." |
spell name: GENERAL V | list name: enchanting ways | level: 75 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 day | range: self | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +25 bonus into a general magic item. this spell must be cast every day for twenty weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: RAPID REGENERATION TRUE | list name: self healing | level: 75 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows caster to regenerate one muscle or tendon; recovery is instantaneous. |
spell name: ARTIFICIAL BODY | list name: nerve and organ mastery | level: 75 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: 1 day / level | range: 1 target | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: the caster may "regenerate"" and ""give life"" to a body; he must use a portion of a body (any portiion, even a hair or fingernail). in addition to this spell he must use soft structure repair true, heal true, skeletal regeneration, new blood, nerve regeneration true, organ regeneration true, and brain regeneration (all spells are on lay healer base lists). each of these spells must be cast once after this spell is cast for the first time, and then this spell must be cast once a day as long as the other spells are active (i.e., for the longest ""process"", ""regeneration"", or ""recovery"" time). in effect this spell makes a clone (exact copy) of the being whose body portion was used. the being will be able to move and learn but he does not start with any memories or abilities." |
spell name: ENHANCEMENT | list name: physical enhancement | level: 75 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: This spell increases both the temporary and potential stats of the target. The lower the stat, the more it will he increased by this spell. If the statistic is below 50, it is increased by 1-30. For slats between 51-75, the increase will he 1-20. between 76-90, the increase will be 1-10, between 90-100, the increase will be 1-6, over 100 and the increase is 1-3. This spell will only work on each stat of an individual once, unless it is cast by a god or similar being. A GM may wish to make the duration of this spell 1 day/level or 1 week/ level. |
spell name: TRANSFORMATION WISH | list name: mana molding | level: 75 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' / level | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell "transforms"" an object into anything else desired. Extensive healing is possible |
spell name: FRIENDS | list name: node mastery | level: 75 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: One entity, including the caster, per 10 levels of the caster can be allowed immunity to the manipulations ofthe Nexus. For example, a close associate of the caster can cast spells within the Earth node at a PEM of 3, while all other entities will have no benefit, etc. |
spell name: MASS SHADOWPORT TRUE | list name: Shadow Port | level: 75 | realm: essence/channeling | type: shadow mage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: varies | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Transports 1 target/lvl to any previously stored shadow, regardless of range or to a random point on the Shadow plane. |
spell name: FEY KING/QUEEN | list name: Fey Magic | level: 75 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: FDU | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Grants caster a visible aura of demigodhood. Caster gains the following bonuses: +25 DB, +25 RR, +25 OB, +5 to AT(i.e., AT 6 becomes AT 11), criticals done to the caster use the Large Creature table, and +25 to all skills. There can be only one Fey King and Queen at a time. The caster of this spell is also the only being able to teach the casting of spell from this list. |