spell name: MASTER CHAOTIC ARMOR 6 * | list name: chaotic armor | level: 70 | realm: channeling | type: chaotic lord base | spell class: fm* | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: chaos armor | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 6 demon (the chance of non-control is 12%). |
spell name: REALM CONVERSION | list name: Realm Law | level: 70 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: 1 spell | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to convert 1 spell from another realm to be cast from a different realm. Spell effects and Area/ Range/Duration all remain constant, the only change effected is realmtype. Each Realm Conversion will convert but one spell to but one different realm, e.g., to convert the 30th level Absolution spell from Channelling to Mentalism and Essence requires two separate castings of this spell. To successfully cast this spell, the caster must be able to cast spells from both realms and be able to cast the 'converted' spell in its original realm. |
spell name: LORD LOCATION TRUE | list name: Mind Detection | level: 70 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: I | duration: concentration | range: unlimited | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster gets direction and distance to any one unshielded mind. Mind of target does not have to be stored, caster need only know or heard of target. Caster may also choose to have Awareness 20m radius around the target. |
spell name: TELEPORT TRUE III | list name: Teleportation | level: 70 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F | duration: - | range: infinite | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster teleports himself and up to two other entities (each massing no more than 50% over Caster's mass) to anywhere on this plane of existence. Caster must be touching passengers. This is more risky than Long Door. The following chances for failing (in addition to the normal failure roll) exist: Never seen target point (only described) =25%; Studied (1 day) = 10%; Studied carefully (10 days) =1%; Lived there (100 days) =.01%. In case of teleport failure, first determine direction of endpoint error, then distance (open- ended roll for number of meters). In case of regular Psion failure, caster never leaves departure point. |