spell name: CHANGELING KIND MASTERY | list name: changeling | level: 45 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: fm | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: the caster can cause the target to transform by using the changeling rules (in list desc.). this spell allows five options on type a, four on type b, and thre on type c, two on type d and one type e listing to be used. this spell only affects humanoid type targets. |
spell name: IMBED TRUE | list name: sigil / runes imbedding | level: 45 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: touch | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to imbed any level spell (will only be castable once). |
spell name: MASS AIM UNTRUE * | list name: combat enhancement | level: 45 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: f* | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can deflect as many missiles as the caster has levels that pass within 100' of him; causing missiles to automatically miss. (missiles must pass through caster's field of vision). |
spell name: MASS AIM UNTRUE * | list name: combat enhancement | level: 45 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: f* | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can deflect as many missiles as the caster has levels that pass within 100' of him; causing missiles to automatically miss. (missiles must pass through caster's field of vision). |
spell name: METAL STORM | list name: metal lore | level: 45 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: e | duration: 1 hour | range: 1 mile | area of effect: 1 mile/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: summons forces of nature in a fierce thunderstorm; heavy rain, metal hail ("d"" impact crits), 25-60 mph winds, lightning (random) and a blizzard (if correct climate). can be delayed up to 1 hour per level during spell preparation." |
spell name: STONE TUNNEL TRUE | list name: stone lore | level: 45 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 100'/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: creates a straight tunnel through stone which is1'/level in diameter and 100'/lvl long. |
spell name: SPEED GROWTH TRUE | list name: wood shaping | level: 45 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' r/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can increase speed of growth for all plants within the radius by 10x. or one species of plant within a one mile radius. |
spell name: HYBRID CHARM | list name: charmcraft | level: 45 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell creates a Charm that will guard against any twentieth or lower level spell of the Essence realm that is cast at the bearer or item (but still restricted to the types of spells that a Charm may guard against-that is, no Elemental Attack spells). This type of Charm may not be enhanced by a Layered Charm or Multiple Charms effect, although it may be inscribed on a matrix that possesses Deep Anchor. It is also more difficult to inscribe this kind of Charm. Each day of inscription only adds one-half a level to the RR attack level strength desired (doubling the number of inscription days). |
spell name: FORBIDDING WARD TRUE | list name: perimeter wardings | level: 45 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This ward can forbid a specific class of creature or being (e.g., Demons of the Second Pale, Orcs, or Undead) from crossing the perimeter. Note: This also applies to attempts to use gating or phasing spells. The creature will take an 'C' Essence critical and must make a RR vs. the level of the wardings (at -50). Failure means the creature is thrown backward. Success means that it has gotten through the ward. Even if the creature is successful in entering it will feel great unease in the area (-10 to all actions). This ward requires some of the essence or a bane of the creature to he forbidden to be mixed into the fabric of the structure along the perimeter. The enchanter may only know a few specific creatures that he can ward against. These are up to the GM, but a few suggestions are the various Demons of the Pale, undead spirits, and elementals. |
spell name: ELEMENTAL WARDING TRUE | list name: structure wardings | level: 45 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: The structure then receives 1/10 damage from any elemental attacks. This warding protects versus both "magic"" and ""normal"" forms of the element." |
spell name: SPIRIT LINK 2 | list name: combat link | level: 45 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: u | duration: 1 minute / level | range: link | area of effect: 6 targets | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell links the spirits of the team together, forming a stronger whole. The team receives a bonus of +10 for each member, within link range, toRRs vs. soul destruction (e.g., Absolution), mind controls, psionics, and fear attacks. If a team member is slain, then all surviving members are stunned for one round. |
spell name: AURA STORE TRUE | list name: Aura Magic | level: 45 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: U | duration: varies | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster may place any one defensive or information gathering aura spell of any level or two spells of 20th level or lower, or four spells of 10th level or lower within his aura. The spell will remain active until dispelled or cancelled by the caster. Only one such spell may be active upon the caster at any one time. |
spell name: NEUTRALIZE | list name: node mastery | level: 45 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: nexus | area of effect: node | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: It has two utilities. First, it will render the PEM equal to zero, suspending any modifier to PP expenditure of spells cast within the node. Second, it can neutralize magic in an area of the node or the entire node completely. |
spell name: HASTE TRUE | list name: Combat Law | level: 45 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Semi-Spell User Base | spell class: F* | duration: 5 rounds | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: this spell allows the caster to take two actions per round for 5 rounds. |
spell name: MYSTIC ARMOR | list name: Mystic Armor | level: 45 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: armor | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This will make plate armor immune to armor-cutting weapons and adds +10 to the DB of the wearer of the armor or increase the AT of a suit of chain (ATs 13-16) by 4. Any critical strikes made against this armor are reduced by two degrees of severity. This spell has no effect if the caster takes crits from the Large or Super-Large critical tables (including Slaying). |
spell name: MASS FLIGHT STOP | list name: Essence Wing | level: 45 | realm: Essence | type: open essence | spell class: F* | duration: varies | range: 50'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Up to 1 target per level of caster must resist this spell or lose the ability to fly. The attack level is the caster's level. The defender's level is the level of the target if the flight is natural, or the level of the caster of the flight spell if the flight comes from magic. The duration of this spell is one round per 10% failure if the flight is natural or from a constant magic item. If the flight is from a spell, the spell is canceled. If the target has no other means of flight, then he falls (GM's discretion on severity of Fall/Crush attack). |
spell name: COORDINATION TRUE | list name: Spell Web | level: 45 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: U | duration: 1 minute / level | range: link | area of effect: web | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: While under the effects of this spell the Spellweb members add +5 per member to their BAR and directed spells attack. Any time any member of the Spellweb attacks the same target with directed or base spells, he gets a +5 per member bonus to the attack (if three members Firebolt the same target, they would all get +15 to directed spell versus that target). Each member will also know which spell the other members are casting, the target, and/or the area that the spell effects will fall. In addition, the Spellweb acts with the reflexes of the fastest member. The quickest member's stat is used to determine the teams overall initiative (i.e., if the fastest team member has a 96 quickness, then all team members act as if they had a 96 quickness for purposes of determining initiative only). |
spell name: FAR MIND TRACKING TRUE | list name: Mind Detection | level: 45 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: I | duration: varies | range: unlimited | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is constantly aware of direction and distance to any one unshielded mind which he has pattern stored. Duration is until dispelled. |