spell name: WATERWALL C | list name: barrier law | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: e | duration: concentration | range: 50 | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 1' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a 10' x 10' x 1' wall of water: cuts all movement and attacks through it by 80%. |
spell name: DETECT LIFE C | list name: detection mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50' | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any active form of life in the radius; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: STORM PREDICTION | list name: weather ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: i | duration: | range: | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives caster a 95% chance of predicting the time , type, and severity of weather over the next 24 hour period. |
spell name: DISEASE RESISTANCE 1 | list name: purifications | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: h | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets an additional rr vs. any disease(s). |
spell name: LIMBWALKING | list name: lofty movements | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target can walk along nearly horizontal tree limbs (that can support the weight) as if he were on level ground. |
spell name: LIGHT 2 | list name: light's way | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 or 2 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: lights two 10' radius areas about the points touched; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object/being. their centers can be anywhere withing 50' of the caster (initially). alternatively, one area of a 20' radius can be created. |
spell name: HEALING (3-30) | list name: concussion's way | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target is healed of 3-30 concussion hits. |
spell name: FLOWSTOP 5 | list name: blood law | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: h | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: 1-5 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to stop bleeding at rate of 5 hit/rnd (total) on one to five targets; target(s) may not be moved, or bleeding will resume at prior rate. |
spell name: MINOR NERVE REPAIR | list name: nerve law | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: one nerve | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to repair damage to 1 nerve; requires 1 day recovery period. |
spell name: MUSCLE REPAIR 1 | list name: muscle law | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 muscle | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to repair (not replace) one damaged muscle; recovery time is one hour. |
spell name: CARTILAGE REPAIR | list name: bone law | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to repair all cartilage around one joint; one day recovery period. |
spell name: CALM 2 | list name: calm spirits | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 2 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: targets will take no aggressive/offensive action, and will fight only if attacked. |
spell name: FOOD PRODUCTION 1 | list name: creations | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: i | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can produce sufficient food from the surrounding area to feed one hearty appetite for one day. |
spell name: DETECT HATE C | list name: lore | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: i | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 5' r area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects the emotion of hatred, in the living mind or in an object forged with great malice. caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: NEUTRALIZE CURSE (1 MIN / LVL) | list name: replusions | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: t | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: rr mod -20: nullifies a curse for the duration of this spell. the curse is not dispelled and takes affect again afterwards. |
spell name: HEAT RESISTANCE C * | list name: protections | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d* | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target is protected from natural heat up to 200 degrees farenhelt; +20 to all rrs vs. heat; -20 to elemental fire/heat attacks. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and teh duration is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: SUMMONS 4 C | list name: summons | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: fm | duration: varies (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: creature | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can instantly summon one 4th level non-intelligent creature or four first level creatures or any combination there of were the total does not exceed four. he can control them by concentrating on them.the general type of the creature can be specified by the caster by exactly what creature is should be determined randomly (e.g., the caster could specify four-legged, hoofed and get a zebra, horse, camel, etc.). |
spell name: DREAM | list name: communal ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: p | duration: sleep | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster has a dream relating to a topic decided upon just before retiring; limited to once per night. |
spell name: CLOTTING 5 S | list name: blood ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: hs | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to stop bleeding at rate of 5 hit/rnd on one to three targets (total); for one hour target can move at no more than a walking pace, or bleeding will resume at prior rate. |
spell name: SKULL REPAIR S | list name: bone ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to mend one fracture in skull (but not a shattered area); recovery time: 1 to 10 days, depending on the damage. |
spell name: MUSCLE REPAIR 3 S | list name: muscle ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: 3 muscles | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to repair (not replace) three damaged muscles; recovery time is 1 to 10 hours. |
spell name: MINOR EYE REPAIR S | list name: organ ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: 1 eye | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to repair any minor eye damage (e.g., corneal scratch or removal of foreign object). |
spell name: REGENERATION 1 C S * | list name: surface ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: hs* | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: will reduce damage the caster has by one hit every round as long as caster concentrates. if caster is unconscious this spell will operate without concentration. |
spell name: MERGING ORGANIC | list name: nature's movement | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: animist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can merge (body +1' depth) into organic material (live or dead); caster can not move while merged. |
spell name: ANIMAL SLEEP 3 | list name: animal mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: animist base | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 3 animals | sourcebook: spell law |
description: puts any three animals (i.e., non-humaniod) to sleep; will not affect enchanted creatures or "intelligent"" animals." |
spell name: INSTANT HERBAL CURES | list name: herb mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: animist base | spell class: u | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 herb | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make any one herb capable of being instantly effective; when the herb is subsequently used, its benefits/dangers will be immediately felt. |
spell name: STORM PREDICTION | list name: nature's lore | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: animist base | spell class: i | duration: | range: | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives caster a 95% chance of predicting the time , type, and severity of weather over the next 24 hour period. |
spell name: WATERWALKING | list name: moving ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target can walk on water as if he were on level ground; may not be used on rough water. |
spell name: BLESS 1 | list name: inner walls | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: d | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster gets a 5 bonus to his maneuver rolls and db. |
spell name: STORM & RAIN PROTECTION | list name: nature's way | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: i | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives caster a 95% chance of predicting the time , type, and severity of weather and any storms over the next 24 hour period. margin of error of plus or minus 15 minutes. |
spell name: PATH TALE | list name: path mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: i | duration: | range: self | area of effect: path | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster acquires visual image of any user(s) of a given path within a period of 1 hour per level. |
spell name: SILENT MOVES | list name: nature's guises | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can move silently, so long as he does not create a sound originating more than 1' from his body. in many istuations this will bive a +10 to 50 bonus (gm discretion) to stalking/ hiding attempts. |
spell name: HEARING LOSE | list name: disease | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has no sense of hearing. |
spell name: ULCER CURSE | list name: curses | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: until removed | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target can only eat bread or dairy products; anything else will aggravate his ulcer (unless he makes a rr) and he will be incapaciated for 1 to 8 hours. |
spell name: ANIMATE DEAD 2 C | list name: necromancy | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: dead body | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can cause up to 2 dead bodies (within 50% of his own mass) to rise up and move. the caster must concentrate for the bodies to perform action; if he stops concentration, the body will stand motionless. the bodies can be maneuvered at -25, and can melee with a -20 ob. body cannot have been dead more than one day. (see list description.) if he raises only one body, it can be manuevered with a -15 and perform melee with a -10 ob. |
spell name: DETECT HATE C | list name: dark lore | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: i | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 5' r area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects the emotion of hatred, in the living mind or in an object forged with great malice. caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: TEXT ANALYSIS | list name: holy vision | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: i | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: text | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster knows whether a text is cursed, what language it is in, and other general information; but only understand basic concepts of it. |
spell name: MIND VOICE (300') C * | list name: far voice | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: i* | duration: concentration | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 being | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster may mentally speak with any thinking being. |
spell name: INTUITION 3 | list name: time's bridge | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: i | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster gains a vision of what will happen in the next 3 minutes if he takes a specific action. |
spell name: LIGHT ERUPTION | list name: starlights | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: rr mod: -10 causes a 10' r sphere of intense light, all within are stunned for 1 round/10 failure. |
spell name: VIBRATIONS (5 LBS) | list name: essence hand | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell law |
description: causes an object of up to 5 lbs mass to vibrate rapidly; if fragile it may break (roll a rr). if it is an object held by a being the being must make a rr or fumble it (each round). |
spell name: ILLUSIONS 2 | list name: lesser illusions | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' r. one of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the range can be doubled or d) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' r)." |
spell name: OPENING 1 | list name: unbarring ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: spell law |
description: when cast on a lock there is a 20% chance a normal lock will open, and a 45% chance that a magic lock will open (failure means there is a 10% chance of setting off attached traps). rolls are open-ended, and the quality of the lock may modify the roll. |
spell name: NIGHTVISION | list name: physical enhancement | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target can see 100' on a normal night as if it were day. |
spell name: RESIST LIGHT (10' R) | list name: elemental shields | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: d | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: all within the radius are totally protected from all natural light (not lightning); +10 to all rrs vs light (electricity); -10 to elemental electricity attacks. |
spell name: METAL ANALYSIS | list name: delving ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: i | duration: | range: 10' | area of effect: metal | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives nature and origin of metal, and when and how metal was obtained and worked. |
spell name: INVISIBILITIY 1 (1' R) | list name: invisible ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours (varies) | range: 10' | area of effect: 1target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target is made invisible and everything within 1' of the target is also invisible as long as it is within the 1' r. the target will stay invisible until 24 hours pass or the object is struck by violent blow (being hit by a weapon, falling, etc.) or the object makes a violent move (i.e., an attack). |
spell name: CONFUSION | list name: spirit mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: m | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target is incapable of making decisions or initiating action; may continue to fight current foes or in self defense. |
spell name: LEVITATION | list name: lofty bridge | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the target to move up and down vertically 10'/rnd, horizontal movement is possible only through normal means. |
spell name: CANCEL CHANNELING C * | list name: dispelling ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f* | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: cast spell | sourcebook: spell law |
description: when a spell of the channeling realm is cast against the caster (of cancel), the attack spell must first make a successful rr before the caster is forced to make a rr. for the first rr, the attack level is the level of the caster of the cancel spell, and the defender level is the level of the caster of the attack spell. if the first rr is successful, thane the attack spell proceeds normally. |
spell name: SPEED 2 * | list name: rapid ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f* | duration: 2 rounds | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target may act at twice his normal rate, but immediately afterwards must spend a number of rounds equal to the rounds speeded at half rate (i.e., only 50% normal activity). the duration is two rounds for one target or one round for each of two targets. |
spell name: WALL OF FIRE | list name: fire law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: e | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 6' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates an opaque wall of fire (up to 10' x 10' x 6'). anyone passing through it takes an "a"" heat critical (no rr). ""wall"" must rest on a solid surface." |
spell name: EARTHWALL | list name: earth law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: e | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x v | sourcebook: spell law |
description: summons a wall of packed earth up to 10' x 10' x (3' at base, 1' at top); it can be dug through (10 man-rounds at top). |
spell name: SHADE | list name: light law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: all shadows in radius deepen, aiding hiding by +25. |
spell name: WATER BOLT (100') | list name: water law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: e | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: a bolt of water is shot from the caster's palm; results are determined on the water bolt table. |
spell name: STUN CLOUD (5' R) | list name: wind law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: e | duration: 6 rounds | range: 2 x r | area of effect: 5' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a 5' r cloud of charged gas particles: delivers a "c"" electricity critical on 1st and 2nd rounds, a ""b"" on 3rd and 4th rounds, and a ""a"" on rnds 5 and 6. it drifts with the windand affects all within the radius. the cloud takes one round to form, so anyone in the radius when it is cast may make a maneuver to move out of the radius without taking a critical; hower, after that anyone with the radius at anytime in the round takes the critical indicated (a maximium of one per round)." |
spell name: SIGNS C | list name: guises | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: m | duration: concentration | range: 20' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can communicate simple ideas to the target through sign language (yes, no, hungry, good-bye, etc.); to the target it will seem as if the caster were speaking the target's language. |
spell name: MISFEEL POWER 1 | list name: mind sense molding | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: p | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: for the purposes or mental or magical detections, caster's level appears to be plus or minus 1 from his own. |
spell name: WAITING ILLUSION 2 | list name: illusion mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' r. one of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the range can be doubled or d) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' r). the spell can be delayed up to 24 hours or until triggered by a specified sight or sound." |
spell name: SUDDEN SOUND | list name: sound molding | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: causes a very loud, sudden sound next to the target's ears; target is stunned 1 round/5 failure. |
spell name: TEAR CLOUD (10' R) | list name: feel-taste-smell | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: e | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a 10' r cloud of noxious gas that will stun anyone failing to resist (must make a rr each round in cloud). cloud drifts with the wind. targets are stunned 1 round per 10 failure. |
spell name: WEAPON 1 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +5 bonus into a weapon. this spell must be cast every day for four weeks for the weapon to be made. |
spell name: RUNE PAPER 2 | list name: organic skills | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one 1st - 2nd level spell. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: WORK ALLOY | list name: inorganic skills | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work certain alloys. weapons made from these alloys have no bonuses. |
spell name: MINOR POISON | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to safely handle, prepare, and process minor poisons. |
spell name: CHARGE WAND | list name: essence imbedding | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to charge an essence wand. |
spell name: SWING 3 * | list name: evasions | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: f* | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to perform 3 "swings"" in rapid succession. he can leap up to 10' vertically or laterally, grasp and swing from a fixed object, and land perfectly. the object could be a tree, branch, rafter, rope, chandelier, etc." |
spell name: SCENT * | list name: monk's sense | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster gains extremely acute sense of smell (e.g., +50 to perception involving only smell, +25 to perception involving smell and other senses). |
spell name: UNPAIN (25%) S * | list name: body reins | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: s* | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster is able to sustain an additional 25% of his total concussion hits before passing out, hits are still taken and remain when the spell lapses. |
spell name: PAIN RELIEF 1 C S * | list name: body renewal | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: heals one hit per minute; if caster is unconscious this spell will operate without concentration. |
spell name: EDGERUNNING | list name: monk's bridge | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can run on even, narrow (at least 2" wide) surfaces as if he were on normal ground." |
spell name: POWDER STONE (10 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 10 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 10 cu' of stone into fine powder. |
spell name: FIRE NERVES | list name: physical erosion | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target feels pain, and he takes 40% of his remaining hits. |
spell name: SUMMONS 3 C | list name: dark summons | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: fm | duration: varies (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: v | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can instantly summon a 3rd level non-intelligent creature that he can control by concentrating on it. the creature disappears after 1 minute (6 rounds). or three 1st level creatures for 1 minute or one 1st level creature for 3 minutes. if you multiply the levels, minutes and number of creatures, the result can not exceed three.the general type of the creature can be specified by the caster but exactly what the creature is should be determined randomly (e.g., the caster could specify four-legged, hoofed and could get a zebra, horse, camel, etc.). |
spell name: GUILT | list name: soul destruction | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: m | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target becomes guilty over some action in his past; he will not perform such an action again. |
spell name: UNWATER (100 CU') | list name: fluid destruction | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: water | sourcebook: spell law |
description: instantly disintegrates 100 cu' of water. |
spell name: CRACKS CALL | list name: solid destruction | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 10' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any previous cracks or flaws in material up to 10' x 10' x 10' (not 1000 cu feet) section willl extend to their limit. |
spell name: UNBALANCE | list name: mind destruction | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: m | duration: 1 day / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target must subtract 25 from all maneuver rolls. |
spell name: LOCK JOINT | list name: flesh destruction | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: one of the target's joints locks; it is in intense pain; for a leg, the target cannot walk; for an arm, that arm cannot be used. with leg lock, and the target is moving, he falls; if the target has arm lock and is carrying anything, it is dropped. |
spell name: DEOXYGENATION (10' R` 1%) C | list name: gas destruction | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can remove the oxygen in a 10' r at the rate of 1% of the original oxygen/rnd. |
spell name: SHADOW | list name: cloaking | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster and objects on his person appear to be a shadow; and thus are almost invisible in dark areas (e.g., in many situations this could be handled with a stalk/hiding bonus between 25 and 75). |
spell name: SELF AURA | list name: brilliance | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: causes a bright aura about the caster, making him appear more powerful and subtracting 5 from all attacks. |
spell name: DETECT HATE C | list name: detections | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any being in the presence of something they hate or any item created in an air of hate; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: CLOT 3 C S * | list name: self healing | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: hs* | duration: permanent (concentration) | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: clots wound to reduce hits/rnd by 3, permanent after one hour; if caster is unconscious this spell will operate without concentration. |
spell name: DETECT ILLUSION | list name: sense mastery | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: u | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 5' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can check one object or place (up to a 5' r) and tell if it is an illusion or has an illusion on it. |
spell name: HEAT STONE | list name: solid manipulation | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: touch | area of effect: 1 cu' per lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: heats one cu'/lvl of stone up to 500 degrees f. |
spell name: AIRWALL C | list name: gas manipulation | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: e | duration: concentration | range: 10' | area of effect: wall | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a 10' x 10' x 1' wall of dense churning air: cuts all movement and attacks through it by 50% (i.e., -50 to attacks). |
spell name: STAYING 25 C | list name: telekinesis | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 obj or person | sourcebook: spell law |
description: exerts 25 lbs of pressure on a person or object. object can not be moved by staying alone, and pressure can only be in one direction. |
spell name: WIND DRIFT | list name: movement | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster becomes weightless, but has no magical movement control; weight gradually returns at the end fo the duration. |
spell name: CALM | list name: mind control | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target will take no aggressive/offensive action, and will fight only in self defence. |
spell name: MINOR SENSE CONTROL C | list name: sense control | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: cause false sensations in any one of these senses: smell, taste, or touch. |
spell name: SHOCK A | list name: mind attack | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target takes an "a"" electricity critical strike." |
spell name: MERGE WITH MENTALIST C | list name: mind merge | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: p | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows two mentalism spell users to interchange thoughts and power points. |
spell name: WATCH (10') C | list name: true sight | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: u | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: 1 point | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can pick a point up to 10' away and he will have a field of vision from that point; he can rotate but not move (there can be intervening objects such as walls). |
spell name: ANALYSIS * | list name: true perception | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: i* | duration: | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can detmine one of the following concerning a target: profession, race, or level. |
spell name: POWER LORE | list name: past visions | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: i | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives the origins of an item's power. |
spell name: DREAM 1 | list name: future visions | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: i | duration: sleep | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster has a dream relating to a topic decided upon just before retiring; limited to once per night. |
spell name: CLOTTING 3 | list name: blood mastery | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to stop bleeding at rate of 3 hit/rnd on one target; for one hour target can move at no more than a walking pace, or bleeding will resume at prior rate. |
spell name: TENDON REPAIR 1 | list name: muscle mastery | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 tendon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to repair (not replace) one damaged tendon; recovery time is one day per muscle repaired. |
spell name: MAJOR FRACTURE REPAIR | list name: bone mastery | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 fracture | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to repair compound fractures (not shatters, joint damage, etc.); one fracture per spell cast; one day recovery period. |
spell name: REGENERATION 1 C * | list name: concussion mastery | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h* | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: will reduce damage a target has by one hit every round as long as caster concentrates. |
spell name: MINOR EAR/NOSE REPAIR | list name: nerve and organ mastery | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to repair any exterior ear damage short of complete ear loss or any nose damage short of complete nose loss; requires 1 to 60 minutes depending on damage. |
spell name: ANIMATION (8 HRS) | list name: prosthetics | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: 8 hours | range: touch | area of effect: 1 limb | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows wearer to operate an artifical limb at will for the duration. |
spell name: SILENCE (10' R) | list name: sound control | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: bard base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any sounds originating within 10' of the caster's body cannot be heard outside the radius; +25 to stalking. |
spell name: SONG 2 * | list name: sound projection | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: bard base | spell class: f* | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: 2 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to affect two targets with a spell off the bard base list, controlling songs; this spell requires the same pps as the controllng spell, and is cast simultaneously with that spell. |
spell name: MIND'S LORE 1 C | list name: lores | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: bard base | spell class: m | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can scan the target's mind; and receive up to 10% of the target's knowledge (conscious and unconscious) concerning one very specific topic. the 10% chance should be to each piece of information that the target knows (1 per round). |
spell name: ITEM ANALYSIS 1 | list name: item lore | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: bard base | spell class: i | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster has a 10% chance for each ability of determining what enchanted abilities the item has. once an item analysis spell has been cast on an item, it may not be cast on that item again until the caster has reached a new level of experience. |
spell name: TRAIT SUBVERSION 2 | list name: mind subversion | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: 1 day / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: two of the target's personal traits is perverted; such traits might include: kindness, loyalty, thrift, cheefulness, reverence, etc. |
spell name: DULL MIND 2 | list name: mind erosion | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his mental stats (determine randomly) temporarily lowered by 10 (by 2 in a 3-18 system); in rm, the temporary stat is lowered, not the potential. the mental stats are: presence, empathy, intuition, memory, reasoning and self discipline. if a stat drops below 01, the target is in a coma until the stat reaches 01; it will increase at a rate of 1 per day until 01 is reached. |
spell name: PARANOIA | list name: mind disease | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target believes everyone is out to get him; he will trust no one. |
spell name: FEAR | list name: confusing ways | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / 10 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target fears caster and attempts to flee. |
spell name: SILENCE | list name: hiding | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any sounds originating within a 1' r of the caster's body are completely muffled; +25 to stalking. |
spell name: MISFEEL KIND C . | list name: mystical change | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: p | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: (no pps expended) caster appears to of any race he chooses to magical or mental detections. |
spell name: WATERWALL C | list name: liquid alteration | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: e | duration: concentration | range: 10' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 1' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a 10' x 10' x 1' wall of churning water (a water source must be within 10'), cuts all attacks and movements through it by 80%. |
spell name: CRACKS CALL | list name: solid alteration | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 10' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any previous cracks or flaws in material up to 10' x 10' x 10' section will extend to their limits. |
spell name: SHIELD RUNE | list name: bladerunes | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: when cast just before a weapon rune spell, the weapon rune normal ob is becomes a db instead. duration is as for the weapon rune spell, except that it fades when an attack against the wielder is changed from what it would have been if the additional db had not been present. |
spell name: EARTHCALM * S | list name: earthblood's ways | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: ds | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: the target is immune to any fear or panic type effects for the duration of the spell. |
spell name: MINOR CONSTRUCT SPIRIT | list name: entity mastery | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: forms and animates a minor construct body. |
spell name: PHASE STORE | list name: ethereal mastery | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 day / level | range: touch | area of effect: item 5lb/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster stores inanimate material of up to 5 pounds per level. the material is in an "ethereal storage space"" and is completely undetectable from the normal plane. the caster must specify a storage time (up to 1 day/lvl) after which time the material will reappear at the exact spot that it was ""stored"". if the caster is at the spot where he stored the material, he may cancelt eh spell and retrieve the material. however, there is a 1% chance per day stored that someone or something formt he etereal plane will take the material and it will not return normally." |
spell name: WALL OF FIRE | list name: mana fires | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: e | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 6' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: creates an opaque wall of fire (up to 10' x 10' x 6'). anyone passing through it takes an "a"" heat critical (no rr). ""wall"" must rest on a solid surface. caster may increase the severity of the critical by one severity for every additional four pp he spends in casting the spell." |
spell name: ANIMAL TONGUES | list name: shapechanging ways | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: i | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows caster to understand and "speak"" the language of any one type of animal that the caster has studied." |
spell name: ANIMAL SLEEP III | list name: animal mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 3 animals | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: puts any three non-humanoid animal to sleep; will not affect enchanted or "intelligent"" animals." |
spell name: HOLD KIND C | list name: druid's peace | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: m | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: humaniod target is held to 25% of normal actions. |
spell name: LESSER DRUIDSTAFF | list name: druidstaff | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: piece of wood | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to convert his minor druidstaff or take a suitable piece of oak, ash, yew, elm, linden, or mallorn and form a druidstaff with these characteristics: +2 spell adder, +10 quarterstaff, and it can be thrown as a spear (treat all crticals as krush criticals) using the range modifications of a javelin. |
spell name: SILENT MOVES | list name: nature's forms | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster can move silently, so long as he does not create a sound originating more than 1' from his body. in many istuations this will bive a +10 to 50 bonus (gm discretion) to stalking/ hiding attempts. |
spell name: STONES THROW (MEDIUM) | list name: stone mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: stones (at least one pound's worth) within a 10' r of the caster are hurled at the target. results are rolled on the ram/butt/bash attack table with a medium maximum result. normal db's versus missiles apply and directed spells skill may be developed and applied to this spell attack. |
spell name: SPEED GROWTH (X100) | list name: tree mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 1 day | range: touch | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows caster to increase speed of growth for any one species of plant within the radius by 100x. |
spell name: WATERVISION | list name: distractions | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster can see 100' even in murky water. |
spell name: FACADE | list name: phantom's face | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: e | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: target has a limited illusion on himself that that allows him to look like any humanoid race within 20% of his own size. the illusion moves as the caster moves. |
spell name: PHANTOM STEP | list name: phantom movements | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 1' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster can move silently, so long as he does not casue a sound to originate more than 1' from his body. |
spell name: MINOR POISON | list name: poison mastery | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: u | duration: 1 hour / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: with appropriate equipment, this spell allows the caster to prepare, handle, and contain (vials, etc) a known poison of less than 10th level. |
spell name: ADRENAL FOCUS 2 * | list name: adrenal focus | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: u* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: in the round that this spell is cast, the caster may use a two-handed weapon or a rank 2 martial arts attack form (strikes or sweeps) in combat. instead of his normal ob, the caster's ob consists of (1) his directed spell skill rank bonus for adrenal focus 2 plus (2) his sd stat bonus plus (3) any applicable weapon bonus minus (4) a modification obtained from on a roll on the general column of the base spell attack table. before this roll is made, the caster must stat what percentage of his ob will be used on offense and what on defense (e.g., 30% offense / 70% defense, etc.). no modifications to the base spell attack roll are allowd other than those given by a preparation spell. after the caster's ob is determined, combat proceeds normally. note: the gm may wish to initially restrict each caster of this spell to one of the martial arts attack forms and/or two different one-handed weapons; and then allow more to be picked up through training. note that the directed spells skill rank bonus for adrenal focus 2 must be developed separately from the bonus for other adrenal focus spells (optional). |
spell name: STUN RELIEF 1 * S | list name: holy warrior | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: s* | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: will automatically take off 1 round of stun if caster has specified beforehand that this spell is active. |
spell name: ANTI-CHANNELS | list name: spell breaker | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 channels | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: cancels a channels spell (any level) being trasmitted or received within range. no rr for the canceled spell. |
spell name: BURIAL V | list name: ceremonies | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: pf | duration: permanent | range: 20' | area of effect: 1 "body""" | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: gives proper burial. bodies properly buried are normally immune to spells of undead creation / animation unless such spells are already in effect. |
spell name: ENEMY SPEECH | list name: guardian ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: i | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster knows the common language of his "enemies"" (written and spoken) to a skill level equal to caster's level minus 3 (to a maximum of 12)." |
spell name: CALM | list name: midwifery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: m | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: quiets fear and takes the edge off of pain. encourages logical mental processes while it numbs the mind to fight/flight reactions. |
spell name: UNWARD 1 | list name: warding ways | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster can remove one ward 1. the ward's rr is based on the level of the ward spell and the attack level of the unward spell used. |
spell name: WORK STEEL 1 | list name: constructing ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows caster to work steel to make +5 non magic weapons. |
spell name: AIR ANALYSIS | list name: delving law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: 10' | area of effect: gas | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: gives nature and origin of gas, and when and how gas was obtained and worked. |
spell name: MANNISH VOLUME | list name: mannish ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: i* | duration: - | range: 1' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster can tell the volume of an object or room. |
spell name: STAYING (5 POUNDS) | list name: material transport | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: exerts 1 pound of pressure on a person or object. object cannot be moved by staying alone, and pressure can only be in one direction. |
spell name: SYMBOL EXTENTION | list name: symbol embedding | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1' / level | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to imbed a magical conduit into some material to be inlayed in a nonmobile surface from a symbol to a trigger point. (for example, manipulating a door and lock mechanism in one room could set off a light symbol on the other side of the building, bringing someone to investigate.) a caster can create 1 foot per level per day of symbol extention. symbol extention must be in place before the symbol to use it can be inscribed or imbedded. |
spell name: DEAD SPIRIT BINDING 2 | list name: animate dead | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: fm | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can bind a 2nd level dead spirit to a dead body. the spirit will animate the body in three rounds and become a 2nd level undead. |
spell name: LIFESTEALING 2 * | list name: death mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: m* | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target loses part of its life essence, 3 life levels. |
spell name: DARKVISION | list name: dark law | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can see in all darks as if in broad daylight. |
spell name: FORCE SEARCH 2 | list name: commune | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: m | duration: 1 search | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 spirit | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: forces a 1st level dead spirit or an aware undead to locate a specific person, place or thing. chance of success is 5% per level of spirit or undead. |
spell name: DEAD SPIRIT MASTERY 1 * | list name: summon dead | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: fm* | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 spirit | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to totally control a 1st level spirit with out concentrating. spirit will not speak with the summoner. the caster can make the spirit visible to others. obtaining info must be done with the commune base spell list. |
spell name: MASTER UNDEAD 2 * | list name: undead mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: f* | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 undead | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can control up to two levels of undead without concentrating. the undead will stay until the caster is killed or the undead is outside the 10' radius / levelange limit or the caster releases the undead. one undead per level may be mastered. chance of failure is 1% per undead's level. |
spell name: CHANGELING 2 | list name: changeling | level: 4 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: fm | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: the caster can cause the target to transform by using the changeling rules (in list desc.). this spell allows two options on the outward appearance (type a) listing to be used. this spell affects any target. |
spell name: SCRYING MAZE | list name: scrying guard | level: 4 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: d | duration: varies | range: | area of effect: 1 subject | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: this spell creates a maze which will be encountered whenever a scrying attempt is made upon the subject decided upon by the caster. the maze can not be destroyed, but can be navigatedby rolling 1 to 100 (open ended) + reasoning mod + level vs the defender's 1 to 100 (open ended) + re mod + level + 20. if the defender's roll is higher, the attacker must leave this scrying. if the defender's roll is higher by 50 or more, the attacker is lost in the maze for 10 to 100 minutes. if the attacker's roll is higher, hte maze is defeated and the original subject of his scrying stands before him. this spell lasts for 1 scrying attempt per level of the caster minus 3. |
spell name: NERVE IMPAIR 2 | list name: doom's law | level: 4 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target is at -10 for all actions due to his nervous system being damaged. target also suffers an "a"" electricity critical." |
spell name: NIGHTMARE 1 | list name: visions of doom | level: 4 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: i | duration: 1 nightmare | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target is plagued with visions that manifest themselves as nightmares during his next sleep period. his nightmare must be associated with a death scene. |
spell name: GLARE 2 (SUGGESTION) | list name: evil eye | level: 4 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: m | duration: 1 task | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: taret will follow a single suggested act that is not completely alien to him (e.g., suicide, blinding himself, etc.). |
spell name: CURSE OF SILENCE | list name: revenging law | level: 4 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target does not wish to talk at all. he must be motivated in some manner to get him to talk. |
spell name: PHANTASM 1 | list name: glamours | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. when the caster stops concentrating the image remains, but stops moving (the caster can resume concentration later and resume moveing the phantasm). the image can be any size that would fit into a 10' r sphere. |
spell name: EARTH WALL | list name: earth mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: e | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: summons a wall of packed earth up to 10' x 10' x (3' at base, 1' at top); it can be dug through (10 man-rounds at top). |
spell name: ANIMAL TONGUES | list name: natures mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: i | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to understand and "speak"" the language of any one animal species." |
spell name: CHARGE WAND | list name: candle magic | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to charge a candle as a wand. |
spell name: POTION 1 | list name: potion magic | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to make one dose of a potion that can have a 1st level spell imbedded in it. |
spell name: CONTROL DEMON 1 | list name: conjuring ways | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: m | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 demon (the chance of non-control is {the demon's type x 2%]); the demon leaves when the caster stops concentrating. the demon will not speak with the summoner. |
spell name: POWER CIRCLE COMMAND | list name: circles of power | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: conjuror base | spell class: fm | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: all within the area of effect must resist or have to obey the caster's verbal command. once simple command may be given each minute. note that the targets will not follow commands that are obvisously harmful or fatal. |
spell name: PROT. CIRCLE VS. SPIRITS | list name: circles of protection | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: conjuror base | spell class: fd | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: when cast and a proper "circle"" is drawn, all spirits of the dead in the area of effect act at a negative modifier (view list desc.) to all actions. this spell can be cast without the aid of the actual circle, but without the circle the negative modifier is only -20 on the target with a range of 50', and only the caster or a single designated target is ""protected""." |
spell name: LESSER DEMONS SUMMONS | list name: circles of summoning | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: conjuror base | spell class: fm | duration: varies | range: | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can summon up to four levels of demons which appear gradually appear over the course of 3 rounds, to do his bidding. they will remain for up to 10 minutes per level. the demons need not follow instructions unless controlled or mastered. nothing about a demon can be specified by the caster unless it's true name is known, and the spell always summons a number of demons equal to the level of the spell. no single demon will exceed 4th level. |
spell name: FORCE ANALYSIS 3 * | list name: demon mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: conjuror base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 item | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: forces a type 1, 2, or 3 demon who is present (or contacted) to analyze one item, the chance of a demon successfully analyzing each property of the item is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times ten, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: ILLUSION 2 | list name: recreations | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: sage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' r. one of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the range can be doubled or d) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' r)." |
spell name: METAL ANALYSIS | list name: analysis | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: sage base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: 10' | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: gives nature and origin of natural metal as well as when and how worked metal was obtained and worked. |
spell name: MIND'S LORE 1 | list name: absorb knowledge | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: sage base | spell class: m | duration: 1 round / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can scan the target's mind; and receive up to 10% of the target's knowledge (conscious and unconscious) concerning one very specific topic. the 10% chance should be rolled for each piece of information that the target knows. |
spell name: ORATE 1 | list name: weave tale | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: sage base | spell class: u | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to gain a +15 to any vocal action during the spell duration. |
spell name: STUN POWER WORD * | list name: words of power | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: m* | duration: | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target is stunned for 1 round/ 10% failure. |
spell name: PROTECTION CIRCLE VS. SPIRITS | list name: circle mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: fd | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: when cast and a proper "circle"" is drawn, all spirits of the dead in the area of effect act at a negative modifier (view list desc.) to all actions. this spell can be cast without the aid of the actual circle, but without the circle the negative modifier is only -20 on the target with a range of 50', and only the caster or a single designated target is ""protected""." |
spell name: GLYPH 2 | list name: glyph law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: i | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 10' r/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to "trace"" a glowing visible 2nd level glyph on an influx medium that will set off a given spell when the area of influence is violated. power points for both spell and glyph must be expended, but only the casting time of the glyph is used. a glyph can be a spell or a special glyph which is basically a power pattern." |
spell name: WARDING 1 | list name: warding law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: touch | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to "set"" a 1st level spell whichs triggered when the warding system is broken." |
spell name: RUNE 2 | list name: rune law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: f | duration: until cast | range: touch | area of effect: 1 rune paper | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: this spell inscribes a spell on a specially prepared piece of paper; i.e., rune paper. the rune can then be used to cast the inscribed spell once. the caster expends the power points to cast the inscribed spell and then powerpoints to cast the rune# spell. this rune can only inscribe 1st to 2nd level spells. the paper can be reused. the rune can be set to affect the reader. |
spell name: ANIMAL SPEECH 2 | list name: animal ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: i | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to understand and speak the language of two types of animals. |
spell name: SUMMON DEAD 3 | list name: spirit summoning | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: fm | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: theis spell allows the caster to summon the spirits of the dead in the spell range (referenced to the place of death), up to 3 levels of spirits. the spirit will come to the caster's immediate vicinity (10' r) and will obey and not attack the caster for 3 rounds. aftet this, the dead spirit is free to do as it pleases within the spell radius unless spirit bound. at no time is the dead spirit constrained to communicate unless the appropriate converse spell has been cast. |
spell name: TAINT RESISTANCE 2 | list name: spirit healing | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: h | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: this spell gives a spirit two additional resistance roll versus the taint incurred. if the rr is successful, the taint is utterly removed along with all damage accrued thereby. |
spell name: CONVERSE 2 | list name: spirit mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: i | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 2 levels | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: this allows the caster to communicate with 2 levels spirit(s). the word communicate is used because the exact method used has no analogous term. it would not be speech but rather more like a pictoral experience, but with all senses included. if this spell is used with dead spirits, such as ghosts, then the method might well be actual talking. |
spell name: PAST VISIONS | list name: visions | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: i | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: item or place | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster gets a vision up to one minute/lvl into the past (includes sight and sound). vision must be associated with an item or place. the caster is in a trance as long as he concentrates. |
spell name: AWAKENING S * | list name: trances | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: u* | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: with this spell, the caster may instantly awaken his body to full awareness, eliminating the -75 penalty for disorientation. |
spell name: COMBAT 2 * | list name: combat enhancement | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: u* | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: with this spell the caster's attacks and defensive moves become faster and more fluid, and so he may add an additional +10 to both his ob and db. this is cumulative with any other modifications he has, but not with other combat # spells. |
spell name: SILENT MOVEMENT * | list name: movement enhancement | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: f* | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: this spell allows the recipient to cloak all of his movements in utter silience. intentional noise making will cancel the spell. |
spell name: SIDEVISION | list name: sense enhancement | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target has a 300 degree field of vision. |
spell name: ANIMAL SLEEP 3 | list name: animal control | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 3 animals | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: puts any three animals (i.e., non-humaniod) to sleep; will not affect enchanted creatures or "intelligent"" animals." |
spell name: CALM 2 | list name: calm spirits | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 2 targets | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: targets will take no aggressive/offensive action, and will fight only if attacked. |
spell name: TELEKINESIS 1 | list name: mind's touch | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: can move one object up to one lb./level in mass at a rate of one foot per level per second, with no acceleration. living creatures get a normal rr. if the caster stops concentrating on the target it remains stationary in it's last position as if stayed. |
spell name: LIGHT / DARK | list name: elemental ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: lights/darkens a 10' r area about the point touched; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object/being. |
spell name: LEAVING 1 | list name: highriding | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster teleports target to a point up to 100' away, but there can be no intervening "barriers"" in a direct line between the the target and the point. a ""barrier"" is anthing he could not physically go through; a closed door is a barrier, a pit is not." |
spell name: COMBAT 2 * | list name: combat enhancement | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: u* | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: with this spell the caster's attacks and defensive moves become faster and more fluid, and so he may add an additional +10 to both his ob and db. this is cumulative with any other modifications he has, but not with other combat # spells. |
spell name: SILENT MOVEMENT * | list name: movement enhancement | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: f* | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: this spell allows the recipient to cloak all of his movements in utter silience. intentional noise making will cancel the spell. |
spell name: SIDEVISION | list name: sense enhancement | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target has a 300 degree field of vision. |
spell name: BLURRING DANCE * | list name: deadly dances | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: u* | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to add +10 to his db. |
spell name: TRAVELLING DANCE 1 | list name: traveling dances | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to perform any physical action at a .75 exhaustion rate. this spell is normally used for strenuous activities such as long distance running, and may be used beyond the normal spell duration if the caster concentrates constantly from the beginning of the spell until he decides to stop. |
spell name: GROWING STEP | list name: changing dances | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: p | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster may increase to 1.5 his normal mass (height in normal situations); there is no increase in his strength (except for movement purposes). |
spell name: PYROKINESIS 1 | list name: teledance | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to cause up to one highly flammable object per level within the spell range to burst into flame. with only a single intense glance, one object may be ignited each round. |
spell name: DREAM DANCE 1 | list name: communing dances | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: p | duration: sleep | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster has a dream relating to a topic decided upon before retiring. |
spell name: PROTECTION PRAYER 1 | list name: shielding ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: d | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: everyone "aligned"" to the caster (gm discretion) in a 10' r subtracts 5 from all elemental attack rolls and adds 5 to rrs versus spells." |
spell name: ATTACK +20 * | list name: arm's way | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: f* | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: adds +20 to the melee or missile attack that the caster makes the round after this spell is cast. |
spell name: INSPIRATIONS 2 * | list name: inspirations | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: m* | duration: 2 rounds / level | range: self | area of effect: 10' r/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to inspire all within the 10' r/lvl of himself who are on the caster's side (they must be aware that he is there). thus giving then a +10 to all rolls. note that this spell does not affect the caster. inspiration spells are not cumulative. this spell is normally only usable in combat or at highly religous moments. |
spell name: HEAL MINOR FRACTURE | list name: laying on hands | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows target to set simple fractures ( not compound fractures, shatters, joint damage, etc). one fracture/spell cast requires 1 to 10 days recovery time. |
spell name: DISEASE RESISTANCE 1 | list name: hand of cleansing | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: h | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target gets an additional rr vs. any disease(s). |
spell name: DREAM | list name: communion | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: p | duration: sleep | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster has a dream relating to a topic decided upon just before retiring; limited to once per night. |
spell name: HEALING (3-30) | list name: hand of healing | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target is healed of 3-30 concussion hits. |
spell name: LOCATE METAL | list name: metal lore | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 10'/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: gives the direction and distance to any ore metal lode within the spell's range. |
spell name: SHAPE STONE | list name: stone lore | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: 1 cu'/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster may shape stone by molding it with his hands. it's apparent consistancy is that of clay and cannot break during shaping. |
spell name: PLANT FACADE | list name: wood shaping | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows target to appear as any one type of plant; target retains his size and will not smell or feel like a plant. |
spell name: VISION MAZE | list name: guarded sight | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: d | duration: varies | range: | area of effect: 1 subject | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: this spell creates a maze which will be encountered whenever a scrying attempt is made upon the subject decided upon by the caster. the maze can not be destroyed, but can be navigatedby rolling 1 to 100 (open ended) + reasoning mod + level vs the defender's 1 to 100 (open ended) + re mod + level + 20. if the defender's roll is higher, the attacker must leave this scrying. if the defender's roll is higher by 50 or more, the attacker is lost in the maze for 10 to 100 minutes. if the attacker's roll is higher, hte maze is defeated and the original subject of his scrying stands before him. this spell lasts for 1 scrying attempt per level of the caster minus 3. |
spell name: INVISIBILITY (1")" | list name: mystic escapes | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours (varies) | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: the target is made invisible and everything within 1' of the target is also invisible as long as it is within the 1' r. the target will stay invisible until 24 hours pass or the object is struck by violent blow (being hit by a weapon, falling, etc.) or the object makes a violent move (i.e., an attack). |
spell name: FACADES | list name: disguise mastery | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: e | duration: 1 hour / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: a limited illusion that allows the caster to look like any humanoid figure within 20% of his own size. |
spell name: CHARM KIND | list name: beguiling ways | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: m | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: humaniod target believes caster is a good friend. |
spell name: DETECT ESSENCE | list name: appraisals | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: detects any active spells or items from the essence realm; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: ILLUSIONS 2 | list name: lesser illusions | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' r. one of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the range can be doubled or d) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' r)." |
spell name: CHAOTIC STRIKE 2 | list name: chaotic weapons | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: chaotic lord base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 blade | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: this spell is cast on a blade. when the blade delivers its next critical strike, the target receives an "b"" physical alteration critical in addition to the normal critical." |
spell name: MOON BATH + | list name: moon mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: moon mage base | spell class: f+ | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: target heals 1 hit per minute if outside under the moon. |
spell name: MOOD SWING 2 | list name: moon madness | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: moon mage base | spell class: m | duration: 1 round / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 3 targets | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: reverse the "primary mood"" of the targets. for example: if the targets are filled with rage, then they become very calm; if the targest are overcomed with grief, they become overjoyed; hate reverses to love; fear reverses to courage, etc." |
spell name: ARMORING LEATHER | list name: noble armor | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: noble warrior base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: cloth | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to increase the armor protection of leather armors at 5 - 12) by +4 in armor type or cloth armors (at 1 - 2) by +8 in armor type (i.e., at 1 would be at 9, at 11 would be at 15). armor/clothing so enchanted is treated as if it were the lower at for determination of armor penalities. |
spell name: SINGING STRIKE | list name: noble weapons | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: noble warrior base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: this blade fills the air with song of courage and greater glory. those "allies"" within 10' r of the blade are immune to fear effects and those outside of the 10' r but within hearing range receive a +10 to all rrs versus fear effects." |
spell name: SPEECH ANALYSIS 1 | list name: analyses | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: i | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can understand, but not speak, an unknown spoken language, but can only understand basic concepts of it. |
spell name: DETECT EMOTIONS | list name: sleuth's senses | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 1 being | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to sense target's dominant emotion. |
spell name: UNLOCK 2 | list name: escaping ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 1'/lvl | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can cause any "routine"" to ""medium"" complexity locks he can see (within range) to be locked and there is is a chance such a lock will unlock: routine (50%), easy (40%), light (30%), medium (20%)." |
spell name: CRIME LORE: OBJECT | list name: time's sense | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: i | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster knows if item touched was used in a specified crime. |
spell name: DUST (10 CU') | list name: power words | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: stone/earth obj | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: the caster may transform stone, earth, or wood to fine, dry powder. the amount the caster may transform depends on the level at which he casts the spell (4 = 10 cu', 9 = 100 cu', 14 = 1000 cu', 25 = 100 cu'/lvl). |
spell name: ANALYSIS (DANGER) | list name: runes & symbols | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: i | duration: | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 rune or sym. | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: the caster immediately determines if any 1 given rune or symbol is inherently dangerous to read or trigger (e.g., a rune of disembowelment). inherently dangerous is defined as that which, wven when successfully and knowingly activated by a being, will perform any sort of attack on the being (e.g., elemental, physical, base attack, etc.). this wpll has a1% chance per level of the "enruned"" spell that the rune will be ""set off""." |
spell name: LINGUISTICS 3 | list name: linguistics | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: pi | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: if the caster has a book-length piece of written material, he may learn the written form of a languare to rank 3 by concentrating on the written material for 24 hours. if the caster has a speaker of the languare available who knows the langage to at least rank 3, the caster can learn the language (spoken form) to skill rank 3 by touching the being and concentrating for 24 hours. note: the gm may wish to limit this by requiring the caster to allocate one development point (i.e., expend one dp when his next level is reached) every time this spell is successfully used. |
spell name: FASCINATE | list name: command words | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: m | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: target believes that caster is of the same alignment as himself, is influential, and is superior to himself in rank, power and/or efficiency. target will usually seek to ingratiate himself to the caster. |
spell name: CALIBRATE BONUSES / TEMPER | list name: spirit runes | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: i | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: the caster may determine the plusses on a weapon of defensive item. he also may detemine, if the item is an enruned item, what its current tolerance and temper levels are. however, the caster acquires no further information. |
spell name: LOCATE MINOR CRYSTAL LOCALITY | list name: crystal power | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 50' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to locate a minor crystal locality. minor crystal locality is an area which serves as a x2 power point multiplier for the caster as long as he is within the locality. area is normally loaded with crystal's of the caster's color alignment. |
spell name: HEAL METAL 1 | list name: deep earth healing | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to heal 1 cu' of rusted or corroded metal. |
spell name: CRYSTAL PORTAL 1 | list name: crystal magic | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: opens a portal between two crystals. portal is 3' x 6' x 1', through which anyone can pass. both crystals are blackened and crumble to dust after successful casting of the spell. |
spell name: SUMMONS MDE SPIRIT | list name: deep earth commune | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: fm | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: 1 spirit | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster may summon one minor deep earth (mde) spirit. as long as caster concentrates, the minor deep earth spirit must remain within the spell affect area. |
spell name: CRYSTAL SCALES | list name: crystal mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: u | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: part of the caster's skin becomes as hard as a crystal. acts as at 9, +5 heat resistances, -10 cold resistances. |
spell name: WOOD FIRES | list name: fiery ways | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 1' | area of effect: wood | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: causes any wood to ignite and burn. all wood ignited must be within 1' of caster's palm. |
spell name: LIGHT 1 | list name: brilliance magic | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: lights a 10' r area about the point touched; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object/being. |
spell name: CRYSTAL RUNE 1 | list name: crystal runestone | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: f | duration: until cast | range: touch | area of effect: crystal facet | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: this spell inscribes a spell on a top surface facet of a crystal rune stone; the crystal rune can then be used to cast the inscribed spell once (depending upon the rules being used for casting runes). the caster expends the power points to cast the inscribed spell and the power points to cast the crystal rune spell. crystal rune i can only inscribe 1st level spells. the crystal rune stone can be reused. the crystal rune can be set to affect reader. once the spell within the crystal rune has been released the crystal rune "mark"" on the faceted face of the crystal runestone fades." |
spell name: DREAM PATTERN | list name: dream state | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: dream lord base | spell class: i | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: dream state object | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to store patterns of items or objects made in a dream world. this allows the caster to recreate the item or object in another dream world or in the physical world. note that the object may be duplicated but it may not work as it did in the dream world, this it totally up to the gm and his world scheme. |
spell name: RESIST ELEMENTS | list name: way of the navigator | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: arcane navigator base | spell class: d | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: protects caster from natural heat up to 200¡f,natural cold down to -20¡f, and gives a plus 10 to rr vs. heat and cold. |
spell name: CHARM PLANT | list name: allurement | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: m | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: one sentient plant believes the caster is a good friend. |
spell name: POLISHING | list name: household magic | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 10' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 10' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: polishes all items in area of effect, also removes corrosion. |
spell name: WALL OF AIR | list name: barrier ways | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: e | duration: 1 minute / level (concentration) | range: 50' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 3' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: creates a wall of dense churning air; cuts all movements and attacks through it by 50%. |
spell name: IDENTIFY POISON | list name: brewing lore | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 sample | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster knows the origins, purity, and general worth of one poison sample. any impurity will be known. |
spell name: SUSTENANCE PURIFICATION | list name: hearth magic | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 ration | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: this spell neutralizes abnormal diseases, poisons, and other similar substances in one day's worth (1 ration) of food and/or water. it will not neutralize a poison or similar substance that is a natural part of the food (i.e. it will not neutralize the natural alkaloids in certain mushrooms). special or magical poisons/diseases might be allowed a rr. |
spell name: WHITE CANDLE (1ST) | list name: wax magic | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: f | duration: 1 hour | range: self | area of effect: 1 candle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: after casting an enchant wax spell on an undyed candle, the caster may imbed a first level spell in the candle by casting white candle (and the first level spell to be imbedded) on the candle. the duration is the time required to imbed the spell. the imbedded spell is released by the burning of the candle and affects all in the same room or within 50' if outside . in order to be affected by the magic of the candle, a target must be exposed to the burning candle (in the same room or within 50' if outside) for a full ten consecutive minutes the target should get a perception roll every minute or so, to see if the effects of the candle magic are being felt. at the end of ten full minutes of exposure, the target(s) is affected by the magic in the candle; no rr! the casting of one white candle spell allows the candle to "burn"" for 10 minutes. each additional casting of white candle lengthens the burning time of the magic candle by an additional ten minutes. for example, a white candle of ""question"" which could burn 30 minutes would cause the caster to use 15 pp = 3 for enchant wax + (4 for white candle x 3 for 30 minutes) not counting the casting of the imbedded question spell. similarly, a brown candle (7th level) of ""charm kind"" (3rd level) which could burn 60 minutes would cause the caster to use 45 pp = 3 for enchant wax + (7 for brown candle x 6 for 60 minutes) not counting the casting of the imbedded charm kind spell." |
spell name: MEND CLOTH | list name: mending ways | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: mends multiple rips in a piece of cloth. all components must be collected together (i.e., must be within 10'r). |
spell name: ALIEN PRESENCE | list name: outer plane law | level: 4 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: astral traveller base | spell class: i | duration: | range: self | area of effect: 100' radius | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster is aware of any being from another plane of existence within his range |
spell name: RESIST ELEMENT | list name: elemental travel | level: 4 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: astral traveller base | spell class: d | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: caster is totally protected against any one element, he gets a +10bonus on resistance rolls against it and attacks made against him receive a -10. |
spell name: ELEMENTAL SUMMON 5 | list name: elemental summons | level: 4 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: astral traveller base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 10' / level | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Summons a 5th level elemental being from any elemental plane. There must be a source for the elemental material within 100'. The Caster chooses the type of elemental being. He may Summon a specific elemental being if he knows the "true name"" of that being. If the Summoned being is ill-tempered, he may control when he concentrates. A GM may wish to give the being a RR every minute to resist being controlled." |
spell name: PLANT LORE | list name: xeno lores | level: 4 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: astral traveller base | spell class: i | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 plant | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster teams the nature and history of any living thing with "plant-intelligence.""" |
spell name: KISS OF FIRE * | list name: kisses | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: houri base | spell class: M* | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: The target loses 40% of his total (not current) hits and is stunned for one round. |
spell name: SUGGESTION | list name: influences | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: houri base | spell class: m | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target will follow a single suggested au that is not completely alien to him. |
spell name: SEDUCE * | list name: alluring ways | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: houri base | spell class: P* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster gets a +25 bonus to her seduction skill. |
spell name: CHANGE TO KIND | list name: houri's change | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: houri base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: The caster can alwr her entire body to the form of another humanoid race within 20% of her own mass. This can't be used to assume the form of a specific person. |
spell name: GLAMOUR 1 | list name: illusion law | level: 4 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: M | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: By changing the target's frame of reference by one detail, the caster can create an illusion / phantasm which only the target experiences. The effects stays with the target for the spell duration. For example, a target could be Glamoured to see all humans as rabbits. |
spell name: INVISIBILITY (1' RADIUS) | list name: enchanting law | level: 4 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 24 hours (varies) | range: Touch | area of effect: 1Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: The target is made invisible and everything within 1' of the target is also invisible as long as it is within the 1' R. The target will stay invisible until 24 hours pass or the object is struck by violent blow (being hit by a weapon, falling, etc.) or the object makes a violent move (i.e., an attack). |
spell name: CHARM SPIDER | list name: arachnemancy | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: M | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Spider | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: This spell will work on any arachnid-type creature. The target will think of the caster as a friend. This spell will also allow the caster to speak the language of spiders (Arachnis). |
spell name: VIPER JAW 1 * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster's mouth becomes larger and fills with razor-like teeth. Caster can make a Small Bite attack with an OB equal to his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). |
spell name: SPIDER LEGS * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Causes eight long, spider like legs to grow quickly out of the caster's sides. These legs can be up to 20' long, raising the caster 15' in the air when they are used for walking. They move at the caster's normal movement rate, but can easily navigate giant webs, walk through water, mud, and similar substances. If this spell is cast as a 7th level spell, the legs can also be used to walk on ceilings and walls. |
spell name: SOWING | list name: enrichment | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 1 planting | range: 10' | area of effect: 10' x 10' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Distributes seed evenly for maximum growth |
spell name: SOWING | list name: enrichment | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: animist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 planting | range: 10' | area of effect: 10' x 10' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Distributes seed evenly for maximum growth |
spell name: PLEASURE 1 | list name: pleasures | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: open any | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Affects the target's pleasure center so that he feels pleasure and acts accordingly. Note that this spell has an addiction factorof 2 (like an herb). |
spell name: FAR STONEGRIP 2 | list name: mind's grip | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: when the caster concentrates, a "grip"" can be made by an "" invisible magical force"" to a range of 10'. The attack's OB is: [caster's Directed Spells OB with this spell minus the result from a BAR roll]. A medium maneuver is required to break the grip. This spell only reduces fumble range when the caster is using a hand-held weapon in his own hand." |
spell name: EMPOWERMENT 2 | list name: weapon alterations | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Gives one weapon a +10 magical bonus or two weapons a +5 bonus. Not cumulative with any already-existing magical or non-magical bonuses (including other Empowerment and True Power spells). |
spell name: CORRODE STONE | list name: acid law | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 10' | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Corrodes .5 cu'/lvl of non-magical stone as if exposed to acid; rate is .5 cu'/rnd. This spell will also effect magical stone if it fails its RR. |
spell name: SOUNDWALL 1 | list name: sonic law | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 20' x 20' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creats a plane (up to 20' x 20'), through which no sound will pass.. |
spell name: MANIPULATION 1 | list name: force law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: varies | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster can manipulate a string of force. The length can be no greater than one foot per level. The string obeys the will of the caster and may be used offensively as a medium grapple attack. The OB/DB of the force string is equal to the Empathy modifier of the caster. The caster can use the string as a rope, bow string, whip, etc. A string will be severed and destroyed upon receiving any critical strike. The caster must be holding some part of the string at all times or it will fade away. Tensile strength is equal to 25 lbs per level of the caster. Strings of force are considered AT20. |
spell name: ARMOR CUT 1 * | list name: force master | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f* | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 foot / level | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates a frictionless field about an edged surface, giving it a 5% chance to cut through unremarkable targets as if they were AT1 . An edge up to 1 foot/level can be affected. |
spell name: STANDING WAVE 1 | list name: shockwaves | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 10' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates an invisible barrier which delivers an A vibration critical when broken. |
spell name: CRUSH | list name: gravity law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 50' | area of effect: .5 ft / kevek R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates a temporary area of intense gravity in a spherical radius about the target equal to .5 ft / lvl. Target suffers an 'A' Crush critical. |
spell name: DEMAGNETIZE | list name: magnetic law | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell will instantly nullify any magnetic effect for 1 round/level of caster. Affects one Unit (1 pound / foot^2) per level. |
spell name: SLEEP 1 | list name: chill of night | level: 4 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: maleficant base | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Target falls into a natural sleep for 1 minute / 5% failure. |
spell name: MAGIC TALISMAN | list name: talismans | level: 4 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: maleficant base | spell class: fu | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 talisman | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This talisman grants a bonus equal to the creator's level applied to any one magical skill selected at the time of the talisman's creation (Power Projection, Spell Mastery, etc.). The caster must already possess some knowledge (at least one rank) of the skill to be augmented.The talisman takes one day/level to create. Note: the caster may make a Talisman of lower level than his own if he wishes, taking correspondingly fewer days to create (e .g., a 10th level Maleficant could make a 1st level Talisman in one day). |
spell name: DELAY 1 | list name: spell hand | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: next spell | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster increases the preparation time of the target's next spell by 1 round. For example, a Class I spell, which normally would only take 1 round to prepare and cast, would take 2 rounds; one to prepare and one to cast. Add 25% to caster's ESF for each preparation round ignored. |
spell name: PENETRATE 1 * | list name: spell guard | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: u* | duration: 3 rounds | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Spells cast after this spell are harder to resist. A resistance roll modification of -5 is applied to the target's resistance roll. |
spell name: LESSER STAFF | list name: wizard staff | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: minor staff | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Allows the caster to take an appropriate material (e.g. wood, metal, bone, etc.) and form a staff in I hour. The staff is enchanted to be a +2 Essence spell adder and a +10 quarterstaff. If the staff is destroyed, caster immediately takes 50% of his hits and functions at -30 for 1-4 wks. |
spell name: CHARM 4 | list name: charmcraft | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell inscribes a Charm effect onto the matrix that is placed on an item through Anchor. When Charm is cast on the prepared item it becomes receptive and the next spell cast onto the item within one minute (by the caster or another cooperating spell-user) will be harmlessly absorbed and will activate the Charm against that specific spell. At the time of casting Charm the caster can choose to orient the Charm to either protect a bonded bearer or the item itself. Charm 4 can be set to guard against a spell of fourth level or lower. |
spell name: STORE DESIGN | list name: organism skills | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: i | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 tattoo | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell allows the caster to store a design within his mind permanently (from a normal tattoo, an enchanted Tattoo, or even just a drawing). A Stored design may either be used as a guide to inscribe a (normal or enchanted) tattoo using the caster's tattooing skill , or it may be duplicated exactly using Transfer Design. An area of 1 square inch may be stored per round. |
spell name: EXTRACT ESSENTIAL SALTS | list name: palingenesis | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: 1 day | range: touch | area of effect: ashes | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Allows caster to extract, from prepared Ashes, the dead being's Essential Salts in a procedure which takes one day to complete. |
spell name: DEER SPEED 2 | list name: beast's ways | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster can run at 2x walking pace for duration without tiring. |
spell name: SUMMON TYPE 2 INSECTS | list name: insect mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: fm | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 100' radius | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster summons 1-100 insects from the surrounding area. If no insects of the appropriate type are available, this spell has no effect. Caster has limited control over summoned insects. They will follow simple, one-word commands (e.g., eat, fly, etc.). |
spell name: SUMMON GUARDIAN | list name: nature summons | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 6-8 hours | range: 1 mile / level radius | area of effect: 1 creature | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster summons a powerful animal such as a bear or large cat to protect him. |
spell name: OVERCAST | list name: weather mastery | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 mile radius / level | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Causes moderate cloud cover within the area of effect. |
spell name: CONVEYANCE 1 | list name: conveyance | level: 4 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: varies | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster's psyche leaves his body (which is inactive) and may travel at 500' /minute. Caster's 'psyche' will receive normal sensory information, but cannot cast spells or affect anything around him. All perception rolls to notice the hazy, shimmering form ofthe caster's psyche are at -75. Caster cannot travel through solid matter. If the caster overstays the duration, he must make a RR or die (attack level equals number of rounds overstayed). |
spell name: CRYSTAL SKIN | list name: crystal law | level: 4 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: crystal mage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell turns the target's skin into a crystalline structure which has an AT equal to the caster's level up to level 20. All Elemental attacks have a % chance per level of the caster to deflect harmlessly away. |
spell name: ANALYZE MANIFEST SPIRIT | list name: spirit manifestations | level: 4 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: i | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: one spirit | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This allows the caster to identify any manifest spirit with regard to which manifestation spells are acting upon it, the spirit's general type, approximate level, and taint due to manifestation. |
spell name: ACID WALL | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 1' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster creates a wall of acid mist. Creatures passing through the wall take an "A"" Acid critical. Wall delivers 35 structural hits." |
spell name: CALL CATCH 1 | list name: fisherman's way | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: professional guild list | spell class: f | duration: | range: 1 mile radius | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster concentrates on the type of sea life he wishes to catch, and then casts this spell. If any such creatures are within range of this spell, then they will come to the caster at their normal rate. |
spell name: STABILIZE | list name: pirate's way | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: professional guild list | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 1 boat | area of effect: 1 boat | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster can minimize the shifting of a boat upon the water by 5% per level. Exceptionally strong waves or even a storm will subtract a substantial amount from a caster's ability to stabilize a craft. |
spell name: HEAT RESISTANCE 1 | list name: glass mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: professional guild list | spell class: d | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Allows caster to work exposed to the extreme heat of a glass furnace more safely and comfortably, protecting him against natural heat to 500ø. |
spell name: CLOSURE | list name: surgeon's guide | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: professional guild list | spell class: fh | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Closes any one incision. Will not leave a scar. Heals at double normal rate. |
spell name: MANA LINK | list name: combat link | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: uf | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: link | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Allows the target to share his power points with the rest of his teammates if they share a realm of magic. |
spell name: TIME DRAIN 1 | list name: time law | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Duration of all target's spells is reduc.ed by 20%. This applies to all spells currently functioning and those that are cast while this spell is active. |
spell name: DETECT DEVIATIONS | list name: time's master | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: i | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: 10' radius | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster will immediately be aware of any object, area or being which is not in its proper time, or an event or period which deviates from a previous norm (i.e., someone has changed an event, causing two or more waves (times) to pass through the same period. |
spell name: TIME BENDING | list name: space-time | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: f* | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 10' / level | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster can cause target to feel as if he has more time than he actually does; removing any sense of urgency, or caster can cause the target to feel that he has less time than he actually does; creating a sense of urgency. Targets thinking they have more time will gain a benefit of +15 to all static maneuvers; conversely, targets with a sense of urgency will suffer a -15 to all static maneuvers. |
spell name: TRANSFER 1 | list name: amplifications | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster can transfer any skill from himself to another or from another to himself. The target for the skill must have less ranks developed in that skill than the source of the skill. The skill ranks from the target are subtracted from the skill ranks of the source, and 1/4 of the difference is temporarily added to the target's skill ranks. If the target does not have the skill it cannot be transferred. |
spell name: AURA SHROUD 1 | list name: Aura Magic | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: P | duration: 1 minute / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster may cause his aura to appear as the aura of any other realm of power (good or evil tendencies or relative power cannot be masked with this spell). |
spell name: BIND 2 | list name: spiritwrack | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Allows caster to bind an entity summoned by a Conjure II spell inside the proper protective diagrams until the circle is broken or the caster releases the entity. |
spell name: COMMAND 2 | list name: conjurations | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: fm | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: (RR mod: -20) Caster may control an entity of a type which can be summoned by a Conjure 2 spell. If the spell fails, the entity is free to leave the protective diagram (if any) and chastise the caster. The entity will follow instructions specified by the caster to the best of its abilities, however it gains an additional RR (with a +25 mod) if the instructions call for the death or injury of the entity. Demons and similar creatures may work "deals"" with the caster for services beyond the normal scope of their powers (to be fulfilled by endangering themselves |
spell name: ANALYZE CRYSTAL MATRIX | list name: crystal visions | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: i | duration: - | range: 10' | area of effect: crystal | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Determines whether the crystal in question is enchanted or must be worked. If the crystal is enchanted, caster knows who enchanted it (by reading its signature) and any higher level spells currently acting upon it. |
spell name: NEXUS GUIDE | list name: node mastery | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: i | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster learns the direction and distance to the nearest nexus. |
spell name: EARTHBLOOD NOURISHMENT | list name: earthfocus | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: u | duration: 24 hours / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster derives his nourishment directly from the Earthblood, needing neither food nor drink for the spell's duration. Caster loses one point of temporary Constitution each day this spell is in effect. |
spell name: FORCE ARMOR | list name: forcefields | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster creates a shimmering suit of armor made of pure force. The AT equals the level of the spellcaster. The armor is unencumbering, and does not impede spell casting or maneuvers. |
spell name: COLOR SPRAY | list name: light's creations | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: e | duration: | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster shoots forth, from the palm of his hand, a brilliant display of colored light which will blind the target. Target remains blinded for every 5% failure. A blinded foe operates at -90. |
spell name: SPELL PROFICIENCY 1 | list name: spell mastery | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: u | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: The spell cast after this one is -10 to Extraordinary Spell Failure and the caster only fumbles it on a 01. |
spell name: STUN 3 | list name: subdual ways | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: F | duration: 3 rounds | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Target is stunned 3 rounds. |
spell name: AMPLIFY 1 | list name: ephemeral enhancement | level: 4 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Increases any single statistic of target by one point per four levels of the caster up to the statistic potential. |
spell name: PERCEPTION I | list name: Combat Law | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Semi-Spell User Base | spell class: U* | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell gives the caster +10 to one combat related Perception roll. |
spell name: ARMOR MANEUVER I | list name: Mystic Armor | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: F* | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: armor | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the caster to reduce the maneuver modifier due to armor type by 10. This applies to Maneuver Modifications, Missile Attack Penalties, and Quickness Penalties. |
spell name: DRAGON LORE | list name: Dragon Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 drake | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster acquires basic knowledge of one "typed" dragon's sex, approximate age (young, mature, ancient), and a general idea of its magical abilities, if any (modest, potent). |
spell name: STORE SIGN | list name: Mage Sign | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: Sign | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster memorizes the design of someone else's Sign. |
spell name: SINCERITY | list name: Will Breaker | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: U•* | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster gains a +25 bonus to all linguistic and social skills for being really sincere. |
spell name: MOLD BUBBLES | list name: Bubble Magic | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: 10' | area of effect: 10'R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to size and mold bubbles into simple shapes, or force bubbles to stick together in specific ways to create more complex shapes. Caster can simultaneously work on one bubble sculpture per level as long as he concentrates. After he ceases to concentrate on it, a sculpture will retain its form for 1 round per level (unless popped before the duration has ended). |
spell name: SNAKE FORM | list name: Serpent Law | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to take the form of a snake. He really looks and feels like a snake-he is, in fact, effectively transformed into a 1st level snake. He receives all the snake's abilities except poison. |
spell name: TETHER II | list name: The Chains | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: witch hunter base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target's motion is restricted to a limited radius centered around a fixed point specified when this spell is cast. He is restricted as if he were attached to an invisible, intangible tether. His range of motion on the Tether is a radius of 10' per level of the caster. If the target attempts to leave the radius, he will take a ‘B' Electrical critical each round until he enters the radius again. |
spell name: TRACKING | list name: The Eye | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: witch hunter base | spell class: U | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster gains a +2 per level bonus to all tracking attempts. |
spell name: COMBAT II | list name: The Fist | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: witch hunter base | spell class: U* | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster's attacks and defensive moves become faster and more fluid, adding an additional +10 to both his OB and DB. This is cumulative with any other modifications he has, but is not cumulative with other Combat spells. |
spell name: COMPEL TRUTH I | list name: The Question | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: witch hunter base | spell class: M | duration: 1 question | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target must answer one question truthfully. |
spell name: REFLECTION SCRY | list name: Mirror Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: I | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: 1 mirror | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to gaze into a reflective surface and gain knowledge regarding one very specific topic (see Dream I, Cleric base list: Communal Ways). Caster is in a trancelike state while this spell is active. |
spell name: FLOAT | list name: Air Forms | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: U | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster's body become less dense so that he floats with the wind. The caster has no control over direction or speed and must make maneuver rolls to maintain orientation (GM's discretion). |
spell name: EARTH FINGERS | list name: Earth Forms | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / 10 failure | range: 1'/lvl | area of effect: 5'R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell causes earth and stone tendrils to rise up out of the ground and attack anything within their area of effect. The tendrils attack as a +0 Medium Grapple attack. If the caster concentrates then the fingers get an OB equal to the caster's EM modifier. |
spell name: LIGHT | list name: Light Forms | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 10'R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a sphere of light about the point touched that will illuminate out to 10'. |
spell name: WATER WALKING | list name: Water Forms | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: U | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster can walk on the surface of water or similar liquids. |
spell name: MANEUVER I | list name: Essence Wing | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: open essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target gains a +10 to in-flight maneuvers. |
spell name: THE EMPRESS | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 3rd level female Animist persona with the following statistics: Hits: 25; OB Mace, +25; AT 1 (15); PP: 6. The Empress can cast the following spells: 1st level - Plant Lore (Animist base list: Plant Mastery), Animal Sleep I (Animist base list: Animal Mastery); 2nd level - Calm I (Closed Channeling list: Calm Spirits); 3rd level - Herb Finding (Animist base list: Herb Mastery). |
spell name: TWO MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: — | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Adds +5 to one of the querent's social skills. Two of Rods: Dominion. +5 to Leadership. Two of Cups: Love. +5 to Seduction. Two of Swords: Peace Restored. +5 to Diplomacy. Two of Pentacles: Change. +5 to Gambling. |
spell name: PENTACLE KNIFE | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes caster's Tarot Pentacle to expand or contract (depending on its normal size) to a diameter of about 3" |
spell name: AURA ROD | list name: Rod Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: — | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a fiery aura around the caster's Tarot Rod, making him appear more powerful and subtracting 10 from all attacks against him. The caster need not hold the rod in his hand once the spell has been cast, but it must be in an exposed location on his person. |
spell name: BLADE OF FEAR | list name: Sword Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: If the caster delivers a critical strike on a target while this spell is active on his Tarot Sword, the target must make a RR or flee in fear of the caster. |
spell name: ENTER DREAMS I | list name: Dream Lore | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: dream lord base | spell class: MF | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster can enter the Dream World of the target. |
spell name: CREATE LAND | list name: Dream World | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: dream lord base | spell class: FM | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster can create an earthen structure with a volume of up to 1000 cu'. The structure could be a hill, wall, cliff, etc. Buildings, etc., are not allowed. |
spell name: DARKVISION | list name: Shadow Law | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: shadow mage base | spell class: U | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target can see in all darkness as if in broad daylight. |
spell name: SHADOWHOP | list name: Shadow Port | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling | type: shadow mage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to travel through a shadow with at least a 2' diameter to any other shadow with at least a 2' diameter within line of sight (up to 5' per level) once per round. |
spell name: STASIS I | list name: Destructive Displacements | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / 10 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target is continually Displaced to his exact position, keeping him "out-of-phase," where he appears transparent or flickering. Since target constantly both materializes and dematerializes in the same place, he is effectively held in stasis. Target may not be harmed while in stasis. After the spell expires, target is once again free and as he was before placed in stasis. |
spell name: QUICK STRIKE I | list name: Battle Trance | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: arms master base | spell class: U* | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell increases the caster's reflexes, giving him a +10 to his initiative determination. |
spell name: TACTICS I | list name: Commands | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: arms master base | spell class: U | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster gets a +10 bonus to his next Tactics roll. |
spell name: MEND WEAPONS | list name: Encampments | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: arms master base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: one weapon | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell will repair, clean, and sharpen one non-magical weapon. |
spell name: LESSER WARRIORBLADE | list name: Warrior Blade | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: arms master base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: Warriorblade | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell turns a Minor Warriorblade into a Lesser Warriorblade with the following modifiers: +15 to hit, -1 to fumble range, and it functions as a +1 adder. |
spell name: JUMP | list name: Horseman's Way | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: beastmaster base | spell class: F* | duration: - | range: mounted | area of effect: Horse Familiar | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows Horse Familiar to jump, up to a length of 50' and/or 20' high. This includes a safe landing. If this is running jump, the length can be doubled. |
spell name: ENCHANTED ROPE II | list name: Magical Ropes | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 rope | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Even without touching the rope, the caster can cause the rope to move up to its length in any direction and to tie itself in knots. This spell can also be used to attack a being (to try to bind target). Spell Mastery is used as an OB, and the attack is resolved as a Medium Grapple attack. No concussion hits can be inflicted, only criticals. If foe has an edged weapon, may attempt to sever the rope: the rope's DB is +2 per level of caster, is treated as AT 1 and has 5 hits. Severing a rope immediately cancels the spell for this rope. |
spell name: BODY PREPARATION | list name: Dark Shifting | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: doppelganger base | spell class: U• | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster must cast this before any Form spell on this list. If he does not, he will suffer ‘A' Physical Alteration criticals until the total change equals 100%. |
spell name: LANDING | list name: Doppelganger Ways | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: doppelganger base | spell class: F* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the caster to land safely in a fall of up to 20' per level, and to take that distance off the severity of any longer fall. |
spell name: BODY PREPARATION | list name: Inorganic Shifting | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: doppelganger base | spell class: U• | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster must cast this before any Form or Change spell on this list. If he does not, he will suffer ‘A' Physical Alteration criticals until the total change equals 100%. |
spell name: BODY PREPARATION | list name: Light Shifting | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: doppelganger base | spell class: U• | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster must cast this before any Form spell on this list. If he does not, he will suffer ‘A' Physical Alteration criticals until the total change equals 100%. |
spell name: PROBE EMOTION III | list name: Mental Shifting | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: doppelganger base | spell class: I | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to know the general emotions/outlook of any Mind Typed supernatural being (e.g., see the Light Shifting and Dark Shifting spell lists). |
spell name: TYPE PERSONAL | list name: Organic Shifting | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: doppelganger base | spell class: P* | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster may study (for three uninterrupted rounds) a specific person for use with higher level spells on this list. |
spell name: SOUND MIRAGE | list name: Fey Magic | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10'R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster creates a simple set of immobile sounds in a 10' Radius. |
spell name: LAIRGUARD | list name: Heartfires | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: I | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: 10’R/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Warns of intruders in drake's lair regardless of distance. Caster may only have one of these spells in effect at any one time. |
spell name: IMPAIR I | list name: Putrefactions | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: F | duration: 1 day / 5 failure | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target has one of his temporary physical characteristics (Strength, Agility, Quickness, Constitution, or Appearance) reduced by 5 for one day per 5% RR failure. |
spell name: POSITION SENSE | list name: Spell Web | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: U | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: link | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell allows each member to sense the current direction and range of all other members. |
spell name: SUGGESTION | list name: Vampyric Magicks | level: 4 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: M* | duration: 1 task | range: 10' | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: RR Mod: -10 Target will obey a single suggested command that is not completely alien to his nature (e.g., no suicide, no blinding himself, etc.). Caster must make eye contact with target. |
spell name: DETERMINE LOCATION | list name: Arcane Gate | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I | duration: - | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 gate | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: This spell allows the caster to ascertain the destination of any one active gate within range (i.e., this gate will take a target to the third pale). |
spell name: PRESERVATION | list name: Arcane Healing | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: H | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may preserve a 'dead' body or limb, preventing further deterioration (stat deterioration, tissue break-up or rot) or damage from already existing wounds. Target enters coma for duration. This spell will not prevent target's soul from leaving body. |
spell name: CONCEAL | list name: Devious Ways | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes a hidden object to be less noticeable. This translates to -50 to all perception rolls to find hidden object. |
spell name: RECORD | list name: Experimentation Ways | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: U | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to have photographic memory regarding one experiment. Caster may remember recorded material as often as desired. Caster may record for up to 1 minute per level. |
spell name: DETECT TUNNEL | list name: Fortification Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to detect if there is any mining activity currently occurring within range, i.e., is someone actually digging. Range for this spell is 5' radius per level of caster. |
spell name: LISTEN (T) | list name: Long Voice | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I* | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: 1 being | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to 'hear' communication (words/images) in the mind of another sentient being. The being must concentrate on the words/images that it wishes to convey. The being must wish to cooperate and be in physical contact with the caster. |
spell name: TYPE SPELL | list name: Magic Defense | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I | duration: - | range: 5'/lvl | area of effect: 1 spell | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster determines the exact name of a 'Detected' or perceived spell, if known, described to, or seen before by the caster. |
spell name: DETECT ELECTROMAGNETISM | list name: Magnetic Ways | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to locate and identify any sources of the desired form of Electromagnetism. |
spell name: MOLD SHAPE | list name: Matter Manipulation | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 cu'/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: This will allow the caster to mold protoplasm into any shape desired. The form will not have motion or sound. The object must be solid and will take on the strength of wood. Final size depends on the amount of created protoplasm that is available. The caster may form his level in liters of protoplasm per round (i.e. a caster can create a small shape in less time than a giant shape.). At the end of the duration the form will revert into the protoplasm from which it came. |
spell name: DETERMINE LOCATION | list name: Planar Survival | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I | duration: - | range: 1 plane | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to determine his location on one plane based upon direction and distance to a previously designated point. If caster leaves this plane, he must re-designate a measuring point. |
spell name: OVERLOAD PROTECTION | list name: Power Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster creates a 'circuit breaker' protecting himself from channeling mishaps and overload burnout. Assuming a burnout occurs, this spell kicks in, the circuit breaks, and the entire amount of channeled PP or spells are circuited away (the entire amount of either PP or spells is lost). |
spell name: EMPATHY | list name: Primitive Voice | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: IM | duration: concentration | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster experiences the emotions of the target but is not otherwise affected by them. |
spell name: TYPE SPELL | list name: Realm Law | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I* | duration: - | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to determine exact type (if known by caster) that perceived spell is Ventriloquism, or Lightning Armor, or Heal (5-50), etc. Caster of this spell must know of the spell to be 'Typed' to get exact spell name, otherwise general purpose is learned, (those above) Voice Manipulation, or Elemental Protection, or Healing, etc. |
spell name: COPY ACTION | list name: Replicating Ways | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to perform an observed action in exactly the same way. This doesn't guarantee the success of the action/ maneuver (although it may give a bonus - GM's discretion). |
spell name: END | list name: Ritual Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to end any ritual he is currently involved in with no ill-effects. All power points are lost for the day (as usual in ritual magic), but caster is undamaged. |
spell name: DETERMINE PARENTS | list name: Genetic Ways | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: animist base | spell class: I | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may determine, from tissue samples (one from each possible parent and child), which are the originating progenitors of a being. |
spell name: JUST DEFENSE | list name: Holy Champion | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Holy Champion gains a +1 per level bonus to his DB for the duration. |
spell name: SWIM | list name: Jihad | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: F* | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target can swim at full normal speed without spending exhaustion points. |
spell name: ISOLATION | list name: Power Merge | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: I | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: 5' R/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows the spell user to isolate up to 3 spells as long as the levels of the spells do not exceed 3 total levels. This, in effect, destroys the merge abilities of spells within range and forces the caster of the merge spells to expend normal time requirements for casting of spells which would normally be merged. This spell also causes the spell effects to act upon each other. For example, a Firebolt and a Waterbolt will cancel each other out. Isolated merge spells must then be dispelled and resisted against individually. |
spell name: READ FATE | list name: Wyrd Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: I | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can determine target's remaining number of fate points (positive or negative). |
spell name: TEMPERATURE CONTROL | list name: Survival Ways | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: druid base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1'R/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to control the temperature in an area of up to 1' R/lvl by +/- 2°F/lvl. |
spell name: WOE | list name: Cruelty Ways | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: M | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target subtracts 1 per 2 levels of caster from all resistance rolls. |
spell name: PACIFISM | list name: Dark Curses | level: 4 | realm: Channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: F | duration: until removed | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target is -10 for all BAR and EAR rolls. |
spell name: ANIMATE LIQUID | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any liquid within range. Liquid will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (e.g., slopes, obstructions, etc.). Hits are equal to 5 per level of caster. AT is 1. DB is 1 per level of caster. Liquid may make a Bash attack once per round with +1 per level of caster. |
spell name: TEMPORARY DRAIN | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster drains, up to 1 charge per level, the daily uses of an item and converts them directly into PPs. The amount of PPs gained will depend upon the abilities drained, translating on a 1 point per 2 levels of ability (of the magical ability, not the spell caster) basis. The next day the item regains its abilities as if they had been expended normally. Example: A 5th level Alchemist who has 20 total power points, but is down to 8 PPs (4 after this spell is cast), casts this spell on a ring of flying (7th level Fly (Lofty Bridge) usable 5 times per day). The caster drains 4 uses of the fly spell (providing him with 14 PPs). If the caster drains too many PPs, and raises his total power points above their normal maximum, he will suffer burnout (see Channeling skill, Section 7.0 RMCII). The above caster could have drained 5 of the charges, but this would have caused burnout (4PP + 17.5PP (35I2)=21.5PP). |
spell name: BARRIER WARNING | list name: Barriers | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: P | duration: until triggered | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 barrier | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is immediately warned when someone attempts to destroy or penetrate one of his barriers with this spell upon it. |
spell name: CREATE MORTAR | list name: Construction Ways | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: 10 ft/lvl | area of effect: 100 lbs/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes proper materials (sand, lime, water, etc.) to be mixed to the correct consistency of mortar for the desired purpose. The amount of material that the caster may change into Mortar is 100 pounds per level of caster. |
spell name: TRACTION | list name: Friction Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to increase the friction between a target's feet (boots, shoes, bare feet, etc.) and the surface he is walking on by up to +50% per level (a 4th level caster could increase it by +200%). target could thus run on ice, gravel, sand, (as if on a normal surface) etc. |
spell name: MOLD GAS | list name: Matter Shaping | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to alter the shape of up to 1 cubic foot per level of any one type of gas by using his hands to move and place portions of gas. For example, Sade, a mage, is in combat when the enemy casts a Stun Cloud at him. As the cloud moves closer, Sade casts a Mold Gas on it and, with the use of his hands, creates a path through the Stun Cloud. Sade is then able to pass through the cloud without harm. The shape formed lasts until the duration ends, and then is affected normally by the environment. |
spell name: NO SLEEP | list name: Sustain Body | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Satisfies a target's sleep needs for two hours per PP spent. After the duration expires, the target must sleep a normal amount (though not more than 24 hours). |
spell name: DISTANCE | list name: Trace Law | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: I | duration: - | range: 1 mi/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to determine exact distance to the target (if within 1 mile per level). |
spell name: SHORT SWORD | list name: Weapon Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates a short sword of force which may be used as a regular short sword for the duration. When spell is cast a short sword appears anywhere within range. |
spell name: DISARM FOE | list name: Martial Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: monk base | spell class: U* | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to disarm opponent. After the caster's next successful attack (it does no damage) target must make a RR versus the level of the caster or be disarmed. |
spell name: BALL AND CHAIN | list name: Prison Law | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: open essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster causes the encumbrance of a target to increase by adding up to +1 per 2 levels to his weight allowance units. For example, a target (whose number of weight allowance units in load is equal to between x6 and x7 [-40 to movement]) has this spell cast upon him by a 10th level caster. The target's encumbrance penalty increases to -90 (from between x6 and x7 to between x11 and x12). Even if the man were to drop everything he were carrying, his encumbrance penalty would still be -30 (x5 encumbrance penalty). |
spell name: THROW | list name: Warrior's Blade | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: open essence | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 blade | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may throw his weapon for the duration with a range of up to his strength bonus in feet (but never less than 30 feet in any case). The weapon attacks on its normal table with all relevant ranges being regarded as per short bow table. |
spell name: SNAP | list name: Rending Ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to snap any 'snap-able' material like rope, bowstring, steel cables, wire, etc. A snap consists of parting the matter in question (if you need a concrete example, string your violin, tune it, then cut the strings (Remember, I just provided you the excuse)). |
spell name: TRAIN/DRILL | list name: Battle Law | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: M | duration: varies | range: varies | area of effect: 10/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can raise morale level of troops by one level (see Section 3.2 RMCIV) e.g., from levied troops (-30) to green troops(-20) etc. To be effective, caster must lead the affected troops in battle, if he does not, the morale level reverts to normal. This spell is not cumulative with itself. |
spell name: STRIKE | list name: Combat Reflexes | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: F* | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to attack as he normally would, this includes melee or missile attacks and disarming attempts. Two weapon combo allows two attacks per strike slot. |
spell name: MIND GAMES | list name: Mind Protection | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: P | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes a mind attacker to believe that his spell was successful when it was not. Assuming caster makes his RR versus the attacking spell, he retains his freewill (and, if he desires, manifests the appropriate symptoms of the attacking spell) |
spell name: MIND'S WARNING | list name: Mind's Refuge | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: S* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Alerts caster that he is about to be attacked by a mind-affecting spell. |
spell name: AURA SENSE | list name: Perception's Master | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: U | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Alters the caster's perception so he is able to perceive living-energy auras (and invisible persons unless their auras are also cloaked). |
spell name: INSOMNIA | list name: Psychosis Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: M | duration: permanent | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes target to be unable to sleep for long periods of time. For each day the target goes without rest he will gain an additional -10 to all actions (this detriment cannot go below -50). This spell cast upon an elf, would prevent him from achieving the focus necessary for meditation, equaling the same results. |
spell name: BROKEN WARNING | list name: Taking Ways | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: 1 plane | area of effect: 1 Taken | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Warns the caster when a stored Taken who has this spell cast upon him breaks free. The caster is aware of exactly which one has broken free. The spell lasts till set off, dispelled, or canceled. |
spell name: CURE QUIRK | list name: Mind Healing | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: H | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may cure target of any quirk present such as a tic, twitch, etc. whether it was natural or artificially caused. This spell must make a RR versus the level of the quirk (GM option). |
spell name: CHAMELEON | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 4 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster's exterior and skin alter to approximately the pattern and color of his surroundings allowing a +2/1 v 1 hiding bonus when still and +l/lvl hiding bonus while moving. This bonus is cumulative with other hiding aid spells. |
spell name: OVEREXTENSION PROTECTION | list name: Body Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: U | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster sets up a movement inhibition which prevents (unless consciously over-ridden) him from over- extending his body at any physical activity which would normally damage it. |
spell name: BALANCE | list name: Entertainment Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: U* | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Adds +50 to any rolls for one slow maneuver (e.g., walking a 3" beam)." |
spell name: MILK | list name: Farming Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: sight | area of effect: 1 animal | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes a milk-laden animal to empty into a bucket placed under it. |
spell name: STORE MEASUREMENTS | list name: Fashion Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: I | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to memorize current measurements, including inseam, collar, waist, chest, etc. for 1 target. |
spell name: TYPE TECHNIQUE | list name: Forging Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: I | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to determine the forging technique used in the creation of an item. For example, a mithril sword (that does an extra electricity critical) has this spell cast upon it. The spell informs caster that the sword was forged at a temperature of 4000°F, is an alloy of mithril, steel, aluminum and has a breakage factor of 300, etc. |
spell name: SUSTAIN | list name: Gourmet Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 day | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Sustains caster without food or water for one day. |
spell name: CUT HAIR/BEARD/MUSTACHE | list name: Grooming Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can trim hair to desired length(s) on any one part of the body. Two spells are necessary to trim hair and shave. |
spell name: HEAT/COOL | list name: Healing | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to heat/cool target's body to lessen the severity of an injury and speed healing. This spell would be particularly useful to cool a fever, warm a victim of frostbite, or soothe pulled muscles. |
spell name: MAKE PAPER | list name: Library Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Once the proper materials are assembled, spell causes up to 6.5 ft2/level to form from the stock. Sheets may be created in any desired size. |
spell name: SHEAR | list name: Livestock Ways | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to remove a desired amount of hair from up to one animal per level. Hair removal requires one minute per animal shorn. The hair remains after the spell is cast. |
spell name: CLEAN GEMSTONES | list name: Mining Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Cleans up to 1 carat/lvl of all external dirt, mineral deposits, etc. |
spell name: VISUALS | list name: Music Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1' R/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster causes a vivid light display to accompany any sounds in the environment. This spell accompanies played or sung music, with colors varying to note and intensity varying to volume as caster wishes. |
spell name: CREATE CRATE | list name: Pack Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to create up to 1 normal crate per level of experience from appropriate materials, e.g., wood slats, fasteners, etc. These crates may be any size desired (limited only by the size of available materials). Effect takes place immediately. |
spell name: READ TIDE | list name: Sailing Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: I | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to determine the height of the tide, whether it is coming in or going out, and the maximum height (or depth) and time it will reach apogee (or perigee). |
spell name: CHISEL | list name: Structure Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates a chisel of force which caster may use as desired. This chisel may be any configuration, but must be chosen at the time of casting, e.g., wood chisel, stone chisel, etc. This tool will behave in all respects as would a similar tool of this type. |
spell name: LIGHTING SHOW | list name: Trade Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 1 ft/lvl | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Lights up an item in a display window, lights up a sign outside of shop etc. |
spell name: STORE SPELL | list name: Tricks of the Trade | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: S | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: This spell is cast along with any spell he wants to store; then the stored spell may be cast at any time, with no preparation. This spell costs the same number of power points as the spell stored. No other spell may be cast while a spell is stored. |
spell name: REMOVE RUST | list name: Warrior Law | level: 4 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Removes all rust from one weapon. Does not repair any previous rust damage. |
spell name: DODGING I | list name: Body Discipline | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to dodge one attack (missile or melee). The attack must be in caster's field of vision, and 50 is subtracted from it. |
spell name: MERGE | list name: Changing | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: P | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to merge (body +25 cm depth) into any solid material. Caster cannot move while merged. Caster is also unable to pass through force barriers (shields). |
spell name: DIM | list name: Concealment | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: PM | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1 m/lvl | area of effect: 1 m R/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster makes all within area of effect perceive the environment to be much dimmer than it really is. This has the affect of causing the area to appear to all within it as hazy or faint. |
spell name: PAIN RELIEF TRUE | list name: Empath | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: SH* | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: 1 hit/round of concussion damage is relieved. |
spell name: DEAFNESS I | list name: Illusion | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: M | duration: varies | range: 30 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: By suppressing certain brain patterns the Telepath can cause deafness in one target. |
spell name: MASK PAIN I | list name: Metabolic Control | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: H* | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can sustain an additional 25% of his total concussion hits before losing consciousness. Hits are still taken and remain when the Psion lapses. |
spell name: FIRENERVES | list name: Mind Assault | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: M | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 30 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target's brain receives pain stimulus: target in effect receives 50% of his hits remaining before unconsciousness. These 'hits' are relieved when the Psion duration is expired-unless the target is driven over maximum hits in the meantime, in which case they become real. |
spell name: RECALL | list name: Mind Discipline | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: U | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster gets a 25% chance of recalling some key fact or occurrence from his subconscious, which could relate to the current situation (could be from his background or something he has forgotten). |
spell name: HEAT MATTER | list name: Mind Over Matter | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 m3/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can warm up to 1 m3/level of solid material to 200°C. at the rate of 50°C per round. Caster is immune to this heat. |
spell name: MIND ALERT | list name: Mind's Defense | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: PS* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is instantly warned of an impending Psionic attack (awakened if asleep). Caster is also aware of the nature of the attack and its direction. |
spell name: DEATH'S VISION | list name: Mind's Eye | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: I | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster gets a vision of the events surrounding the death of any 1 dead being through the eyes of the deceased. He also gets a view of the killer (if any). Caster must be within 3m of the corpse, who must have died within a number of years equal to or less than the caster's level. |
spell name: THOUGHT SCAN | list name: Mind's Truth | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: IM | duration: 1 round / level | range: 20 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster receives surface thoughts from target. If target makes his RR by more than 25, he realizes what is happening. |
spell name: DEFLECTIONS I | list name: Telekinetics | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: 1 projectile | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Deflects one missile or projectile fired at the caster; that missile/projectile has 100 subtracted from its attack (missile must be in caster's field of vision). |
spell name: SPEAK II | list name: Telepathy | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: I* | duration: concentration | range: 3 m/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may mentally 'speak' to any one other sentient being. |
spell name: PHASING | list name: Teleportation | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to put himself and his personal equipment 'out of phase.' Caster's perception while out of phase is at -50, and he cannot be hit by any weapon, nor can he attack or cast Psions. Caster is visible as three images of himself overlapping imperfectly: one blue, one red, one yellow. He may move at a rate of 10 m/md, but at a risk of 'disassembling'. For each meter (or fraction) moved, caster has a 1% chance of dissembling. Roll is made when Psion is terminated. If a disassembly is rolled, caster dissipates in a colorful display (and is dead). |
spell name: UNBALANCE | list name: Thought into Pain | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 30 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target is unbalanced. If he is moving, he trips and falls (1 -4 rounds to recover); if performing a maneuver, he must attempt it at -100. |
spell name: LAPSE | list name: Thought Master | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: M | duration: 1 round | range: 30 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target momentarily forgets how to do whatever he was planning to do that round (e.g., the ability to swing the sword he just drew: skill rank zero (-25); or how to cast a certain Psion, in which case he loses concentration). A target making a superior orientation roll might be able to act upon another option that round, however. |
spell name: BEFRIEND | list name: Voice | level: 4 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: M | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target believes that caster is his friend (but will not necessarily obey an order from caster). Caster must speak to target at least once per round, though this does not require concentration. |