spell name: MELD WALLS | list name: barrier law | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: t | area of effect: two walls | sourcebook: spell law |
description: fuses 2 touching walls (seam can be up to 20' long) or fuses a section of stone blocks (up to 100 cu'). |
spell name: LIFE ANALYSIS | list name: detection mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50' | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: analyses one living being; giving race, age and current state of health, exact profession, alignment, and other pertinent details; caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: SKY CALL C | list name: weather ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1 mile | area of effect: 1 mile | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster may use any of the lower level spells on this list, but with a range (area of effect) of 1 mile. |
spell name: GREATER DISEASE PURIFICATION | list name: purifications | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any disease in the area is eliminated. |
spell name: ESSENCE RESISTANCE C | list name: spell defense | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: d | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets +50 to all rrs against essence spells. |
spell name: WINDRUNNING TRUE | list name: lofty movements | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target can run on calm air; movement must be at a constant height. they can run up to twice the normal speed without expending energy. |
spell name: LIGHTNING CALL | list name: light's way | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: e | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can cause a lightning bolt to strike a target within his range, results are determined on the lightning bolt attack table. there must be a storm within 1 mile, that is servere enough to cause percipitation or lightning over very heavy winds. |
spell name: MASS SOUND WALLS | list name: sound's way | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 50' | area of effect: up to 20' x 20' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creats up to one wall/lvl of planes (up to 20' x 20'), through which no sound will pass. each wall must be connected to another such wall. |
spell name: EARTH EMPATHY C | list name: nature's law | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: i | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can understand and/or visualize the thoughts and emotions of any one animal, plant, stone, or dead organic object. |
spell name: REGENERATION 5 C | list name: concussion's way | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: open channeling | spell class: hs* | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: will reduce damage a target has by five hits every round as long as caster concentrates; if caster is unconscious this spell will operate without concentration. |
spell name: JOINING TRUE * | list name: blood law | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: one limb | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to reattach limb, but requires use of bone law, muscle law, and nerve law joining spells in order to restroe functional status. limb is fully functional in 10 minutes. |
spell name: JOINING TRUE * | list name: nerve law | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: one limb | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to reattach limb, but requires use of bone law, muscle law, and blood law joining spells in order to restroe functional status. limb is fully functional in 10 minutes. |
spell name: JOINING TRUE TT * | list name: muscle law | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: one limb | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to reattach limb, but requires use of bone law, nerve law, and blood law joining spells in order to restroe functional status. limb is fully functional in 10 minutes. |
spell name: ORGAN REPAIR TRUE | list name: organ law | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to repair any internal or external organ damage short of total loss or destruction (i.e., not including the brain or nervous systsem); recovery time is 10 minutes and no operation is required. |
spell name: JOINING TRUE TT * | list name: bone law | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: one limb | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to reattach limb, but requires use of nerve law, muscle law, and blood law joining spells in order to restroe functional status. limb is fully functional in 10 minutes. |
spell name: LONG CALM | list name: calm spirits | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: m | duration: 1 day / level | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: rr mod -20. caster can calm any one target. |
spell name: NUTRIENT CONJURES TRUE | list name: creations | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can produce one loaf of waybread per level that weighs a half pound and will support one being for one day; the loaves will lose potency in one month. |
spell name: PATHS TRUE | list name: locating ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: p | duration: | range: 1 mile/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster learns the location(s) of any "path(s)"" within 1 mile/lvl; gives the nearest point on path, and the exact route(s) within the range are ascertained." |
spell name: LIFE LORE TRUE | list name: lore | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: i | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can determine the nature and type of any one living target. he will be able to ascertain the target's personal tratis and capabilities, and will know the normal abilities associated with the target's species. |
spell name: LORD RESEARCH | list name: symbolic ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: | duration: | range: | area of effect: | sourcebook: spell law |
description: this involves the creation of random magic items. refer to section 9.3 in spell law. |
spell name: UNCURSE TRUE | list name: replusions | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: rr mod: -50. cancels a curse if the curse fails a rr: the curse's target level is the attack level of the original curse and the attack level is this spell's attack level. if the curse is not canceled, the caster cannot try again until he has gone up another level of experience (however, another caster may try). note that some curses may have their own rr modification, being especially difficult to remove. |
spell name: RESISTANCE 5 C | list name: protections | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: d | duration: concentration or 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1-5 targets | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a 25 bonus to his rrs and db. multiple targets would have the 25 divided up. five targets would get +5 each, etc. if cast only on "self"", concentration is not required and the dureation is 1 min/lvl." |
spell name: RERETURNING * | list name: channels | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: f* | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: for up to 1 round per level after he has used the spell returning, caster may cast this spell and be returned to within 20' of the point he "returned"" from." |
spell name: MASS SUMMONS C | list name: summons | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: fm | duration: varies (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: creature | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can instantly summon one non-intelligent creature of the caster's level or a number of first level creatures or any combination there of were the total does not exceed the caster's level. he can control them by concentrating on them.the general type of the creature can be specified by the caster by exactly what creature is should be determined randomly (e.g., the caster could specify four-legged, hoofed and get a zebra, horse, camel, etc.). |
spell name: INTUITIONS TRUE | list name: communal ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster gains a vision of what will happen in the next one minute per level if he takes a specific action. |
spell name: LIFEGIVING (0X) | list name: life mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can "raise"" one dead being by restoring the being's lost soul. the target's soul must still exist and he must have died within the last year. in order to be successfully ""raised"", the target must roll below his constitution stat; but, +0.5 is added to the result for every day the target has been dead (e.g., if the target has been dead for 4 days, 2 will be added to the roll; thus, a roll of 54 would become an 56 and a target with a co of 56 or less would not be ""raised""). there is no recovery period." |
spell name: NEW BLOOD S | list name: blood ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can restore all of the blood lost from his body; recovery time: 1 to 10 hours. |
spell name: CARTILAGE REGENERATION TRUE S | list name: bone ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: cartilage | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can regenerate all lost cartilage in his body; recovery time is 1 to 10 hours. |
spell name: TOTAL MUSCLE REGENERATION S | list name: muscle ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: 1 muscle | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to regenerate all of his muscles; regrowth takes one to ten hours, depending on the exent of loss. |
spell name: ORGAN REGENERATION S | list name: organ ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to completely regenerate lost organ; process takes 1 to 10 hours. recovery time 1 to 10 days. brain regeneration is not permitted. |
spell name: HEAL TRUE S | list name: surface ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster is healed of all concussive hits damage. |
spell name: PASSING ORGANIC | list name: nature's movement | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: animist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to pass through any organic materials of thicknesses up to 1'/level. |
spell name: PLANT GROWTH TRUE | list name: plant mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: animist base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to increase the size of all plants of any one species in the area by 5x; requires one days growth; when fully mature the plant will achieve 5x thier normal size. |
spell name: ENHANCEMENT TRUE | list name: herb mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: animist base | spell class: u | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 herb | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can make the potency of any one growing herb 1x / level stronger; spell may be employed only once per herb. may not be combined with herb enhancement. for example, a 50th level caster could increase the potency of a herb by 5000%, i.e., 50x. |
spell name: ANIMAL FORM TRUE | list name: nature's protection | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: animist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to take the form of any one animal; caster will look , feel and smell like the animal, but not gain any of the animal's special abilities (e.g., fiery breath or anti-magic qualities); this will bestow the animal's physical abilities (e.g., movement & physical attack capabilities). caster may halve or double his normal size. |
spell name: WEATHER PREDICTION TRUE | list name: nature's lore | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: animist base | spell class: | duration: | range: | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives caster a 95% chance of predicting the time , type, and severity of weather over the next one day per level period. |
spell name: HIDE TRACKS 20 C | list name: moving ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 50' | area of effect: tracks | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can hide the tracks of any twenty beings; this spell and traceless passing can be used simultaneously. |
spell name: UNCURSE | list name: inner walls | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: d | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can throw this spell on a given target only once per caster's level. a rr is made for the curse (the caster's level is the attack level, the original attack level of the curse is the target level); if rr fails, the curse is removed. |
spell name: WEATHER PREDICTION (5 DAYS) | list name: nature's way | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: | duration: | range: | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives caster a 95% chance of predicting the time , type, and severity of weather over the next 5 day period. |
spell name: PATH TRUE | list name: path mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: i | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to ascertain the proper path to what he seeks (includes the course along that path); e.g., he will always know the best way to syclax, etc. |
spell name: ANIMAL FORM | list name: nature's guises | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: ranger base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to take the form of any one animal; caster will look and feel like the animal;but will not change in size. will not bestow animal's physical abilities. |
spell name: LEUKEMIA | list name: disease | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the taget catches leukemia. target will weaken at a rate of 2% per day (-2/day, cumlulative to all activity); when the total reaches 100%, the target is dead. |
spell name: FRIENDSLAYER | list name: curses | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: until removed | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: every time the target is in a combat situation near friend(s) (within 10') there is a 10% chance each round (non-cumulative) that he will attack one of his friends (random determination) and attemp to kill him. for these purposes a "friend"" is any companion or associate." |
spell name: CREATE UNDEAD 5 | list name: necromancy | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: dead body(s) | sourcebook: spell law |
description: given a body that has been dead less than one week, the caster can turn the body into a class v undead or 5 class i undead, etc. the undead will attempt to attack the closes living being (if uncontrolled), bu can take no other activity other than moving to the being and attacking. if controlled, the undead will do anything (within its capabilities) tht the caster wills. the undead can be dispelled, repelled, or just smashed into little pieces. |
spell name: BLACK CHANNEL 3 * | list name: dark channels | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: f* | duration: permanent | range: v | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster may cast one of the following black channels spells.1. black finger (r: 25', rr mod -50)erases facial area.2. desert curse (r: 50', rr mod -30)blood boils.3. death's wave (r: 100', rr mod none)liquifies skeleton.the gm must determine which one(s) may be cast, based on: culture, background, deity served, etc. the caster might be allowed to pick and choose. |
spell name: BLESSING ANALYSIS | list name: dark lore | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: i | duration: | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can determine the nature and origin of active blessing found within any one target (inanimate or animate): the degree and other details of such blessing can also be acquired. |
spell name: MIND SHOUT * | list name: way of the voice | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: m* | duration: | range: self | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: everyone within the radius is a target, all failing to resist are stunned for one round per ten failure. |
spell name: COMMUNE TRUE C | list name: holy vision | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: i | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster receives (usually from his patron deity) a more detailed answer to a question involving only one concept (e.g., a name or short phrase may constitute the answer). usuable but once a day. |
spell name: MIND VOICE (1 MILE / LVL) C * | list name: far voice | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: i* | duration: concentration | range: 1 mile/lvl | area of effect: 1 being | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster many mentally speak with any thinking being. target must be located by finding or other means. |
spell name: DIRECTION TRUE | list name: starsense | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: i | duration: | range: unlimited | area of effect: ms target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster gets direction to any unshielded mind stored target. |
spell name: ANTICIPATION TRUE * | list name: time's bridge | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: i* | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: predicts the most probable action of all of the beings in a 100' radius in the next round; specifics are not learned (e.g., attack in melee, cast a spell; but no detail on attack target or what spell). |
spell name: STARFIRES C | list name: starlights | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: astrologer base | spell class: e | duration: concentration | range: 500' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: focuses star or moonlight as a lens, must be focused initially on a fixed point. after 1 round it can be moved at at the rate of 1' per round. it will burn through a 1' diameter at a rate of 6" wood/round, 1"" stone/round or 1/2"" metal/round." |
spell name: STAYING (10 LBS/ LVL) | list name: essence hand | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 obj or person | sourcebook: spell law |
description: exerts 10 lbs (per level) of pressure on a person or object. object can not be moved by staying alone, and pressure can only be in one direction. |
spell name: WATCH (1 MILE/ LVL) C | list name: essence perceptions | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: u | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 1 mile/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster's can pick a point up to one mile/level away and he will see as if he were at that fixed point (there can be intervening objects such as walls). the view can be rotated. |
spell name: LORD RESEARCH | list name: rune mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: i | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: (spell law section 9.3) this spell can be used to "research magic items"". this type of research is heavily dependent on the world system being used, but we suggest the following guidelines.first, the assumption is made that jewels have a very, very high concentration of essence locked within them. lord researchers, with the proper equipment and care, can break down jewels and release their essence into other materials at hand, although they have little control over the end result of the process. thus to perform lord research, an essence user slowly feed jewels into a forge over the course of several weeks (or more) while casting this spell at least three times a day. a channeler is required to ""sacrifice"" their jewels to their god (the jewels are destroyed) while casting this spell at least three times a day. in both cases, the essence locked in the jewels will be released and begin to concentrate in some nearby item.what form this released essence will take is impossible to determine until some time after the process is entirely completed. at that time, the gm should determine randomly what the newly created magic item actually does (its realm of power could be random). keep in mind that its power and capabilities should be proportional to the number of weeks spent in casting this spell and the number (and value) of the jewels destroyed in supplying it with essence (note that the more essence a jewel has, the more valuable it would normally be)." |
spell name: MENTALISM RESISTANCE C | list name: spell wall | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: d | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target gets a +50 for all rrs vs. mentalism spells. |
spell name: PHANTASM 5 C | list name: lesser illusions | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. when the caster stops concentrating the image remains, but stops moving (the caster can resume concentration later and resume moveing the phantasm). the image can be any size that would fit into a 10' r sphere. see the illusionist base list, illusion mastery, for complete guidelines for phantasms. four of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the radius of the sphere limiting the size of the image can be doubled or d) the range can be doubled or e) another image can be created and moved (all separate phantasms that move must be within the caster's field of vision)." |
spell name: DETECT DETECTIONS C | list name: detecting ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 area | sourcebook: spell law |
description: detects any detection spells that is operating in the area examined (gives exact spell detected); caster can concentrate on a 5' r area each round. |
spell name: LOCK MASTERY | list name: unbarring ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 lock | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives the caster a 90% chance of opening a lock. the roll is open-ended and the quality of the lock may modify the roll. |
spell name: MASS WATERLUNGS | list name: physical enhancement | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: p | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: one target per level can breathe water but not air. |
spell name: MASS HEATARMOR | list name: elemental shields | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: d | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: one target per level is totally protected from all natural heat; and modifies spells involving heat by 20. |
spell name: MASS ANALYSIS | list name: delving ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: i | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 item/round | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any of the lower level spells on this list (except for conveyance) may be used on one item, person, or place per round. |
spell name: MASS UNSEEN | list name: invisible ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours (varies) | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 object/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: one object per level are made invisible; until 24 hrs pass or the object is struck by violent blow (being hit by a weapon, falling, etc.) or the object makes a violent move (i.e., an attack). |
spell name: MASS ENLARGE | list name: living change | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster may enlarge by up to 50% his normal mass, as many objects (can be beings) as the caster's level. |
spell name: PHRASE * | list name: spirit mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: m | duration: varies | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any three different "words"" may be used on the same round (a separate rr roll must be made for each one)." |
spell name: SPELL BENDING TRUE * | list name: spell reins | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f* | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 spell | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can deflect 1 elemental attack. the spell can be deflected up to 90 degrees in any direction. |
spell name: MASS LONG DOOR | list name: lofty bridge | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f | duration: | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster teleports up to one target per level to a point up to 300' away. target can pass through barries by specifying exact distances. if the arrival point coincides with solid or liquid material, the caster does not move, he is stunned 1 to 10 rounds, and the pps for this spell are expended. |
spell name: EXTENSION (+12 HRS) | list name: spell enhancement | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: u | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: next spell cast | sourcebook: spell law |
description: causes the caster's next spell cast within 3 rounds to have 12 hours added to the normal duration, not cumulative with any other extensions. |
spell name: WAITING GATE | list name: gate mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: e | duration: 2 rounds | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can delay the opening of a greater demonic gate. this can be cast at a particular point and the arrival of the summoned creature(s) can be delayed up to 1 day/level of caster or until triggered by one of the following (decided by caster); certain movements, certain sounds, touch, violent actions in the area, etc. caster summons a demon who gradually appears over the couse of 2 rounds, roll for type: (01-60) type 3, (61-85) type 4, (86-95) type 5, pt (96-100) type 6. if the demon is not "controlled"" or ""mastered"" (i.e. one of the spells this list) before the demon materializes, the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times ten, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a ""a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: DISPEL ESSENCE (300' R) C * | list name: dispelling ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f* | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: 300' radius | sourcebook: spell law |
description: when a spell of the essence realm is cast against the caster (of dispel), the attack spell must first make a successful rr before the caster is forced to make a rr. for the first rr, the attack level is the level of the caster of the dispel spell, and the defender level is the level of the caster of the attack spell. if the first rr is successful, than the attack spell proceeds normally. the dispelling affect is in a 300' radius about the caster (the radius moves with the caster). if the radius encounters an already existing spell, the spell must make a successful rr (+30 modification) or be canceled. |
spell name: MASS RUN * | list name: rapid ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f* | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: one target per level of the caster may run (2x walking pace) without tiring (i.e., he expends no exhaustion points), but once he stops or performs some other action the spell is cancelled. |
spell name: MASS BLADETURN * | list name: shield mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f* | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 melee att/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can deflect one melee attack per level that pass within 100' of him; this causes 100 to be subtracted from the attacks (attacks must pass through caster's field of vision). |
spell name: FOLLOWING FIRES | list name: fire law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: e | duration: | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: a bolt of fire is shot from the palm of the caster, results are determined on the fire bolt table. caster can make the bolt turn as many times as necessary to strike the target. the bolt can also go through openings as small as 6" radius (caster must know target's location and his obs are halved)." |
spell name: UNMETAL | list name: earth law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 cu' metal | sourcebook: spell law |
description: disintegrates 1 cu' of metal. |
spell name: CORNER LIGHTING BOLT | list name: light law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: e | duration: | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: a bolt of powerful lightning is shot from the caster's hand. use the lightning attack table with electrical criticals. the caster can make the bolt turn up to 90 degrees before striking the target (caster must know the target's location and his obs are all halved). |
spell name: RAIN/SNOW | list name: ice law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 rainstorm | range: self | area of effect: 1 mile r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: changes all rain within 1 mile of the caster to snow; radius decreases 500' for every 10 degrees f above freezing. the duration is as long as it rains. |
spell name: PART WATER C | list name: water law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: water | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can part water up to 100' deep and 100'/lvl long and 10' wide at the bottom (50' at top). |
spell name: HARD WIND C | list name: wind law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: e | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: 300' cone | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster must outstretch arms and then a hard wind comes forth from them, fanning out till it has a 25' r at 300'; all within the cone receive a "b"" impact critical." |
spell name: MASS FACADE | list name: guises | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: e | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: one target per level has a limited illusion on himself that that allows him to look like any humanoid race within 20% of his own size. the illusion moves as the target moves. |
spell name: MISFEEL TRUE | list name: mind sense molding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: p | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to use all of the "misfeel"" spells on this list at once. caster can change to any race, profession or level that he chooses." |
spell name: WAITING ILLUSION 10 | list name: illusion mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' r. any nine of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the range can be doubled or d) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' r). the spell can be delayed up to 24 hours or until triggered by a specified sight or sound." |
spell name: LIGHT CONTROL (500' R) C | list name: light molding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 500' | area of effect: 500' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can control the intensity of light within the rangee; the entensity can vary from dalight to darkness (natural), and it can be different in different parts of the radius. |
spell name: MASS SILENCE | list name: sound molding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a 1' r area into and out of which sound cannot travel; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move witht he object/being; +25 to stalking attempts. this affects as many targets as the caster's level. |
spell name: SMELL MIRAGE TRUE | list name: feel-taste-smell | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: illusionist base | spell class: e | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates any simple set of smells in an area of 10' r. the ofactory aspects of the scene are really created (no rr) and detecting that it is an illusion can normally be accomplished only through spells or the use of a sense other then smell. |
spell name: ARMOR 4 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 armor | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +20 bonus into an item of armor. this spell must be cast every day for twenty five weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: LORD RUNE PAPER | list name: organic skills | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one 1st - 20th level spell. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: WORK EOG | list name: inorganic skills | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work any inorganic material that would make +30 weapons (eog is an extremely dense, hard metal that is very difficult to work and find; it could be used to fit this description). |
spell name: POISONS TRUE | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to safely handle, prepare, and process all poisons. |
spell name: DAILY TRUE | list name: essence imbedding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st to 10th level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast once/day. a 1st level spell can be cast 5x/day, a 2nd or 3rd 4x/day, a 4th or 5th 3x/day, a 6th or 7th 2x/day, an 8th, 9th, or 10th 1x/day. |
spell name: IMBED 10 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1-10 level mentalism or channeling spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: DODGING TRUE * | list name: evasions | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: f* | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to "dodge"" all nonspell attack (missile and melee); the attacks must be frontal and receives a -50 modification." |
spell name: STONESIGHT C | list name: monk's sense | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: u | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can see through 1"/lvl of stone." |
spell name: CONCENTRATION 5 * | list name: body reins | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: u* | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: adds 50 to any one maneuver (not combat), no other action can be performed the round of this maneuver. |
spell name: CLOTTING TRUE C S * | list name: body renewal | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: wound | sourcebook: spell law |
description: stops all of caster's hits/round. after one minute of concentration the stoppage is permanent; if caster is unconscious this spell will act without concentration. |
spell name: CEILING RUNNING C | list name: monk's bridge | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: monk base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can run on any solid surfaces as if he were on normal ground (includes ceilings). |
spell name: MASS POWDER STONE | list name: matter disruption | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 300' | area of effect: 100 cu'/level | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 100 cu'/ level of stone into fine powder. |
spell name: UTTERDARK (300' R) | list name: darkness | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 300' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 300' r area about the point touched; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object/being. this dark is absolute, no nonmagical light can exist inside. |
spell name: FORCE SEARCH 5 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1 to 5 demon who is present (or contacted) to conduct a search for a specific person, place, or thing. the demon searches but not on our plane of existance. the chance of a demon successfully completing the search is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times five, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: MASS FIRE NERVES | list name: physical erosion | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: one target per level feels pain, and he takes 40% of his remaining hits. |
spell name: DEMON MASTERY 5 * | list name: dark summons | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 5 demon (the chance of non-mastery is {the demon's type x 5%]). no concentration is necessary. the demon will remain and obey the caster until the caster is killed or the demon is outside the range limit or the caster releases him. a maximium of two demons can be mastered at one time by one being. obtaining information may only be accomplished by using spells off the evil magician's base list, dark contacts. |
spell name: TRANSFERRAL TRUE | list name: soul destruction | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: m | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target's "soul"" and the caster's ""soul"" are interchanged. the caster can operate at 90% of his normal activity in the body of the target. the target in the caster's body is inactive. the caster can cancel the spell at any time (takes 1 round), the target can only cancel the spell if he makes a successful rr (he gets one every hour). if either body is killed, both ""souls"" will be destroyed (as absolution)." |
spell name: EVAPORATION (1`000`000 CU') | list name: fluid destruction | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1000000 cu' lqd | sourcebook: spell law |
description: causes 1,000,000 cu' of liquid to rapidly evaporate over the course of one hour. |
spell name: TREMORS | list name: solid destruction | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: 100' r /lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: causes a very minor earthquake which could cause shoddy construction to collapse (can be very terrifying). this is approximately 5.5 on the richter scale. |
spell name: MASS PAIN | list name: mind destruction | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: m | duration: 10 minutes /5 failure | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target takes 25% of his remaining concussion hits (i.e., those not already taken); these hits are healed when the duration is up, provided the target has not died. |
spell name: BLACK CHANNEL 2 | list name: flesh destruction | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: f* | duration: permanent | range: v | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster may cast one of the following black channels spells.1. womaw finger (r: 25', rr mod -30)destroys muscles and tendons in legs.2. urulic eye (r: 50, rr mod -25)removes foe's hands.3. finger of sart (r: 75', rr mod -15)paralyzes foe entirely.4. channels of crey (r: 100', rr mod -10)severe brain disorder; convulsive spasms, foe operates at -75.5. umli breeze (r: 50', rr mod none)sends foe into a permanent coma; +10 hits.the gm must determine which one(s) may be cast, based on: culture, background, deity served, etc. the caster might be allowed to pick and choose. |
spell name: DEOXYGENATION (20' R` 20%) C | list name: gas destruction | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: 20' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can remove the oxygen in a 20' r at the rate of 20% of the original oxygen/rnd. |
spell name: PAST VISION (1 MONTH / LVL) | list name: delving | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: i | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: item or place | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster gets a vision up to one month/lvl into the past; desired time can be set within + or - 1 day. vision must be associated with an item or place. vision can last up to 1 hr/lvl, if the caster concentrates and remains inactive. |
spell name: NEUTALIZE POISON TRUE C S * | list name: damage resistance | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: hs* | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: has a 100% chance of neutralizing a poison (modified by the potency) if caster concentrates for 1 hour. in any case, it delays the poison for as long as the caster can concentrate. |
spell name: DISPLACMENT 3 | list name: cloaking | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster appears to be offset from where he really is, all attacks have not effect 30% of the time (no normal rrs). each time a foe misses him, the chance of "no effect"" for that foe goes down by 5%." |
spell name: SUNFIRE TRUE C | list name: brilliance | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: e | duration: concentration | range: 500' | area of effect: sunlight | sourcebook: spell law |
description: focuses light as a lens, must be focused initially on a fixed point. after 1 round, it can be moved at a rate of 1'/round. it will burn through a 1' diameter at a rate of: 1' wood/rnd, 4" stone/rnd, or 1"" metal/rnd. no sunlight is required." |
spell name: ANTICIPATIONS TRUE * | list name: anticipations | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: i* | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: predicts the most probable action of all beings in the next round within a 100' radius; specifics are not learned (e.g., attack in melee, cast a spell; but no detail on attack target or what spell). |
spell name: BLADETURN 3 * | list name: attack avoidance | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: f* | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 3 melee attacks | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can deflect any three melee attacks that passes within 100' of him; this causes 100 to be subtracted from the attack (attacks must pass through caster's field of vision). |
spell name: LOCATION C | list name: detections | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 500' | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: give the direction and distance to any specific object or place that the caster is familiar with or has had described in detail. |
spell name: WAITING ILLUSION 5 | list name: illusions | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' r. four of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the range can be doubled or d) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' r). the spell can be delayed up to 24 hours or until triggered by a specified sight or sound." |
spell name: LIMB REGENERATION C | list name: self healing | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: h | duration: permanent (concentration) | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: concentrating with this spell 2 hours/day for 10-100 days will regenerate a limb (based on severity). |
spell name: ESSENCE RESISTANCE C | list name: spell resistance | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: d | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives a +50 to all rrs against essence spells. |
spell name: CORRELATION TRUE C | list name: mind mastery | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: p | duration: 1 topic (concentration) | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster is able to correlate known facts to obtain conclusions; increases the caster's reasoning stat bonus by 100 for the duration of one maneuver involving reasoning (e.g., the use of a "lore"" skill, picking a lock, one ""navigation"" attempt, etc.)." |
spell name: MENTALIST EAR (1 MI / LVL) C | list name: sense mastery | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: u | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1 mile/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can pick a point up to 1 mile/lvl away and he will hear as if he were at that point (there can be intervening objects such as walls); he must have visited the place. |
spell name: MOLD METAL | list name: solid manipulation | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: metal | sourcebook: spell law |
description: by molding with his hands, caster may shape 1 cu' of metal as if it were putty; then it hardens to normal consistency. |
spell name: WATER CORRIDOR TRUE C | list name: liquid manipulation | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: e | duration: concentration | range: 10' | area of effect: water | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a corridor through liquid up to 100'/ level long, 6' wide, and 100' deep (must be open at top). |
spell name: FOG TRUE | list name: gas manipulation | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 100'/lvl r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates dense fog in a 100'/lvl r; normal visibility is 1'. |
spell name: MISTFORM | list name: shifting | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster takes the form of a mist, able to fly at 20 mph; seep through cracks; extend self to become virtually invisible; etc. (may not cast spells in this form). |
spell name: HURLING III | list name: telekinesis | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: 100'/300' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster may "hurl"" one object (that starts within 300' of him) or three objects (that start within 100' of him) of 1 lb or less with sufficient force to deliver an attack on the shock bolt attack table; use the elemental attack rules, impact criticals, and the range effects on the shock bolt table with a max range of 300'. use the sling attack table if arms law is available. base the caster's ob on his directed spell skill with this spell." |
spell name: FLY (300' / RND) | list name: movement | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target can fly at a rate of 300'/rnd (20 mph). |
spell name: LEAVING TRUE | list name: mind's door | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: f | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster teleports as far as the eye can see. movement is only limited by the barrier restriction (on a flat plain this would be the horizon). |
spell name: HASTE 10 * | list name: speed | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: f* | duration: 10 rounds | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target may perform double actions for the duration. there is no recovery period. |
spell name: TRUE GEAS | list name: mind control | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target is given one task, failure results in the target suffering an "e"" critical from each of the critical tables." |
spell name: LONG CONTROL C | list name: sense control | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: concentration | range: 300'/1mile | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: cause false sensations in all of a target's senses. range for initial casting is 300', then the range for control is 1 mile per level. |
spell name: GREAT SHOUT * | list name: mind attack | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: 1 round / 10 failure | range: 50' | area of effect: 50' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: everyone within the radius is a target, all failing to resist are stunned. anyone failing by over 50 is unconscious for eight hours. |
spell name: FINDING (5 MILES / LVL) C | list name: presence | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: i | duration: concentration | range: 5 mile/lvl | area of effect: 1 mind | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster gets direction to any unshielded mind which he has a mental pattern of from mind store. |
spell name: MIND TONGUE (1 MILE / LVL) C * | list name: mind speech | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: i* | duration: concentration | range: 1 mile/lvl | area of effect: 1 being | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster may mentally speak with any thinking being. |
spell name: MIND SWITCH TRUE | list name: mind merge | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mentalist base | spell class: im | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target and caster switch minds and spell casting abilities; target is in a coma if he is not also a mentalist. this will last until the caster decides to return to his own body. |
spell name: LONG EYE (100' / LVL) C | list name: true sight | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: u | duration: concentration | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: sight | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster's point of sight may be moved independently up to 100'/lvl away (moves at 10' per round); he must be physically able to go there (e.g., he could not send his point of sight through walls or closed doors). |
spell name: LONG SENSE (1 MILE / LVL) C | list name: true perception | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: u | duration: concentration | range: 1 mile/lvl | area of effect: 1 mile/lvl r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster's point of senses (all senses, i.e., hearing, sight, taste, etc.) may be moved up to 1 mile / level away (moves at 1 mile/round); he must be physically able to go there (e.g. he could not send his point of hearing through walls or closed doors). |
spell name: MIND PROBE C | list name: mind visions | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: im | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster receives surface thoughts, learns reasoning and thought patterns behind surface thoughts from target. caster can also scan target's conscious and subconscious memories (i.e. all experiences) at a rate of 1 scene per round. if target makes his rr by more than 50 he realizes what is happening; caster can concentrate on one target each round. |
spell name: SIGHT MERGE (1 MILE / LVL) C | list name: sense through others | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: p | duration: concentration | range: 1 mile/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can see through the eyes of a being in range. the being must be seen or located via presence or located via mind store & finding (for the initial contact only). |
spell name: VISION BEHIND (10 YEARS/LVL) C | list name: past visions | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: i | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: item or place | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster gets a vision up to ten years per level into the past (includes sight and sound). vision must be associated with an item or place. the caster is in a trance as long as he concentrates. |
spell name: LORD DREAM | list name: future visions | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: i | duration: sleep | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster has up to five dreams relating to up to five topics decided upon just before retiring; limited to once per night. |
spell name: REGULATIONS | list name: blood mastery | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: hs | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to control all internal and external blood flow; cannot be used in harmful manner (i.e., it is a life preserving spell, not a killing spell). |
spell name: MUSCLE REGENERATION TRUE | list name: muscle mastery | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 muscle | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to regenerate one muscle; regrowth takes ten minutes. |
spell name: CARTILAGE REGENERATION | list name: bone mastery | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 section | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to regenerate one section of cartilage in target's body; recovery time is 1 to 10 days. |
spell name: HEAL TRUE | list name: concussion mastery | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target is healed of all concussive hit damage. |
spell name: NERVE REGENERATION | list name: nerve and organ mastery | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to regenerate lost nerve; regrowth takes 1 to 10 days, depending on extent of loss. |
spell name: ANIMATION (1 YEAR) | list name: prosthetics | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: h | duration: 1 year | range: touch | area of effect: 1 limb | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows wearer to operate an artifical limb at will for the duration. |
spell name: SONG OF MASTERY TRUE C | list name: controlling songs | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: bard base | spell class: m | duration: concentration (varies) | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target must obey the caster, while caster plays/sings (concentrates). after the caster stops playing / singing the effect will continue for the number of rounds the caster has already played / sung (e.g., if the caster sings for 3 rounds, then after he stops the target will remain affected for 3 more rounds). |
spell name: SILENCE (100' R) | list name: sound control | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: bard base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any sounds originating within 100' of the caster's body cannot be heard outside the radius; +25 to stalking. |
spell name: GREAT SONG (100' R) | list name: sound projection | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: bard base | spell class: f* | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to affect everyone within the radius with a spell off the bard base list, controlling songs; this spell requires the same pps as the controllng spell, and is cast simultaneously with that spell. |
spell name: LEARN LANGUAGE 5 C | list name: lores | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: bard base | spell class: p | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: increases the rate at which the caster can learn a language by 5x. |
spell name: ORIGINS TRUE | list name: item lore | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: bard base | spell class: i | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: gives the exact origin of the item, the being who made it and when it was made. |
spell name: ASSASSINATION | list name: mind subversion | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: 1 day / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: there is a 5% chance target will mark a person after he initially encounters him. later, the target will plan to assassinate the marked person. |
spell name: DEMONIC POSSESSION 4 | list name: mind domination | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: fm | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target is possessed by a type 4 demon (see evil magician list dark summons); additional rrs can be made (once per day) to regain self-control; demon is random, maniacal, and homicidal. |
spell name: DULL MIND 10 | list name: mind erosion | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his mental stats (determine randomly) temporarily lowered by 50 (by 10 in a 3-18 system); in rm, the temporary stat is lowered, not the potential. the mental stats are: presence, empathy, intuition, memory, reasoning and self discipline. if a stat drops below 01, the target is in a coma until the stat reaches 01; it will increase at a rate of 1 per day until 01 is reached. |
spell name: LOAST EXPERIENCE 2 | list name: mind death | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: permanent | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target loses 10% of his collected experience (usually experience points). |
spell name: PSYCHOSIS TRUE | list name: mind disease | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: m | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has an fears a specific thing the caster chooses; target has no chance of overcoming the phobia when given a choice (e.g., phobia concerning horses would mean that every time the target tried to get on or near a horse he would "lose it""). there is a 90% chance that he will flee from the thing. if he is held near the thing he fears, he will slowly go mad." |
spell name: AMNESIA TRUE | list name: confusing ways | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: m | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has amnesia, but loses none of his skills or abilities. duration is permanent (until dispelled). |
spell name: NONDETECT | list name: hiding | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster and objects on his person cannot be detected by any "detect ..."" spells." |
spell name: MISFEEL TRUE | list name: mystical change | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: p | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to use all of the "misfeel"" spells on this list at once. caster can change to any race, profession or level that he chooses." |
spell name: WATER TUNNEL TRUE | list name: liquid alteration | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: liquid | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a tunnel through liquid that is 6' in diameter and 100'/level long. does not require concentration. |
spell name: SOLID DOOR TRUE | list name: solid alteration | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: solid | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a doorway through any solid, inanimate material; it can be up to 6' x 12' x 10'. |
spell name: GREAT VACUUM | list name: gas alteration | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: mystic base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 5' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a 5' r near vacuum; all within the radius take a "e"" impact critical as the air leaves and rushes back in." |
spell name: BLADERUNE RESEARCH | list name: bladerunes | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: i | duration: - | range: | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: this spell is used as a lord research spell, but specificaly for creating new bladerunes types designed by the caster. |
spell name: EARTHBLOOD GENERATION | list name: earthblood's ways | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: hs | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: all damage is regenerated (except for a brain). including organ, nerve, muscle, bone and concussive hits. the caster must be within an earthnode which he has nodestored. recovery takes 10 - 100 hours. |
spell name: GOLEM SPIRIT TRUE | list name: entity mastery | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: forms and animates a golem of up to the level of the caster. |
spell name: PLANAR DISPLACEMENT | list name: ethereal mastery | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 1'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: transports target to a randomly determined plane. when this spell is cast against non-magic users it is possible that they may never be seen again.this spell has a 1 to 10% chance of triggering a random ethereal encounter (see section 2.5 of c1). the gm should vary this in general or on a case by case basis. |
spell name: STONE FIRES | list name: mana fires | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 300 sq' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: will cause 300 square feet of stone to erupt into flame. a "c"" heat critical is given each round passing through (or in) the 3' flames." |
spell name: COMPLEX CONTINGENCY | list name: spell coordination | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: u | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster may cast this spell with any complex spell he wants to store. caster may store a contingency spell that is activated by any one condition specified when the spell is cast (e.g., falling, death, stunned, etc.). this does not count as a stored spell; other spells may be stored and cast while this effect remains dormant until triggered. only one contingency spell may be "stored"" at a time." |
spell name: ANIMAL CHANGE TRUE | list name: shapechanging ways | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows caster to take the form of any one type of animal that he has studied. he will all of the physical attributes of the form: movement, attack abilities, sight, hearing, hearing, smelling, etc. he can vary his mass from 1/40th to 400x normal. if the spell fails, the caster takes on the form but his mind is submerged in a mind equivalent to the creature's and the spell duration is increased 100x. |
spell name: ANIMAL RESTORATION TRUE | list name: animal mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 animal | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster may heal any non-fatal damage(s) in an animal of any mass or animals 30,000 lbs or less may have fatal damage(s) healed (does not restore soul). healing takes 1-600 minutes depending on severity. |
spell name: CALM TRUE | list name: druid's peace | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: m | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: target will take no aggressive/offensive action, and will fight only if physically attacked. |
spell name: ORGANIC WEAPONS 4 | list name: druidstaff | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 1 hour | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: with proper materials, the caster may create one short bow, 1/2 long bow, 1/3 composite bow or cross-bow, 1 spear or javelin, 2 arrows or bolts, 1/3 of a shield, 1weapon haft, etc. the process takes one hour. the weapon's basic ob is -10 (non-magical). the spell may be cast additional times to either finish a partially completed item and/or to increase the weapon's ob by +5 per casting (to a maximum of +20). remember, the weapon's ob is not magical. |
spell name: BEAST CHANGE | list name: nature's forms | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows caster to take the form of any one type of mystical beast that he has studied. he will look and feel like the animal. he can vary his mass from 1/40th to 400x of normal. he gets the physical and movement capabilities but not the special abilities of the beast. if the spell fails, the caster takes on the form but his mind is submerged in a mind equivalent to the creature's and the spell duration is increased 100x. |
spell name: GREAT EARTH ELEMENTAL C | list name: stone mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: summons and controls a strong earth elemental. if concentration is interrupted thent he elemental goes on a mindless rampage until concentration is resumed. caster can dismiss the elemental before duration is over by concentrating. the elemental disappears when the duration is over. |
spell name: RESTORE SENTIENT TREE | list name: tree mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 tree | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster may remove damage from any one sentient tree. damage gets a rr based on severity / extent. |
spell name: SHOUT OF CONFUSION * | list name: distractions | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 round / 10 failure | range: self | area of effect: 50' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: all beings within radius are incapable of making decisions or initiating action; may continue to fight current foes or in self defense. |
spell name: MISFEEL TRUE | list name: phantom's face | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: p | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows caster to use all of the "misfeel"" spells on this list at once. caster can change to any race, profession or level that he chooses. he does not have to concentrate." |
spell name: WINDRIDING C | list name: phantom movements | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster can run on air if there is a wind blowing. however, the wind will affect his actual movement rate (add the wind speed if moving with the wind, subtract it if moving against the wind). |
spell name: EVIL EYE | list name: poison mastery | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: f | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: while casting this spell, the caster may consume a poison without being affected by it. later (up to 1 hour per level) he may cast his spell again to inflict the consumed poison on a chosen target within 10'. if the victim fails his rr versus the csater's spell, he must then attempt to resist the poison. if the caster does not caster the spell within 1 hour per level, the poison is wasted. if the caster fails either spell, he is subject to the injested poisons effect (he does get a rr); he is also subject to the normal spell failure procedure. |
spell name: MOUNTAIN HEART 3 S | list name: adrenal focus | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: d*s | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: for the duration of the spell, the caster may ignore the effects of any three wounds which either only causes him additional hits, stun, stunned / unabled to parry, or a percentage subtraction from his abilities. at the end of the duration, all hits. penalities, and stun rounds take effect normally. |
spell name: HOLY AURA 5 | list name: holy warrior | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: a 10' radius bright shimmering aura surrounds the caster. demons and undead (and other inherently evil beings as the gm determines) must make a rr or receive an "e"" severity critical (gm discretion: heat, cold, impact, etc.) each round they are in the radius, and friendly morale in the radius improves by +25." |
spell name: REPEL UNDEAD TRUE | list name: spell breaker | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: undead | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: this spell disintegrates any one undead of class v or lower automatically; and sends a class vi fleeing.causes up to 5 undead "animated dead"" to flee or disintegrate; 5 ""points"" of undead my be affected: a ""class i"" undead counts as 1 pt, a ""class ii"" undead counts as 2 pts, etc. ""animated dead"" are treated as ""class i"" undead and are not entitled to a rr (automatically disintegrate if the spell does not fail). see necromancy (evil cleric base list) for a brief description of animated and undead ""classes"", creation, and control creatures & treasures section 2.36 provides complete descriptions of more than forty different types of undead.each affected target is entitled to a rr: if it fails by (1-50), it will flee; if it fails by more than 50, it disintegrates (if the target(s) can not flee it will remain motionless). one bar (base attack roll) is applied to all targets. for the purpose of rr's, if not level is given for an undead, use the following: (class i = lvl 1-2), (class ii = lvl 3-5), (class iii = lvl 6-8), (class iv= lvl 9-12), (class iv= lvl 13-15), (class vi = lvl 16-up," |
spell name: DEATH PRAYER V | list name: ceremonies | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: f | duration: - | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: target dies. lifegiving required to counter effect. |
spell name: FAMILIAR TRUE | list name: familiar's law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: p | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 creature | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: the caster can attune himself to any creature with animal level intelligence. the caster must obtain the animal and cast the spell on the animal once/day for 1 week (concentrating for 2 hours/day). the caster can then control the familiar and view the world through its senses by concentrating on it (must be within 50'/lvl). if the animal is killed the caster will have a -25 modification to all actions for two weeks. |
spell name: MASS DEATH * | list name: guardian ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: f | duration: | range: self | area of effect: 30' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: all "enemies"" in the radius suffer a ""e"" severity critical of a type chosen by the caster. the targets gets a rr versus the critical." |
spell name: ENCHANT 10 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 4 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 10 to 9 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 100 hours. |
spell name: LIVING WOMB | list name: midwifery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: fh | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to transform a vase or urn (or similiar contrainer) into an environment suitable for raising a fetus outside of a mother. the device must be provided with nutrients and water during the gestation. the process is 90% safe for the fetus. this spell may alsobe caster to transfer a fetus in any stage of development fromt he mother to vessel or to another receptive womb. |
spell name: MASTER WARDING | list name: warding ways | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: f | duration: until triggered | range: touch | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: (duration is until triggered) the caster can inscribe a 1st-10th level spell or remove a ward 1-10. he traces the ward in the desired location. it glows as the spells are being cast then fades from sight. the wards can become visible again once detected through an effort of will on the part of the detector, or briefly when triggered. a ward can be triggered by one of the following occurring within a 10' r (trigger must be stated by the caster at the time the ward is cast): time period, certain movement, certain sounds, touch, etc. once triggered and set off, the ward and spell are gone. |
spell name: WORK ORGANIC TRUE | list name: constructing ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to work any organic material. (this might be required to work the skins of dragons.) |
spell name: ANALYSIS | list name: delving law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: 10' | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: any of the lower level spells on this list (except for conveyance) may be used on one item, person, or place. |
spell name: ANALYSIS TRUE | list name: mannish ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: any of the lower level spells on this list can be used on every object within 5 feet. |
spell name: STAYING (10 / LVL) | list name: material transport | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: exerts 10 pounds per level of pressure on a person or object. object cannot be moved by staying alone, and pressure can only be in one direction. |
spell name: INSCRIBE SIGN | list name: symbol embedding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: delver base | spell class: f | duration: until triggered | range: touch | area of effect: 1 surface | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: (pick one of stunning / fear / sleep / blinding / paralysis) rr mod: -20. a sign can be inscribed on any "non-moble"" surface and affects the triggering being. a sign can be triggered by on of the following (decided by caster): time period, certain movements, certain sounds, touch, reading, etc. the sign is cancelled when the being fails a rr against it. sign of stunning stuns the target for 10 min/ 10 failure." |
spell name: LORD DEAD SPIRIT BINDING | list name: animate dead | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: fm | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can bind a 10th level dead spirit to a dead body. the spirit will animate the body in three rounds and become a 10th level undead. |
spell name: LORD AGING (100 YEARS) | list name: death mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target is physically aged 100 years in one minute. |
spell name: CORNER DARKFIRE BOLT | list name: dark law | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: e | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: a bolt of powerful coruscating black flame is shot from the caster's hand. the caster can make the bolt turn up to 90 degrees before striking the target (caster must know the target's location and his obs are all halved). results are determined on the lightning bolt table with cold ("a - j""), electricity (secondary on ""f - j""), and impact (tertiary on ""h - j"") criticals." |
spell name: FORCE INFORMATION TRUE | list name: commune | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: m | duration: 1 question | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 spirit | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: forces a dead spirit or aware undead (level can be up to the caster's level) to answer one yes or no question. chance of success is 5% per level of spirit or undead. |
spell name: LORD DEAD SPIRIT MASTERY * | list name: summon dead | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: fm* | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 - 20 spirits | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to totally control a spirit(s) without concentrating. up to 20 1st level, one 20th level spirit or any combination of spirits lvl that total 20 may be summoned. spirit will not speak with the summoner. the caster can make the spirit visible to others. obtaining info must be done with the commune base spell list. |
spell name: UNDEAD CONTROL TRUE * | list name: undead mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: necromancer base | spell class: f* | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 undead | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can control up to one level of undead per level of the caster. |
spell name: LORD CHANGELING KIND | list name: changeling | level: 25 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: fm | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: the caster can cause the target to transform by using the changeling rules (in list desc.). this spell allows five options on type a, four on type b, and three on type c, and two on type d listing to be used. this spell only affects humanoid type targets. |
spell name: SCRYING GUARDIAN 3 | list name: scrying guard | level: 25 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: fd | duration: until dead | range: | area of effect: 1 subject | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: the caster may set a guardian between the subject and any would be scryers. the guardian is actually a precognitive shadow of the caster, and would choose as the caster would choose with regards to the dispositions of winnings. the scryer has one round to decide whether or not to enter into combat with the guardian before the guardian attacks. the guardian will not let any pass save he who set him there. combat with the guardian is through will (rmc 1 5.1), and the guardian has a +150. the scryer msut control the guardian in order to pass by. if mastered, the scryerhas the option of slaying the guardian outright, or leaving it to continue guarding the subject. once controlled, the scryer has a +25 on all future scrying attempts past that guardian, and if mastered, he has a +50 on the guardian. if the guardian gains control he may evict the character from the scrying, and has the option of delivering a "d"" impact critical upon the scryer. if the guardian masters the scryer, he may evict the character from the scrying, hold the scryer while pummeling him ""d"" impact criticals (1/round), or force the scryer to fight future will contests for the guardian. as long as the scryer wins these contests, he will continue to be held by the guardian while his body goes into a coma. if defeated, the new scryer may either kill the old scryer outright or release him. in either case, he must then fight the next catured scryer in line or the guardian himself. the guardian may be dispelled by its caster at any time." |
spell name: BONE BREAK TRUE | list name: doom's law | level: 25 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: one x (caster's lvl/5) of the target's bones are broken at random. the target also suffers an "e"" impact critical." |
spell name: VISION OF MISFORTUNE TRUE | list name: visions of doom | level: 25 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: i | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target receives one vision per five levels of the caster (round down) of impending misfortune, such as losing a valuable item, weapon breaking at a crucial time, etc. this vision will not be associated with a death scene. |
spell name: UNNERVING EYE TRUE | list name: evil eye | level: 25 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: m | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: the caster causes the target to believe he is being watched all of the time and puts him at -5/(lvl of the caster/2) for all actions. |
spell name: CURSE CRAFT TRUE | list name: revenging law | level: 25 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: warlock base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to limit one skill that the target has to 0 skill ranks. the caster must stat which skill is going to be affected. if the target doesn't have any skill ranks in the skill, the skill is still cursed if the target ever begins to develop it. if the target has more than 0 skill levels, he immediately begins to lose one skill rank each time he goes up a level (these are lost permanently, but can be releared at normal development cost one the curse has been removed). |
spell name: GLAMOUR TRUE | list name: glamours | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: m | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: by changing the target's frame of reference by one detail, the caster can create an illusion / phantasm which only the target experiences. with high level glamour spells, nine of the following options may be choosen: a) an extra sense may added with mirage spells or b) the duration can be doubled or c) another reference point may be changed. the effects stays with the target for the spell duration. for example, a target could be glamored to see all humans as rabbits. the duration is permanent (until dispelled). |
spell name: UNMETAL | list name: earth mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 cu' metal | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: disintegrates 1 cu' of metal. |
spell name: PLANT CONTROL TRUE | list name: natures mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can control the automatic and/or mental processes of all plants within range; caster can also control the plant's movements; doesn't allow movement beyond normal allowances. |
spell name: CANDLE IMBEDDING 10 | list name: candle magic | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 10th level spell (known by the caster) in an item or potion. |
spell name: POTION TRUE | list name: potion magic | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to make one dose of a potion that can have a 1st to 20th level spell imbedded in it. |
spell name: FORCE SEARCH 5 | list name: conjuring ways | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: witch base | spell class: m | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: forces a type 1 to 5 demon who is present (or contacted) to conduct a search for a specific person, place, or thing. the demon searches but not on our plane of existance. the chance of a demon successfully completing the search is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times five, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: STABILIZE POWER CIRCLE | list name: circles of power | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: conjuror base | spell class: fm | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: after a power circle or circle of protection is "drawn"", this spell may be cast to increase the duration of the circle to 1 hour/lvl." |
spell name: MULTI - CIRCLE 5 | list name: circles of protection | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: conjuror base | spell class: fd | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to place five circles around each other, thereby combining their effects without negating one another. if this spell is not used, where two or more circles of any type intersect or overlap in physical location of effect, both will be cancelled, with a feedback result of 1/4 remaining hit points from each circle back upon their caster(s). |
spell name: LORD SPIRIT SUMMONS | list name: circles of summoning | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: conjuror base | spell class: fm | duration: varies | range: | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can summon up to twenty levels of spirits which appear gradually appear over the course of 3 rounds, to do his bidding. they will remain for up to 10 minutes per level. the spirits need not follow instructions unless controlled or mastered. the caster may only summon the spirits of the dead, and they need not speak with him unless the proper converse spell has been caster. the caster may not summon a specific spirit unless that spirit's true name is known and used. |
spell name: FORCE ANALYSIS 6 * | list name: demon mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: conjuror base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 item | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: forces a type 1 to 6 demon who is present (or contacted) to analyze one item, the chance of a demon successfully analyzing each property of the item is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times ten, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: ILLUSION 10 | list name: recreations | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: sage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' r. nine of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the range can be doubled or d) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' r)." |
spell name: WARD ANALYSIS | list name: analysis | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: sage base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: one warding circuit may be safely examined (without setting it off) to determine its general purpose, approximate level, it type, and its general effect (general means just that, nothing specific). |
spell name: WEIGH DECISION TRUE | list name: lore's master | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: sage base | spell class: i | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: when faced with a decision that is equally (apparently) balanced and could go either way, the caster may throw this spell and the gm will determine which decision he makes, biasing his decision by 50% to the decision which is most correct, proper, equitable, good , or profitable (caster's choice of type of biasing). |
spell name: LEARN LANGUAGE 5 | list name: absorb knowledge | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: sage base | spell class: p | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: the caster can learn a language at 5x the normal rate. |
spell name: ORATE TRUE | list name: weave tale | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: sage base | spell class: u | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to gain a +75 to any vocal action during the spell duration. |
spell name: ESS. CONCENTRATION POWER WORD* | list name: words of power | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: essence power levels in the surrounding 100' radius area are doubled, i.e., the power point cost for all essence spells cast while in this area of concentrated essence are halved (round up). |
spell name: PROT. CIRCLE VS. DRAGONS | list name: circle mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: fd | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: when cast and a proper "circle"" is drawn, all dragons in the area of effect act at a negative modifier (view list desc.) to all actions. this spell can be cast without the aid of the actual circle, but without the circle the negative modifier is only -20 on the target with a range of 50', and only the caster or a single designated target is ""protected""." |
spell name: UNGLYPH 10 | list name: glyph law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to erase a glyph of up to 10th level. |
spell name: DEATH WARD | list name: warding law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: d | duration: 24 hours | range: touch | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: spell will sends the caster a mental summons that the ward has been broken and the exact location of the break. the being/thing that caused the breached suffers a "e"" critical of the caster's choice." |
spell name: DAILY TRUE | list name: sigil / runes imbedding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: touch | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st to 10th level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast once/day. a 1st level spell can be cast 5x/day, a 2nd or 3rd 4x/day, a 4th or 5th 3x/day, a 6th or 7th 2x/day, an 8th, 9th, or 10th 1x/day. |
spell name: LORD RESEARCH | list name: rune law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: runemaster base | spell class: i | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: (spell law section 9.3) this spell can be used to "research magic items"". this type of research is heavily dependent on the world system being used, but we suggest the following guidelines.first, the assumption is made that jewels have a very, very high concentration of essence locked within them. lord researchers, with the proper equipment and care, can break down jewels and release their essence into other materials at hand, although they have little control over the end result of the process. thus to perform lord research, an essence user slowly feed jewels into a forge over the course of several weeks (or more) while casting this spell at least three times a day. a channeler is required to ""sacrifice"" their jewels to their god (the jewels are destroyed) while casting this spell at least three times a day. in both cases, the essence locked in the jewels will be released and begin to concentrate in some nearby item.what form this released essence will take is impossible to determine until some time after the process is entirely completed. at that time, the gm should determine randomly what the newly created magic item actually does (its realm of power could be random). keep in mind that its power and capabilities should be proportional to the number of weeks spent in casting this spell and the number (and value) of the jewels destroyed in supplying it with essence (note that the more essence a jewel has, the more valuable it would normally be)." |
spell name: ANIMAL MASTER 10 * | list name: animal ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: m* | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 10 animals | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster may master ten animals which will then do his bidding (assuming it can understand him when he communicates with it via animal speech). the animal will remain "mastered"" until it ismore than 100'/lvl from him or out of sight (whichever is further). in either case, it will carry out the last command given it." |
spell name: SUMMON DEAD TRUE | list name: spirit summoning | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: fm | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: theis spell allows the caster to summon the spirits of the dead in the spell range (referenced to the place of death), up to 1 level of spirits per caster's level. the spirit will come to the caster's immediate vicinity (10' r) and will obey and not attack the caster for 3 rounds. aftet this, the dead spirit is free to do as it pleases within the spell radius unless spirit bound. at no time is the dead spirit constrained to communicate unless the appropriate converse spell has been cast. |
spell name: REGENERATE SPIRIT 3 | list name: spirit healing | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: this spell allows the caster to regenerate major loses of the spirits' integral wholeness, including core areas, as long as a bit of the original spirit is present. |
spell name: SPIRIT BANISHING TRUE | list name: spirit mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: fm | duration: permanent | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: this spell gives the caster the ability to banish all spirits within range back to the spirit world. if cast on a dead spirit such as a ghost, it will act as a repel undead spell, sufficent to repel undead up to the caster's level. note that this is only functional against undead which have dead spirits in them, unintelligent undead assumed to merely be animated bodies would be unaffected. |
spell name: PAST VISIONS 5 | list name: visions | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: i | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: item or place | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster gets a vision up to ten years/lvl into the past (includes sight and sound). vision must be associated with an item or place. the caster is in a trance as long as he concentrates. |
spell name: CROSS WINDOW | list name: trances | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: mf | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10' r | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: with this spell the caster may bring up to 1 target per 5 levels of the caster, not including himself, across a "window"" into the new location. this is both the spirit and the physical bodies which make the transition, and all are subject to 3 rounds of disorientation upon arrival of -75." |
spell name: RANGE EXTENSION 5 | list name: animal bonding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: u | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster's contact with his familiar(s) may extend up to 5x his normal range for the duration of this spell. |
spell name: MASS DEFLECTIONS * | list name: combat enhancement | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: f* | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can deflect any number of missiles up to the caster's level that passes within 100' of him; causing 100 to be subtracted from the missiles' attack (missiles must pass through caster's field of vision). |
spell name: LORD RUN | list name: movement enhancement | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: f* | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to run (2x walking pace) without tiring, but once the caster stops or performs somr other action, the spell is cancelled. |
spell name: FAR SENSE 5 | list name: sense enhancement | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: u | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster may designate a point, up to 50'/level away that he is familiar with (or one within line of sight) to be used as a remote sensing site. if he is not familiar with it (use the teleport (lofty bridges) error chart), roll for random direction and distance that he is off. if familiarity conditions are met, then he may set all of his senses at the site. the caster may acquire all sensory data that his choice of sense can acquire, using whatever his perception skill and ability is at the time. the remote sensory point may be rotated to face any direction, but other than that, it is immobile and cannot be detected save through detect magic spells and skills. |
spell name: LONG CALM | list name: calm spirits | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: beastmaster base | spell class: m | duration: 1 day / level | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: rr mod -20. caster can calm any one target. |
spell name: STAYING 3 | list name: mind's touch | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: exerts 10 lbs of pressure on a person or object. the pressure can be in one direction only, and movement of the target requires concentration. |
spell name: STONEWALL TRUE | list name: elemental ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: e | duration: permanent | range: 5'/lvl | area of effect: 10' x 10' x v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: summons a wall of stone up to 10' x 10' x 1'; it can be chipped through 200 man-rounds (1' r hole). |
spell name: PLATFORM 3 | list name: highriding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: | duration: | range: | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: |
spell name: MASS DEFLECTIONS * | list name: combat enhancement | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: f* | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can deflect any number of missiles up to the caster's level that passes within 100' of him; causing 100 to be subtracted from the missiles' attack (missiles must pass through caster's field of vision). |
spell name: LORD RUN | list name: movement enhancement | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: f* | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to run (2x walking pace) without tiring, but once the caster stops or performs somr other action, the spell is cancelled. |
spell name: FAR SENSE 5 | list name: sense enhancement | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: warrior mage base | spell class: u | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster may designate a point, up to 50'/level away that he is familiar with (or one within line of sight) to be used as a remote sensing site. if he is not familiar with it (use the teleport (lofty bridges) error chart), roll for random direction and distance that he is off. if familiarity conditions are met, then he may set all of his senses at the site. the caster may acquire all sensory data that his choice of sense can acquire, using whatever his perception skill and ability is at the time. the remote sensory point may be rotated to face any direction, but other than that, it is immobile and cannot be detected save through detect magic spells and skills. |
spell name: TOUCH OF PAIN TRUE | list name: deadly dances | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: f* | duration: | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to touch a target and inflict an "e"" critical on them." |
spell name: DASH | list name: traveling dances | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to move at a x5 pace without tiring, as long as he concentrates. |
spell name: WHIRLING MERGE | list name: changing dances | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster can pass through any inanimate material up to 5'/lvl. |
spell name: TELEDANCE 10 | list name: teledance | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 10' r/lvl | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster may cause any number of objects totalling up to 10 lbl/lvl (25 mass factors at 25th level totalling 250 lbs) in mass to move at a base rate of one foot per second. the speed of the objects may be doubled for each reduction of one mass factor (lb). |
spell name: INTUITIVE DANCE TRUE | list name: communing dances | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: dervish base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster gains a vision of what will happen in the next minute per level if he takes a specified action. |
spell name: PROTECTION PRAYER 10 | list name: shielding ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: d | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 10' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: everyone "aligned"" to the caster (gm discretion) in a 10' r subtracts 50 from all elemental attack rolls and adds 50 to rrs versus spells." |
spell name: BANISH DEMON 5 | list name: exorcism | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: fm | duration: 1 year / level | range: 10' | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: banishes a type 5 demon from this plane of existence for 1 year. |
spell name: ATTACK +120 * | list name: arm's way | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: f* | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: adds +120 to the melee or missile attack that the caster makes the round after this spell is cast. |
spell name: INSPIRATIONS 10 * | list name: inspirations | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: m* | duration: 2 rounds / level | range: self | area of effect: 10' r/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to inspire all within the 10' r/lvl of himself who are on the caster's side (they must be aware that he is there). thus giving then a +50 to all rolls. note that this spell does not affect the caster. inspiration spells are not cumulative. this spell is normally only usable in combat or at highly religous moments. |
spell name: LAYING ON HANDS 5 | list name: laying on hands | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: target is healed of five hits/round, as long as the caster concentrates. |
spell name: GREATER DISEASE PURIFICATION | list name: hand of cleansing | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: any disease in the area is eliminated. |
spell name: INTUITIONS TRUE | list name: communion | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: caster gains a vision of what will happen in the next one minute per level if he takes a specific action. |
spell name: REGENERATION 5 C | list name: hand of healing | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: paladin base | spell class: hs* | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: will reduce damage a target has by five hits every round as long as caster concentrates; if caster is unconscious this spell will operate without concentration. |
spell name: SPELL TRIGGER 3 | list name: spell triggers | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: u | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: 1 spell | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: when another spell is cast within three rounds of the casting of this spell, this spell keeps the second spell from going off until the designated smell, feel, time, sound and/or sight is encountered (any of the lower level trigger spells may be combined). the maximum range for the triggering is determined by the maximum range of the second spell, and the caster may set the triggering range anywhere within the maximum. this spell lasts until triggered or 1 month, whichever comes first. if 1 month comes first, the spell automatically goes off. note: at the gm's discretion, this spell may be set upon any object and be mobile, or at an immobile location. |
spell name: METAL SIGHT | list name: metal lore | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: i | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows target to see through 1"/lvl of metal." |
spell name: TREMORS | list name: stone lore | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: 100' r /lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: causes a very minor earthquake which could cause shoddy construction to collapse (can be very terrifying). this is approximately 5.5 on the richter scale. |
spell name: LIVE WOOD | list name: wood shaping | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows caster to select a live wooden limb which the caster shapes into a staff of power. the limb will continue to live (and even grow after being removed with this spell) drawing energy and life directly from the essence. the staff is shaped using the appropriate spells from this list. as the staff is created, the caster endows the staff with essence power. the staff may retain and cast spells equal to its level (gm discretion), and gains experience from this casting. only the caster may attune himself to the staff. anyone else who tries to attune to the staff of power immediately suffers an "e"" crit off of the lightning bolt crit table. if the staff of power is destroyed the caster is stunned one round per level of the staff and is at -35 for three weeks." |
spell name: MASTER STRONG ELEMENTAL | list name: elemental summons | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: m* | duration: | range: 5' / level | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: |
spell name: SIGHT GUARDIAN 3 | list name: guarded sight | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: fd | duration: until dead | range: | area of effect: 1 subject | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: the caster may set a guardian between the subject and any would be scryers. the guardian is actually a precognitive shadow of the caster, and would choose as the caster would choose with regards to the dispositions of winnings. the scryer has one round to decide whether or not to enter into combat with the guardian before the guardian attacks. the guardian will not let any pass save he who set him there. combat with the guardian is through will (rmc 1 5.1), and the guardian has a +150. the scryer msut control the guardian in order to pass by. if mastered, the scryerhas the option of slaying the guardian outright, or leaving it to continue guarding the subject. once controlled, the scryer has a +25 on all future scrying attempts past that guardian, and if mastered, he has a +50 on the guardian. if the guardian gains control he may evict the character from the scrying, and has the option of delivering a "d"" impact critical upon the scryer. if the guardian masters the scryer, he may evict the character from the scrying, hold the scryer while pummeling him ""d"" impact criticals (1/round), or force the scryer to fight future will contests for the guardian. as long as the scryer wins these contests, he will continue to be held by the guardian while his body goes into a coma. if defeated, the new scryer may either kill the old scryer outright or release him. in either case, he must then fight the next catured scryer in line or the guardian himself. the guardian may be dispelled by its caster at any time." |
spell name: EARTH MOUNT TRUE | list name: conveying ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: ef | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 elemental | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: summons an earth elemental in the shape of a horse. it can carry up to 750 lbs at a max speed of 40 mph (approx. 600'/ rnd). the earth mount has 300 hits and fights as a greater earth elemental. it obeys the caster. |
spell name: HEAL LIFE ESSENCE 10 | list name: life essence healing | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: healer base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 2 |
description: allows the caster to heal the target of permanent damage to the target's life essence capacity, making it once again possible to regain loast life levels. this spell will heal up to 10 levels of permanent damage. note that this spell does not restore life levels. |
spell name: LONG SLEEP | list name: spirit mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: closed essence | spell class: m | duration: until dispelled | range: 50' | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: the target is put into a state of deep sleep in which he will not age and will only die if his body is "killed"". the sleep will continue until it is dispelled or until a non-magic condition specified by the caster is accomplished." |
spell name: DESICCATION | list name: fire law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: magician base | spell class: e | duration: permanent | range: 50' | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: the target immediately begins to dehydrate and weather as if in a windblown sandy desert. the target is immediately at -10% to activity and takes 10% of his total hit points. for each round that the caster concentrates, the target loses another 10% of his activity and takes another 10% of his total hit points. if the caster maintains concentration for 15 consecutive rounds, animate targets will be reduced to dried out husks (i.e., when the activity penalty reaches 150%). if the caster is prevented from completing his rounds of concentration or the target gets out of range, the target keeps the accumulated activity penalty and hits. the hits may be healed normally, but the activity penalty only disappears at a rate of 10%/day. alternately, the activity penalty can be removed all at once by a successful cure disease spell and the healing of all the hits taken. |
spell name: DESICCATION | list name: channels | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: e | duration: permanent | range: 50' | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: the target immediately begins to dehydrate and weather as if in a windblown sandy desert. the target is immediately at -10% to activity and takes 10% of his total hit points. for each round that the caster concentrates, the target loses another 10% of his activity and takes another 10% of his total hit points. if the caster maintains concentration for 15 consecutive rounds, animate targets will be reduced to dried out husks (i.e., when the activity penalty reaches 150%). if the caster is prevented from completing his rounds of concentration or the target gets out of range, the target keeps the accumulated activity penalty and hits. the hits may be healed normally, but the activity penalty only disappears at a rate of 10%/day. alternately, the activity penalty can be removed all at once by a successful cure disease spell and the healing of all the hits taken. |
spell name: DESICCATION | list name: fluid destruction | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: e | duration: permanent | range: 50' | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: the target immediately begins to dehydrate and weather as if in a windblown sandy desert. the target is immediately at -10% to activity and takes 10% of his total hit points. for each round that the caster concentrates, the target loses another 10% of his activity and takes another 10% of his total hit points. if the caster maintains concentration for 15 consecutive rounds, animate targets will be reduced to dried out husks (i.e., when the activity penalty reaches 150%). if the caster is prevented from completing his rounds of concentration or the target gets out of range, the target keeps the accumulated activity penalty and hits. the hits may be healed normally, but the activity penalty only disappears at a rate of 10%/day. alternately, the activity penalty can be removed all at once by a successful cure disease spell and the healing of all the hits taken. |
spell name: PILGRIMAGE | list name: channels | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: f | duration: special | range: touch | area of effect: holy symbol | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: the caster, if he has the capacity to throw a returning spell, (cleric base list: channels, lvl 18, and other lists), may prepare an item with a holy symbol of his deity with this spell. the symbol must have a trigger word to make the item effective. if the word is spoken by a possessor of the symbol item, he is instantly transported to the caster's place of returning. if the person says the trigger word backwards then the caster is transported to the possessor of the symbol item. the caster can choose not to be summoned, but he does not necessarily know who is doing the summoning! in any case, after one summoning (accepted or rejected) or transport, the spell effect is gone until recast. a spell caster may only have a limited number of these symbol items in existance at any one time (limit = caster's level/5, round up). |
spell name: DISPLACEMENT 3 | list name: mystic escapes | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster appears to be offset from where he really is, all attacks have not effect 30% of the time (no normal rrs). each time a foe misses him, the chance of "no effect"" for that foe goes down by 5%." |
spell name: CAMOUFLAGE TRUE | list name: disguise mastery | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster and objects on his person take on the visual texture, color, and form of surrounding area; acts as near invisibility when motionless and gives a +75 bonus to stalking attempts. no concentration is required. |
spell name: TRUE SLEEP | list name: beguiling ways | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / 10 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: target is unconscious and unwakeable. |
spell name: PAST VISION (1 YR / LVL) | list name: appraisals | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: i | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: item or place | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster gets a vision up to one year/lvl into the past; desired time can be set within + or - 1 week. vision must be associated with an item or place. vision can last up to 5 hr/lvl, if the caster concentrates and remains inactive. |
spell name: PHANTASM 5 C | list name: lesser illusions | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: montebanc base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. when the caster stops concentrating the image remains, but stops moving (the caster can resume concentration later and resume moveing the phantasm). the image can be any size that would fit into a 10' r sphere. see the illusionist base list, illusion mastery, for complete guidelines for phantasms. four of the following options may also be chosen: a) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "mirage"" spell must be known) or b) the duration can be doubled or c) the radius of the sphere limiting the size of the image can be doubled or d) the range can be doubled or e) another image can be created and moved (all separate phantasms that move must be within the caster's field of vision)." |
spell name: SERPENTS STRIKE | list name: chaotic weapons | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: chaotic lord base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 blade | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: when the blade delivers its next critical strike, the woumnds may not be healed through normal means: bleeding will not stop, concussion hits will not heal, broken bones will not set and mend, etc. herbs and normal healin will have no effect. |
spell name: MASTER CHAOS TRUE | list name: chaos mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: chaotic lord base | spell class: f | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 10' | area of effect: chaos | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to stop the growth of the chaos for 1 hour per level. no concentration is necessary. |
spell name: CHAOTIC ARMOR 6 | list name: chaotic armor | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: chaotic lord base | spell class: fm | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to bind a type 6 demon into the target's skin and thus transform it into a suit of sentient armor. the armor is actually the type 1 demon "bonded"" to the outer skin of the target. the transformation requires that a cumulative 100% or better result be obtained by rolling on the ""e"" column of the physical alteration critical strike table found in section 12.0 of c3. this occurs for each round until cumulative 100% change has been obtained, the target suffers the results of a ""e"" alteration critical and 6d10 concussion hits. he also recieves 6d10 hits each round for 6d10 rounds after the transformation is completed. if the target suvives the process, his skin is transformed into a hardened, mobile, extremely flexible layer of living armor. the demon gives the target the following benefits: at12, +60 db, an additional 250 hits, a +50 movement bonus or a base movement rate of 150', +60 to initiative determinants, and one random trait from the chaotic table (p49 c3 section 8.24) if the demon is not controlled or mastered; the wearer may make a ""absurd"" maneuver roll (modified level and by average bonuses for st and sd) to control his own body each and every round. if the result (not the roll) is 70 or higher, the wearer may function normally. if the result is 40 to 69, the wearer is paralyzed. if the wearer does not attempt control or if his result is 39 or less, the demon will attack the closest living creature. demon has an iq of 35-65 (i.e., me and re average for the gm to use for determining the ""cleverness"" of its actions)." |
spell name: SPIRIT-METAMORPHOSIS TRUE | list name: metamorphose | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: moon mage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 week / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: target's spiritual pattern is metamorphosed or changed into a spiritual pattern which the caster has previsously spirit-metamorphosis typed. |
spell name: MOON CHILD + | list name: moon mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: moon mage base | spell class: f+ | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: newborn child | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: blesses and initiates a newborn child into the ranks of a moon society of spell casters (normally the only way one can become a moon based spell caster). a child so blessed has a natural tendency to use this spell list and suffers no esf when caster spells on this list. the child also has a +5 bonus for all magical, poison and disease rrs. |
spell name: MOOD SETTING TRUE | list name: moon madness | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: moon mage base | spell class: m | duration: 1 round / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 target/3 lvls | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: the caster can choose the mood of the targets (e.g., grief, shame, bashfulness, dirty, sad, glad, hungry, thirsty, joy, etc.). |
spell name: SHIELD BLOW TRUE | list name: noble armor | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: noble warrior base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: 1 shield | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to use his shield to automatically intercept the next attack (melee or missile) that delivers a critical; the attack may not be from the rear. the critical strike will be changed to reflect this (e.g., a neck strike would be changed to a sheild arm strike, etc.). the critical is lowered by four levels of severity (i.e., "e"" crit = ""a"" crit,""d"", ""c"", ""b"" and ""a"" crits are ignored)." |
spell name: SHIELD SEVERER | list name: noble weapons | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: noble warrior base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: any shield strike has a 50% chance of immediately severing the shield into two parts. the target's shield arm is also severed, doing an additional 15 concussion hits and 6 hits/rnd. magic shields may make rrs. |
spell name: DEATH ANALYSIS | list name: analyses | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: being's death | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: gives information concerning a being's death (weapon, spell, time since, etc.); must be cast in place of death (within 24 hours) or in the presence of the body (no time limit). |
spell name: DETECTIVE'S EAR | list name: sleuth's senses | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: u | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster's can pick a point up to 100' away and he will hear as if he were at that point (there can be intervening objects such as walls). the caster must have been at the point before. |
spell name: ESCAPING 7 | list name: escaping ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to escape from solid metal or stone bonds in 3 minutes. |
spell name: VISION BEHIND (1 YEAR / LVL) | list name: time's sense | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: sleuth base | spell class: i | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: item or place | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster gets a vision up to one year/lvl into the past (includes sight and sound). vision must be associated with an item or place. the caster is in a trance as long as he concentrates. |
spell name: PETRIFY | list name: power words | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: fe | duration: varies | range: 1'/ lvl | area of effect: 1 org. object | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster may cause a living or organic target to gradually turn to stone at the rate of 10%/rnd. the caster may reverse the effect at anytime if he is within range and concentrates. the effect may be simply displelled. however, the petrified object receives a +20 rr bonus vs. any dispelling attempt, and failed attempts are treated as attack spell fumbles. |
spell name: LORD SYMBOL | list name: runes & symbols | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 large stone | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can emplace one 1st to 20th level spell on any non-mobile stone. within three rounds, the spell to be emplaced must also be cast (within 10'). also, if the gm wishes, this spell may be treated as a lord research spell as described in spell law optional rule 9.93.* if the spell emplaced is a attack spell, the attack level is the spell's level (i.e., for symbol 1 the attack level is always 1st level, not the level of the caster).* a symbol can be triggered by one of the following (decided by the caster): time period, certain movements, certain sounds, touch, reading, violent actions in the area, etc. the triggering range is normally 10' or the range of the emplaced spell, whichever is larger.* normally, if the symbol affects a being or thing (e.g., healing, attacks, etc.), it can be triggered only once per day.* the symbol must be placed on a slab of stone (block, piece, etc.) weighing at least 2000 lbs. only one symbol may be places on each continuous slab. the stone may not be moved appreciably without destroying the symbol.unsymbol - the caster can remove one symbol 3. the symbol's rr is based on the level of the spell in the symbol spell (target level) and the level of the unsymbol spell (the attack level). |
spell name: SIGNWATCH GREATER | list name: signs of power | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: u | duration: concentration | range: 100 mi/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster's point of seeing and hearing may be moved to any of his observation signs within range. the caster's vision may rotate around the point of the observation sign (except that he will not be able to look backwards through the surface the sign is on if it is opaque). |
spell name: CRYPTICS TRUE | list name: linguistics | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: p | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster can read text written in an unknown language. the caster understands all implications and all codes are automatically deciphered and explained. |
spell name: GREAT COMMAND 5 | list name: command words | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: m | duration: varies | range: v | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: commands of the ancient circle1. slumber (50', - , - ) target sleeps permanently and without aging until effect successfully dispelled or a condition specified is fulfilled (e.g., kissed by a prince).2. rot (50', c, -10) instantly rots organic nonmagic nonliving object or plant. living targets receive a -10 penalty and lose 10% hit points per round of concentration. at 15 rounds (-150), the target becomes a dead dried husk. if the caster ceases concentration before the effect is complete the target keeps hits and penalty. heals at a rate of 10% per day or immediately by a successful cure disease spell.3. repent (25', 1 day/5% failure, +10) as convert above but also changes target's perspective on his friends and will probably alter his personality. (the gm may wish to make this duration permanent.)4. changeshape (25', 1 day/5% failure, - ) target's form is altered to another living organism (must be appropriate to currentl environment) but the target retains his mental faculties; (e.g., the frog prince). (the gm may wish to make this duration permanent.)5. psychopathy (50', 1 day/5% failure, - ) target gains a psychopathic mental disorder. severity depends on die roll failure with 01 = mild (e.g., lying) and 50+ = very severe (e.g., crazy murderer). certain individuals may obtain an rr bonus (e.g., clerics, mentalists, etc.). (the gm may wish to make this duration permanent).6. give (50', - , -10) target gives an object he presently has in his possession to the caster.7. consume (100', 1 rnd/10% failure, - ) target takes a "c"" heat critical and a ""c"" electricity critical every round.8. wrath (100', - , - ) deliver a slaying critical to any being." |
spell name: SPIRIT RUNE OF MIGHT | list name: spirit runes | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: magus base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster may implant a minor spirit rune that he "knows"" into a properly tempered enruned item. if the caster knows more than one of the spirit runes of might spells, he may select which he desires to cast. he are a few found in companion 3, page 24.(1) spirit rune: summons - summons the item to the owner from any distance on the same plane ate a rate of 500'/round. the item moves by flight, and can be restrained.(2) haste - item casts haste at will. please note that every round of haste after the 10th saps basic hits from the wielder at a rate of 2 hits per round.(3) slaying - the item delivers slaying criticals against one particular kind of creature or being. the caster must have some sample of a portion of one of the creatures to engrave the rune. if a caster desires an item to be able to slay more than one category of creature, the number of runes required for each additional kind increases: 2nd = 4 runes, 3rd = nine, etc.you may also imbedd up to a 20 level spell. details are on page 23 of c3." |
spell name: CRYSTAL STORE 5 | list name: crystal power | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: touch | area of effect: crystal | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to store power points in a crystal that has been treated with crystal matrix 5. the caster charges the crystal and this spell stops power leakage. this allows 5x the essence value of the crystal to be stored. |
spell name: HEAL EARTH 5 | list name: deep earth healing | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 10 cu'/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows caster to heal 10 cu'/lvl of wasted, blasted, or blighted earth. |
spell name: CRYSTAL TREE | list name: crystal magic | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: u | duration: 1 round | range: touch | area of effect: 1" r" | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: a crystal seed is planted and one teardrop from the caster and the caster of this spell is all that is needed to have the crystal seed begin to grow. the seed will grow up into a mystical crystal tree. it takes one yearfor the seed to grow into a mature crystal tree and another year for the bush to bear it's tear shaped crystal fruit (1d6/age of the tree). tree grows 1-3 feet in height and 1/4" to 1/2"" diameter each year. crystal fruit hand singularly. see note on crystal fruit in the list description." |
spell name: DREAM TRUE | list name: deep earth commune | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: i | duration: duration of sleep | range: self | area of effect: 5 topics | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: caster has up to five dreams relating to up to five topics decided upon just before retiring. |
spell name: CRYSTAL CHARGE BOLT | list name: crystal mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: e | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: a small crystal (size of a pellet) is shot from the palm of the caster. use the shock bolt table with impact and stun criticals of equal severity. it also adds a heat and electric crit of one level lower than the impact and stun critical (i.e., an "a"" impact and stun crit = no heat and electric crit; a ""b"" impact crit = a ""a"" heat an electric crit, etc.)." |
spell name: FIRE BOLT 5 | list name: fiery ways | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: e | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: five bolts of fire are shot from the palm of the caster at a rate of one per roun. results are determined on the fire bolt table. |
spell name: BEACON 10 | list name: brilliance magic | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 10 miles | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: ray of light of any color springs from area touched; can be up to 10 miles long. |
spell name: CRYSTAL RUNE 10 | list name: crystal runestone | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: crystal mage base | spell class: f | duration: until cast | range: touch | area of effect: crystal facet | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: this spell inscribes a spell on a top surface facet of a crystal rune stone; the crystal rune can then be used to cast the inscribed spell once (depending upon the rules being used for casting runes). the caster expends the power points to cast the inscribed spell and the power points to cast the crystal rune spell. crystal rune i can inscribe 1st-9th level spells. the crystal rune stone can be reused. the crystal rune can be set to affect reader. once the spell within the crystal rune has been released the crystal rune "mark"" on the faceted face of the crystal runestone fades." |
spell name: DREAM GUARD 5 | list name: dream guard | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: dream lord base | spell class: fd | duration: 1 month / level | range: self | area of effect: dream travel | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to bind a type v demon to guard a particular dream world entrance. the dream traveller wishing to enter the dream world has one round in which to decide to confront the dream guard or leave. the dream guard will not let any pass save he who set him there. combat with the dream guard is conducted normally. |
spell name: DREAM KILLER TRUE | list name: dream law | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: dream lord base | spell class: fm | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: during the target's next sleep/meditation period, the target must fight a type iii-vi demon to the death in his dream (roll 1d100: 1-40 = type iii; 41-70 = type iv;71-90 = type v; 91-100 = type vi). any damage taken during the dream is actually taken by the target physical body. note that, unless target has the dream state spell list, he will be naked and unarmed against this foe. target may use any material at hand and has his pps and spells available. any wounds taken during the dream will appear on the target's body as they occur; the target's body will toss and turn. until the death duel is concluded one way or another, the target may only be "awakened"" by spells or herbs. if ""awakened"" before the duel is concluded, the duel will start over again during the target's next sleep/meditation period. option 1: the gm may wish to allow the target to have one of his items during the duel. option 2: the gm may wish to conclude the duel upon unconsciousness rather than death." |
spell name: DREAM SHARE TRUE | list name: dream lore | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: dream lord base | spell class: u | duration: 3 rounds | range: self | area of effect: dream travel | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: when dream travel is cast within 3 rounds it allows the caster to put 1 target / level into the dream world. |
spell name: DREAM BEAST TRUE | list name: dream state | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: dream lord base | spell class: fm | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to summon a type iv or type v or type vi beast (01-50 type vi dream beast, 51-85 type v dream beast, 86+ type vi dream beast). the dream beast will be loyal to caster and obey his commands. the dream beast is non-intelligent. if the dream beast is killed while under the influence of this spell the caster suffers an "a"" stun crit and operates at -30 for 1 day." |
spell name: WEATHER PREDICTION (30 DAYS) | list name: way of the navigator | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: arcane navigator base | spell class: i | duration: | range: 10 miles / level | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: gives caster a 95% chance of predicting the time , type, and severity of weather over the next 30 day period. |
spell name: TRUE GEAS | list name: allurement | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: m | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: target is given one task, failure results in death. |
spell name: EXTERMINATE | list name: household magic | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: m | duration: | range: 10' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 10' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: all creatures (except sentient beings) and things (including molds and micro-organisms) of first level or less in area of effect are instantly dead; first level things get a resistance roll, zero level things do not. does not act as a "cure disease.""" |
spell name: PORTAL | list name: barrier ways | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 3' x 6' x 3" / level" | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: creates an opening up to 3'x6', with a depth of 3"/lvl, through any inanimate material." |
spell name: TRUE BREWING | list name: brewing lore | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: u | duration: 1 hour | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: the essence of any herb may be extracted by the caster. |
spell name: TRUE COOKERY | list name: hearth magic | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 course / level | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: automatically successfully prepares one course of food per level, taking only half the normal preparation time. in addition to normal cooking, caster also detects spoiled or poisoned food, prepared and/or neutralized dangerous herbs and food ingredients, or may prepare minor poisons for insinuation in food. |
spell name: SILVER CANDLE (10TH) | list name: wax magic | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: f | duration: 10 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 candle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: after casting an enchant wax spell on an undyed candle, the caster may imbed a tenth level spell in the candle by casting silver candle (and the tenth level spell to be imbedded) on the candle. the duration is the time required to imbed the spell. the imbedded spell is released by the burning of the candle and affects all in the same room or within 50' if outside . in order to be affected by the magic of the candle, a target must be exposed to the burning candle (in the same room or within 50' if outside) for a full ten consecutive minutes the target should get a perception roll every minute or so, to see if the effects of the candle magic are being felt. at the end of ten full minutes of exposure, the target(s) is affected by the magic in the candle; no rr! the casting of one silver candle spell allows the candle to "burn"" for 10 minutes. each additional casting of silver candle lengthens the burning time of the magic candle by an additional ten minutes. for example, a white candle of ""question"" which could burn 30 minutes would cause the caster to use 15 pp = 3 for enchant wax + (4 for white candle x 3 for 30 minutes) not counting the casting of the imbedded question spell. similarly, a brown candle (7th level) of ""charm kind"" (3rd level) which could burn 60 minutes would cause the caster to use 45 pp = 3 for enchant wax + (7 for brown candle x 6 for 60 minutes) not counting the casting of the imbedded charm kind spell." |
spell name: MEND MAGIC METALS | list name: mending ways | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: arcane coven base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: mends multiple rips in a piece of magic metals. all components must be collected together (i.e., must be within 10'r). |
spell name: NEXUS GATE | list name: plasma mastery | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 day / level | range: 5' | area of effect: 7' x 4' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: a gate is opened to the "elemental plane of plasma"", 7' tall by 4' wide. only creatures small enough may pass through, though unusually powerful creatures (20+ levels) may rip the gate to enlarge the dimensions enough to pass through. gm discretion is required." |
spell name: NETHER SUMMONS 3 | list name: nether mastery | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: fm | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 20' | area of effect: elemental | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 3 |
description: allows the caster to summon a nether elemental. the nether elemental will obey the caster, for one minute per level (provided the caster concentrates) and then the nether elemental vanishes back to the hether plane. treat as a strong fire elemental that delivers nether criticals. |
spell name: TRAVELLER | list name: outer plane law | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: astral traveller base | spell class: fm | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster may use Plane traveI once every round for duration of this spell. |
spell name: ELEMENTAL FORM TRUE | list name: elemental travel | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: astral traveller base | spell class: e | duration: 1 day | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster takes the form of any one elemental. |
spell name: MASS CONFLAGRATION | list name: elemental summons | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: astral traveller base | spell class: e | duration: | range: self | area of effect: 30' radius | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Everyone in the area of effect (except the caster) takes an elemental critical corresponding to the caster's Main Element. The severity is determined by the amount of the target's RR failure: <= 0 = no effect; 1-10 = 'A' , 11-20 = 'B'; 21-30 = 'C'; 31-40 = 'D'; 41+ = 'E'. |
spell name: KNOWLEDGE TRUE | list name: xeno lores | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: astral traveller base | spell class: i | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: For one question/tvpic, caster has the equivalent of skill rank 30 ( +80 bonus, no stats apply) in the appropriate lore/knowledge skill (see RMC1/ Tahble 11.5, p. 101). |
spell name: KISS OF INFANCY * | list name: kisses | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: houri base | spell class: M* | duration: 1 hour / 10 failure | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: target regresses to an infantile state |
spell name: QUARRELS TRUE | list name: influences | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: houri base | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target / level | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: 1 target / level who are near each other (and all within the range) begin to quarrel with one another. If they had reason to dislike each other before this spell, this might cause rhem to start to fight. |
spell name: LOVE TRUE | list name: alluring ways | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: houri base | spell class: m | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: The target will fall in love with someone chosen by the caster. |
spell name: MISFEEL TRUE | list name: houri's change | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: houri base | spell class: P | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows caster to use all of the "Misfeel"" spells on this list at once. Caster can change to any race, profession or level that he chooses." |
spell name: PHANTASM 5 | list name: illusion law | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. When the caster stops concentrating the image remains, but stops moving (the caster can resume concentration later and resume moveing the phantasm). The image can be any size that would fit into a 10' R sphere. Four of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the radius of the sphere limiting the size of the image can be doubled or D) the range can be doubled or E) another image can be created and moved (all separate phantasms that move must be within the caster's field of vision)." |
spell name: UNPRESENCE | list name: enchanting law | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: concentration | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target appears to have no presence. |
spell name: GREAT SPIDER SHAPECHANGE | list name: arachnemancy | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can take the form and have all of the abilities of a greater great spider. |
spell name: DEMON FORM TRUE | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A limited illusion that makes the caster look like a specific demon type and the caster may receive some (GM discretion) of the Demon's abilities. This spell is useful to casters who have had their appearance altered by the long-term use of this list, and to non-humans such as Demons, etc. This spell will only make the caster appear as he did before his appearance was changed by this list. If used by a non-human it will not let him appear as a specific human. It will also not conceal changes from specific spells from this list already cast. |
spell name: DEMON FORM TRUE | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A limited illusion that makes the caster look like a specific demon type and the caster may receive some (GM discretion) of the Demon's abilities. This spell is useful to casters who have had their appearance altered by the long-term use of this list, and to non-humans such as Demons, etc. This spell will only make the caster appear as he did before his appearance was changed by this list. If used by a non-human it will not let him appear as a specific human. It will also not conceal changes from specific spells from this list already cast. |
spell name: RESTORE ANIMAL | list name: enrichment | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: druid base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 animal | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster restores one animal with non-fatal damage to a healthy and vigorous stale. |
spell name: RESTORE ANIMAL | list name: enrichment | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: animist base | spell class: h | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 animal | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster restores one animal with non-fatal damage to a healthy and vigorous stale. |
spell name: PLEASURE 4 | list name: pleasures | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: open any | spell class: m | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Affects the target's pleasure center so that he feels pleasure and acts accordingly. Note that this spell has an addiction factorof 8 (like an herb). |
spell name: LORD FARGRIP | list name: mind's grip | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: open mentalism | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 5' / level | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: when the caster concentrates, a "grip"" can be made by an "" invisible magical force"" to a range equal to five times the caster's level in feet. The attack's OB is: [caster's Directed Spells OB with this spell minus the result from a BAR roll]. A 'light' maneuver is required to break the grip. This spell only reduces fumble range when the caster is using a hand-held weapon in his own hand." |
spell name: TRUE POWER 4 | list name: weapon alterations | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: 1 day / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Gives one weapon a +20 magical bonus or multiple weapons bonuses totaling +20. Not cumulative with any already-existing magical or non-magical bonuses (including other Empowerment and True Power spells). |
spell name: LORD COUNTERSPELL | list name: counterspells | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: f | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: When casting this spell on a target, the caster must specify up to 20 levels of spells to be counterspelled. If the exact spell specified is later cast on that target, that spell will fail automatically (roll for spell failure on the appropriate table), and this counterspell will be canceled. At any one time, a target can only have a limited number of counterspells active - the total number of spell levels being counterspelled can not exceed the target's level (e.g., each counterspell 1 counts as 1 spell level, each counterspell 3 counts as 3 spell levels, etc.). |
spell name: FOLLOWING ACID | list name: acid law | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A bolt of powerful acid is shot from the caster's hand. Use the Firebolt attack table with Acid criticals. The caster can make the bolt turn as many times as needed and go through openings to strike the target (caster must know the target's location and his OBs are all halved). The total distance traveled can not be greater then 300'. |
spell name: SOUND TO MATTER | list name: sonic law | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: This powerful spell turns current sounds around the caster into matter, as the caster concentrates. The material created will be the durability of hard stone (or softer if the caster wishes), but can be of any shape or form that the caster dictates. The matter will be non-magical and the items created will be normal. The more sound, the more matter the caster can create during the duration, subject to the discretion of the GM. For example, a hammer striking a wall might be enough noise to create a sword, but significantly more noise (i.e. louder and more sustained, like a jackhammer or a 500 member choir) might be needed to make a bridge. Material created will laster for 1 hour/lvl beyond the duration of the of the spell. |
spell name: RAY OF BANISHMENT | list name: open essence | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: open essence | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 25' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: This powerful spell shoots a beam of power out of the caster's hand that sends the target back to a place it would call "home."" For a demon, this would he another plane. hut for a human, it would be his house in his hometown, his castle, etc. This is up to the GM's discretion. For purposes of this spell, every being should have a ""home"" or a ""lair"" or at least a spot that it frequents. This place could be far away, or it could be nearby." |
spell name: SPELL OF CHALLENGE | list name: spirit mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: closed essence | spell class: m | duration: 1 day / level | range: 100' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows the caster to issue forth a challenge to a number of targets equal to his level divided by four (round down, all targets must be within range and face the same challenge) to combat or contest with him within the duration of the spell. The nature and location of the combat or contest must be stated within the challenge honestly. All targets can either accept the challenge (and then make no RR and must mee t the conditions of the challenge normally) or decline the challenge (so then they do make an RR). If the RR is attempted and failed, the target must meet the condition of the challenge and further is at a -10 to all actions during the challenge. If the RR is attempted and succeeds, the spell has no effect. If a target must meet the challenge, treat him as though under a Quest spell (Spirit Mastery, 11th level, Closed Essence). Note that by casting this spell, the caster places himself under a Quest as well to take part in the challenge. |
spell name: FORCEHAND TRUE | list name: force law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster creates a huge hand of force which immobilizes target. Caster cannot move target. Caster can grasp the equivalent of one man-sized target per three levels. The hand is capable of inflicting an 'D' severity Crush critical. Target can make a Hard maneuver (St/Ag) each round at -40 in order to free himself, otherwise he is at 20% activity. |
spell name: POINT / UNPOINT TRUE | list name: force master | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: 50' | area of effect: level in^2 | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates a point; in square inches, of attraction or non-attraction. This point must be placed upon some surface; living/nonliving, mobile/non-mobile. If this point comes into physical contact with another surface, then they either slide off of one another or join, depending on the version of this spell used. A maneuver roll with a difficulty modifier of -100 and a bonus mod. for the individual's strength, must be attempted to separate or hold surfaces affected by this spell. |
spell name: SHOCKWAVE 5 | list name: shockwaves | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 5' / level | area of effect: 50' diameter cone | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: A cone of sonic energy erupts from the caster's hand. The Shockwave delivers a E Vibration critical to all within the area of the cone. The Shockwave does structural damage (See RMC5 Section 6.2). |
spell name: EXPLODE | list name: gravity law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates an external negative gravitational force which causes the target to explode. Target receives an 'E' Disruption critical. |
spell name: BARRIER TRUE | list name: magnetic law | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: forcemage base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: 150' | area of effect: 20' radius | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster releases a field of super-strength, pulsating magnetic force against the target shaped like a column around the caster. All metallic material must make a RR vs the level of the caster. If the RR is failed, the material is broken. |
spell name: NARCOLEPSY 2 | list name: chill of night | level: 25 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: maleficant base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Target contracts narcolepsy. He has a 50% chance to suddenly fall asleep in any stressful or threatening situation. |
spell name: SOUL BURN 5 * | list name: soul death | level: 25 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: maleficant base | spell class: fm* | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Target suffers an 'E' Shock critical, and also loses 10% of his life levels (RMC/1, Section 6.1) per 10% RR failure. |
spell name: ESSENCE TALISMAN | list name: talismans | level: 25 | realm: channeling/mentalism | type: maleficant base | spell class: fd | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 talisman | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This talisman grants a bonus equal to the creator's level vs. all Essence-based attacks. The talisman takes one day/level to create. Note: the caster may make a Talisman of lower level than his own if he wishes, taking correspondingly fewer days to create (e .g., a 10th level Maleficant could make a 1st level Talisman in one day). |
spell name: SPELL CONTROL * | list name: spell hand | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f* | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: All target's spells within the duration of the spell may be cast silently and non-somatically (this spell requires no verbal or somatic component) within the duration. |
spell name: FOIL TRUE | list name: spell bane | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Target's spells have a 50% chance of not working. Spell does not fumble and no PPs are lost. |
spell name: NULIFY SINGLE USE ITEMS TRUE | list name: spell dampening | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' radius | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: For this spell's duration, all of the target's single use items (runes, potions, etc.) are rendered unusable or ineffectual. After this spell ends, the item(s) once again become magical and usable. |
spell name: INSTANTANEOUS | list name: spell manipulation | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Duration of target's spells become instantaneous. |
spell name: PROTECT BEING TRUE | list name: spell guard | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target / 5 levels | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster is able to transfer a portion or all of his resistance bonus to one living object per five caster levels which has a mass equal to or less than his own. The bonus transferred is subtracted from the caster's current bonus. The target's bonus, if any, is averaged with the bonus transferred by the caster. Note that in some cases this may actually lower the bonus of the target. |
spell name: GREATER HAMMER STAFF | list name: wizard staff | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: fp | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 staff | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Triple concussion hits are delivered by Staff when used in melee. |
spell name: UNLIMITED CHARM | list name: charmcraft | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell inscribes a Charm effect onto the matrix that is placed on an item through Anchor. When Charm is cast on the prepared item it becomes receptive and the next spell cast onto the item within one minute (by the caster or another cooperating spell-user) will be harmlessly absorbed and will activate the Charm against that specific spell. At the time of casting Charm the caster can choose to orient the Charm to either protect a bonded bearer or the item itself. Unlimited Xharm can be set to guard against a spell of any level. |
spell name: LORD TATTOO | list name: organism skills | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: touch | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Allows the creation of enchanted Tattoos on an area primed with Prepare Flesh. The first time Tattoo is cast, the caster must choose the type of effect that the Tattoo is to hold (Rune, Daily Imbed, etc.) and the Tattoo will only be able to contain that type of enchantment. It takes one week per number of the Tattoo spell used to complete the inscription, which must be at least one-half a square inch in size for every level of the Tattoo spell. Tattoo 3 must be at least 12.5 square inches, and can hold up to twentieth level Runes or other effects. |
spell name: PERIMETER WARD 1 | list name: perimeter wardings | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell will dispel any active spell crossing its perimeter that fails to resist the level of the wardings. This spell may not be used with Outer Wardings. |
spell name: ELEMENTAL WARD 2 | list name: structure wardings | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: The structure then receives 1/4 damage from any elemental attacks. This warding protects versus both "magic"" and ""normal"" forms of the element." |
spell name: DEMON RESUSCITATION | list name: palingenesis | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: wizard base | spell class: f | duration: 1 day | range: touch | area of effect: salts | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Infusing the Essential Salts of an being from other worlds, planse, dimensions, etc. in a certain liquid medium (a one day long experiment) and then casting this spell creates a Guardian Essential Spirit from the Essential Salts of an "unearthly"" entity. This being must either have possessed the spell list Guardian's Ways in life |
spell name: DRAGONWING | list name: beast's ways | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster can fly at the same rate as a dragon (200'/rnd). Caster must continually remain in motion (he cannot hover) and while he can slow to land safely and make gradual changes in speed, he will fall if he stops completely while in flight. |
spell name: TRANSFORMATION | list name: insect mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: fm | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Transforms another being into an Insect Form of any type. Target takes 'B' severity Physical Alteration crits until 100% changed. The transformed being is under the caster's control (will not do anything suicidal), and yet the being still retains its original intelligence. A being may revert to its natural form only through the use of True Transformation, Dispel Curse. Remove Curse, or Transformation Wish. |
spell name: SUMMON HURRICANE | list name: nature summons | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: varies | area of effect: 1 mile / level radius | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates weather conditions which will produce a hurricane |
spell name: CALL STORMS | list name: weather mastery | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: druid base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 mile radius / level | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Causes severe weather within the area of effect. The type of storm is determined by the caster. |
spell name: CONVEYANCE 5 | list name: conveyance | level: 25 | realm: mentalism | type: seer base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster's psyche leaves his body (which is inactive) and may travel at 5 mile /minute. Caster's 'psyche' will receive normal sensory information, but cannot cast spells or affect anything around him. All perception rolls to notice the hazy, shimmering form ofthe caster's psyche are at -75. Caster can travel through solid matter at 25' / round. If the caster overstays the duration, he must make a RR (at -50) or die (attack level equals number of rounds overstayed). |
spell name: SHARD SHOWER | list name: crystal law | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: crystal mage base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: V | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster shoots forth 1/5 level crystal shards from his palm. Damage is detemined on the Light Crossbow chart. Once the shard has been cast, it is considered a normal missile weapon. Directed spells bonus can only be applied to 1 target. |
spell name: BEAST MANIFESTATION | list name: spirit manifestations | level: 25 | realm: channeling | type: shaman base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50' | area of effect: one spirit | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell permits the spirit to assume the physical form of any one beast or monster desired, including its smell, sound, appearance and feel. Such a manifested spirit need not eat/drink/breathe, nor does it suffer from exhaustion/disease. It acquires the physical attacks and attributes of that animal. In this form, the spirit may be harmed by normal weapons or spells. Although the spirit manifests an animal form, it retains its own nature, Will, and intelligence, if any. (Because of this, the GM may rule that the manifestation should not conflict with the spirit's nature.) After the spell's duration, it reverts to a totally non-corporeal entity. Of all manifestation spells, this type confers enhanced physical existence to the spirit, and therefore will cause the greatest taint. |
spell name: TRIAD ACID BOLT | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: V | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Three bolts of acid are shot from the caster's palm. They can strike up to 3 different targets within 60 degrees of each other (must be in field of view of the caster). Caster's directed spell bonuses can only apply to one of the attacks. |
spell name: HOME PORT | list name: fisherman's way | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: professional guild list | spell class: if | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: When the caster wishes to set sail for home he can cast this spell and never miss. After casting this spell, the wind in the vicinity will change direction and guide the ship back to the caster's chosen home port. |
spell name: SHIP CLOAK | list name: pirate's way | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: professional guild list | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 boat | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Renders the target vessel invisible, including the area of displaced water below it and the wake behind it. Any violent entry or exit from the ship will cancel the effect. |
spell name: SHARDSPRAY | list name: glass mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: professional guild list | spell class: e | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: A red-hot spray of razor-sharp glass fragments sprays outward from the caster's hand. Attack is resolved on the Ice Bolt table, delivering shrapnel (primary) and heat (secondary) criticals. Note: This spell does not actually create glass from nothing; caster must have 1 ounce of glass on his person for this spell to function. |
spell name: SUSPENDED ANIMATION | list name: surgeon's guide | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: professional guild list | spell class: f | duration: 1 week / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster suspends all life processes of patient. Body is perfectly preserved. |
spell name: BONDING | list name: combat link | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: u | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Bonds target to the organization and creates a permanent Link spell tying him to all other members of his organization. Unlike Teambond, the target can form a team with any member of the organization, not just his teammates. There is no limit to the size of the organization, but no more than six can form a single team. Also, the target can activate Battle Linkfor a duration of one hour per day. Bonding needs some form of focus, such as a ring, a tattoo or something to symbolize the membership to the organization. If the focus is destroyed, the Bonding is disrupted until a new focus is made. The act of casting Bonding on a member is often the final membership ritual of some arcane and mystic fighting orders. |
spell name: MULTIARMOR | list name: element's master | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: d | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: While this spell is in effect, the caster takes only 1/2 damage from his 'coupled' element(s), and all criticals delivered from them are reduced one degree in severity. |
spell name: MANA MOLDING 7 | list name: mana molding | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: varies | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: This spell may be used to simulate any first level spell from any list. If no spell exactly describes the desired effects, this spell will provide those effects, but at approximately seventh level in power. In effect, this spell is a very low-powered wish. |
spell name: TIME BALL 50' | list name: time law | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: special list | spell class: f | duration: | range: 300' | area of effect: 50' radius | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: A sphere of focused, pulsating temporal energy is released from the caster's palm, slowly expanding and striking target(s) for damage indicated on the Time Ball Attack Table (RMC5 10.2). |
spell name: TRUE PERCEPTION | list name: amplifications | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 30' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Target's perception is increased by +50. Caster can, with a successful maneuver, identify specific or hidden characteristics of anything which he can logically detect with any of his five senses. |
spell name: AURA BLAZE 4 | list name: Aura Magic | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: FE | duration: 1 round / level (concentration) | range: Self | area of effect: 20' R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Causes the caster's aura to give off palpable heat, inflicting "A"" Heat criticals to all within a 20' radius who fail a RR. The severity of the criticals delivered can be raised by one degree of severity of each additional 25 pp the caster expends in casting the spell." |
spell name: FORCE TRUENAME | list name: spiritwrack | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: fm | duration: | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster learns entity's Truename. With this information, the entity can be controlled completely by the caster (Cf., Mind Control True, Mentalist Base list Mind Control). The entity must endeavor to complete all tasks set for it by the caster, and the caster can summon that specific entity again through the use of the appropriate Conjure spell. By invoking its Truename, the caster could even instruct the entity not to resist other spells cast on it. |
spell name: CONJURE 7 | list name: conjurations | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: fm | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster may summon an extraplanar entity, which slowly appears over the next three rounds. The creature so summoned is determined randomly by a roll on the following table: 01-09 Pale VI Demon (C&T 2.35) 10-18 Pale VII Demon (C&T 2.35) 19-27 Strong Elemental (C&T 2.34) 28-36 Eraditor (C&T2 7.1) 37-45 Storm Demon (C&T2 7.1) 46-54 Rhodintor (C&T2 7.1) 55-63 ,Thonis (C&T2 7.1) 64-72 Elemental Savant (C&T2 2.0) 73-81 Demon Scourge (C&T2 7 . I) 82-90 Deity Champion: Noble (C&T2 7.2) 91-100 Use Conjure True Table The entity is under no compulsion to cooperate with the caster unless the appropriate Command spells are used on it. |
spell name: SPELL REIN | list name: crystal visions | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: varies | area of effect: crystal | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Used in conjunction with a Transfer spell, the caster may select a specific target for his spell (i.e., it is no longer random). |
spell name: NEXUS GUARDIAN | list name: node mastery | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: fh | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: using this spell , the caster may commission a willing target to be an eternal guardian of the earthnode, following instructions which the caster gives. So long as the being fulfills the conditions of the contract he will not age and if injured will automatically regenerate 1 hit / round and gradually heal all other injuries. The conditions of the contract may vary but all contracts must contain the following: the being must have submitted to this of his own free will, he will submit to the wishes of the caster, he may not leave the radius of the earthnode, and he will defend the nexus. if a guardian breaks the contract he will resume aging at the normal rate, but will not suffer aging for all the time he has been a guardian. the Guardian's only concern is the Nexus, not the Earthnode or the caster. The Guardian has full run of the Earthblood's Ways list with no power point expenditure. |
spell name: EARTHBLOOD SAVANT | list name: earthfocus | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: e | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 50' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates a Light Elemental Savant (C&T2 Section 6.0) from the power of the Earth node. The elemental is of low intelligence, but innately knows and understands the layout of the Earthnode to the extent of the caster's knowledge, and will obey simple commands from the caster (even those which would result in its own demise). The elemental delivers Essence criticals and uses the Large Creatures Critical table. At the end of the spell's duration, the elemental disperses back into the node from whence it came. The elemental cannot leave the radius of the Earthnode. |
spell name: STRIKEFOCUS | list name: node functions | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Adds +5 to the caster's next spell-delivered critical strike. This +5 will shift a natural roll into the 'open-ended' range (if the caster rolled a 94, Strikefocus would shift the roll to a 99). |
spell name: FORCE WALL 4 | list name: forcefields | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: fe | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster creates an impassable wall of force. The wall has 5 hits per level of the caster and an AT of 20. The wall can only be brought down if a single attack (or a coordinated group of attacks) can exceed the wall's hits. Criticals delivered to the wall for these ' hit' purposes are as follows:' A'= 10, 'B' = 20, 'C' = 30, 'D' = 40, 'E' =50. The wall needs no physical support and can be shaped according to the caster's wishes in a 20' x 10' x 1' area and the wall can be curved or even formed in to a 10' radius sphere or semi-sphere. The caster can make the wall invisible, or it can appear as a visible, shimmering area. |
spell name: REFLECTIONS TRUE | list name: light's creations | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: fd | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates a highly reflective field about the target which confers a bonus of+ 70 against all light based attacks and a percentage chance equal to twice the level of the caster to reflect the attack back to its origin. Three attacks may be reflected per round. |
spell name: SURESIGN TRUE | list name: spell mastery | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: u | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: After casting this spell, the caster adds +50 to his next Circle Lore, Runes, Symbol Lore, or Warding Lore skill roll. |
spell name: STORM CHAIN | list name: Mana Currents | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: FE | duration: | range: 200' | area of effect: V | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster creates a bolt of lighting which jumps from target to target unitl the number of targets attacked equals the caster's level divided by 5. One additional chain is released for every 10 levels of the caster. Caster's Directed Spell Bonus only applies to the first target. Each target must be within 100' of each other to be affected, otherwise the bolt will simply dissipate. A target may be attacked more than once by the same bolt. A bolt may arc to an object such as a clumn o fstone, a statue, a door, a wall, a floor, or even the ground, and proceed from there. Each target makes a RR with no modifiers. If the target is successful, he is not attack during that jump. If unsuccessful, apply elemental defenses normally. Targets wearing AT 20-17 are penalized by -25 to their RR, AT16-13 = -20, AT 12-9 = -15, AT 8-5 = -10, AT 4-1 = -5. Note: If the bolt fails a resistance roll vs. itself while arching to an inanimate object, it has grounded out and presents no further threat. |
spell name: UNCONSCIOUSNESS | list name: subdual ways | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Target is unconscious and unwakeable for 1 minute per 5% failure. |
spell name: DEATH BOLT * | list name: spell shaping | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: U* | duration: 1 attack | range: Self | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Any criticals delivered by the caster's next bolt attack are automatically 'E' criticals, but the bolt can not be cast to inflict multiples of damage by increasing the PP expended. |
spell name: AMPLIFY TRUE | list name: ephemeral enhancement | level: 25 | realm: arcane | type: open arcane | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Increases any single statistic of target by one point per level of the caster up to the statistic potential. |
spell name: DODGE TRUE | list name: Combat Law | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Semi-Spell User Base | spell class: D* | duration: 5 rounds | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell gives the caster +50 to his DB for 5 rounds. |
spell name: SHIELD BLOW TRUE | list name: Mystic Armor | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: shield | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the caster to use his shield to automatically intercept the next attack (melee or missile) that delivers a critical. The attack may not be from the rear. The critical strike will be changed to reflect this (e.g., a neck strike would be lowered on the chart until it became a shield arm strike or no location is listed). The critical is also reduced by 4 levels in severity. |
spell name: DRAGON SUMMONS | list name: Dragon Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: M | duration: 1-8 hours | range: 1 mi/lvl | area of effect: 1 drake | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Casters summons one dragon of a specified "type" within the spell range. If no dragon of that type is present, the spell has no effect. Spell duration is the length of time required for the dragon to reach caster. |
spell name: ANNOUNCEMENT | list name: Mage Sign | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: as Sign | range: touch | area of effect: Sign | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell allows the Message written into a Sign to be read by anyone who sees the Sign (e.g. a Read Message spell is unnecessary). This spell can only be cast on one of the Caster's own Signs. |
spell name: WILL CONTEST II | list name: Will Breaker | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: M | duration: varies | range: 2'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target is forced to undergo a Will Contest (see RMCI, Section 5.1). Consider the caster to be the "Item." The Will Contest may last several rounds, but the caster receives a +20 bonus to his Will during the first round and a 2nd round bonus of +10. Neither caster nor target may take any action while the Will Contest continues. |
spell name: AERATE ORGANIC SOLID | list name: Bubble Magic | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / 5 levels (concentration) | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 cu'/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster may aerate up to one cubic foot of organic solid per level (i.e., cause small bubbles to spontaneously diffuse throughout the affected area). If the caster uses this spell to attack an animal, monster, or humanoid target, the following constraints apply: two rounds of concentration are required to begin forming bubbles in the target's system, after which the target begins to take Disruption criticals for each additional round the caster concentrates. If the caster concentrates the full two initial rounds, the target will take one Disruption critical, even if the caster then ceases concentrating. Once the bubbles form and begin to pop inside the target's body, he receives one ‘A' critical for each of the first two rounds, one ‘B' critical on rounds three and four, etc. |
spell name: SNAKE SUMMONING TRUE | list name: Serpent Law | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: FM | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 snake | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to summon a level 3 snake that will have the ability to inject one of the caster's memorized venoms (the venom must be chosen as the spell is cast). Poison level will be the level of the caster and is instantaneous. |
spell name: BLOCK MENTALISM TRUE | list name: The Aegis | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: witch hunter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / 10 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target must make an RR or be unable to utilize any Mentalism PPs for 1 round per 5% failure. |
spell name: TETHER TRUE | list name: The Chains | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: witch hunter base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target's motion is restricted to a limited radius centered around a fixed point specified when this spell is cast. He is restricted as if he were attached to an invisible, intangible tether. His range of motion on the Tether is a radius of 10' per level of the caster. If the target attempts to leave the radius, he will take an ‘E' Electrical critical each round until he enters the radius again. |
spell name: PENETRATE MISFEEL | list name: The Eye | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: witch hunter base | spell class: I | duration: 1 minute / level (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster can see through a single Misfeel (it ceases to exist for the caster). |
spell name: STUN RELIEF TRUE | list name: The Fist | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: witch hunter base | spell class: HU* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster is relieved of all rounds of accumulated stun effects. |
spell name: COMPEL TRUTH VI | list name: The Question | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: witch hunter base | spell class: M | duration: 1 Week | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target must answer the caster's questions truthfully for 1 week. |
spell name: MIRROR MAZE | list name: Mirror Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 50'x50' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster causes a maze of mirrors to spring up and occupy an area of up to 50'x50' (there can be no intervening objects such as walls within the designated area). Mirrors are 10' high. The "corridors" of the maze are 5' wide. Caster intuitively knows how to maneuver through his own maze. |
spell name: TURBULENCE TRUE | list name: Air Forms | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell sets up random wind currents and eddies around a target. The target is -100 to all moving maneuvers and combat for the duration. |
spell name: UTTERDARK | list name: Dark Forms | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 10'R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster creates a 10' radius circle of darkness in which only "Utterlight" can exist. |
spell name: EARTHMIGHT TRUE | list name: Earth Forms | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: U | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Gives the caster a +50 to his St modifier for the duration of this spell. |
spell name: LORD FIRE CLOAK | list name: Fire Forms | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster is bathed in flames causing an ‘E' Heat critical and 40 hits to all within a 5' radius. The caster is unharmed by these flames. |
spell name: UTTERICE | list name: Ice Forms | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 10'R/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a patch of thin, yet unusually slippery ice on any solid or liquid surface. Any attempts to move across this patch are resolved as a Virtually Impossible Maneuver due to the slipperiness of the ice. After the duration of the spell the ice melts normally (e.g. 1 or 2 rounds in very hot conditions or several hours in very cold conditions). |
spell name: UTTERLIGHT | list name: Light Forms | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 10'R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a sphere of light about the point touched that will illuminate out to 10'. Even magical dark cannot exist within its area of effect. |
spell name: LORD WAVE | list name: Water Forms | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: elementalist base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 10' | area of effect: 10'R/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes a wave of water to move away from the caster across the surface of a body of water. The wave will upset any boat and give swimmers a -200 to their swimming roll. |
spell name: MASS FLY (150'/RND) | list name: Essence Wing | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: open essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: One target per level of caster can fly at a rate of 150' per round. |
spell name: HEALING POTION III | list name: Cup Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: H | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Heals 20-200 hit points of the drinker's concussion damage. |
spell name: JUDGMENT | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 20th level female Sage persona with the following statistics: Hits: 75; OB Dagger, +70; AT 2(40); PP: 50. The servant of Judgment can cast the following spells: 13th level - Weigh Decision III (Sage base list: Lore's Master), Mind's Lore V(Sage base list: Absorb Knowledge); 20th level - Correlations III (Sage base list: Lore's Master). In addition, she commands the following skills: General Perception, +90; Lie Perception, +75; Philosophy/Religion (all), +25. |
spell name: TAROT SERVANT | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a personification of a Minor Arcana court card drawn by the querent. The tarot servant will not fight in hand-to-hand combat, but it will follow all other directions given to it by the querent to the best of its ability. If harmed in any way, the tarot servant is dispelled. All tarot servants speak, but none possess any special knowledge. Each of the different cards has one special ability. King of Rods. May cast a Wall of Fire spell at will. King of Cups. Radiates a constant Calm aura within a 10' radius. King of Swords. Radiates a constant Inspirations II within a 10' radius. King of Pentacles. Possesses all Trading skills at +75. Queen of Rods. Possesses Diplomacy and Seduction skills at +75. Queen of Cups. May cast a Glamour I spell at will. Queen of Swords. Possesses General Perception skill at +75. Queen of Pentacles. Has the ability to communicate perfectly (10 ranks) in the querent's language, and +25 (level 3) in all other languages. Prince of Rods. Exceptionally strong; +75 to rolls involving brute strength. Prince of Cups. May commune with a demon to receive an answer to one yes/no question. Prince of Swords. May cast an Erosions spell at will. Prince of Pentacles. Possesses all Leadership and Tactical skills at +75. Princess of Rods. May cast a Pyrokinesis II spell at will. Princess of Cups. May cast a Charm Kind spell at will. Princess of Swords. Possesses Pick Pockets skill at +75. Princess of Pentacles. May casting a Healing 5-50 spell at will. |
spell name: PENTACLE COIN IV | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Pentacle to shrink to coin size. It then divides; half of the pentacle returns to its normal size and detail, the other becomes a gold coin. This spell is usable only once per day. |
spell name: POWER TORCH | list name: Rod Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: E | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes a continuous stream of very hot fire to shoot from the tip of the caster's Tarot Rod (similar to a powerful blowtorch). The flame can be used to ignite/melt objects, or as a weapon. One wooden object (up to 3' x 3' x 3') can be ignited each round; larger objects can be fully ignited in multiple rounds (e.g., igniting a wooden building measuring 10' x 10' x 10 would take 4 rounds). Metal objects can be melted to slag at the rate of 5 rounds per 3' x 3' x 3' chunk. Anyone unfortunate enough to be attacked by a Power Torch will suffer an ‘E' heat critical each round after the first round (the first-round attack should be treated as a normal Fire Bolt attack). The target may make a maneuver roll each round to try to escape the flame using an appropriate gymnastic or athletic skill (e.g., Jumping or Tumbling if target is near a ledge, Sprinting if in an open area, etc.) modified by the caster's Directed Spell skill for Fire Bolt. |
spell name: ENCHANT BLADE IV | list name: Sword Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Turns the caster's Tarot Sword into a +20 magic weapon and imbues it with a high intelligence. Anyone using a Tarot Sword enchanted using this spell must know this list, or they will not receive the benefits of this magical bonus. An Enchant Blade III must have been cast previously on the sword. |
spell name: STUMBLE III | list name: Dream Mists | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: dream lord base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: All with in the Dream Mist must make an RR every minute or be transported to a Dream World the caster has prepared. While in the Dream World, the target may attempt a Will check once per minute to return to the real world. In any event, the target returns to the real world when the Dream Mist dissipates. |
spell name: CREATE STONE TRUE | list name: Dream World | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: dream lord base | spell class: FM | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster can create a stone structure with a volume of up to 100 cu'/lvl. The structure could be a hill, wall, cliff, etc. Buildings, etc., are not allowed. |
spell name: CORNER SHADOWFIRE BOLT | list name: Shadow Law | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling | type: shadow mage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 200' | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: A bolt of Shadowfire is shot from the palm of the caster. Results are determined on the Greater Elemental Force Attack Table (EC page 107), using Cold criticals (primary), Electricity criticals (secondary), and Depression criticals (tertiary). Range 200'. Caster can make the bolt turn once up to 90° before striking the target (caster must know target's location and his OBs are all halved). |
spell name: RANDOM DISPLACEMENT TRUE | list name: Destructive Displacements | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 1000' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target teleports to a random location within 100,000,000'. Caster chooses a particular area of elemental influence (earth, air, fire, water, or with GM approval, "Aether", "Void", or "Outer Space" [100% chance of death]). There is a 70% chance of target instantly dying due to re-materialization under the earth, high in the air, deep underwater, within a volcano, etc. (GM's discretion). Otherwise, target will harmlessly reappear in or near an example of that element. If no appropriate terrain is within range the spell has no effect. For example, when no fire or heat is within range, Random Fire Displacement is not possible. |
spell name: BATTLE GLOW TRUE | list name: Battle Trance | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: arms master base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell gives the caster a visible aura, causing him to appear more powerful and subtracting 25 from attacks against him. Foes must also resist versus the caster's level at -50 or hesitate 1 round per 10 failure before attacking the caster. Failure by 100 or more means the foe will flee for 1 rnd per 10 failure. This spell is not cumulative with Blur or other Battle Glow spells. |
spell name: BATTLELORE TRUE | list name: Commands | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: arms master base | spell class: UI | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: The casting of this spell grants the caster a bonus of +50 or his level (whichever is greater) to his next Racial History (Battles) roll. |
spell name: SIEGE WEAPON | list name: Encampments | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: arms master base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell allows the caster to construct one siege weapon (e.g., a catapult or a siege tower) in 1/10h the normal time. This spell does not provide the materials. |
spell name: RAPID DEPLOYMENT V | list name: Martial Law | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: arms master base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 10' | area of effect: 5 targets | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: With this spell the caster can move up to 5 targets a distance of 50' per level instantly. Treat each move as Long Door on the Closed Essence list: Lofty Bridge, except for the range limitation. |
spell name: BLADE OF DEATH | list name: Warrior Blade | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: arms master base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: Warriorblade | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: With this spell the caster attunes his Warriorblade to a specific enemy. To cast this spell, the caster must have something from the target, either part of his body or a possession. After a ritual which takes four hours to complete, the Warriorblade will do Slaying criticals against the target. Only one enemy can be attuned to the blade at one time. |
spell name: MOUNTED COMBAT TRUE | list name: Horseman's Way | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: beastmaster base | spell class: M | duration: 1 round / level | range: mounted | area of effect: Horse Familiar | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster, when he fights from horseback, to make his mount attack at the same time with a +50 modification. |
spell name: MENTAL CHANGE I | list name: Mental Shifting | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: doppelganger base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster mentally becomes race, level, and/or profession of any Mind Typed race or individual. Caster will gain any racial bonuses to mental skills. Note that the caster still retains his skills (new level bonuses, stat bonuses applied, granted). Also, any attribute that the caster does not choose to copy, he will retain. Duration is permanent. |
spell name: LONG SLEEP | list name: Fey Magic | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: M• | duration: 1 month / 10 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target falls into a deep sleep, from which he may not be awoken. |
spell name: EARTHHEART | list name: Heartfires | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: D | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Protects either caster's heart or his birth spot (the spot on most drakes where scales fail to develop properly). Negates any critical strike to protected area unless it is from an armor-cutting weapon which successfully makes its armor-cut roll. |
spell name: BRAIN ROT | list name: Putrefactions | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Target is deranged and dies in one day. |
spell name: COORDINATION III | list name: Spell Web | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: U | duration: 1 round / level | range: link | area of effect: web | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: While under the effects of this spell the Spellweb members add +5 per member to their BAR and directed spells attack. Any time any member of the Spellweb attacks the same target with directed or base spells, he gets a +5 per member bonus to the attack (if three members Firebolt the same target, they would all get +15 to directed spell versus that target). Each member will also know which spell the other members are casting, the target, and/or the area that the spell effects will fall. |
spell name: MASS FEAR | list name: Vampyric Magicks | level: 25 | realm: essence/channeling/mentalism | type: Special | spell class: M* | duration: 1 minute / 10 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: RR Mod: -10 Up to one target/lvl of caster fears the caster and attempts to flee. |
spell name: LASTING GATE | list name: Arcane Gate | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 gate | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: The caster is able to make any one gate permanent. Only one gate per caster may be made permanent. |
spell name: HITS | list name: Arcane Healing | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: H* | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target is healed of all concussion damage. |
spell name: HIDE SPELL | list name: Devious Ways | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F* | duration: - | range: - | area of effect: 1 spell | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes one spell to be cast within and along with another spell, e.g., a Fireball within a Rune of Healing. The feeling/ aura of the hidden spell will be undetectable beneath that of the overt spell. For example Meik the Healer casts the requested heal spell upon Evro the farmer but along with it he casts a curse of silence. |
spell name: CORRELATION | list name: Experimentation Ways | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: P | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to correlate known facts to obtain conclusions. This has the effect of increasing the caster's Reasoning bonus by +100 for one maneuver involving Reasoning. Conclusions are reached almost automatically. |
spell name: OBSERVATION | list name: Experimentation Ways | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: P | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster gains insight or facts by observing a person or thing with intense concentration. This has the effect of increasing the caster's perception skill bonus by + 100 for one observation. Caster will notice virtually all details in even a large experiment. Caster may use this spell in conjunction with remembering a previous experiment via the Record spell. |
spell name: CUSHION | list name: Fortification Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: alters the flexibility of an area of stone (up to 20 cubic foot per level) so that impacts only do half damage. Wall strength is unchanged by this spell. |
spell name: FAR MIND VOICE | list name: Long Voice | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I* | duration: concentration | range: same plane | area of effect: 1 being | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may 'speak' to any one other Mind Stored sentient being as long as he concentrates. Language should not usually pose a difficulty since Telepathy translates into thought-images rather than words. Range is anywhere on the same planet and plane. |
spell name: MAGIC REFLECTION | list name: Magic Defense | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: 1 spell | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: One inbound spell must make a RR or be reflected back upon its caster with full normal bonus. |
spell name: MAGNETIC STORM | list name: Magnetic Ways | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster creates a small magnetic storm (up to 100,000 cubic feet per level in area) very similar to the Aurora Borealis. Within the area of effect electrical fields are randomly disrupted (10% of the time or GM option). Bright varicolored lights flash and shimmer in the air. Magnetic effects (including lodestones) are unpredictable. |
spell name: CONTROL II | list name: Matter Manipulation | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: infinite | area of effect: 1 creation | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: This allows the caster to totally control any magical creature he has created or has been created by another (RR vs the level of the creator), for as long as the creature exists. When the creature and the protoplasm vanish, this spell will no longer remain in effect. |
spell name: VOIDAL FLEXIBILITY | list name: Planar Survival | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: U | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster's mind to accept the reality of the Void. Caster is then able to perceive the subtle differences between objects and creatures originating from the Void. This will prevent the disorientation that usually follows as a result of the lack of reality necessary to form accurate perceptions when dealing with creatures from the Void or with conditions present in the Void itself (the various planes of the Pales etc.). |
spell name: NODE LINK | list name: Power Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster makes a temporary link between himself and an Earthnode to draw up to 1 PP per level into his personal power. If this amount of PPs pushes the caster over his normal PP limit, he will suffer burnout. This spell may be used but once per day. Caster need not be in contact with an Earthnode to successfully complete this spell. |
spell name: DIALOGUE TRUE | list name: Primitive Voice | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: I* | duration: concentration | range: Unlimited | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may send the target a verbal message limited only by duration of concentration and range. The target must have previously been Attuned. Target must permit contact. If connection is made, caster may receive verbal communication back from the target. range is unlimited. Communication may even occur between planes; however, some planes may prevent such communication (e.g., low magic planes, etc). |
spell name: SWITCH | list name: Realm Law | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes any spells cast by caster during the duration to be altered to a chosen realm. This will allow the caster to bypass known defenses, Cancel/Dispel/Un-spells etc. Thus, caster can 'hit 'em where they aint'. Any of the Dispel True spells make this spell ineffective. |
spell name: ALTER COPY | list name: Replicating Ways | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to make small changes in the copied object (one change per casting of this spell) involving no more mass than 1/4 of 1% per level of caster per spell cast. |
spell name: CHANGE | list name: Ritual Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Arcane | type: closed arcane | spell class: F | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may alter a ritual in progress (ritual must have been 'Stored' previously) without necessitating a failure check. Caster may add or subtract parts of the ritual without danger to himself. If the addition requires additional time, then the caster may need to make additional time checks before ritual may be completed. |
spell name: EVOLUTION | list name: Genetic Ways | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: animist base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may 'evolve' a target along specific lines, to be stronger, taller, more intelligent, etc. For example, caster may alter one race stat bonus by up to +/-1 per 5 levels of caster (with another random stat being affected inversely to the chosen stat). |
spell name: HEAVENLY BRIDGE | list name: Holy Champion | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: cleric base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 1 plane | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Holy Champion is able to travel to any desired place to accomplish his deity's goals. Holy Champion may bring along up to one person per level who is also charged with completing the god's quest. |
spell name: HEART | list name: Jihad | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target is immune to all fear anc charm attacks. Sleep attacks are halved for attack level and duration. |
spell name: CHAIN IV | list name: Power Merge | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: varies | area of effect: 4 spells | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows the caster to chain the effects of spells together in such a way that they take effect one after the other beginning as soon as the Chain spell is completed. During the first round after the Chain spell is completed, one spell would take effect, and during the next round the next spell. Two spells (15th lvl or less) may be chained per Chain spell. Power points must be expended for this spell and for each of the chained spells. Each succeeding 'chained' spell is directed at the same target as the first, with all applicable bonuses (though relevant rolls are re-rolled each round). |
spell name: BOON | list name: Wyrd Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: closed channeling | spell class: U | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may roll any roll (directly relevant him) during the duration then choose which die is tens. |
spell name: SURVIVAL TOOLS | list name: Survival Ways | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: druid base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates serviceable environmental tools (up to 1/lvl) such as skis, skates, rope, pitons, hammer, crampons, etc. Items are created from appropriate, common material (wood, iron, hemp, etc.). |
spell name: MIND'S PAIN | list name: Cruelty Ways | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: M | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes target to believe that any of the lower-level effects occur. No actual damage is done, up to the point of death, at which point the character does die. |
spell name: UNLUCK | list name: Dark Curses | level: 25 | realm: Channeling | type: evil cleric base | spell class: F | duration: until removed | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: All rolls involving the target are modified by +/- 5 towards most detrimental result for target. |
spell name: GOLEM TRUE | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Forms and animates any golem (up to level of caster). |
spell name: ASSIMILATIVE CREATION | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may combine any powers, previously Assimilative Stored, into an item which will be effective for the duration of this spell. |
spell name: ELEMENT BARRIER | list name: Barriers | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster seals an area vs any one form of element. For example, Friga, a 25th level Ice Mage, decides to go into battle against his arch-rival Boan, a 30th level Fire Mage. In preparation for this cataclysmic battle, Friga casts an Element Barrier (Fire) on himself so that when battle is joined he will be impervious to Boan's Firebolts, Fireballs, and fire elementals. |
spell name: METAL WALL | list name: Construction Ways | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: 10 ft/lvl | area of effect: 10 cu'/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to create a iron wall of up to 10 cubic feet per level. It must rest on a solid surface. |
spell name: DEC. PRIMAL FRICTION | list name: Friction Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may decrease the friction between Essence (of any chosen sort including Essence, Mentalism, Channeling, etc.) and it's environment. This will have the effect of speeding any of the affected type of Essence passing through the area, e.g., any spells cast in this area will be saved against at -1 per level of the caster of the Increase Elemental Friction spell, all of the affected type spells cast in the area will require 1/4 as long to cast. |
spell name: VAPORIZE OTHER | list name: Matter Shaping | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to change up to 1 cubic foot per level of any one type of material that is either a combination of two to three of the previous materials (lava, etc.) or none of them (energy, plasma, magical energy, living tissue, etc.) to a solid. The solid will retain the same qualities it had in its normal state. |
spell name: RADIUS TRUE | list name: Spell Enhancement II | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: U | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: 1 spell | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Changes a 1 target spell so that it has a radius of 5' per ten levels of the caster instead of 1 target. |
spell name: CHANGE REQUIREMENT | list name: Sustain Body | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to alter one of the basic necessities of life for one target. For example, if this spell were cast on a mammal it could allow it to breathe carbon dioxide, eat iron or silicon, drink ammonia, etc. |
spell name: REVEAL PATH | list name: Trace Law | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can follow the exact path of a target. Caster sees a faint glowing trail which will follow the exact trail taken by the target. |
spell name: MAKE WEAPON | list name: Weapon Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: closed essence | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to create any 'stored' weapon. Created weapon has all the normal characteristics of that type of weapon. If a missile weapon, use short and long bow as guidelines. No weapon may be created other than personal weapons, (no ballistae, catapults etc.). |
spell name: INCREASED RANK | list name: Martial Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: monk base | spell class: U* | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster gains +1 to a chosen MA attack per level of caster for the duration of this spell. |
spell name: STASIS STORE | list name: Prison Law | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: open essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 day / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Places one target (who fails his RR) into stasis for the duration of this spell. The target will neither age, nor be able to act for the duration. Target will be unaffected by anything while in stasis. |
spell name: ELEMENTAL PARRY | list name: Warrior's Blade | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: open essence | spell class: F | duration: 1 parry | range: touch | area of effect: 1 blade | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may use up to his entire normal weapon OB to 'parry' one elemental spell attack. The caster gains OB bonus against next perceived and parried elemental attack. |
spell name: BURST | list name: Rending Ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: sorcerer base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes a target or object to explode. Object may not be larger than 5 cubic foot per level of caster. Affected target takes random Impact and random Disruption criticals (random severity and roll). Affected object will explode into many pieces doing 1-5 (+2 per level of caster) attacks on all within 1' per level. Attack table varies according to the type of material exploded, e.g., wooden door will do foil attacks, large ceramic vase will do hand axe attacks, crystal statue will do dagger attacks, stone block will do sling bullet attacks, etc. |
spell name: STRATEGY | list name: Battle Law | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: I | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Spell uses data on terrain, available troops, enemy strength, fortifications, politics, etc. to form a strategic plan of action. GM will give one piece of strategic advice per spell cast. This spell only utilizes 'known' data to create its advice. |
spell name: IMPASSE | list name: Combat Reflexes | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows the caster to remain untouchable to all physical attacks directed at him during one round, however the caster can perform no other action during the round that this spell is in effect. This spell requires all actions available in the round it is cast. |
spell name: REFLECT | list name: Mind Protection | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: F* | duration: - | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 spell | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Reflects one spell back upon it's caster (unless a RR is made). If the spell is not reflected (the spell makes it's RR) then the caster must make a RR or be affected normally. If the spell is reflected then the attacking caster must make a RR versus his own spell or be affected by it. This spell will reflect but one spell, then needs to be recast to be effective once again. |
spell name: MISDIRECT ATTACK | list name: Mind's Refuge | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: D | duration: - | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 spell | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster causes one mental attack to be diverted from himself to a chosen (at time of casting) target within range. Chosen target may not be original caster. |
spell name: REPLACE PERCEPTION | list name: Perception's Master | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: closed mentalism | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster alters a target's perceptual information into the desired information. This isn't an illusion, as the target really perceives the occurrence. Thus, a target could be made to perceive a knife wound (though no knife wound is present). Damage is not physically 'real', but all damage is treated as real for purposes of determining stun, unconsciousness, stress, shock, etc. The caster may inflict any perceived damage upon target which he would able to perform normally. To determine the damage done, the caster must make the appropriate attack using all relevant skills and abilities applying all affects to target (Thus a caster who can attack with a dagger at +55, would be able to create perceptual damage equal to a dagger attack roll made at +55). All penalties as a result of these perceived injuries last only for the duration of this spell. |
spell name: CATATONIA | list name: Psychosis Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: M | duration: permanent | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target has a 90% chance per day that he will remain immobile for the entire day. |
spell name: WILL TAKEN | list name: Taking Ways | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: evil mentalist base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 1 plane | area of effect: 1 Taken | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to force Taken to perform any action, even those that are totally against his own interest, e.g., suicide, murder his family, etc. without the danger of the Taken regaining his freewill. Taken is allowed to make a RR versus this spell, and if successful is not forced to perform the action. |
spell name: CURE CATATONIA | list name: Mind Healing | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: lay healer base | spell class: H | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to cure target of any paralysis or catatonic mental disorders. |
spell name: MISDIRECT | list name: Escaping Ways | level: 25 | realm: Mentalism | type: nightblade base | spell class: M | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may cause up to 1 pursuer per level (who fail their RR) to choose the wrong path at an intersection, if there is no obvious clue showing which way the caster has gone. In the case of PCs, the GM should give misleading information that brings about the desired end. |
spell name: INSTANT ADJUSTMENT | list name: Body Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: U* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to instantly adjust one physiological response to a particular situation, e.g., eyes to dark, skin to sun (tan), etc. |
spell name: ILLUSIONARY STAGE | list name: Entertainment Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: 10' R/lvl | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to create and use or allow another to use illusory stage props. These props may be anything caster can imagine (with number and size limitations of 1 prop per level and 1 cubic foot of illusory material per prop). These props are under caster's direct control to the point of movement and appearance or disappearance. Once this spell is cast props may not be changed without another use of this spell. For example, caster uses this spell to create an illusory armory which includes various arms and armor. The arms and armor are under the conscious control of the caster and may appear and disappear at will, but caster may not create a goblet, table, or anything else that wasn't conceived of and desired at the casting of this spell. |
spell name: TEMPERATURE PROTECTION | list name: Farming Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 day / level | range: sight | area of effect: 100 sqft/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Protects plants from extremes in temperature, including a frost or heat wave, in the protected area. |
spell name: JOIN | list name: Fashion Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 2 objects | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to join two pieces of cloth, leather, etc. as if they were one. Saddle and saddle blanket could be as one piece with the joined area as strong as the average of the two materials. |
spell name: METALLURGICAL SEPARATION | list name: Forging Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: 1 lb/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to separate any normal metal into its component parts. For example, iron may be separated from ore, Titanium steel may be separated into steel (or if desired pull iron out of the steel), titanium, and aluminum. |
spell name: CREATE EXCEPTIONAL FOOD | list name: Gourmet Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates enough food to feed up to 1 person per level of caster for 1 meal. Caster may create virtually anything that is edible (non-magical). Caster must have appropriate storage and/or serving utensils available. Food can be any desired temperature from 33°F to 211°F. For example, Arrant is expecting a group of adventurers, recently returned from slaying a Dragon, for dinner. Through the use of this spell, he is able to provide a seven course meal highlighted by Dragon tongue appetizers, Dragorwort salad, and actual Dragon steaks. |
spell name: COLOR | list name: Grooming Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may change target's coloring regarding one body part. For example, hair, eyes, skin, nails, teeth. Caster may whiten or darken teeth, give a permanent 'suntan', change hair color from 'albino' white to blue black etc. |
spell name: UNDISEASE | list name: Healing | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: H | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may remove any one disease from target. |
spell name: LOCATE DOCUMENT | list name: Library Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: I | duration: concentration | range: 100'/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Provides caster with directional sense leading to desired text/document/tablet etc. |
spell name: TIE | list name: Livestock Ways | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: P | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to locate up to one animal per level with a presence-like sense. This sense will inform caster of animal's location and state (alive or dead). |
spell name: MOLD STONE | list name: Mining Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to mold up to 1 cubic inch per level of stone as if it were putty, after which the stone will return to its normal hardness. |
spell name: RECORD/PLAY | list name: Music Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may record or reproduce previously recorded sounds. For example, the king's councilor hears a beautiful ballad in a tavern one night. Later he asks the bard to repeat the song and casts a Record. The next day he is in chambers with his king and for a bit of amusement Plays the song. The king is impressed and they all live happily ever after. |
spell name: BEAST OF BURDEN | list name: Pack Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 beast | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates an animal of force that will transport up to 20 lbs/lvl of caster as a normal pack animal (movement rate 7 mph). |
spell name: BECALM | list name: Sailing Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 ship | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to banish a wind of up to 1 knot/level that will decreased for the duration. The banished wind must only blow from one direction. If caster wishes to lessen a wind blowing from an additional direction, he must recast the spell. |
spell name: GALE | list name: Sailing Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 ship | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to summon a wind of up to 1 knot/level that will blow optimally for the duration. The summoned wind will only blow from one direction. If caster needs the wind to change direction, he must recast the spell. |
spell name: MOLD | list name: Structure Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to shape material as desired. Material acquires the consistency of putty until the caster finishes, when it will harden to its normal strength. Caster is able to mold up to 1 cu'/lvl of material. |
spell name: ASSESS | list name: Trade Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: I | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Provides caster with approximate value of any object regarding its non-magical valuation. For example, a mage casts an Evaluation on a +20 magical High Steel broadsword and determines that the non-magical valuation is approximately 3000 sp (2400 sp for the High Steel blade + 600 |
spell name: ENCHANTMENT | list name: Tricks of the Trade | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Causes an object to gain up to + 1 per 5 levels of caster. This object detects as magic and acts and reacts as an ensorcelled item. |
spell name: MEMORIZE ATTACK | list name: Warrior Law | level: 25 | realm: Prosaic | type: open prosaic | spell class: I | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to memorize the method of attack with an unfamiliar weapon (caster must observe someone fighting or practicing with the weapon). Casting time for this version of the spell is 1 round. After the weapon is stored, caster may recast the spell ('Remember Attack') and fight with the same type of weapon without the -25% non-proficiency penalty for duration. |
spell name: HASTE X | list name: Body Discipline | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F* | duration: 10 rounds | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may act at twice his normal movement rate for up to 10 rounds. Caster must still act within the round sequence. |
spell name: SHIFTING | list name: Changing | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: P | duration: 1 hour / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can alter his body to the form of another humanoid race (no increase in mass). He may also appear exactly as an individual. Caster may change form at will once per round. |
spell name: LORD INVISIBILITY | list name: Concealment | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: P | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 3 m R/lvl | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows the caster to cause up to one individual per 5 levels of the caster to become invisible (thus, five - including himself - at this level). Each person's invisibility is treated as separate Psions for canceling effects. |
spell name: REGENERATION TRUE | list name: Empath | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: SH* | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to regenerate lost limbs, damaged or destroyed organs (not the brain) while in a trance. Because of the nature of such injuries, the wound is not actually 'transferred' (though ^Transferral Psion must be cast in order to link the Empath and patient nervous systems). The patient's limb/organ is regenerated in 1 - 100 minutes (GM discretion; varies with severity) and kept alive in the meantime by the Empath's body. After the healing, the Empath lapses into a coma for 1-100 hours(hours equals minutes of healing required) while he recovers. |
spell name: FACADE TRUE | list name: Illusion | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: M | duration: 1 day / level | range: 300 m | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates a visual warping of a 2-D area of up to 10,000 m2. Caster can create whatever images he desires on the Facade. |
spell name: REJUVENATE | list name: Metabolic Control | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: H | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can reverse ten (10) years of accumulated aging from his body. This includes regeneration of any organs which have deteriorated (except the brain; though it does retard brain cell death). Rejuvenating process takes about a week. Caster is only able to utilize this Psion safely once per year, at which time ten more years can be removed, until caster reaches post-adolescence (about 20). Psion must then be cast once/year to maintain youth, or accelerated aging begins: 1 year per week until caster returns to real age (or perhaps death). If Psion is cast more frequently than once a year, caster risks genetic damage and malformation. The GM must decide whether this Psion will confer immortality or extended life, or if caster can just remain youthful until death suddenly catches up at the 'appointed time'. |
spell name: RESIST STUN | list name: Metabolic Control | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: S* | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Immediately removes any and all rounds of accumulated stun affecting caster. |
spell name: GREAT SHOUT | list name: Mind Assault | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: M* | duration: varies | range: 30 m R | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Everyone within 30m is a target, and all failing to resist are stunned for 1 round per 10 failure. All failing to their RRs by more than 50 are unconscious and at max hits. Target's unable to hear the shout (e.g., deaf etc.) are at +30 to RRs. |
spell name: MIND LOCATION | list name: Mind Detection | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: I | duration: concentration | range: 10 km/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster gets direction and distance to any one unshielded mind which he has Pattern Stored. |
spell name: SENSITIVITY TRUE | list name: Mind Discipline | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: P | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Similar to Observation, except using all senses in concert (caster must be physically present to fully utilize the Psion). Caster might detect hidden presences by breathing or heartbeat, note air patterns, minute temperature changes, odors, sounds (or lack thereof) and thus deduce useful data. Caster should roll, using any Perception bonus. Generally, range is about 100m. The GM should be aware of the enormous amount of information which can be gained by the truly sensitive. |
spell name: PAST ANALYSIS | list name: Mind in the Past | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: I* | duration: - | range: 3 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows the caster, while using a Past Sight Psion, to perform a Pattern Analysis (6th Ivl Mind Detection) on anyone in the sight. This Psion does not entail any risks, unlike Event Lock. |
spell name: CLOUDS | list name: Mind Over Matter | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 1 km/lvl | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can summon (or disperse) clouds. Clouds can only be created where they could possibly occur naturally (clouds need not be water droplets; caster could just as easily create methane clouds in a methane environment). Clouds disperse naturally after Psion duration. |
spell name: MOLD MATTER | list name: Mind Over Matter | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F | duration: permanent (concentration) | range: touch | area of effect: 1000 cc | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may shape up to 1000 cubic centimeters of any matter by molding it with his hands like putty. Material is soft while caster concentrates; re-hardens in new form immediately afterwards. |
spell name: PSION DEFENSE | list name: Mind's Defense | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: D* | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can shield his mind from probes and attacks as if he were 5x his actual level. The Psion is activated automatically by the Telepath's subconscious. He cannot cast any other Psion while this one is active. Caster doesn't need to concentrate. |
spell name: FATE'S VISION TRUE | list name: Mind's Eye | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: I | duration: until triggered | range: 3 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster has a vision of the (most likely) ultimate fate of the target, including the perpetrator (if any), no matter how far in the future. |
spell name: WATCH TRUE | list name: Mind's Eye | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: P | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may choose a point up to 3 meters per level away and he will have a field of vision from that point; he can rotate the view but not move it. |
spell name: MIND PROBE | list name: Mind's Truth | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: IM | duration: 1 round / level | range: 20 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster receives surface thoughts, reasoning, and thought patterns behind surface thoughts from target. Caster may also scan target's conscious and subconscious memories. If target makes his RR by more than 25, he realizes what is happening. |
spell name: TRANSFERRAL TRUE | list name: Possession | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: M | duration: 1 day / level | range: varies | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: RR Mod: -20 Caster and target's consciousness are exchanged; the caster can operate in the target's body at 100% of normal capacity, while the target is helpless and immobile in the caster's body. Caster may cancel at any time. Should either body be killed, the resident consciousness is destroyed, and the other pairing are tied forever. When caster returns to his own body, target has no concept of passed time. |
spell name: HURLING III | list name: Telekinetics | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F | duration: - | range: 30 m | area of effect: 3 objects | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may “hurl” up to 3 objects of Ikg/level or less mass at one target with sufficient force to deliver an Impact Critical Hit. For each kg of mass add 2 to the PAR roll. A PAR (Psion Attack Roll) is made with the usual modifiers, and the target gets his full defensive bonus. The attack is treated as a thrown attack. The severity of critical is determined from the result on the PAR table: if target fails by (1-10) he takes an 'A' severity Impact Critical; (11-20) a 'B' crit; (21 -30) a 'C' crit; (31 -40) a 'D' crit; (41+)an 'E' critical. (For example, a 25th level Telepath could hurl three 25kg objects, each with a +50 bonus, plus his base bonus of +20 =+70 per attack). Three separate PAR's are made for the attacks, the first also determining whether the Psion failed. |
spell name: FAR SPEAK | list name: Telepathy | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: I* | duration: concentration | range: special | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may mentally 'speak' to any one other sentient being. Range covers entire planet. |
spell name: PASSING TRUE | list name: Teleportation | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster can shift his molecules and so pass through any normal material of thickness up to 1 m/lvl. Caster may sense unseen magical barriers. If caster attempts to pass through a magical shield/wall of any type, he must resist versus a 1st level attack or his molecules will be hopelessly scrambled (he is dead). A successful RR cancels the Psion and bounces him back into a normal state. |
spell name: TORMENT | list name: Thought into Pain | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: F | duration: concentration | range: 30 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target feels pain and operates at -90 due to the intensity of the discomfort. |
spell name: UNLEARNING TRUE | list name: Thought Master | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: M | duration: permanent | range: 30 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target loses one skill permanently (e.g., the ability to swing the sword in his hand: he is at -25 skill rank). Caster must know that target has the skill before he can make the target Unlearn it. Target may relearn the skill by spending more development points. |
spell name: CONTROL TRUE | list name: Voice | level: 25 | realm: Psion | type: closed psion | spell class: M | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 30 m | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Target will obey caster in all things, including murder, suicide, etc... |