spell name: REFRESH | list name: Cup Magic | level: 1 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Fills the caster's Tarot Cup with a cool, refreshing liquid that, when consumed, completely satisfies the thirst of the drinker. Will not remove the effects of a Curse of Unquenchable Thirst or similar spell-induced thirsts, but will cause the effects to subside for ten minutes. |
spell name: HEALING POTION I | list name: Cup Magic | level: 2 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: H | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Heals 1-10 hit points of the drinker's concussion damage. |
spell name: SLEEP POTION | list name: Cup Magic | level: 3 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: FM | duration: 1 minute / 5 failure | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the person drinking the potion to fall into a magical sleep. |
spell name: SHARE WATER II | list name: Cup Magic | level: 5 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Cup | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: When cast just after casting another spell from this list, this spell will allow any potion in the Tarot Cup to be shared by two people, who will both receive the potion's full effects. |
spell name: INVISIBILITY POTION | list name: Cup Magic | level: 6 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Makes the drinker of the potion and all items (under 25 pounds in weight) on his person invisible. |
spell name: POISON POTION | list name: Cup Magic | level: 7 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / 10 failure | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: A person consuming this potion must make an RR versus a 7th level poison or be incapacitated with sickness (i.e., may take no action). The victim also loses 1-10 concussion hits per round while poisoned. |
spell name: WATER BOLT | list name: Cup Magic | level: 8 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: A bolt of water is shot from the caster's Tarot Cup; results are determined on the Water Bolt Table. The caster must point the mouth of the cup in the direction of his target. |
spell name: LOVE POTION | list name: Cup Magic | level: 9 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the drinker of the potion to fall deeply in love with a specific person. The person of the potion-drinker's desires is determined by the caster at the time the potion is created. |
spell name: TELEPORT POTION I | list name: Cup Magic | level: 10 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: One round after this potion is consumed, the drinker will teleport to a spot specified by the caster (this gives the drinker time to hand the cup back to the caster, if necessary). Normal teleport failure rules apply. |
spell name: SHARE WATER III | list name: Cup Magic | level: 11 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Cup | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: When cast just after casting another spell from this list, this spell will allow any potion in the Tarot Cup to be shared by 3 people, who will both receive the potion's full effects. |
spell name: HEALING POTION II | list name: Cup Magic | level: 12 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: H | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Heals 7-70 hit points of the drinker's concussion damage. |
spell name: ANTIDOTE POTION | list name: Cup Magic | level: 14 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: H | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows drinker to make an additional RR at +20 versus a poison ingested earlier. A successful roll removes the poison from the drinker's system, but does not repair any damage already done as a result of ingesting the poison. |
spell name: WATER SCRY | list name: Cup Magic | level: 15 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: I | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: Tarot Cup | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Cup to fill with a clear liquid, which the caster then gazes into to receive a vision concerning one very specific topic. If the topic is related to a past or present-time period, the caster will receive detailed information on the topic from the GM based on the success of his spell roll (e.g., if the caster does a scrying on the murder of the dwarf, a 23 might tell him the dwarf was killed with a knife on the evening of April 7, while a 00 might indicate that he was killed with a knife a 6:14 P.M. on April 7 in the tree grove near Moonhaven by Boris the blacksmith as revenge for a theft the dwarf committed). If the topic is related to a future-time period subject, the caster will receive generalized, symbolic information (similar to Dream I, Cleric base list: Communal Ways). |
spell name: FERTILITY POTION | list name: Cup Magic | level: 16 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 24 hours | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: If the potion's ingestor is female, there is a 100% chance that she will become pregnant if she engages in sexual activities within the next 24 hours. There is also a 15% chance that the pregnancy will result in multiple births; if so, roll a D100 to determine how many (1-80 twins, 81-95 triplets, 96-99 quadruplets, 00 quintuplets). If the potion's ingestor is male, there is a 75% chance that any women with whom he engages in sexual activities within the next 24-hr period will become pregnant, regardless of their fertility status. |
spell name: SHARE WATER IV | list name: Cup Magic | level: 17 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Cup | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: When cast just after casting another spell from this list, this spell will allow any potion in the Tarot Cup to be shared by 4 people, who will both receive the potion's full effects. |
spell name: TEMPEST | list name: Cup Magic | level: 18 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 1 mile | area of effect: Tarot Cup | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes storm-like forces to form in the caster's Tarot Cup over three rounds, then emerge and spread quickly over another three rounds to fill a 1-mile radius area. There will be heavy rain or blizzards (depending on climate), high winds (25-60 mph), and lightning (random; anyone caught in the storm has a small chance of being hit). Caster must set the cup on the ground before casting the spell, and leave the cup on the ground during the duration of the spell (picking up the cup or knocking it over cancels the spell, although it may take several rounds for its effects to die down). The cup remains in place during the tempest, unaffected by the storm, and may be retrieved by normal means after the spell is canceled or its duration has ended. |
spell name: TELEPORT POTION II | list name: Cup Magic | level: 20 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: One round after this potion is consumed, the drinker will teleport to a spot specified by the caster (within 10 mi/lvl of the caster). (This gives the drinker time to hand the cup back to the caster, if necessary). Normal teleport failure rules apply. |
spell name: HEALING POTION III | list name: Cup Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: H | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Heals 20-200 hit points of the drinker's concussion damage. |
spell name: TRANSFER POTION | list name: Cup Magic | level: 30 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 potion | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to transfer a potion created in his Tarot Cup to another suitable container (usually a vial or other small bottle). The transferal process takes four hours; a fumble of the Transfer Potion spell destroys the effect of the potion in the Tarot Cup, thus making it necessary to spend the PPs to recreate the potion before attempting to transfer it again. |
spell name: ROAD OF LIFE | list name: Cup Magic | level: 50 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell, along with the, Road of Life spells on the Rod, Sword, and Pentacle Magic lists, allows the caster to create a "Tarot of Many Teachings" (see item description elsewhere) from his Tarot deck. A full 78-card deck is required. Each of the four Road of Life spells must be cast on the deck each day beginning at full moon and ending the day of the next full moon (requires 2 hours per spell cast, or 8 hours total per day). The caster's four symbol objects must always be close at hand while casting each Road of Life spell. Missing a day means that the caster must begin the casting process over again, and requires the caster to roll a D100 - SD modifier + 3% per days invested in casting the Road of Life spell. If the result of the roll is over 100, then 5-50 cards of the caster's deck were destroyed and must be re-created before beginning again. After successfully enchanting the deck for the indicated number of days, the caster must perform a 50th level Alchemical Ritual, during which he must sacrifice his four symbol objects (rod, cup, sword, and pentacle). The sacrifice of these objects adds +10% each (+40% total) to the chance of the ritual's success (as "Other Influencing Factors"). If the ritual is successful, the Tarot deck is transformed into a "Tarot of Many Teachings," but the caster has no control over the specific effects of each card. New symbol objects may be built using normal guidelines to replace those destroyed during the ritual. Major and Minor Arcana Magic spells cannot be cast using a deck transformed into a "Tarot of Many Teachings," but a new deck may be constructed. |
spell name: THE FOOL | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 1 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates an apprentice level male Bard persona with the following statistics: Hits: 10; OB Dagger, +15; AT 1(0). The Fool commands the following skills: Singing, +10; Play Lute, +10; Poetic Improvisation, +5. |
spell name: THE MAGICIAN | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 2 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 1st level male Magician persona with the following statistics: Hits: 15; OB Dagger, +20; AT 1(5); PP: 2. The Magician can cast the following 1st level spells - Enchanted Rope (Magican base list: Earth Law), Sleep V (Closed Essence list: Spirit Mastery). |
spell name: THE HIGH PRIESTESS | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 3 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 2nd level female Shaman persona with the following statistics: Hits: 20; OB Mace, +20; AT 1(10); PP: 4. The High Priestess can cast the following spells: 1st level - Guess (Shaman base list: Visions), Projected Light (Open Channeling list: Light's Way); 2nd level - Protection I (Open Channeling list: Spell Defense). |
spell name: THE EMPRESS | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 3rd level female Animist persona with the following statistics: Hits: 25; OB Mace, +25; AT 1 (15); PP: 6. The Empress can cast the following spells: 1st level - Plant Lore (Animist base list: Plant Mastery), Animal Sleep I (Animist base list: Animal Mastery); 2nd level - Calm I (Closed Channeling list: Calm Spirits); 3rd level - Herb Finding (Animist base list: Herb Mastery). |
spell name: THE EMPEROR | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 5 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 4th level male Rogue persona with the following statistics: Hits: 40; OB Broadsword, +40; AT 8(35). The Emperor has a high presence, and projects a strong air of confidence and leadership, thus adding +5 to the morale of all allies. |
spell name: THE HIEROPHANT | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 6 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 5th level male Cleric persona with the following statistics: Hits: 25; OB Mace, +30; AT 6(20); PP: 10. The Hierophant can cast the following spells: 1st level - Repel Undead V (Cleric base list: Repulsions), Heal 1-10 (Open Channeling list: Concussion's Ways); 5th level - Stunning (Cleric base list: Channels). |
spell name: THE LOVERS | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 7 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates two 3rd level personas: a female Healer and a male Lay Healer. Each has the following statistics: Hits: 30; OB Rank 1 Martial Arts Sweeps/Throws, +25; AT 1(25); PP: 6. The Healer can cast the following spells: 1st level - Heal 1-10 (Healer base list: Surface Ways); 2nd level - Muscle Repair (Healer base list: Muscle Ways); 3rd level - Tendon Repair (Healer base list: Muscle Ways); plus Transferring Ways (Healer base list). The Lay Healer can cast the following spells: 1st level - Heal 1-10 (Lay Healer base list: Concussion Mastery); 2nd level - Minor Fracture Repair (Lay Healer base list: Bone Mastery); 3rd level - Cut Repair 1 (Lay Healer base list: Blood Mastery). |
spell name: THE CHARIOT | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 8 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 7th level male Fighter persona who fights from a chariot; he has the following statistics: Hits: 45; OB Broadsword, +50 (both in the chariot and on foot); AT 14(40). The chariot has two horses which do not fight, but have 100 hits each. The Charioteer has a high presence and projects a strong air of confidence and leadership, thus adding +10 to the morale of all allies. |
spell name: JUSTICE | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 9 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates an 8th level female Paladin persona with the following statistics: Hits: 50; OB Two-Handed Sword, +50; AT 14(25); PP: 8. The servant of Justice can cast the following spells: 1st level - Laying on Hands I (Paladin base list: Laying on Hands), Repel Undead 111 (Paladin base list: Spell Breaker); 2nd level - Inspirations 1 (Paladin base list: Inspirations); 5th level - Attack +25 (Paladin base list: Arm's Way). |
spell name: THE HERMIT | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 10 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 9th level male Seer persona with the following statistics: Hits: 30; OB Rank 1 Martial Arts Strikes, +35; AT l(30);PP: 18. The Hermit can cast the following spells: 1st level - Presence (Seer base list: True Perception), Question I (See base list: Mind Visions); 3rd level - Vision Behind (Seer base list: Past Visions); 6th - Mind Typing (See base list: Mind Visions), See Invisible (See base list: True Sight). |
spell name: WHEEL OF FORTUNE | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 11 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 10th level female Illusionist persona with the following statistics: Hits: 30; OB Cagger, +40; OB Strike (Feel-Taste-Smell), +50; AT 1(35); PP: 20. The servant of Fortune can cast the following spells: 1st level - Sound Mirage (Illusionist base list: Sound Molding), Smell Mirages (Illusionist base list: Feel-Taste-Smell); 2nd level -Strike (Illusionist base list: Feel-Taste-Smell); 3rd level - Taste Mirage (Illusionist base list: Feel-Taste-Smell); 5th level - Feel Mirage (Illusionist base list: Feel-Taste-Smell); 6th level - Illusion V (Illusionist base list: Illusion Mastery). She brings with her the spirit of good fortune, adding +5 to the Luck rolls of all allies. |
spell name: STRENGTH | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 12 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates an 11th level female Noble Warrior persona with the following statistics: Hits: 55; OB, Two-Weapon Combo (Mace and Long Sword),+50 each; AT 16(35); PP: 11. The servant of Strength can cast the following spells: 4th level -Singing Strike (Noble Warrior base list: Noble Weapons); 6th level-Lesser Strike (Noble Warrior base list: Noble Weapons); 7th level -Lesser Hammer Strike (Noble Warrior base list: Noble Weapons). |
spell name: THE HANGED MAN | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 13 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 12th level male Magus persona with the following statistics: Hits: 35; OB Dagger, +45; AT 2(35); PP: 24. The Hanged Man can cast the following spells: 1st level - Calm (Magus base list: Command Words); 5th level - Great Command 1/Compassion (Magus base list: Command Words); 7th level - Glamour (Magus base list: Power Words), Text Analysis II (Magus base list: Linguistics). |
spell name: DEATH | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 14 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 13th level male Necromancer persona with the following statistics: Hits: 35; OB Darkbolt I (Dark Law), +50; AT 2(35); PP: 26. The servant of Death can cast the following spells: 3rd level - Darkbolt I (Necromancer base list: Dark Law); 6th level - Minor Death (Necromancer base list: Death Mastery); 8th level - Fog of Darkness (Necromancer base list: Dark Law); 11th level - Greater Death (Necromancer base list: Death Mastery). |
spell name: TEMPERANCE | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 15 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 14th level female Warrior Monk persona with the following statistics: Hits: 80; OB Rank 4 Martial Arts Strike and Sweeps/Throws, +100 each; AT 1(80). The persona cannot be made to intentionally fight an opponent to the death; instead, the servant of Temperance will work to subdue her target. She commands the following skills: all disarm skills, +50; Subduing, +30; all adrenal moves, +40; all Gymnastics skills, +25. She also continually radiates an aura of peace and balance; all within a 20' radius must make an RR versus a Calm I spell at 5th level or become calmed. |
spell name: THE DEVIL | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 16 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 15th level male Warlock persona with the following statistics: Hits: 45; OB Dagger, +45; AT 2(35); PP: 30. The Devil can cast the following spells: 8th level - Changeling IV (Warlock base list: Changeling); 9th level - Bone Break 11 (Warlock base list: Doom's Law), Look of Disfigure III (Warlock base list: Evil Eye); 10th level - Skin Burn II (Warlock base list: Doom's Law); 15th level - Bleeding V (Warlock base list: Doom's Law). |
spell name: THE TOWER | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 17 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 16th level male Sorcerer persona with the following statistics: Hits: 50; OB Lightning Bolt (Light Law), +55; AT 2(35); PP: 48. The Tower can cast the following spells: 10th level - Lightning Bolt (Magician base list: Light Law); 11th level - Shatter (Sorcerer base list: Solid Destruction); 13th level - Unstone (Sorcerer base list: Solid Destruction); 14th level - Undoor True (Sorcerer base list: Solid Destruction); 15th level - Mind Break (Sorcerer base list: Mind Destruction). |
spell name: THE STAR | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 18 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 17th level female Astrologer persona with the following statistics: Hits: 55; OB Shock Bolt (Starlights), +60; AT 2(35); PP: 34. The Star can cast the following spells: 2nd level - Dream I (Astrologer base list: Holy Vision); 3rd level - Light (Astrologer base list: Starlights); 4th level - Light Eruption (Astrologer base list: Starlights); 5th level -Shock Bolt (Astrologer base list: Starlights); 7th level -Anticipation (Astrologer base list: Time's Bridge); 10th level - Vision Behind (Astrologer base list: Time's Bridge). The Star emanates an aura of hope, adding +15 to the morale of all allies. |
spell name: THE MOON | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 19 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates an 18th level female Moon Mage (grey-based) persona with the following statistics: Hits: 60; OB Katana, +65; OB Moon Beam (Moon Mastery), +65; AT 10(40); PP: 36. The Moon can cast the following spells: 1st level - Moon Shade (Moon Mage base list: Moon Mastery); 4th level - Moon Bath (Moon Mage base list: Moon Mastery); 13th level - Mood Swing V (Moon Mage base list: Moon Madness), Mass Distraction (Mystic base list: Confusing Ways); 14th level - Word of Fear (Mystic base list: Confusing Ways). |
spell name: THE SUN | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 20 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 19th level male Crystal Mage persona with the following statistics: Hits: 70; OB Broadsword, +70; OB Crystal Bolt (Crystal Mastery), +50; OB Fire Bolt (Fiery Ways), +75; AT 2(40); PP: 38. The Sun can cast the following spells: 7th level - Fire Bolt (Crystal Mage base list: Fiery Ways); 12th level - Crystal Bolt (Crystal Mage base list: Crystal Mastery), Heat Armor 10' (Crystal Mage base list: Fiery Ways), Enchant Earth V (Crystal Mage base list: Deep Earth Healing); 14th level - Circle Flame (Crystal Mage base list: Fiery Ways); 16th level - Metal Fires (Crystal Mage base list: Fiery Ways). |
spell name: JUDGMENT | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 20th level female Sage persona with the following statistics: Hits: 75; OB Dagger, +70; AT 2(40); PP: 50. The servant of Judgment can cast the following spells: 13th level - Weigh Decision III (Sage base list: Lore's Master), Mind's Lore V(Sage base list: Absorb Knowledge); 20th level - Correlations III (Sage base list: Lore's Master). In addition, she commands the following skills: General Perception, +90; Lie Perception, +75; Philosophy/Religion (all), +25. |
spell name: THE WORLD | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 30 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a 21 st level female Archmage persona with the following statistics: Hits: 100; OB Mace, +75; AT 2(50); PP: 63. The World can cast the following spells: 5th level - Nodeguide (Arcane list: Earthblood's Ways); 7th level - Ethereal Room (Arcane list: Ethereal Mastery); 11th level - Earthmight (Arcane list: Earthblood's Ways), Weak Elemental (Arcane list: Entity Mastery); 13th level - Stonewall True (Arcane list: Stone Lore); 14th level -Whirlwind (Magician base list: Wind Law); 17th level - Wind of Flame (Arcane list: Mana Fires); 18th level - Calm Water True (Magician base list: Water Law); 20th level - Rain Call (Open Channeling: Weather Ways). |
spell name: MAJOR ARCANA MASTERY | list name: Major Arcana Magic | level: 50 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the use any of the lower-level spells on this list to create and control multiple tarot personas simultaneously (i.e., throw down multiple cards), up to 1 card per 10 levels of the caster. |
spell name: ACE MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 2 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Querent is affected by one of the following spells. Ace of Rods: Root of Fire. Speed I (Monk base list: Evasions). Ace of Cups: Root of Water. Calm I (Closed Channeling list: Calm Spirits). Ace of Swords: Root of Air. Combat I (Beastmaster base list: Combat Enhancement). Ace of Pentacles: Root of Earth. Sleep (Mentalist base list: Mind Control) |
spell name: TWO MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: — | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Adds +5 to one of the querent's social skills. Two of Rods: Dominion. +5 to Leadership. Two of Cups: Love. +5 to Seduction. Two of Swords: Peace Restored. +5 to Diplomacy. Two of Pentacles: Change. +5 to Gambling. |
spell name: THREE MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 6 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Affects one of the following for the querent while in combat. Three of Rods: Established Strength. Adds +5 to the querent's OB. Three of Cups: Abundance. If the querent is disarmed during combat, another weapon-an exact duplicate of the querent's original weapon-will immediately appear in the querent's hand. This will continue for the duration of the spell. Duplicate weapons will disappear if the caster releases his grip on them. All duplicate weapons disappear at the spell's end. Three of Swords: Sorrow. Demoralizes querent's opponent, who is at -5 OB. Three of Pentacles: Material Works. Gives querent's weapons a +5 magical bonus; this bonus is not cumulative with any other magical bonuses. |
spell name: FOUR MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 8 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 24 hours | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Affects the querent's spell casting or spell defense. Four of Rods: Perfected Work. Prevents the querent from fumbling spells cast with required preparation time. Halves the failure chance for spells requiring ESF. Four of Cups: Blended Pleasure. Delays the effects of a spell that has been successfully cast on the querent. Querent is aware of the type of spell which will affect him and he cannot keep the spell from working; but the spell effects are delayed 2 rounds. Four of Swords: Rest from Strife. Adds +5 to the querent's RRs. Four of Pentacles: Earthly Power. Adds +5 to the querent's BARs. |
spell name: FIVE MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 10 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 24 hours | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the querent to place a limited "curse" on a target of the querent's choosing. The querent must be within 100' and be able to see his target; he then "wills" the curse to be active. The querent has 24 hours after drawing his card to locate his target and release the curse. Five of Rods: Strife. Causes querent's target to take 5-50 concussion hits of damage. Five of Cups: Loss in Pleasure. Places the querent's target into a deep depression for one day. This will cause the target to initiate no action. Five of Swords: Defeat. Causes the querent's target to receive -10 to his OB and DB bonuses during his next combat. Five of Pentacles: Material Trouble. Causes all coins and non- magical gems being carried by the querent's target to disintegrate to dust. |
spell name: SIX MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 12 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 24 hours | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the querent to place a limited "blessing" on a target of the querent's choosing. Six of Rods: Victory. Causes querent's target to receive+10 to both his OB and DB bonus in his next combat. Six of Cups: Pleasure. Places the querent's target in a very positive, happy frame of mind for one day. The target receives the following benefits: healing rate is doubled (healing spells also have double effect), and +10 to all RRs versus spells negatively affecting the target's emotions. Six of Swords: Earned Success. Adds +15 to all of the target's trading skills for one day. Six of Pentacles: Material Success. Causes 1-10 silver pieces to appear in the target's purse. |
spell name: SEVEN MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 14 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the querent to select a point within 100', on which a 5' radius trap will be centered. Seven of Rods: Valor. Each person entering the trap radius is attacked by a 5th level wild animal. If a person exits the radius, the animal he was fighting will disappear. If a person defeats his animal, he may proceed without incident. At the end of the spell duration, all animals disappear. Seven of Cups: Illusory Success. Teleports anyone who steps into the radius 1 mile in a random direction (but remaining at ground level). Seven of Swords: Unstable Effort. The surface of the trap is covered by a very slick, transparent material. Anyone entering the radius must make an Ag roll each round or fall. Reduces normal movement by 90%; any attempt to move faster triples the chance of slipping and falling. Seven of Pentacles: Success Unfulfilled. Creates a 10' deep pit trap in the trap radius, hidden by an illusion of normal ground. The illusion remains for the duration of the spell. |
spell name: EIGHT MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 16 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Affects the querent's defensive abilities. Eight of Rods: Swiftness. Adds +15 to the querent's DB. Eight of Cups: Abandoned Success. Lowers morale of querent's target; each time the querent hits, there is a 50% chance the target will flee. Eight of Swords: Shortened Force. Subtracts -15 from the OB of one of the querent's attackers. Eight of Pentacles: Prudence. Adds +15 to the querent's parry (querent must be parrying at least at +5). |
spell name: NINE MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 18 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Affects the querent's offensive capabilities. Nine of Rods: Great Strength. Adds +15 to querent's OB. Nine of Cups: Happiness. Adds +15 to the querent's morale. Nine of Swords: Despair and Cruelty. Raises querent's critical strikes 1 level (i.e., ‘A' to ‘B,' etc.; ‘E' becomes ‘Slaying'). Nine of Pentacles: Gain. Adds +15 to the querent's initiative. |
spell name: TEN MAGIC | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 20 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 24 hours | range: — | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows querent to cast one of the following spells at will (one time only) within 24 hours of drawing the card. Ten of Rods: Oppression. Querent may cast the spell Subjugation (Sorcerer base list: Soul Destruction). Ten of Cups: Perfected Success. Querent may cast the spell Concentration V (Monk base list: Body Reins). Ten of Swords: Ruin. Querent may cast the spell Family Curse I (Warlock base list: Revenging Law). Ten of Pentacles: Wealth. Querent may cast the spell Item Analysis V (Bard base list: Item Lore). |
spell name: TAROT SERVANT | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a personification of a Minor Arcana court card drawn by the querent. The tarot servant will not fight in hand-to-hand combat, but it will follow all other directions given to it by the querent to the best of its ability. If harmed in any way, the tarot servant is dispelled. All tarot servants speak, but none possess any special knowledge. Each of the different cards has one special ability. King of Rods. May cast a Wall of Fire spell at will. King of Cups. Radiates a constant Calm aura within a 10' radius. King of Swords. Radiates a constant Inspirations II within a 10' radius. King of Pentacles. Possesses all Trading skills at +75. Queen of Rods. Possesses Diplomacy and Seduction skills at +75. Queen of Cups. May cast a Glamour I spell at will. Queen of Swords. Possesses General Perception skill at +75. Queen of Pentacles. Has the ability to communicate perfectly (10 ranks) in the querent's language, and +25 (level 3) in all other languages. Prince of Rods. Exceptionally strong; +75 to rolls involving brute strength. Prince of Cups. May commune with a demon to receive an answer to one yes/no question. Prince of Swords. May cast an Erosions spell at will. Prince of Pentacles. Possesses all Leadership and Tactical skills at +75. Princess of Rods. May cast a Pyrokinesis II spell at will. Princess of Cups. May cast a Charm Kind spell at will. Princess of Swords. Possesses Pick Pockets skill at +75. Princess of Pentacles. May casting a Healing 5-50 spell at will. |
spell name: MINOR ARCANA MASTERY | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 30 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: — | area of effect: Tarot deck | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to combine effects of multiple cards for one querent. The number of cards to be "drawn" is determined by the caster beforehand; the effects of all cards take effect simultaneously one round after the last card is drawn. Caster must expend both the PPs for this spell, and for each of the card types drawn. This spell does not allow the querent to draw more than one card of any one type. |
spell name: TAROT MENTOR | list name: Minor Arcana Magic | level: 50 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: 1 querent | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows querent to draw from the court cards; the card drawn becomes the querent's permanent "mentor." The mentor card is a sort of advisor/teacher/ guardian angel. A character may only have one mentor. The mentor will have the same special ability as given for the cards in the Tarot Servant spell. It will appear at random times in different forms, and as frequently or infrequently as it chooses. The mentor may appear in a physical form to the querent, or in a dream, or as a voice, etc. The mentor will base its actions on what it believes will teach the querent the most valuable lesson, even to the apparent detriment of the querent. To the querent, it may seem as though the mentor behaves chaotically, but the mentor may be basing is actions within the framework of a "grander plan" beyond the scope of the querent's understanding. The querent has no power to force the mentor to show itself. Anyone may have a tarot mentor, but Tarotmages are likely to be hesitant to throw the spell for the benefit of anyone other than another Tarotmage. |
spell name: PENTACLE SHIELD | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 1 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Pentacle to enlarge to the size of a full shield. The shield has a grip, and can be used as a normal shield. |
spell name: PENTACLE SYMBOL I | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 2 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: 10’ | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to imbed a 1st level spell into his Tarot Pentacle. The pentacle is then placed onto a solid surface, where it will attach itself and become un-removable by non-magical means. The symbol can then be triggered by one of the following methods (decided by caster): time period, certain movements, certain sounds, touch, entering the 10' radius around the symbol, etc. The symbol is canceled when a being fails an RR against it. After the symbol has been triggered, the pentacle can be manually removed from the surface. |
spell name: PENTACLE DISC | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 3 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10’ | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Pentacle to expand to a diameter of 2', and float about 3' off the ground. The Pentacle Disc can hold any number of items that will fit together on the disk and weigh no more than 50 pounds collectively. The caster may mentally control the direction of movement of the disk within 10' of himself. The disc can move at a rate of up to 10 mph. |
spell name: PENTACLE KNIFE | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes caster's Tarot Pentacle to expand or contract (depending on its normal size) to a diameter of about 3" |
spell name: PENTACLE COIN I | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 5 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Pentacle to shrink to coin size. It then divides; half of the pentacle returns to its normal size and detail, the other becomes a copper coin. This spell is usable only once per day. |
spell name: PENTACLE SYMBOL III | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 6 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to imbed a 3rd level spell into his Tarot Pentacle. The pentacle is then placed onto a solid surface, where it will attach itself and become un-removable by non-magical means. The symbol can then be triggered by one of the following methods (decided by caster): time period, certain movements, certain sounds, touch, entering the 10' radius around the symbol, etc. The symbol is canceled when a being fails an RR against it. After the symbol has been triggered, the pentacle can be manually removed from the surface. |
spell name: PENTACLE RETURNING | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 7 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F* | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Pentacle to fly through the air and return to his hand from up to 100' away. There can be no intervening barriers. |
spell name: PENTACLE PORTAL | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 8 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: 3’R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster may open a round portal through a solid surface by placing his Tarot Pentacle in the center of the desired portal area and casting this spell. The portal can be up to 3' radius in width and 3' in depth. Once the portal has been closed, the caster will be able to retrieve the pentacle. |
spell name: PENTACLE SYMBOL V | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 10 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: 10’ | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to imbed a 5th level spell into his Tarot Pentacle. The pentacle is then placed onto a solid surface, where it will attach itself and become un-removable by non-magical means. The symbol can then be triggered by one of the following methods (decided by caster): time period, certain movements, certain sounds, touch, entering the 10' radius around the symbol, etc. The symbol is canceled when a being fails an RR against it. After the symbol has been triggered, the pentacle can be manually removed from the surface. |
spell name: PENTACLE COIN II | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 11 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Pentacle to shrink to coin size. It then divides; half of the pentacle returns to its normal size and detail, the other becomes a bronze coin. This spell is usable only once per day. |
spell name: LORD PENTACLE DISC | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 13 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10’ | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Pentacle to expand to a diameter of 5', and float about 3' off the ground. The Pentacle Disc can hold any number of items that will fit together on the disk and weigh no more than 200 pounds collectively. The caster may mentally control the direction of movement of the disk within 10' of himself. The disc can move at a rate of up to 10 mph. |
spell name: PENTACLE SYMBOL VII | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 14 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: 10’ | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to imbed a 7th level spell into his Tarot Pentacle. The pentacle is then placed onto a solid surface, where it will attach itself and become un-removable by non-magical means. The symbol can then be triggered by one of the following methods (decided by caster): time period, certain movements, certain sounds, touch, entering the 10' radius around the symbol, etc. The symbol is canceled when a being fails an RR against it. After the symbol has been triggered, the pentacle can be manually removed from the surface. |
spell name: PENTACLE PORTAL TRUE | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 15 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: 3’R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster may open a round portal through a solid surface by placing his Tarot Pentacle in the center of the desired portal area and casting this spell. The portal can be up to 3' radius in width and 5'/lvl in depth. Once the portal has been closed, the caster will be able to retrieve the pentacle. |
spell name: PENTACLE RETURN. TRUE | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 16 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F* | duration: - | range: 1 mile | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the caster's pentacle to teleport back to the caster if it is within 1 mile. |
spell name: PENTACLE COIN III | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 17 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Pentacle to shrink to coin size. It then divides; half of the pentacle returns to its normal size and detail, the other becomes a silver coin. This spell is usable only once per day. |
spell name: PENTACLE BARRIER | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 19 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: When the caster's Tarot Pentacle is set edgewise on the ground (imbedded in the firm soil, a floor crack, etc.) and this spell is cast, the pentacle will grow into a semi-circular wall of up to 20' in width and 10' in height. If the pentacle is positioned in a doorway, between two parallel walls, etc., the pentacle wall will wedge itself into these side surfaces; otherwise, the barrier can be passed by walking around it. The barrier cannot be toppled, and is made of a super-hard metal material that cannot be broken through using normal tools or weapons. |
spell name: PENTACLE SYMBOL X | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 20 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to imbed a 10th level spell into his Tarot Pentacle. The pentacle is then placed onto a solid surface, where it will attach itself and become un-removable by non-magical means. The symbol can then be triggered by one of the following methods (decided by caster): time period, certain movements, certain sounds, touch, entering the 10' radius around the symbol, etc. The symbol is canceled when a being fails an RR against it. After the symbol has been triggered, the pentacle can be manually removed from the surface. |
spell name: PENTACLE COIN IV | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Pentacle to shrink to coin size. It then divides; half of the pentacle returns to its normal size and detail, the other becomes a gold coin. This spell is usable only once per day. |
spell name: LORD PENTACLE SYMBOL | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 30 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: Tarot Pentacle | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to imbed a 20th level spell into his Tarot Pentacle. The pentacle is then placed onto a solid surface, where it will attach itself and become un-removable by non-magical means. The symbol can then be triggered by one of the following methods (decided by caster): time period, certain movements, certain sounds, touch, entering the 10' radius around the symbol, etc. The symbol is canceled when a being fails an RR against it. After the symbol has been triggered, the pentacle can be manually removed from the surface. |
spell name: ROAD OF LIFET | list name: Pentacle Magic | level: 50 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell, along with the, Road of Life spells on the Rod, Cup, and Sword Magic lists, allows the caster to create a "Tarot of Many Teachings" (see item description elsewhere) from his Tarot deck. A full 78-card deck is required. Each of the four Road of Life spells must be cast on the deck each day beginning at full moon and ending the day of the next full moon (requires 2 hours per spell cast, or 8 hours total per day). The caster's four symbol objects must always be close at hand while casting each Road of Life spell. Missing a day means that the caster must begin the casting process over again, and requires the caster to roll a D100 - SD modifier + 3% per days invested in casting the Road of Life spell. If the result of the roll is over 100, then 5-50 cards of the caster's deck were destroyed and must be re-created before beginning again. After successfully enchanting the deck for the indicated number of days, the caster must perform a 50th level Alchemical Ritual, during which he must sacrifice his four symbol objects (rod, cup, sword, and pentacle). The sacrifice of these objects adds +10% each (+40% total) to the chance of the ritual's success (as "Other Influencing Factors"). If the ritual is successful, the Tarot deck is transformed into a "Tarot of Many Teachings," but the caster has no control over the specific effects of each card. New symbol objects may be built using normal guidelines to replace those destroyed during the ritual. Major and Minor Arcana Magic spells cannot be cast using a deck transformed into a "Tarot of Many Teachings," but a new deck may be constructed. |
spell name: SPELL STORE | list name: Rod Magic | level: 1 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: until cast | range: touch | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Caster may cast this spell with any spell he wishes to store; later, the stored spell may be cast at any time with no preparation. The Spell Store spell costs the same number of PPs as the spell stored. The stored spell is placed in the caster's Tarot Rod. To store another spell on the rod, the first spell must be discharged. |
spell name: ROD OF POWER I | list name: Rod Magic | level: 2 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Turns the caster's Tarot Rod into a +2 spell adder. |
spell name: ROD OF LIGHT | list name: Rod Magic | level: 3 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the end of the caster's Tarot Rod to burst into a bright flame, turning it into a torch that will light a 30' radius. The flame is magical, and will not blow out or burn out (until the end of the spell duration), but it can be dispelled or canceled by magical means. The flame does not consume the caster's rod. It may also be used to ignite flammable material as a normal torch. |
spell name: AURA ROD | list name: Rod Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: — | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a fiery aura around the caster's Tarot Rod, making him appear more powerful and subtracting 10 from all attacks against him. The caster need not hold the rod in his hand once the spell has been cast, but it must be in an exposed location on his person. |
spell name: FIRE BRIDGE | list name: Rod Magic | level: 5 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: When the caster's Tarot Rod is placed on the ground (usually at the edge of a chasm), this spell will cause it to expand and change into a 2' wide bridge of fire (length of up to 5' per level). The caster may then cross the bridge with all his personal gear without harm. Anyone else attempting to cross the bridge takes an ‘A' Heat critical each round on the bridge, and risks a 5% chance of falling off the bridge per 5' crossed. The caster may return the Tarot Rod to normal at any time and pick it up at either end. |
spell name: FIRE BOLT (100') | list name: Rod Magic | level: 6 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: A bolt of fire is shot from the caster's Tarot Rod (which must be pointed at its target). Results are determined on the Fire Bolt Table. Range is 100'. |
spell name: ROD OF POWER II | list name: Rod Magic | level: 7 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: The caster's rod is turned into a +3 spell adder or 2x multiplier (caster's choice). A Rod of Power I spell must have been cast previously on the rod. |
spell name: FIRE ARMOR I | list name: Rod Magic | level: 8 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: D | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: — | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes a "heat shield" to emanate from the caster's Tarot Rod, engulfing him in an invisible force field that protects him from natural heat up to 100°C and subtracts 30 from all heat/fire-based attacks. The caster need not hold the rod in his hand once the spell has been cast, but it must be kept on his person. |
spell name: FIRE BALL | list name: Rod Magic | level: 9 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 10’R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: A 1' radius ball of fire is shot from the caster's Tarot Rod (which must be pointed at its target). It explodes to affect a 10' radius area. Results are determined on the Fire Ball Table. |
spell name: FIRE SERVANT | list name: Rod Magic | level: 10 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10’/lvl | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the caster to transform his Tarot Rod into a fire servant (from C&T) for the duration of the spell. The servant will follow the instructions of the caster as long as he concentrates; if allowed to move outside the range of this spell, the servant disappears. |
spell name: ROD OF POWER III | list name: Rod Magic | level: 12 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: The caster's rod is turned into a +4 spell adder or 3x multiplier (caster's choice). A Rod of Power II spell must have been cast previously on the rod. |
spell name: AURA ROD TRUE | list name: Rod Magic | level: 13 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: — | area of effect: 10'R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Creates a fiery aura in a 10'R around the caster's Tarot Rod, making all within radius appear more powerful and subtracting 10 from all attacks against them. The caster need not hold the rod in his hand once the spell has been cast, but it must be in an exposed location on his person. |
spell name: FIRE BOLT (300') | list name: Rod Magic | level: 14 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: A bolt of fire is shot from the caster's Tarot Rod (which must be pointed at its target). Results are determined on the Fire Bolt Table. Range is 300'. |
spell name: FIRE TREE | list name: Rod Magic | level: 15 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: For this spell, the caster must imbed one end of his Tarot Rod into fertile soil. The Fire Tree spell is then cast on the rod, causing it to grow over a period of 1 week. The rod will turn into a 6' tree with fiery red and orange leaves. It must be watered daily with cool, clear water from the caster's Tarot Cup (i.e., caster must fill the cup using the Cup Magic Refresh spell). After 1 week, the tree may be uprooted, and the roots cut off. The Tarot Rod then reverts to its normal form. The roots can be used to make 1 dose of Kilmakur, an herb which, when brewed and consumed, protects the ingestor versus heat and flames for 1-10 hours. |
spell name: FIRE ARMOR II | list name: Rod Magic | level: 17 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: — | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes a "heat shield" to emanate from the caster's Tarot Rod, engulfing him in an invisible force field that protects him from natural heat of any temperature and subtracts 75 from all heat/fire-based attacks. The caster need not hold the rod in his hand once the spell has been cast, but it must be kept on his person. |
spell name: ROD OF POWER IV | list name: Rod Magic | level: 18 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: The caster's rod is turned into a +5 spell adder or 4x multiplier (caster's choice). A Rod of Power III spell must have been cast previously on the rod. |
spell name: FIRE ELEMENTAL | list name: Rod Magic | level: 20 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: 10’/lvl | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the caster to transform his Tarot Rod into a strong Fire Elemental (from C&T) for the duration of the spell. The elemental will follow the instructions of the caster as long as he concentrates; if allowed to move outside the range of this spell, the servant disappears. |
spell name: POWER TORCH | list name: Rod Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: E | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes a continuous stream of very hot fire to shoot from the tip of the caster's Tarot Rod (similar to a powerful blowtorch). The flame can be used to ignite/melt objects, or as a weapon. One wooden object (up to 3' x 3' x 3') can be ignited each round; larger objects can be fully ignited in multiple rounds (e.g., igniting a wooden building measuring 10' x 10' x 10 would take 4 rounds). Metal objects can be melted to slag at the rate of 5 rounds per 3' x 3' x 3' chunk. Anyone unfortunate enough to be attacked by a Power Torch will suffer an ‘E' heat critical each round after the first round (the first-round attack should be treated as a normal Fire Bolt attack). The target may make a maneuver roll each round to try to escape the flame using an appropriate gymnastic or athletic skill (e.g., Jumping or Tumbling if target is near a ledge, Sprinting if in an open area, etc.) modified by the caster's Directed Spell skill for Fire Bolt. |
spell name: ROD OF POWER V | list name: Rod Magic | level: 30 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: Tarot Rod | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: The caster's rod is turned into a +6 spell adder or 5x multiplier (caster's choice). A Rod of Power IV spell must have been cast previously on the rod. |
spell name: ROAD OF LIFEF | list name: Rod Magic | level: 50 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell, along with the, Road of Life spells on the Cup, Sword, and Pentacle Magic lists, allows the caster to create a "Tarot of Many Teachings" (see item description elsewhere) from his Tarot deck. A full 78-card deck is required. Each of the four Road of Life spells must be cast on the deck each day beginning at full moon and ending the day of the next full moon (requires 2 hours per spell cast, or 8 hours total per day). The caster's four symbol objects must always be close at hand while casting each Road of Life spell. Missing a day means that the caster must begin the casting process over again, and requires the caster to roll a D100 - SD modifier + 3% per days invested in casting the Road of Life spell. If the result of the roll is over 100, then 5-50 cards of the caster's deck were destroyed and must be re-created before beginning again. After successfully enchanting the deck for the indicated number of days, the caster must perform a 50th level Alchemical Ritual, during which he must sacrifice his four symbol objects (rod, cup, sword, and pentacle). The sacrifice of these objects adds +10% each (+40% total) to the chance of the ritual's success (as "Other Influencing Factors"). If the ritual is successful, the Tarot deck is transformed into a "Tarot of Many Teachings," but the caster has no control over the specific effects of each card. New symbol objects may be built using normal guidelines to replace those destroyed during the ritual. Major and Minor Arcana Magic spells cannot be cast using a deck transformed into a "Tarot of Many Teachings," but a new deck may be constructed. |
spell name: ATTACK I | list name: Sword Magic | level: 1 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Adds +5 to the caster's next attack with his Tarot Sword the round after this spell is cast. |
spell name: ENCHANT BLADE I | list name: Sword Magic | level: 3 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Turns the caster's Tarot Sword into a +5 magic weapon and imbues it with an empathic intelligence. Anyone using a Tarot Sword enchanted using this spell must know this list, or they will not receive the benefits of this magical bonus. |
spell name: BLADE OF FEAR | list name: Sword Magic | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: If the caster delivers a critical strike on a target while this spell is active on his Tarot Sword, the target must make a RR or flee in fear of the caster. |
spell name: WHIRLING BLADE | list name: Sword Magic | level: 5 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: 5' | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: When this spell is cast on the caster's Tarot Sword and the sword is released, it will begin to whirl at a very high speed in the manner of a windmill blade. The caster can then control the sword within a 5' radius of himself at will. Anyone attempting to pass by the whirling blade to reach the caster must make a Very Hard (-20) maneuver roll, or suffer a ‘B' Slash critical. |
spell name: ATTACK II | list name: Sword Magic | level: 6 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Adds +10 to the caster's next attack with his Tarot Sword the round after this spell is cast. |
spell name: BLADE OF SHARPNESS | list name: Sword Magic | level: 7 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: If the caster delivers a critical strike on a target while this spell is active on his Tarot Sword, the critical increases by 1 severity (Max is ‘E' critical). |
spell name: DANCING BLADE | list name: Sword Magic | level: 8 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level concentration | range: 10' | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows the caster's Tarot Sword to leave his hand and attack a target up to 10' away. The sword has the same attack bonus as the caster. The caster must continue to concentrate while this spell is active; if he ceases concentration, the sword will hang motionless in the air. At the end of the spell duration, the sword drops to the ground if not already retrieved by the caster. |
spell name: SWORD GUESS | list name: Sword Magic | level: 9 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: I | duration: 1 question | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to mentally consult with his sword concerning a pending decision (which road fork leads to the castle, etc.). The sword will make a choice as a Guess spell, except that the die roll bias is 35%. |
spell name: ENCHANT BLADE II | list name: Sword Magic | level: 10 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Turns the caster's Tarot Sword into a +10 magic weapon and imbues it with a low intelligence. Anyone using a Tarot Sword enchanted using this spell must know this list, or they will not receive the benefits of this magical bonus. An Enchant Blade I must have been cast previously on the sword. |
spell name: ATTACK III | list name: Sword Magic | level: 11 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Adds +15 to the caster's next attack with his Tarot Sword the round after this spell is cast. |
spell name: WIND BLADE | list name: Sword Magic | level: 12 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: FE | duration: 1 round / level concentration | range: 50’ | area of effect: 20’R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Causes the caster's Tarot Sword to be suspended in the air (within 50' of himself) and vibrate rapidly as long as he concentrates. The vibrations cause the 20' radius around the sword to be filled with a strong wind which has the following effects: cuts all movement through the radius by 75%; anyone in the radius must make a successful Medium (+0) maneuver roll or lose grip on objects in their hands, causing the objects to be blown randomly outside the radius; anyone inside the radius during the first round of the spell must make an RR or take a ‘B ' Impact critical. The caster is immune to the effects of the wind. |
spell name: SWORD COMMUNE | list name: Sword Magic | level: 13 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: I | duration: 1 question | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to mentally commune with his sword to receive a yes-or-no answer to one question on a very specific topic. |
spell name: BLADE OF SEEKING | list name: Sword Magic | level: 15 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to attune his Tarot Sword to any being with whom the caster is familiar, or has had described to him in detail. The caster must hold the sword in his hand; if the being comes within 100' of the blade during the spell's duration (regardless of whether the being can be seen or not), the sword will give a strong ‘tug' on the caster's hand. If the caster releases the sword, it will attempt to reach the being and attack it (use caster's OB). The sword cannot travel through walls or other objects, but it will seek out openings which allow it to reach its target. The sword will act intelligently, attempting to ambush its target if possible. The caster need not see the sword in order for it to attack, but he must be within 100' of the sword. After making one attack, whether or not the attack is successful, the sword will return to the caster. |
spell name: ATTACK IV | list name: Sword Magic | level: 16 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F* | duration: 1 round | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Adds +20 to the caster's next attack with his Tarot Sword the round after this spell is cast. |
spell name: ENCHANT BLADE III | list name: Sword Magic | level: 17 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Turns the caster's Tarot Sword into a +15 magic weapon and imbues it with a medium intelligence. Anyone using a Tarot Sword enchanted using this spell must know this list, or they will not receive the benefits of this magical bonus. An Enchant Blade II must have been cast previously on the sword. |
spell name: BLADE OF SLAYING | list name: Sword Magic | level: 19 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: If the caster delivers a critical strike on a target while this spell is active on his Tarot Sword, the critical is rolled on the Slaying column of an appropriate critical strike table. |
spell name: SWORD COMMUNE TRUE | list name: Sword Magic | level: 20 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: I | duration: 1 question | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Allows caster to mentally commune with his sword to receive a more detailed answer to one question about 1 concept (e.g., a name or short phrase may constitute the answer). |
spell name: ENCHANT BLADE IV | list name: Sword Magic | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Turns the caster's Tarot Sword into a +20 magic weapon and imbues it with a high intelligence. Anyone using a Tarot Sword enchanted using this spell must know this list, or they will not receive the benefits of this magical bonus. An Enchant Blade III must have been cast previously on the sword. |
spell name: ENCHANT BLADE V | list name: Sword Magic | level: 30 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: — | area of effect: Tarot Sword | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: Turns the caster's Tarot Sword into a +25 magic weapon and imbues it with a very high intelligence. Anyone using a Tarot Sword enchanted using this spell must know this list, or they will not receive the benefits of this magical bonus. An Enchant Blade IV must have been cast previously on the sword. |
spell name: ROAD OF LIFE | list name: Sword Magic | level: 50 | realm: Essence | type: tarotmage base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: | area of effect: — | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 7 |
description: This spell, along with the Road of Life spells on the Rod, Cup, and Pentacle Magic lists, allows the caster to create a "Tarot of Many Teachings" (see item description elsewhere) from his Tarot deck. A full 78-card deck is required. Each of the four Road of Life spells must be cast on the deck each day beginning at full moon and ending the day of the next full moon (requires 2 hours per spell cast, or 8 hours total per day). The caster's four symbol objects must always be close at hand while casting each Road of Life spell. Missing a day means that the caster must begin the casting process over again, and requires the caster to roll a D100 - SD modifier + 3% per days invested in casting the Road of Life spell. If the result of the roll is over 100, then 5-50 cards of the caster's deck were destroyed and must be re-created before beginning again. After successfully enchanting the deck for the indicated number of days, the caster must perform a 50th level Alchemical Ritual, during which he must sacrifice his four symbol objects (rod, cup, sword, and pentacle). The sacrifice of these objects adds +10% each (+40% total) to the chance of the ritual's success (as "Other Influencing Factors"). If the ritual is successful, the Tarot deck is transformed into a "Tarot of Many Teachings," but the caster has no control over the specific effects of each card. New symbol objects may be built using normal guidelines to replace those destroyed during the ritual. Major and Minor Arcana Magic spells cannot be cast using a deck transformed into a "Tarot of Many Teachings," but a new deck may be constructed. |