spell name: UN-ICE (100 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 100 cu ' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 100 cu' of ice into water vapor. |
spell name: EARTH TO DUST (10 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 10 cu ' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 10 cu' of earth into fine dust. |
spell name: CRACKS CALL | list name: matter disruption | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1000 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: any previous cracks or flaws within a section of any normal material 1000 cu' (10' x 10' x 10') will extend to their limit. |
spell name: POWDER STONE (10 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 10 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 10 cu' of stone into fine powder. |
spell name: UN-ICE (1000 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1000 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 1000 cu' of ice into water vapor. |
spell name: DISRUPTION (1 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 1 cu' of any inorganic material to fine powder (must be one object). |
spell name: EARTH TO DUST (100 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 100 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 100 cu' of earth into fine dust. |
spell name: SHATTER | list name: matter disruption | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell law |
description: causes 1 cu' of inorganic material to shatter into small pieces; all within 5' take an a impact critical, holder takes a c. |
spell name: POWDER STONE (100 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 100 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 100 cu' of stone into fine powder. |
spell name: UN-ICE (100 CU'/ LEVEL) | list name: matter disruption | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 300' | area of effect: 100 cu'/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 100 cu' of ice / caster level into water vapor. |
spell name: DISRUPTION (10 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 10 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 10 cu' of any inorganic material to fine powder (must be one object). |
spell name: EARTH TO DUST (1000 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 300' | area of effect: 1000 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 1000 cu' of earth into fine dust. |
spell name: CAUSE CRACKS | list name: matter disruption | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 100 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: causes cracks to appear in up to 100 cu; of nonmetal, inorganic material. |
spell name: POWDER STONE (1000 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 300' | area of effect: 1000 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 1000 cu' of stone into fine powder. |
spell name: DISINTEGRATION (1 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: completely disintegrates 1 cu' of inorganic material. |
spell name: MASS EARTH TO DUST | list name: matter disruption | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 300' | area of effect: 100 cu'/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 100 cu' / level of earth into fine dust. |
spell name: MASS POWDER STONE | list name: matter disruption | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 300' | area of effect: 100 cu'/level | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 100 cu'/ level of stone into fine powder. |
spell name: MASS DISRUPTION | list name: matter disruption | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 item/level | sourcebook: spell law |
description: turns 1 cu ' of any inorganic material to fine powder (must be one object). as many objects as the caster has levels can be affected, and range is 100'. |
spell name: DISINTEGRATION (100 CU') | list name: matter disruption | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: permanent | range: 300' | area of effect: 100 cu' | sourcebook: spell law |
description: completely disintegrates 100 cu' of inorganic material. |
spell name: DARKNESS (20' R) | list name: darkness | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 20' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 20' r area about the point touched as if it was a dark night; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object / being. |
spell name: NIGHTVISION | list name: darkness | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can see 100' on a clear night as if it were day. |
spell name: DARK CONTROL (20' R) | list name: darkness | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 20' | area of effect: 20' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can vary the intensity of darkness in the area, but he cannot lighten it past its natural state. |
spell name: DARKNESS (100' R) | list name: darkness | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 100' r area about the point touched as if it was a dark night; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object / being. |
spell name: DARKVISION | list name: darkness | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can see 100' on a clear night as if it were day. this also works in all darknesses (even magical). |
spell name: DARK CONTROL (50' R) | list name: darkness | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 20' | area of effect: 50' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can vary the intensity of darkness in the area, but he cannot lighten it past its natural state. |
spell name: SHADOW FORMS C | list name: darkness | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: e | duration: concentration | range: 100' | area of effect: illusion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can create either the visual illusion of shadow figuires or real shadows (as many as the caster's level). |
spell name: DARKNESS (300' R) | list name: darkness | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 300' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 300' r area about the point touched as if it was a dark night; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object / being. |
spell name: UTTERDARK (20' R) | list name: darkness | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 20' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 20' r area about the point touched; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object/being. this dark is absolute, no nonmagical light can exist inside. |
spell name: DARK CONTROL (100' R) | list name: darkness | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: concentration | range: 20' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can vary the intensity of darkness in the area, but he cannot lighten it past its natural state. |
spell name: NIGHTVISION TRUE | list name: darkness | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: u | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can see on a clear night as if it were day. the range is the normal daylight vision range. |
spell name: UTTERDARK (100' R) | list name: darkness | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 100' r area about the point touched; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object/being. this dark is absolute, no nonmagical light can exist inside. |
spell name: DARKNESS (500' R) | list name: darkness | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 500' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 500' r area about the point touched as if it was a dark night; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object / being. |
spell name: CLOUDS OF DARKNESS | list name: darkness | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 100' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a "cloud"" of darkness that has a 100' r and drifts with the wind. the darkness is as in the darkest night (spell darkness)." |
spell name: DARKNESS (1000' R) | list name: darkness | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1000' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 1000' r area about the point touched as if it was a dark night; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object / being. |
spell name: UTTERDARK (300' R) | list name: darkness | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 300' r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 300' r area about the point touched; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object/being. this dark is absolute, no nonmagical light can exist inside. |
spell name: DARKNESS (100' R / LVL) | list name: darkness | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 100' r/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: darkens a 100' r / level area about the point touched as if it was a dark night; if the point is on a mobile object or being, it will move with the object / being. |
spell name: CLOUDS OF DARKNESS (1MI R/LVL) | list name: darkness | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 mile/lvl r | sourcebook: spell law |
description: creates a "cloud"" of darkness that has a 1 mile per level r and drifts with the wind. the darkness is as in the darkest night (spell darkness)." |
spell name: FORCE ANALYSIS 3 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 item | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1, 2, or 3 demon who is present (or contacted) to analyze one item, the chance of a demon successfully analyzing each property of the item is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times ten, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: LESSER DEMONIC CONTACT | list name: dark contacts | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: e | duration: 2 rounds | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster contacts a demon. roll for type: (01-60) type 1, (61-90) type 2, (91-100) type 3. if the demon is not "forced"" (i.e. one of the force spells this list) the demon will leave and the caster suffers one of the following effects. first make a 1-100 roll and add 10 times the demon's type - if (01-90) roll on the spell failure table (attack section); if (91-up) effect depends on the ""force"" spell intended: force analysis = lose item, force information = coma (same # of weeks as demon type), force search = quest (gm discretion)." |
spell name: FORCE INFORMATION 3 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 question | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1, 2, or 3 demon who is present (or contacted) to answer one yes or no question, whose answer exists in someone's unshielded mind. the chance of a demon successfully answering the question is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times three, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: FORCE SEARCH 3 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1 to 3 demon who is present (or contacted) to conduct a search for a specific person, place, or thing. the demon searches but not on our plane of existance. the chance of a demon successfully completing the search is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times five, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: GREATER DEMONIC CONTACT | list name: dark contacts | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: e | duration: 2 rounds | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster contacts a demon. roll for type: (01-60) type 3, (61-85) type 4, (86-95) type 5, (96-100) type 6. if the demon is not "forced"" (i.e. one of the force spells this list) the demon will leave and the caster suffers one of the following effects. first make a 1-100 roll and add 10 times the demon's type - if (01-90) roll on the spell failure table (attack section); if (91-up) effect depends on the ""force"" spell intended: force analysis = lose item, force information = coma (same # of weeks as demon type), force search = quest (gm discretion)." |
spell name: FORCE ANALYSIS 4 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 item | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1, 2, 3, or 4 demon who is present (or contacted) to analyze one item, the chance of a demon successfully analyzing each property of the item is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times ten, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: FORCE INFORMATION 4 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 question | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1 to 4 demon who is present (or contacted) to answer one yes or no question, whose answer exists in someone's unshielded mind. the chance of a demon successfully answering the question is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times three, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: FORCE SEARCH 4 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1 to 4 demon who is present (or contacted) to conduct a search for a specific person, place, or thing. the demon searches but not on our plane of existance. the chance of a demon successfully completing the search is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times five, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: FORCE ANALYSIS 5 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 item | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 demon who is present (or contacted) to analyze one item, the chance of a demon successfully analyzing each property of the item is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times ten, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: FORCE INFORMATION 5 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 question | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1 to 5 demon who is present (or contacted) to answer one yes or no question, whose answer exists in someone's unshielded mind. the chance of a demon successfully answering the question is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times three, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: FORCE SEARCH 5 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1 to 5 demon who is present (or contacted) to conduct a search for a specific person, place, or thing. the demon searches but not on our plane of existance. the chance of a demon successfully completing the search is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times five, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: FORCE ANALYSIS 6 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 item | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1 to 6 demon who is present (or contacted) to analyze one item, the chance of a demon successfully analyzing each property of the item is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times ten, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: FORCE INFORMATION 6 * | list name: dark contacts | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: 1 question | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: forces a type 1 to 6 demon who is present (or contacted) to answer one yes or no question, whose answer exists in someone's unshielded mind. the chance of a demon successfully answering the question is: type 1 (0%), type 2 (0%), type 3 (10%), type 4 (30%), type 5 (60%), type 6 (90%). this spell fails if a 1-100 roll is less than or equal to the demon's type (i.e., against a type 3 demon this spell fails on a 01 to 03). failure results as in lesser demonic gate in dark summons.the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times three, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a "a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: PAIN | list name: physical erosion | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target feels pain, and he takes 20% of his remaining hits. |
spell name: IMPAIR 1 | list name: physical erosion | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his physical stats (characteristics) temporarily lowered (5 in a 1-100 system, 1 in a 3-18 system). if a system of temporary/permanent stats is used, only the temporary stat is lowered. physical stats include strength, agility, quickness, constitution, appearance, dexterity, etc. |
spell name: ACHE | list name: physical erosion | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: until cured | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target feels pain that seems natural and reduces his hits by 10% until cured (caster must specify nature of ache). the target is unaware that the spell has been cast on him, since it affects him gradually. |
spell name: FIRE NERVES | list name: physical erosion | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target feels pain, and he takes 40% of his remaining hits. |
spell name: TRAIT EROSION 1 | list name: physical erosion | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his physical stats (characteristics) temporarily lowered (5 in a 1-100 system, 1 in a 3-18 system). if a system of temporary/permanent stats is used, both the temporary and permanent stat is lowered. physical stats include strength, agility, quickness, constitution, appearance, dexterity, etc. |
spell name: IMPAIR 3 | list name: physical erosion | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his physical stats (characteristics) temporarily lowered (15 in a 1-100 system, 1 in a 3-18 system). if a system of temporary/permanent stats is used, only the temporary stat is lowered. physical stats include strength, agility, quickness, constitution, appearance, dexterity, etc. |
spell name: PANG | list name: physical erosion | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: until cured | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target feels pain that seems natural and reduces his hits by 20% until cured (caster must specify nature of pang). the target is unaware that the spell has been cast on him, since it affects him gradually. |
spell name: AGONY | list name: physical erosion | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target feels pain, and he takes 60% of his remaining hits. |
spell name: TRAIT EROSION 2 | list name: physical erosion | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his physical stats (characteristics) temporarily lowered (10 in a 1-100 system, 1 in a 3-18 system). if a system of temporary/permanent stats is used, both the temporary and permanent stat is lowered. physical stats include strength, agility, quickness, constitution, appearance, dexterity, etc. |
spell name: IMPAIR 5 | list name: physical erosion | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his physical stats (characteristics) temporarily lowered (25 in a 1-100 system, 1 in a 3-18 system). if a system of temporary/permanent stats is used, only the temporary stat is lowered. physical stats include strength, agility, quickness, constitution, appearance, dexterity, etc. |
spell name: SPASM | list name: physical erosion | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: until cured | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the target feels pain that seems natural and reduces his hits by 40% until cured (caster must specify nature of spasm). the target is unaware that the spell has been cast on him, since it affects him gradually. |
spell name: MASS PAIN | list name: physical erosion | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: one target per level feels pain, and he takes 20% of his remaining hits. |
spell name: TORMENT | list name: physical erosion | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target feels pain, and he takes 90% of his remaining hits. |
spell name: TRAIT EROSION 3 | list name: physical erosion | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his physical stats (characteristics) temporarily lowered (15 in a 1-100 system, 1 in a 3-18 system). if a system of temporary/permanent stats is used, both the temporary and permanent stat is lowered. physical stats include strength, agility, quickness, constitution, appearance, dexterity, etc. |
spell name: IMPAIR 10 | list name: physical erosion | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his physical stats (characteristics) temporarily lowered (50 in a 1-100 system, 1 in a 3-18 system). if a system of temporary/permanent stats is used, only the temporary stat is lowered. physical stats include strength, agility, quickness, constitution, appearance, dexterity, etc. |
spell name: MASS FIRE NERVES | list name: physical erosion | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell law |
description: one target per level feels pain, and he takes 40% of his remaining hits. |
spell name: TRAIT EROSION 5 | list name: physical erosion | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his physical stats (characteristics) temporarily lowered (25 in a 1-100 system, 1 in a 3-18 system). if a system of temporary/permanent stats is used, both the temporary and permanent stat is lowered. physical stats include strength, agility, quickness, constitution, appearance, dexterity, etc. |
spell name: TRAIT EROSION TRUE | list name: physical erosion | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 month / 5 failure | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell law |
description: target has one of his physical stats (characteristics) temporary and potential lowered to 1. physical stats include strength, agility, quickness, constitution, appearance, dexterity, etc. |
spell name: FAMILIAR | list name: dark summons | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: p | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: small animal | sourcebook: spell law |
description: the caster can attune himself to a small animal (to be called his familiar). the caster must obtain the animal and cast the spell on the animal once/day for 1 week (concentrating for 2 hours/day). the caster can then control the familiar and view the world through its senses by concentrating on it (must be within 50'/lvl). if the animal is killed the caster will have a -25 modification to all actions for two weeks. |
spell name: SUMMONS 1 C | list name: dark summons | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: fm | duration: varies (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: v | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can instantly summon a first level non-intelligent creature that he can control by concentrating on it. the creature disappears after 1 minute (6 rounds). the general type of the creature can be specified by the caster but exactly what the creature is should be determined randomly (e.g., the caster could specify four-legged, hoofed and could get a zebra, horse, camel, etc.). |
spell name: CONTROL DEMON 1 C * | list name: dark summons | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 demon (the chance of non-control is {the demon's type x 2%]); the demon leaves when the caster stops concentrating. the demon will not speak with the summoner. |
spell name: SUMMONS 3 C | list name: dark summons | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: fm | duration: varies (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: v | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can instantly summon a 3rd level non-intelligent creature that he can control by concentrating on it. the creature disappears after 1 minute (6 rounds). or three 1st level creatures for 1 minute or one 1st level creature for 3 minutes. if you multiply the levels, minutes and number of creatures, the result can not exceed three.the general type of the creature can be specified by the caster but exactly what the creature is should be determined randomly (e.g., the caster could specify four-legged, hoofed and could get a zebra, horse, camel, etc.). |
spell name: LESSER DEMONIC GATE | list name: dark summons | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: e | duration: 2 rounds | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster summons a demon who gradually appears over the couse of 2 rounds, roll for type: (01-60) type 1, (61-90) type 2, (91-100) type 3. if the demon is not "controlled"" or ""mastered"" (i.e. one of the spells this list) before the demon materializes, the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times ten, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a ""a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: DEMON MASTERY 1 * | list name: dark summons | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 demon (the chance of non-mastery is {the demon's type x 5%]). no concentration is necessary. the demon will remain and obey the caster until the caster is killed or the demon is outside the range limit or the caster releases him. a maximium of two demons can be mastered at one time by one being. obtaining information may only be accomplished by using spells off the evil magician's base list, dark contacts. |
spell name: CONTROL DEMON 2 C * | list name: dark summons | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 2 demon (the chance of non-control is {the demon's type x 2%]); the demon leaves when the caster stops concentrating. the demon will not speak with the summoner. |
spell name: SUMMONS 5 C | list name: dark summons | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: fm | duration: varies (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: v | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can instantly summon a 5th level non-intelligent creature that he can control by concentrating on it. the creature disappears after 1 minute (6 rounds). or five 1st level creatures for 1 minute or one 1st level creature for 5 minutes. if you multiply the levels, minutes and number of creatures, the result can not exceed five.the general type of the creature can be specified by the caster but exactly what the creature is should be determined randomly (e.g., the caster could specify four-legged, hoofed and could get a zebra, horse, camel, etc.). |
spell name: DEMON MASTERY 2 * | list name: dark summons | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 or 2 demon (the chance of non-mastery is {the demon's type x 5%]). no concentration is necessary. the demon will remain and obey the caster until the caster is killed or the demon is outside the range limit or the caster releases him. a maximium of two demons can be mastered at one time by one being. obtaining information may only be accomplished by using spells off the evil magician's base list, dark contacts. |
spell name: CONTROL DEMON 3 C * | list name: dark summons | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 3 demon (the chance of non-control is {the demon's type x 2%]); the demon leaves when the caster stops concentrating. the demon will not speak with the summoner. |
spell name: SUMMONS 10 C | list name: dark summons | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: fm | duration: varies (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: v | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster can instantly summon a 10th level non-intelligent creature that he can control by concentrating on it. the creature disappears after 1 minute (6 rounds). or ten 1st level creatures for 1 minute or one 1st level creature for 10 minutes. if you multiply the levels, minutes and number of creatures, the result can not exceed ten.the general type of the creature can be specified by the caster but exactly what the creature is should be determined randomly (e.g., the caster could specify four-legged, hoofed and could get a zebra, horse, camel, etc.). |
spell name: GREATER DEMONIC GATE | list name: dark summons | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: e | duration: 2 rounds | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: caster summons a demon who gradually appears over the couse of 2 rounds, roll for type: (01-60) type 3, (61-85) type 4, (86-95) type 5, pt (96-100) type 6. if the demon is not "controlled"" or ""mastered"" (i.e. one of the spells this list) before the demon materializes, the caster makes a 1-100 roll, adds the demon type times ten, and receives one of the following effects -(11-20) roll on the attack colunmn of the spell failure table(21-40) caster takes a ""a"" impact critical(41-60) caster takes a ""b"" impact critical(61-75) caster takes a ""c"" impact critical(76-90) caster takes a ""d"" impact critical(91-100) caster takes a ""e"" impact critical(>100) demon gives caster a quest (gm discretion)the caster and the demon make no rrs. the roll is open-ended. the demon always leaves if uncontrolled." |
spell name: DEMON MASTERY 3 * | list name: dark summons | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 3 demon (the chance of non-mastery is {the demon's type x 5%]). no concentration is necessary. the demon will remain and obey the caster until the caster is killed or the demon is outside the range limit or the caster releases him. a maximium of two demons can be mastered at one time by one being. obtaining information may only be accomplished by using spells off the evil magician's base list, dark contacts. |
spell name: CONTROL DEMON 4 C * | list name: dark summons | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 4 demon (the chance of non-control is {the demon's type x 2%]); the demon leaves when the caster stops concentrating. the demon will not speak with the summoner. |
spell name: DEMON MASTERY 5 * | list name: dark summons | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 5 demon (the chance of non-mastery is {the demon's type x 5%]). no concentration is necessary. the demon will remain and obey the caster until the caster is killed or the demon is outside the range limit or the caster releases him. a maximium of two demons can be mastered at one time by one being. obtaining information may only be accomplished by using spells off the evil magician's base list, dark contacts. |
spell name: CONTROL DEMON 6 C * | list name: dark summons | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 6 demon (the chance of non-control is {the demon's type x 2%]); the demon leaves when the caster stops concentrating. the demon will not speak with the summoner. |
spell name: DEMON MASTERY 6 * | list name: dark summons | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 6 demon (the chance of non-mastery is {the demon's type x 5%]). no concentration is necessary. the demon will remain and obey the caster until the caster is killed or the demon is outside the range limit or the caster releases him. a maximium of two demons can be mastered at one time by one being. obtaining information may only be accomplished by using spells off the evil magician's base list, dark contacts. |
spell name: DEMON MASTERY 4 | list name: dark summons | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 4 demon (the chance of non-mastery is {the demon's type x 5%]). no concentration is necessary. the demon will remain and obey the caster until the caster is killed or the demon is outside the range limit or the caster releases him. a maximium of two demons can be mastered at one time by one being. obtaining information may only be accomplished by using spells off the evil magician's base list, dark contacts. |
spell name: CONTROL DEMON 5 | list name: dark summons | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: m* | duration: concentration | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: demon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to totally control a type 1 to 5 demon (the chance of non-control is {the demon's type x 2%]); the demon leaves when the caster stops concentrating. the demon will not speak with the summoner. |
spell name: SPIDER FAMILIAR | list name: arachnemancy | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: P | duration: permanent | range: Touch | area of effect: Small Spider | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: The caster can attune himself to a small spider (to be called his familiar). The caster must obtain the spider and cast the spell on the spider once/day for 1 week (concentrating for 2 hours/day). The caster can then control the familiar and view the world through its senses by concentrating on it (must be within 50'/lvl). If the animal is killed the caster will have a -25 modification to all actions for two weeks. There is a 10% chance per level of the caster that the spider will be poisonous. |
spell name: WEB MOVEMENT | list name: arachnemancy | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: U | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows target to move along the webs of giant spiders easily. Webs will not stick to the caster and he will be able to move freely through a "Web"" spell." |
spell name: MINOR WEB | list name: arachnemancy | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 5 minutes / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: There are two ways of using this spell. The first is offensive - web strands shoot out of the caster's index finger at one target. If the target fails an RR, the amount of his body that is covered in the web is equal to the percent of failure. For example, if a target fails his RR by 25, then 25% of his body is covered in webs. the portion of the body that is covered must be deterimed randomly by the GM. If a limb or limbs are covered, they cannot be used. Breaking the web requires a "very hard"" static maneuver (modified by Strength bonus). The second way of using this spell is for the caster to use web strands to move (ropes to climb, swing from, etc.). Each round of duration, a 10' strand can be produced that will support 200 lbs. One end will be sticky so that it will stick to ceilings and walls; the rest of the strand will not be stick so it may be climed, tied, etc. Alternately, the strand produced on a previous round may be extended by another 10'. This second option cannot be used offensively (the strands are too weak to take that much strain)." |
spell name: CHARM SPIDER | list name: arachnemancy | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: M | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Spider | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: This spell will work on any arachnid-type creature. The target will think of the caster as a friend. This spell will also allow the caster to speak the language of spiders (Arachnis). |
spell name: SPIDER CLIMB | list name: arachnemancy | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: U | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target may move along (at half walking pace) any solid surface angled up to 90 degrees so long as he maintains at least 3 of his four limbs in contact with the surface. |
spell name: POISON RESISTANCE 2 | list name: arachnemancy | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: H | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target gets two additional RRs versus any poison. |
spell name: LESSER SPIDER SUMMONS | list name: arachnemancy | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: FM | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Spider | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster will Summon a lesser great spider that will obey his wishes when he concentrates. |
spell name: MAJOR WEB | list name: arachnemancy | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 5 minutes / level | range: 50' | area of effect: 2 Targets | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: There are two ways of using this spell. The first is offensive - web strands shoot out of the caster's index finger at two targets. (Caster can "web"" two separate toargets or two targets together or one target to a non-mobile object (object gets no RR)). If the target fails an RR, the amount of his body that is covered in the web is equal to the percent of failure. For example, if a target fails his RR by 25, then 25% of his body is covered in webs. The portion of the body that is covered must be deterimed randomly by the GM. If a limb or limbs are covered, they cannot be used. Breaking the web requires a ""extremely hard"" static maneuver (modified by Strength bonus). The second way of using this spell is for the caster to use web strands to move (ropes to climb, swing from, etc.). Each round of duration, a 20' strand or two 10' strands can be produced that will support 200 lbs. One end will be sticky so that it will stick to ceilings and walls; the rest of the strand will not be stick so it may be climed, tied, etc. Alternately, the strand produced on a previous round may be extended by another 10' or 20'. This second option cannot be used offensively (the strands are too weak to take that much strain)." |
spell name: UNPOISON | list name: arachnemancy | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: H | duration: permanent | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can remove one poison completely from a target. |
spell name: SPIDER CONTROL | list name: arachnemancy | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: M | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Spider | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: This spell will work on any arachnid-type creature. The target will think of the caster as a friend. The spider will obey one Suggestion per round. This spell will also allow the caster to speak the language of spiders (Arachnis). |
spell name: SPIDER STRENGTH | list name: arachnemancy | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target gets an additional +5 Strength bonus for every two levels of the caster (round down), maximum bonus of +50. |
spell name: POISON INJECTION | list name: arachnemancy | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows either the bite or touch of the target to be able to inject a 8th level muscle poison when a critical is inflicted. This spell will last until used or until the duration is over, whichever comes first. |
spell name: GREAT SPIDER SUMMONS | list name: arachnemancy | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: FM | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Spider | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster will Summon a greater great spider that will obey his wishes when he concentrates. |
spell name: LESSER SPIDER SHAPECHANGE | list name: arachnemancy | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can take the form and have all of the abilities of a lesser great spider. |
spell name: WEB TRUE | list name: arachnemancy | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 5 minutes / level | range: 50' | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: There are two ways of using this spell. The first is offensive - web strands shoot out of the caster's index finger at one target per two levels of the caster. (Caster can "web"" separate targets or two targets together or one target to a non-mobile object (object gets no RR)). Or half of that number can be webbed to non-mobile objects. If the target fails an RR, the amount of his body that is covered in the web is equal to the percent of failure. For example, if a target fails his RR by 25, then 25% of his body is covered in webs. The portion of the body that is covered must be deterimed randomly by the GM. If a limb or limbs are covered, they cannot be used. Breaking the web requires a ""extremely hard"" static maneuver (modified by Strength bonus). The second way of using this spell is for the caster to use web strands to move (ropes to climb, swing from, etc.). Each round of duration, a 20' strand or two 10' strands can be produced that will support 200 lbs. One end will be sticky so that it will stick to ceilings and walls; the rest of the strand will not be stick so it may be climed, tied, etc. Alternately, the strand produced on a previous round may be extended by another 10' or 20'. This second option cannot be used offensively (the strands are too weak to take that much strain)." |
spell name: WEB COCOON | list name: arachnemancy | level: 16 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Completely encases target in webbing. Breaking the cocoon requires a -20 'absurb' static maneuver (modified by Strength bonus). |
spell name: SPIDER BOLT | list name: arachnemancy | level: 17 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Hundreds of normal-sized, poison spiders are shot from the caster's palm in a stream or bolt. Roll an attack using the Fire Bolt attack table; ignore normal damage, but an critical result indicates that the target is "hit"", either the GM can roll 10-100 spider attacks on the target, or (preferably) the target must make 10 RRs vs. poison. The GM can determine the poison's level, or he can use a reduction poison with a level equal to the caster's divided by 5, round down. The spiders will disappear after the attack is made." |
spell name: CEILING WALKING | list name: arachnemancy | level: 18 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: U | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target may move along (at full movement) any solid surface at any angle (even ceilings) so long as he maintains at least one of his limbs in contact with the surface. |
spell name: MAJOR SPIDER SUMMONS | list name: arachnemancy | level: 19 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: FM | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Spider | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster will Summon a major great spider that will obey his wishes when he concentrates. |
spell name: SPIDER PLAGUE | list name: arachnemancy | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Summons hundreds of normal sized, poisonous spiders that swarm over a 10' R and can move into a new 10' R area each round. Anyone in the area of effect must make five RR's vs. poison each round. The GM can determine the poison level, or he can use a level 2 reduction poison. |
spell name: GREAT SPIDER SHAPECHANGE | list name: arachnemancy | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can take the form and have all of the abilities of a greater great spider. |
spell name: SPIDER MASTERY | list name: arachnemancy | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: M | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 50' R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: This spell will work on all arachnid-type creatures in the radius. The targets will think of the caster as a friend. The spiders will obey one Suggestion per round. This spell will also allow the caster to speak the language of spiders (Arachnis). |
spell name: ARACHNEMASTERY | list name: arachnemancy | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 round / level | range: varies | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can use one spell from this list each round. All spiders who see the caster will regard him as master and obey him. |
spell name: BODY PREPARATION . | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: U | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Prepares the caster's body for the rigors of any of the other spells on this list. If this spell is not cast immediately before one of these spells is cast. the caster will take d10 hits and an 'A' Disruption critical for each level of the spell. |
spell name: TALON FINGERS 1 * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Fingers on one of caster's hands become sharp, like talons. Caster can make a Small Claw attack with an OB equal to his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). |
spell name: SHIFTING DEFENSE * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: D | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows caster to make his body somewhat malleable and flexible to avoid attacks. This spell gives the caster an additional Defensive Ronus equal to +10 plus his Agility bonus. |
spell name: VIPER JAW 1 * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster's mouth becomes larger and fills with razor-like teeth. Caster can make a Small Bite attack with an OB equal to his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). |
spell name: MALLEABLE BODY | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster's body becomes very malleable. Caster can stretch any part of his body up to three times its normal length. Parts of the body for the purposes of this spell are torso, arms, fingers, legs, and neck so that a person could stretch his legs, torso, and and fingers each three times their normal length to reach very high, etc. Since the caster's body is so malleable, Grapple attacks can be made with stretched body parts as an octopus would with its tentacles. Caster may make a small grapple attack with an OB equal to his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). |
spell name: BAT WINGS * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Changes caster 's arms into huge bat£like wings (15' wingspan) that he can use to fly at a rate of 75'/md. |
spell name: TALON FINGERS 2 * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Fingers on one of caster's hands become sharp, like talons. Caster can make a Medium Claw attack with an OB equal to +10 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). |
spell name: MAJOR MALLEABLE BODY | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster's body becomes very malleable. Caster can stretch any part of his body up to six times its normal length. Parts of the body for the purposes of this spell are torso, arms, fingers, legs, and neck so that a person could stretch his legs, torso, and and fingers each three times their normal length to reach very high, etc. Since the caster's body is so malleable, Grapple attacks can be made with stretched body parts as an octopus would with its tentacles. Caster may make a medium grapple attack with an OB equal to his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). |
spell name: VIPER JAW 2 * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster's mouth becomes larger and fills with razor-like teeth. Caster can make a medium Bite attack with an OB equal to +20 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). OR an additional mouth can be created next to the caster 's normal mouth; the two mouths can each make a Small bite attack (both attacks must he against the same opponent). |
spell name: SNAKE ARMS * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster's arms become poisonous snakes that can each bite with a+ 70 Medium Bite attack that injects a 5th level circulatory poison if a critical is achieved. |
spell name: MORTAL FORM | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A limited illusion that makes the caster look like (to spells and normal vision) a normal human (or whatever race he was originally). This spell is useful to casters who have had their appearance altered by the long-term use of this list, and to non-humans such as Demons, etc. This spell will only make the caster appear as he did before his appearance was changed by this list. If used by a non-human it will not let him appear as a specific human. It will also not conceal changes from specific spells from this list already cast. |
spell name: DEMON FORM | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A limited illusion that makes the caster look like a demon. This spell is useful to casters who have had their appearance altered by the long-term use of this list, and to non-humans such as Demons, etc. This spell will only make the caster appear as he did before his appearance was changed by this list. If used by a non-human it will not let him appear as a specific human. It will also not conceal changes from specific spells from this list already cast. |
spell name: TALON FINGERS 3 * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Fingers on one of caster's hands become sharp, like talons. Caster can make a large Claw attack with an OB equal to +20 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). |
spell name: SHIFTING DEFENSE TRUE * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: d | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows caster to make his body somewhat malleable and flexible to avoid attacks. This spell gives the caster an additional Defensive Ronus equal to +25 plus his Agility bonus. |
spell name: VIPER JAW 3 * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster's mouth becomes larger and fills with razor-like teeth. Caster can make a large Bite attack with an OB equal to +30 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). OR two additional mouths can be created next to the caster 's normal mouth; all three mouths can each make a Small bite attack (all attacks must he against the same opponent). |
spell name: SNAKE FINGERS * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 16 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: the fingers of one hand become snakes, so one + 70 Medium Bite attack and four + 70 Small Bite attacks can be made each round. |
spell name: TALON FINGERS TRUE * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 17 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Fingers on one of caster's hands become sharp, like talons. Caster can make a huge Claw attack with an OB equal to +30 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). |
spell name: MORTAL FORM TRUE | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 18 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A limited illusion that allows the caster to appear as any specific humanoid (or a member of race if he is non-humanoid) that he has seen and concentrated on for at least one minute. This spell is useful to casters who have had their appearance altered by the long-term use of this list, and to non-humans such as Demons, etc. This spell will only make the caster appear as he did before his appearance was changed by this list. If used by a non-human it will not let him appear as a specific human. It will also not conceal changes from specific spells from this list already cast. |
spell name: VIPER JAW TRUE * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 19 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster's mouth becomes larger and fills with razor-like teeth. Caster can make a huge Bite attack with an OB equal to +40 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). OR three additional mouths can be created next to the caster 's normal mouth; the mouths can each make a Small bite attack (all four attacks must he against the same opponent). |
spell name: SNAKE HAIR * | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: the top of the caster's head is covered with snakes (as a Gorgon). Each round, caster can make a numher of +70 Small Bite attacks equal to his level divided by four (round up). |
spell name: DEMON FORM TRUE | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A limited illusion that makes the caster look like a specific demon type and the caster may receive some (GM discretion) of the Demon's abilities. This spell is useful to casters who have had their appearance altered by the long-term use of this list, and to non-humans such as Demons, etc. This spell will only make the caster appear as he did before his appearance was changed by this list. If used by a non-human it will not let him appear as a specific human. It will also not conceal changes from specific spells from this list already cast. |
spell name: GORGON EYES | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: All who meet the caster's gaze must make an RR or be turned to stone for (d10 minutes / 5% failure). Only one large target can be affected each round. |
spell name: FOUL CHANGES TRUE | list name: foul changes 1 | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level (permanent) | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can cast any one spell on this list each round or this spell can be cast in order to make the effects of any spell on this list a permanent change to the caster's body. |
spell name: BODY PREPARATION | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: U | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Prepares the caster's body for the rigors of any of the other spells on this list. If this spell is not cast immediately before one of these spells is cast. the caster will take d10 hits and an 'A' Disruption critical for each level of the spell. |
spell name: MINOR BODY SWITCH * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Moves one small part of the caster's body to another location on his body. For example, an eye could be moved to the tip of a finger to look down a small hole, a finger could be moved to a wrist to untie a rope bond, etc. This spell can only move a small body part as a finger, eye, or mouth. |
spell name: DEMON'S WINGS * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster grows large (20' wingspan) demonic wings. Caster can fly at a rate of 75'/round. Weight equal to the caster's normal carrying capacity can be carried while flying. |
spell name: SPIDER LEGS * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Causes eight long, spider like legs to grow quickly out of the caster's sides. These legs can be up to 20' long, raising the caster 15' in the air when they are used for walking. They move at the caster's normal movement rate, but can easily navigate giant webs, walk through water, mud, and similar substances. If this spell is cast as a 7th level spell, the legs can also be used to walk on ceilings and walls. |
spell name: EXTRA LIMB * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster grows an extra arm or leg. This limb will function as a normal limb in all respects and will form wherever on the caster's body that he would like it. An extra leg will add +20 to any balancmg maneuvers and will make the caster 20% more likely to stay on his feet as he will be much sturdier and stable. It will not slow the caster down when he is moving. An extra arm can use a shield, wield a weapon (with half of caster's normal OB), or be used to cast spells, grab objects, etc. The caster may find problems finding clothes that will fit around this extra limb, and will most likely have to rip a hole in them. If the caster is wearing armor, he'll just have to be creative. |
spell name: EYE SPY | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: One of the caster's eyes grows tiny bat-like wings and is able to fly away from the caster's body (AT1 ,DB:100). The caster has complete control of the eye and is able to see through it. The eye does not have a range, but flies at a rate of 50'/round and if it is not back to the caster by the time the duration runs out, it will wither and die. and the caster will be left with only one eye, taking will take 3-30 hits of damage from the loss. If the eye takes damage, the caster takes the damage too. |
spell name: SPINE * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: self (100') | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a 6" spine somewhere on the caster's body: suggested areas would be on the forearm, chest, forehead, backhand or palm (if the hand is not needed to grasp anything). he spine can be used for a Medium Hom attack with an OB equal to +10 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). The spine can also be fired once (then its gone) as a Light Crossbow attack with an additional +20 bonus (use the same standard modifiers as the Hom attack)." |
spell name: TONGUE TIES * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster is able to spit out of his mouth a 3' long tonguelike projectile that makes a Medium Grapple attack (OB equal to +10 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties) as it wraps around the limbs, head, etc. of the target. Caster is able to spit one tongue tie for every three levels he has, but all must be spat out in the same round. |
spell name: MAJOR BODY SWITCH * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Any part of the caster's body may be moved to another location on his body. For example, an eye could be moved to the tip of a finger to look down a small hole, a finger could be moved to a wrist to untie a rope bond, an arm may me moved to a more useful place, etc. |
spell name: TENTACLES * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Two black tentacles grow from the caster's sides. Each tentacle is 10' long and can he used to make a Large Grapple attack (OB equal to +20 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). Each tentacle has a Strength of 100. |
spell name: MORTAL FORM | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A limited illusion that makes the caster look like (to spells and normal vision) a normal human (or whatever race he was originally). This spell is useful to casters who have had their appearance altered by the long-term use of this list, and to non-humans such as Demons, etc. This spell will only make the caster appear as he did before his appearance was changed by this list. If used by a non-human it will not let him appear as a specific human. It will also not conceal changes from specific spells from this list already cast. |
spell name: SPINE 2 * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self (100') | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates two 6" spines somewhere on the caster's body: suggested areas would be on the forearm, chest, forehead, backhand or palm (if the hand is not needed to grasp anything). the spines can be used for two Medium Horn attacks with an OB equal to +10 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). OR a large horn attack at +20. The spines can also be fired once (then are gone) as a Light Crossbow attack with an additional +20 bonus (use the same standard modifiers as the Hom attack)." |
spell name: DEMON FORM | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A limited illusion that makes the caster look like a demon. This spell is useful to casters who have had their appearance altered by the long-term use of this list, and to non-humans such as Demons, etc. This spell will only make the caster appear as he did before his appearance was changed by this list. If used by a non-human it will not let him appear as a specific human. It will also not conceal changes from specific spells from this list already cast. |
spell name: REGENERATION | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows caster to regenerate any lost body part over a period of 2-20 days. The new body part will he fully functional but will be demonic in appearance. It may have minor additional capabilities (GM 's option). Suggested capabilities are increased Strength or a Small Claw attack (if it is a arm or leg) or a better AT for the regenerated part, etc. |
spell name: ETHERAL ARM * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: An additional arm grows from the caster's torso identical in size and shape to his normal arms; but this arm is invisible and intangible on this plane. The arm can feel and interact with things on the "Ethereal Planes"" (and thus it would be very helpful to have the ability of ethereal sight to go along with this spell). It passes through all substances on this plane. If three more PP are expended (treat as an additional instantaneous 3rd level spell), the hand on the arm can take on solid form and can grasp/touch objects (and can be seen) on this plane while the arm remain non-solid. Thus, a caster could reach through a wall and then make his hand solid to do some desired task (e.g .. trip a lock, make a martial arts attack, explore, etc.). A GM must decide what happens if the caster intangibly reaches into someone's body and grabs the victim's heart with a solid hand. We suggest that the GM prohibit this or at least make such an action do serious injury to the caster." |
spell name: POISON SPINE * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 16 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: self (100') | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a 6" spine coated with a cirulatory poison equal to half of the caster's level somewhere on the caster's body: suggested areas would be on the forearm, chest, forehead, backhand or palm (if the hand is not needed to grasp anything). The spine can be used for a Medium Hom attack with an OB equal to +10 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). The spine can also be fired once (then its gone) as a Light Crossbow attack with an additional +20 bonus (use the same standard modifiers as the Hom attack)." |
spell name: MULTI-TENACLES * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 17 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 minute / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Black tentacles grow from the caster's sides. The number being the caster's level divided by four. Each tentacle is 10' long and can he used to make a Large Grapple attack (OB equal to +20 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). Each tentacle has a Strength of 100. |
spell name: SPINE 3 * | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 19 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: self (100') | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates three 6" spines somewhere on the caster's body: suggested areas would be on the forearm, chest, forehead, backhand or palm (if the hand is not needed to grasp anything). the spines can be used for three Medium Horn attacks with an OB equal to +10 plus his directed spell bonus minus the result from a roll on the 'General' column of the Spell law Base Attack Roll Table 15.1. This result is subtracted because the higher rolls on that table result in negative numbers, so subtracting them will make those results bonuses instead of penalties). OR a huge horn attack at +30. The spines can also be fired once (then are gone) as a Light Crossbow attack with an additional +20 bonus (use the same standard modifiers as the Hom attack)." |
spell name: DEMONIC ASSISTANT | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A minor demon is conjured and it inhabits the caster's body. A small Demonic face will appear on the caster's body somewhere (chest, shoulder. check). There is also a possibility that it will have two small arms as well. This minor Demon will cast spells as the caster does. so for each spell the caster casts. the demon will cast an identical one simultaneously. The demon will use up the caster's PPs for these spells. The Demon can do nothing but cast spells. and can only mimic what the caster docs- it cannot cast spells on its own. (A GM may wish to have the Demon make rude comments now and then.) |
spell name: DEMON FORM TRUE | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: A limited illusion that makes the caster look like a specific demon type and the caster may receive some (GM discretion) of the Demon's abilities. This spell is useful to casters who have had their appearance altered by the long-term use of this list, and to non-humans such as Demons, etc. This spell will only make the caster appear as he did before his appearance was changed by this list. If used by a non-human it will not let him appear as a specific human. It will also not conceal changes from specific spells from this list already cast. |
spell name: RAPID REGENERATION | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows caster to regenerate any lost body part over a period of 2-20 rounds The new body part will he fully functional but will be demonic in appearance. It may have minor additional capabilities (GM 's option). Suggested capabilities are increased Strength or a Small Claw attack (if it is a arm or leg) or a better AT for the regenerated part, etc. |
spell name: FOUL CHANGES TRUE | list name: foul changes 2 | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level (permanent) | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can cast any one spell on this list each round or this spell can be cast in order to make the effects of any spell on this list (except Tongue Ties, Regeneration or Rapid Regeneration) a permanent change to the caster's body. |
spell name: BLACK TENTACLES | list name: dark summons | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: f | duration: 1 round / level | range: 25' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Conjures one black tentacle for every four levels of the caster. These tentacles are each 10' long and come up from the ground together in a mass from the target point chosen by the caster. They drip a dark ac idic substance. Anyone within 10' of the target point is subjecttn a +80 Large Grapple attack. Anyone who is held by tentacles also takes an 'A' acid critical due to their coating. Each tentacle can take 30 hits (ignores criticals) before it is destroyed. |
spell name: DARK WIND | list name: darkness | level: 30 | realm: essence/channeling | type: evil magician base | spell class: e | duration: varies | range: 100' | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows the caster to create a 10' diameter cloud o f whirling black vapor whic h may be directed at any target within its range. This magical vortex travels at a rate of 200'/round (so it can reach any possible target within half of a round ). Creatures in its path must make two RRs. Failing the first, they are knocked down, suffer an "E"" Impact critical, and are swept away with the wind. Failing the second RR, a victim is blinded for 2-12 minutes. The Dark Wind can attack only each target within its range once. The spell ends when they are no unattacked targets in range, if there is no one within range, or if it is dispelled." |
spell name: CREATE ACID 1 | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 ounce/Lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster may convert pure water into an acid capable of delivering "A"" acid criticals. Caster can create one ounce per level. Acid delivers 10 structual hits per minute of exposure." |
spell name: ACID WALL | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 1' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster creates a wall of acid mist. Creatures passing through the wall take an "A"" Acid critical. Wall delivers 35 structural hits." |
spell name: CREATE ACID 2 | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 ounce/Lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster may convert pure water into an acid capable of delivering "B"" acid criticals. Caster can create one ounce per level. Acid delivers 20 structual hits per minute of exposure." |
spell name: RESIST ACID | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: D | duration: 1 round / level | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: The recipient of this spell gains +20 to all RRs vs. acid, and a +20 bonus vs. all acid based attacks. |
spell name: ACID BOLT | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: A bolt of acid is shot from the caster's palm. Attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table, delivering Acid criticals (Companion 3). |
spell name: ACID BALL | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: A ball of acid is shot from the caster's palm. Attack is resolved on the Fire Ball attack table, delivering Acid criticals (Companion 3). |
spell name: CLOUD OF CORROSION | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 6 rounds | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates a 10' radus cloud of acidic vapor which delivers a "C"" acid critical on 1st and 2nd rounds |
spell name: CREATE ACID 3 | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 ounce/Lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster may convert pure water into an acid capable of delivering "C"" acid criticals. Caster can create one ounce per level. Acid delivers 30 structual hits per minute of exposure." |
spell name: ACID BOLT (200') | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 200' | area of effect: 11 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: A bolt of acid is shot from the caster's palm. Attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table, delivering Acid criticals (Companion 3). |
spell name: GREATER ACID WALL | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 1 round / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' x 10' x 1' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster creates a wall of acid mist. Creatures passing through the wall take an "C"" Acid critical. Wall delivers 35 structural hits." |
spell name: ACID BALL (20' R) | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 20' R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: A ball of acid is shot from the caster's palm. Attack is resolved on the Fire Ball attack table, delivering Acid criticals (Companion 3). |
spell name: CREATE ACID 4 | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 ounce/Lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster may convert pure water into an acid capable of delivering "D"" acid criticals. Caster can create one ounce per level. Acid delivers 40 structual hits per minute of exposure." |
spell name: CLOUD OF DESTRUCTION | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 16 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 10 rounds | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates a 10' radus cloud of acidic vapor which delivers a "E"" acid critical on 1st and 2nd rounds |
spell name: ACID ARMOR | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 17 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: D | duration: 1 round / level | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: The recipient of this spell gains +20 to all RRs vs. acid, and a +20 bonus vs. all acid based attacks. Also, all concussion hits from acid attacks are reduced by 50%. All acid criticals taken are reduced by one degree of severity. |
spell name: ACID BOLT (300') | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 18 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 300' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: A bolt of acid is shot from the caster's palm. Attack is resolved on the Fire Bolt attack table, delivering Acid criticals (Companion 3). |
spell name: ACID BALL (30' R) | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 19 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: 30' R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: A ball of acid is shot from the caster's palm. Attack is resolved on the Fire Ball attack table, delivering Acid criticals (Companion 3). |
spell name: CREATE ACID 5 | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 ounce/Lvl | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Caster may convert pure water into an acid capable of delivering "E"" acid criticals. Caster can create one ounce per level. Acid delivers 50 structual hits per minute of exposure." |
spell name: TRIAD ACID BOLT | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: - | range: 100' | area of effect: V | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Three bolts of acid are shot from the caster's palm. They can strike up to 3 different targets within 60 degrees of each other (must be in field of view of the caster). Caster's directed spell bonuses can only apply to one of the attacks. |
spell name: CLOUD OF DOOM | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 6 rounds | range: 100' | area of effect: 5' /Level R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates a 5' per level radus cloud of acidic vapor which delivers a "C"" acid critical on 1st and 2nd rounds |
spell name: CLOUD OF ANNIHILATION | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 40 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: E | duration: 10 rounds | range: 100' | area of effect: 5'/Level R | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: Creates a 5' per level radus cloud of acidic vapor which delivers a "E"" acid critical on 1st and 2nd rounds |
spell name: IMMUNITY | list name: corrosion mastery | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: evil magician base | spell class: D | duration: 1 round / level | range: Touch | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 5 |
description: The recipient of this spell is immune to the effects of all acids for its duration. |