spell name: SMELL / TASTE MIRAGE | list name: illusion law | level: 2 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: E | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates any simple set of smells or tastes in an area of 10' R. The ofactory/taste aspects of the scene are really created (no RR) and detecting that it is an illusion can normally be accomplished only through spells or the use of a sense other then smell. |
spell name: ILLUSION 2 | list name: illusion law | level: 3 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' R. One of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the range can be doubled or D) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' R)." |
spell name: GLAMOUR 1 | list name: illusion law | level: 4 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: M | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: By changing the target's frame of reference by one detail, the caster can create an illusion / phantasm which only the target experiences. The effects stays with the target for the spell duration. For example, a target could be Glamoured to see all humans as rabbits. |
spell name: FEEL / PRESENCE MIRAGE | list name: illusion law | level: 5 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: E | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: All objects and surfaces in a 10' R can be made to feel differently than they really are. The feel aspects of the scene are really created (no RR) and detecting that it is an illusion can normally be accomplished only through spells or the use of a sense other then feel. Striking an object or surface will cancel the spell for that object or surface only. Alternately, caster can create one "presence"" of a being. The visual aspects of the being are really created (no RR) and detecting that it is an illusion can normally be accomplished only through spells or the use of a sense other than sight." |
spell name: PHANTASM 1 | list name: illusion law | level: 6 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. When the caster stops concentrating the image remains, but stops moving (the caster can resume concentration later and resume moveing the phantasm). The image can be any size that would fit into a 10' R sphere. |
spell name: ILLUSION 3 | list name: illusion law | level: 7 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' R. Two of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the range can be doubled or D) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' R). See the Illusionist Base list, Illusion Mastery, for complete guidelines for Illusions." |
spell name: GLAMOUR 2 | list name: illusion law | level: 8 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: M | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: By changing the target's frame of reference by one detail, the caster can create an illusion / phantasm which only the target experiences. With high level Glamour spells, one of the following options may be choosen: a) an extra sense may added with Mirage spells or b) the duration can be doubled or c) another reference point may be changed. The effects stays with the target for the spell duration. For example, a target could be Glamored to see all humans as rabbits. |
spell name: PHANTASM 2 | list name: illusion law | level: 9 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. When the caster stops concentrating the image remains, but stops moving (the caster can resume concentration later and resume moveing the phantasm). The image can be any size that would fit into a 10' R sphere. One of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the radius of the sphere limiting the size of the image can be doubled or D) the range can be doubled or E) another image can be created and moved (all separate phantasms that move must be within the caster's field of vision)." |
spell name: WAITING ILLUSION 2 | list name: illusion law | level: 10 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' R. One of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the range can be doubled or D) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' R). The spell can be delayed up to 24 hours or until triggered by a specified sight or sound." |
spell name: GLAMOUR 3 | list name: illusion law | level: 11 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: M | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: By changing the target's frame of reference by one detail, the caster can create an illusion / phantasm which only the target experiences. With high level Glamour spells, two of the following options may be choosen: a) an extra sense may added with Mirage spells or b) the duration can be doubled or c) another reference point may be changed. The effects stays with the target for the spell duration. For example, a target could be Glamored to see all humans as rabbits. |
spell name: WAITING GLAMOUR 2 | list name: illusion law | level: 12 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: M | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: By changing the target's frame of reference by one detail, the caster can create an illusion / phantasm which only the target experiences. With high level Glamour spells, one of the following options may be choosen: a) an extra sense may added with Mirage spells or b) the duration can be doubled or c) another reference point may be changed. The effects stays with the target for the spell duration. For example, a target could be Glamored to see all humans as rabbits.The spell can be delayed up to 24 hours or until triggered by a specified sight or sound. |
spell name: WAITING PHANTASM 2 | list name: illusion law | level: 13 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' R. One of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the range can be doubled or D) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' R). The spell can be delayed up to 24 hours or until triggered by a specified sight or sound." |
spell name: ILLUSION 5 | list name: illusion law | level: 14 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' R. Four of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the range can be doubled or D) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' R)." |
spell name: GLAMOUR 5 | list name: illusion law | level: 15 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: M | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: By changing the target's frame of reference by one detail, the caster can create an illusion / phantasm which only the target experiences. With high level Glamour spells, four of the following options may be choosen: a) an extra sense may added with Mirage spells or b) the duration can be doubled or c) another reference point may be changed. The effects stays with the target for the spell duration. For example, a target could be Glamored to see all humans as rabbits. |
spell name: PHANTASM 3 | list name: illusion law | level: 16 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level (concentration) | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. When the caster stops concentrating the image remains, but stops moving (the caster can resume concentration later and resume moveing the phantasm). The image can be any size that would fit into a 10' R sphere. Two of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the radius of the sphere limiting the size of the image can be doubled or D) the range can be doubled or E) another image can be created and moved (all separate phantasms that move must be within the caster's field of vision)." |
spell name: WAITING ILLUSION 3 | list name: illusion law | level: 17 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' R. Two of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the range can be doubled or D) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' R). The spell can be delayed up to 24 hours or until triggered by a specified sight or sound." |
spell name: WAITING PHANTASM 3 | list name: illusion law | level: 18 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. The spell can be delayed up to 24 hours or until triggered by a specified sight or sound. The Phantasm will move and act if given a simple command (e.g., attack, run, etc.) or it can deliver a short speech. The image can be any size that would fit into a 10' R sphere. |
spell name: ILLUSION 10 | list name: illusion law | level: 19 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 10' radius | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' R. Nine of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the range can be doubled or D) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' R)." |
spell name: GLAMOUR 10 | list name: illusion law | level: 20 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: M | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: By changing the target's frame of reference by one detail, the caster can create an illusion / phantasm which only the target experiences. With high level Glamour spells, nine of the following options may be choosen: a) an extra sense may added with Mirage spells or b) the duration can be doubled or c) another reference point may be changed. The effects stays with the target for the spell duration. For example, a target could be Glamored to see all humans as rabbits. |
spell name: PHANTASM 5 | list name: illusion law | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates the image of one object or being, that will move however the caster wants while he concentrates. When the caster stops concentrating the image remains, but stops moving (the caster can resume concentration later and resume moveing the phantasm). The image can be any size that would fit into a 10' R sphere. Four of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the radius of the sphere limiting the size of the image can be doubled or D) the range can be doubled or E) another image can be created and moved (all separate phantasms that move must be within the caster's field of vision)." |
spell name: GLAMOUR TRUE | list name: illusion law | level: 30 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: M | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: By changing the target's frame of reference by one detail, the caster can create an illusion / phantasm which only the target experiences. With high level Glamour spells, nine of the following options may be choosen: a) an extra sense may added with Mirage spells or b) the duration can be doubled or c) another reference point may be changed. The effects stays with the target for the spell duration. For example, a target could be Glamored to see all humans as rabbits. The duration is permanent (until dispelled). |
spell name: ILLUSION TRUE | list name: illusion law | level: 50 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: 100' | area of effect: image | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a simple immobile image or scene up to an area of 10' R. The Duration is permanent. Nine of the following options may also be chosen: A) an extra sense can be added to the illusion (the corresponding "Mirage"" spell must be known) or B) the duration can be doubled or C) the range can be doubled or D) the radius of effect can be doubled (limited to 640' R)." |
spell name: STUDY | list name: enchanting law | level: 1 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: I | duration: | range: 300' | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster studies and memorizes the appearance and mannerisms of a being, for later use in a Face Shift or Change type spell. |
spell name: CHANGE SIZE | list name: enchanting law | level: 2 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 1 minute / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster may shrink or enlarge to 1/2 or 150% of his normal mass (height in most situations); no decrease or increase in his strength. |
spell name: FACE SHIFTING TRUE | list name: enchanting law | level: 3 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 1 hour / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows caster to alter form of his face to resemble someone else. If he Studied a being he can take on the exact form. |
spell name: INVISIBILITY (1' RADIUS) | list name: enchanting law | level: 4 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 24 hours (varies) | range: Touch | area of effect: 1Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: The target is made invisible and everything within 1' of the target is also invisible as long as it is within the 1' R. The target will stay invisible until 24 hours pass or the object is struck by violent blow (being hit by a weapon, falling, etc.) or the object makes a violent move (i.e., an attack). |
spell name: FA?ADE | list name: enchanting law | level: 5 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: E | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target has a limited illusion on himself that that allows him to look like any humanoid race within 20% of his own size. The illusion moves as the target moves. |
spell name: CHANGE TO KIND | list name: enchanting law | level: 6 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can alter target's form to the form of any desired humaniod race. |
spell name: MISFEEL KIND | list name: enchanting law | level: 7 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: For the purposes or mental or magical detections, caster appears to be of any race he chooses. |
spell name: IMPERSONATION FACADE | list name: enchanting law | level: 8 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: E | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target has a limited illusion on himself that that allows him to look like a specific person. The person can be impersonated with regards to looks. The person must have been observed for at least 1 minute of concentration. |
spell name: MISFEEL CALLING | list name: enchanting law | level: 9 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: For the purposes or mental or magical detections, caster appears to be of any profession he chooses. |
spell name: IMPERSONATION VOICE | list name: enchanting law | level: 10 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: E | duration: 1 hour / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target has a limited illusion on himself that that allows him to sound like a specific person. The person can be impersonated with regards to voice. The person must have been observed for at least 1 minute of concentration. |
spell name: MIND TONGUE C | list name: enchanting law | level: 11 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: I | duration: concentration | range: 20' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: RR Mod -50 Caster can speak mentally with any sentient being; and to the being wi will seem as if the caster was speaking in the being's own language. |
spell name: CHANGE | list name: enchanting law | level: 12 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can alter his entire body to the form of another organic form within 1/2 to 2x his mass; does not obtain any special abilities. |
spell name: MISFEEL POWER C . | list name: enchanting law | level: 13 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: concentration | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: (No PPs expended) Caster appears to of any level he chooses to magical or mental detections. |
spell name: SHADOW ENCHANTER | list name: enchanting law | level: 14 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: 100' | area of effect: 1 duplicate | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Creates a duplicate of the caster; if he concentrates, it will move as he wills; otherwise, it does exactly as he does. |
spell name: NONDETECT | list name: enchanting law | level: 16 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 1 minute / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster and objects on his person cannot be detected by any "Detect ..."" spells." |
spell name: REDUCE POWER EMANATIONS | list name: enchanting law | level: 17 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: 10' | area of effect: 1 Target | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: For the purposes or mental or magical detections, an object's power emanations may be reduced, so that a minor item's power is undetectable and major items seem like minor items (for spells such as Detect Essence, Detect Power, Detect Channeling, etc.). |
spell name: TRUE CHANGE | list name: enchanting law | level: 18 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: If a specific being has been Studied, the caster can change to the exact duplicate of it. |
spell name: MISFEEL C | list name: enchanting law | level: 20 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: concentration | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows caster to use all of the "Misfeel"" spells on this list at once. Caster can change to any race, profession or level that he chooses." |
spell name: UNPRESENCE | list name: enchanting law | level: 25 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: concentration | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Target appears to have no presence. |
spell name: MISFEEL TRUE | list name: enchanting law | level: 30 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Allows caster to use all of the "Misfeel"" spells on this list at once. Caster can change to any race, profession or level that he chooses." |
spell name: TRUE FORM | list name: enchanting law | level: 50 | realm: essence/mentalism | type: enchanter base | spell class: P | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: Self | area of effect: Self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 4 |
description: Caster can use Nondetect, Misfeel True, and any one of the Change spells simultaneously without concentrating. By concentrating for one round, he can change all of the parameters of the spells that he wants (e.g., in one round he could change his form, his appearance, apparent level, apparent profession, etc.). |