spell name: RESEARCH | list name: enchanting ways | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: i | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to research enchanted abilities to be placed on items. |
spell name: EMPATHY | list name: enchanting ways | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant an item with empathy level intellegence. item can cast first level spells. |
spell name: LOW INTELLIGENCE | list name: enchanting ways | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant an item with low intelligence. item can cast up to second level spells. (see special rules on enchanting items in section 9.2.2 in spell law.) |
spell name: WEAPON 1 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +5 bonus into a weapon. this spell must be cast every day for four weeks for the weapon to be made. |
spell name: ARMOR 1 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 armor | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +5 bonus into an item of armor. this spell must be cast every day for five weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: GENERAL 1 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +5 bonus into a non-weapon or non-armor item. this spell must be cast every day for six weeks for the item to be made. items like spell adders and spell multipliers can be made. |
spell name: MEDIUM INTELLIGENCE | list name: enchanting ways | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant an item with medium intelligence. item can cast up to fifth level spells. (see special rules on enchanting items in section 9.2.2 in spell law.) |
spell name: WEAPON 2 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +10 bonus into a weapon. this spell must be cast every day for eight weeks for the weapon to be made. |
spell name: ARMOR 2 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 armor | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +10 bonus into an item of armor. this spell must be cast every day for nine weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: GENERAL 2 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +10 bonus into a non-weapon or non-armor item. this spell must be cast every day for ten weeks for the item to be made. items like spell adders and spell multipliers can be made. |
spell name: HIGH INTELLIGENCE | list name: enchanting ways | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant an item with high intelligence. item can cast up to tenth level spells. (see special rules on enchanting items in section 9.2.2 in spell law.) |
spell name: WEAPON 3 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +15 bonus into a weapon. this spell must be cast every day for four weeks for the weapon to be made. |
spell name: ARMOR 3 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 armor | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +15 bonus into item of armor. this spell must be cast every day for fourteen weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: GENERAL 3 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +15 bonus into a non-weapon or non-armor item. this spell must be cast every day for fifthteen weeks for the item to be made. items like spell adders and spell multipliers can be made. |
spell name: WEAPON 4 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 weapon | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +20 bonus into weapon. this spell must be cast every day for twenty weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: ARMOR 4 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 armor | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +20 bonus into an item of armor. this spell must be cast every day for twenty five weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: VERY HIGH INTELLIGENCE | list name: enchanting ways | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant an item with very high intelligence. item can cast up to 20th level spells. (see special rules on enchanting items in section 9.2.2 in spell law.) |
spell name: GENERAL 4 | list name: enchanting ways | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +20 bonus into a non-weapon or non-armor item. this spell must be cast every day for fifty weeks for the item to be made. items like spell adders and spell multipliers can be made. |
spell name: WORK WOOD | list name: organic skills | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work nonmagic wood. |
spell name: RUPE PAPER 1 | list name: organic skills | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one 1st level spell. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: WORK CLOTH | list name: organic skills | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work cloth. |
spell name: RUNE PAPER 2 | list name: organic skills | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one 1st - 2nd level spell. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: MAKE WAND | list name: organic skills | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 wand | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a "wand""." |
spell name: WORK ORGANIC | list name: organic skills | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work ordinary organic material; leather, bone, etc. |
spell name: RUNE PAPER 3 | list name: organic skills | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one 1st - 3rd level spell. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: RUNE PAPER 5 | list name: organic skills | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one 1st - 5th level spell. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: MAKE ROD | list name: organic skills | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to make a "rod""." |
spell name: RUNE PAPER 7 | list name: organic skills | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one 1st - 7th level spell. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: RUNE PAPER 10 | list name: organic skills | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one 1st - 10th level spell. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: MAKE STAFF | list name: organic skills | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to make a "staff""." |
spell name: WORK ORGANIC TRUE | list name: organic skills | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to work any organic material. (this might be required to work the skins of dragons.) |
spell name: LORD RUNE PAPER | list name: organic skills | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one 1st - 20th level spell. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: WORK MAGIC WOOD | list name: organic skills | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to work magical wood. |
spell name: RUNE PAPER TRUE | list name: organic skills | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 paper | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make a sheet of paper that will hold one spell of any level. creation takes one week per level of spell that the rune paper can hold. |
spell name: WORK IRON | list name: inorganic skills | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to work iron. |
spell name: WORK STEEL 1 | list name: inorganic skills | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work steel to make +5 non magic weapons. |
spell name: WORK NORMAL METALS | list name: inorganic skills | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work any single normal metal other then iron and steel. the material would make a weapon with no bonuses. |
spell name: WORK ALLOY | list name: inorganic skills | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work certain alloys. weapons made from these alloys have no bonuses. |
spell name: MAKE STEEL | list name: inorganic skills | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: metal | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make steel from iron, the amount that can be made in a day depends on his equipment. |
spell name: WORK STEEL 2 | list name: inorganic skills | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work steel that can be worked to make +10 non magic weapons. |
spell name: MAKE ALLOYS | list name: inorganic skills | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: metal | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make alloys of normal metals that may be made if the component metal are available. |
spell name: WORK STONE | list name: inorganic skills | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: stone | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work stone if , for some reason, he wishes to make a stone item. |
spell name: WORK ALLOY 3 | list name: inorganic skills | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work alloys that could create up to +15 non magic weapons. |
spell name: WORK JEWELS | list name: inorganic skills | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 jewel | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work jewels. |
spell name: WORK MITHRIL | list name: inorganic skills | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work any inorganic material that would make +20 weapons (mithril is an example of this). |
spell name: WORK LAEN | list name: inorganic skills | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work any inorganic material that would make +25 weapons (laen is a superhard volcanic glass that could be used in a world system to fit this description). |
spell name: WORK EOG | list name: inorganic skills | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work any inorganic material that would make +30 weapons (eog is an extremely dense, hard metal that is very difficult to work and find; it could be used to fit this description). |
spell name: MAKE EOG | list name: inorganic skills | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: metal | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make any metal or glass from the appropriate source material(s). |
spell name: MAKE / WORK | list name: inorganic skills | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to make and work any metal, alloy, or inorganic material (e.g., kregora is an alloy that has intense anti-essence, anti-channeling and anti-mentalism properties, it could only be worked through the use of this spell). |
spell name: WORK LIQUID | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work with non-magic liquids. |
spell name: POTION 1 | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make one dose of a potion that can have a 1st level spell imbedded in it. |
spell name: MINOR POISON | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to safely handle, prepare, and process minor poisons. |
spell name: WORK GAS | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to work with non-magic gas. |
spell name: POTION 2 | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make one dose of a potion that can have a 1st to 2nd level spell imbedded in it. |
spell name: POTION 3 | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make one dose of a potion that can have a 1st to 3rd level spell imbedded in it. |
spell name: MAJOR POISON | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to safely handle, prepare, and process all but the most deadly poisons. |
spell name: POTION 4 | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make one dose of a potion that can have a 1st to 4th level spell imbedded in it. |
spell name: POTION 5 | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make one dose of a potion that can have a 1st to 5th level spell imbedded in it. |
spell name: POTION 10 | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make one dose of a potion that can have a 1st to 10th level spell imbedded in it. |
spell name: POISONS TRUE | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to safely handle, prepare, and process all poisons. |
spell name: MULTIPLE DOSES | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to use a potion # spell to be used to create multiple doses. for example, a potion 5 could be used to create five doses of a 1st level spell, or 1 dose of a 2nd and 1 dose of a 3rd, or 2 doses of a 2nd lvl spell and 1 dose of a 1st or etc. |
spell name: LORD POTION | list name: liquid-gas skills | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows caster to make one dose of a potion that can have a 1st to 20th level spell imbedded in it. |
spell name: RESEARCH | list name: essence imbedding | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: i | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to research special imbedding spells to be used in creating items. |
spell name: IMBED 1 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st level essence spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: CHARGE WAND | list name: essence imbedding | level: 4 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to charge an essence wand. |
spell name: IMBED 2 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 2nd level essence spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: DAILY 1 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast once/day. |
spell name: IMBED 3 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 3rd level essence spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: CHARGE ROD | list name: essence imbedding | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to charge an essence rod. |
spell name: IMBED 4 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 4th level essence spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: DAILY 3 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st to 3rd level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast once/day. a 1st level spell can be cast 3x/day, a 2nd or 3rd 1x/day. |
spell name: IMBED 5 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 5th level essence spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: CHARGE STAFF | list name: essence imbedding | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to charge an essence staff. |
spell name: IMBED 6 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 6th level essence spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: DAILY 5 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st to 5th level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast once/day. a 1st level spell can be cast 4x/day, a 2nd 3x/day, a 3rd 2x/day, a 4th or 5th 1x/day. |
spell name: IMBED 7 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 7th level essence spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: IMBED 10 | list name: essence imbedding | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 10th level essence spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: DAILY TRUE | list name: essence imbedding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st to 10th level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast once/day. a 1st level spell can be cast 5x/day, a 2nd or 3rd 4x/day, a 4th or 5th 3x/day, a 6th or 7th 2x/day, an 8th, 9th, or 10th 1x/day. |
spell name: CONSTANT | list name: essence imbedding | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st to 10th level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be made to operate constantly. gm discretion as to which are possible. |
spell name: IMBED TRUE | list name: essence imbedding | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed any level spell (will only be castable once). |
spell name: RESEARCH | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: i | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to research special imbedding spells to be used in creating items. |
spell name: IMBED 1 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st level mentalism or channeling spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: CHARGE WAND | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to charge a wand |
spell name: IMBED 2 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st level mentalism or channeling spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: DAILY 1 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast once/day. |
spell name: IMBED 3 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 9 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1-3 level mentalism or channeling spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: CHARGE ROD | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to charge a rod |
spell name: DAILY 3 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast 3/day, or a 2nd or 3rd level spell cast 1/day |
spell name: IMBED 4 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1-4 level mentalism or channeling spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: IMBED 5 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1-5 level mentalism or channeling spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: DAILY 5 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast 4/day, or a 2nd level spell 3/day, or 3rd level spell cast 2/day, or a 4th or 5th level spell 1/day |
spell name: CHARGE STAFF | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to charge a staf |
spell name: IMBED 10 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1-10 level mentalism or channeling spell in an item or potion. |
spell name: DAILY 10 | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast 5/day, or a 2nd or 3rd level spell 4/day, or 4th or 5th level spell cast 3/day, or a 6th or 7th level spell 2/day, or 8th 9th or 10th level spell 1/day |
spell name: CONSTANT | list name: mentalism/channeling imbedding | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: item or potion | sourcebook: spell law |
description: allows the caster to imbed a 1st level spell (using an imbed spell) that can be cast 5/day, or a 2nd or 3rd level spell 4/day, or 4th or 5th level spell cast 3/day, or a 6th or 7th level spell 2/day, or 8th 9th or 10th level spell 1/day. some can be a constant spell effect. |
spell name: RESEARCH | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 1 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: i | duration: 1 day | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to determine which materials and processes are necessary for constructing and / or enchanting a particular item or type of item. if the gm feels that the construction is not with the caster's normal capabilities, he may require the caster to seek and use research aids such as a library or another more experienced alchemist. naturally, this spell does not provide materials or skills required to perform the construction or enchantment. |
spell name: WEIGH PORTION | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 2 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: i | duration: - | range: 1' | area of effect: v | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to take fine basic measurements of an item or substance. measurements will be give in alchemically relevent units: carats, grams, cubic inches, pounds, ounces, grains, milliliters, etc. caster does not learn the exact composition of the item or material. |
spell name: BASIC ANALYSIS | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 3 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: i | duration: 20 minutes | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to determine all components in an item or substance which make up 25% of more of the total mass. only the names of the constituent materials are learned. |
spell name: CRUCIBLE 1 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 5 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 20 minutes | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to separate the primary component of 1 cu' of a material (must be at least 90% of material) from the "contaminants"" (all other components). the process takes 20 minutes, and leaves two separate materials: the primary component and the contaminants." |
spell name: ENCHANT 1 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 6 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 hour | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 1 to 0 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes one hour. |
spell name: ITEMIZE | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 7 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: i | duration: varies | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: caster gets a complete and comprehensive analysis of all the components present in a material, along with their amounts by percentage and weight. duration of 1 minute to 1 hour per level. |
spell name: ENCHANT 2 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 8 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 4 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 2 to 1 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 4 hours. |
spell name: CRUCIBLE 2 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 10 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 20 minutes | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to separate the primary component of 1 cu' of a material (must be at least 75% of material) from the "contaminants"" (all other components). the process takes 20 minutes, and leaves two separate materials: the primary component and the contaminants." |
spell name: ENCHANT 3 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 11 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 9 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 3 to 2 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 9 hours. |
spell name: ENCHANT 4 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 12 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 16 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 4 to 3 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 16 hours. |
spell name: SPELL COMPRESSION | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 13 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 day | range: 1' | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to prepare an item or material to receive a higher level spell than it could normally receive. usually, the process takes 13 weeks for each significant size decrease (one week per level of the spell, in this case 13 weeks). for example, spell adders (and multipliers) are usually required to be the size of a staff; so the use of this spell one a day for 13 weeks on a "rod"" sized item would allow the item to be made into a spell adder. making a ""wand"" sized adder would require performing this process twice (26 weeks); and making a wearable item (smaller than a wand but larger than a ring) would require 39 weeks; and a ring would require 52 weeks." |
spell name: ENCHANT 5 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 14 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 25 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 5 to 4 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 25 hours. |
spell name: CRUCIBLE 3 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 15 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 20 minutes | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to separate the primary component of 1 cu' of a material (must be at least 49% of material) from the "contaminants"" (all other components). the process takes 20 minutes, and leaves two separate materials: the primary component and the contaminants." |
spell name: ENCHANT 6 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 16 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 36 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 6 to 5 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 36 hours. |
spell name: ENCHANT 7 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 17 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 49 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 7 to 6 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 49 hours. |
spell name: ENCHANT 8 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 18 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 64 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 8 to 7 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 64 hours. |
spell name: ENCHANT 9 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 19 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 81 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 9 to 8 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 81 hours. |
spell name: CRUCIBLE 4 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 20 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 20 minutes | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to separate the all components of 1 cu' of a material from the "contaminants"" (all other components). the process takes 20 minutes, and leaves two separate materials: the primary component and the contaminants." |
spell name: ENCHANT 10 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 25 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 4 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 10 to 9 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 100 hours. |
spell name: ENCHANT 11 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 30 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 122 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 11 to 10 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 122 hours. |
spell name: ENCHANT 12 | list name: alchemical preparations | level: 50 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 144 hours | range: 1' | area of effect: 1 cu' | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to reduce a substance's aif (see list desc.) form 12 to 11 (i.e., it is fully enchanted and ready to be enchanted or imbedded). the process takes 144 hours. |
spell name: WEAPON/ARMOR V | list name: enchanting ways | level: 60 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 day | range: self | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +25 bonus into weapon or armor. this spell must be cast every day for twenty weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: GENERAL V | list name: enchanting ways | level: 75 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 day | range: self | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +25 bonus into a general magic item. this spell must be cast every day for twenty weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: WEAPON/ARMOR/GENERAL VI | list name: enchanting ways | level: 90 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 day | range: self | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +30 bonus into weapon or armor. this spell must be cast every day for twenty weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: WEAPON/ARMOR/GENERAL VII | list name: enchanting ways | level: 100 | realm: essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: f | duration: 1 day | range: self | area of effect: | sourcebook: rolemaster companion 1 |
description: allows the caster to enchant a +30 bonus into weapon or armor. this spell must be cast every day for twenty weeks for the armor to be made. |
spell name: RESEARCH | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 1 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: I | duration: 24 hours | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to determine the necessary spells to achieve a desired end, concerning an animated object/creature. |
spell name: DETECT AUTOMATON | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 2 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: P* | duration: concentration | range: self | area of effect: 10'/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is aware of the presence of all animated objects/creatures within his range. |
spell name: ANIMATE GAS | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 3 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any gas within range. Gas will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (e.g., wind, draft, etc.). An animated gas may move up to 1 foot per level of caster per round (subject to environmental conditions). A poisonous gas may be used to attack any creature it is poisonous to by causing it to be breathed in by the creature. Animated Gas has 5 hit point per level of caster who created it. Armor Type is 1 and DB is 1/lvl of caster. |
spell name: ANIMATE LIQUID | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any liquid within range. Liquid will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (e.g., slopes, obstructions, etc.). Hits are equal to 5 per level of caster. AT is 1. DB is 1 per level of caster. Liquid may make a Bash attack once per round with +1 per level of caster. |
spell name: ANIMATE SOLID | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 5 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any solid material within range. Solid will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (e.g., obstructions, flexibility of animated object, etc.). Object can move on its own, e.g., tripod walks with its legs, etc. Object can also move or bend itself to walk or slither as caster desires. But if the object significantly alters it's shape, it must roll it's breakage factor or less or be broken (which cancels the animate spell). Please refer to RMCV for suggested hit points and AT. DB is 1 per level of caster. Solid may make a Bash attack once per round with +2 per level of caster. |
spell name: ANIMATE ENERGY | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 6 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any non-magical energy within range. Energy will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (e.g., barriers, grounds, etc.). Hits are equal to 5 per level of caster. AT is equal to 1. DB is 1 per level of caster. Energy is able to make 1 bolt or ball attack per round (of the appropriate type) with a +1 per level of caster bonus. |
spell name: ANIMATE OTHER | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 7 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any magical energy within range. Energy will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (e.g., dispels, anti-magic zones, etc.). Hits are equal to 5 per level of caster. AT is 1. DB is 1 per level of caster. Energy is able to make 1 bolt or ball attack per round (of the appropriate type) with a +1 per level of caster bonus. As judged by the GM. |
spell name: ANIMATIVE GAS | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 8 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any gas within range. Gas will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (e.g., wind, draft, etc.). Animated gas is possessed of Empathy and will attempt to complete simple commands given by the caster (commands may not involve more than 3 words) for the duration of the spell. A poisonous gas may attack any creature it is poisonous to by allowing itself to be breathed in by the creature. Gas has 5 hit points per level of caster who created it. Armor Type is 1 and DB is 1 per level of caster. |
spell name: ANIMATION STRUGGLE | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 9 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: 10'/lvl | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster attempts to wrest control of an animated object from the controlling mage. Each caster must make a RR vs the other's level. When one mage misses his save, that mage loses control of the animated object. If the initiating mage loses, he may not recast this spell on the same construct. |
spell name: FLY | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 10 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows an animated object/creature to invoke a command which will allow it to return to it's creator via flight. This flight will be by the shortest route possible at 10' per level of caster per round. This spell will last until it is canceled, the caster dies, the item returns to caster, or the item is destroyed. |
spell name: ANIMATIVE LIQUID | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 11 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any liquid within range. Liquid will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (slopes, obstructions, etc.). Animated liquid is possessed of Empathy and will attempt to complete simple commands given by the caster (commands may not involve more than 3 words) for the duration of the spell. Hits are equal to 5 per level of caster. AT is 1. DB is 1 per level of caster. Liquid may make a Bash attack once per round with +1 per level of caster. |
spell name: ANIMATIVE SOLID | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 12 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any solid material within range. Solid will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (e.g., obstructions, flexibility of animated object, etc.). Object can move on its own, a tripod walks with its legs, etc. Object can also move or bend itself to walk or slither as caster desires. But if the object alters it's shape, it must roll it's breakage factor or less or be broken (which cancels the animate spell). Animated solid is possessed of Empathy and will attempt to complete simple commands given by the caster (commands may not involve more than 3 words) for the duration of the spell. Please refer to RMCV for suggested hit points and AT. DB is 1 per level of caster. Solid may make a Bash attack once per round with +2 per level of caster. |
spell name: ANIMATIVE ENERGY | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 13 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any non-magical energy within range. Energy will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (barriers, grounds, etc.). Animated energy is possessed of Empathy and will attempt to complete simple commands given by the caster (commands may not involve more than 3 words) for the duration of the spell. Hits are equal to 5 per level of caster. AT is equal to 1. DB is 1 per level of caster. Energy is able to make 1 bolt or ball attack per round (of the appropriate type) with a +1 per level of caster bonus. |
spell name: ANIMATIVE OTHER | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 14 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: varies | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may animate up to 1 cubic foot per level of any magical energy within range. Energy will move (up to 1 foot per level of caster per round) as caster wills it, subject to environmental conditions (dispels, anti-magic zones, etc.). Animated energy is possessed of Empathy and will attempt to complete simple commands given by the caster (commands may not involve more than 3 words) for the duration of the spell. Hits are equal to 5 per level of caster. AT is 1. DB is 1 per level of caster. Energy is able to make 1 bolt or ball attack per round (of the appropriate type) with a +1 per level of caster bonus. As judged by the GM. |
spell name: ANIMATIVE CHANGE | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 15 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows caster to alter the form of one item into the form of another item upon concentration, e.g., a broadsword with this spell cast upon it would be able to be changed into one different object (usually a weapon) per each Animative Change spell cast upon it. |
spell name: LESSER GOLEM | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 15 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Forms and animates a lesser golem (up to 10th level). |
spell name: LESSER CONSTRUCT | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 16 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Forms and animates a lesser construct (up to 10th level). |
spell name: GREATER GOLEM | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 17 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Forms and animates a greater golem (up to 15th level). |
spell name: GREATER CONSTRUCT | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 18 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Forms and animates a greater construct (up to 15th level). |
spell name: MAJOR GOLEM | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 19 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Forms and animates a major golem (up to 20th level). |
spell name: TELEPORT | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 20 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows an animated object/creature to invoke a command which will allow it to return to its creator via teleport. This spell will last until it is canceled, the caster dies, the item returns to caster, or the item is destroyed. |
spell name: GOLEM TRUE | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Forms and animates any golem (up to level of caster). |
spell name: LIMITED LIFE | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 30 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 object | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster causes an animated object, gas, liquid, energy etc. created through this list to become permanent. |
spell name: OMNITRAVEL | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 30 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Allows an animated object/creature to travel any distance on its mission for the caster and return. The object/creature will use whatever force is necessary to complete its travels, e.g., if walking (or running) will complete its mission then it will walk, if flight is necessary, then that method will be used, if teleporting is necessary, then it will be used. |
spell name: SHARD | list name: Animation Mastery | level: 50 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 body | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: The caster must prepare a lab for the growth and storage of the shards. Because of their bizarre configuration and mystical dependence on each other, 5 lesser shards must be created before 1 greater shard may be grown. The lab will require much gold for completion of a shard (shard level x shard level x 10 gold pieces per tank). These costs do not include those mentioned above, and include the media, poisons, gems, and organic matter necessary. Each vertical doored vat may only grow one shard at a time. In (level number) weeks the shard will be completed. |
spell name: STORE ITEM | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 1 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: I | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to memorize the exact physical characteristics of an item, e.g., dimensions, composition, weight, etc. |
spell name: ASSIMILATIVE STORE | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 2 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: i | duration: permanent | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to memorize the exact magical characteristics of an item, e.g., abilities, class or realm restrictions, trigger words, etc. |
spell name: INTANGIBLE STORAGE | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 3 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F* | duration: 1 hour / level | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to store the actual abilities of a drained item, e.g., the magical power or ability itself. This spell will allow caster to store one specific ability per casting, e.g., flying ability, +5 bonus, returning ability, etc. Caster has one storage 'slot' per level of experience. These stored abilities are vulnerable to dispel, anti-magic effects, etc. as if they were the actual item that the selected ability was drained from. A partial listing of the approximate value of varied abilities is as follows: Storage Slots Ability Necessary Notes +5 bonus 1 1 daily charge 1 spell level is irrelevant xl multiplier 1 +1 adder 1 each additional extra range, stat bonus, enchanted property 1 casting levels, etc. Weapon characteristics per 5 levels of effect* 1 Undead Slayer (20th)=4 slots * See Section 5.3 RMCI Example 1: A 10th level Alchemist drains a +60 Bastard Sword of Fire Dragon Slaying (with the Drain Item Spell). The Alchemist may choose to Intangible Store up to 10 abilities of an item, 10 +5sor4 +5s and the Dragon-Slaying ability (30th level effect = 6 slots). The rest of the item s powers are lost (+10 and Dragon-Slaying ability or +40 in the above choices). Example 2: A 10th level Alchemist drains a x5 Multiplier Ring that is only usable by Mentalists. The Alchemist may drain the item and hold all abilities (5 of them, one for each of the multipliers) in 'Intangible Storage , leaving 5 free spaces for other drained abilities. The drained multipliers are still only usable by Mentalists (if they are ever reintroduced to another item). |
spell name: TEMPORARY DRAIN | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 4 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster drains, up to 1 charge per level, the daily uses of an item and converts them directly into PPs. The amount of PPs gained will depend upon the abilities drained, translating on a 1 point per 2 levels of ability (of the magical ability, not the spell caster) basis. The next day the item regains its abilities as if they had been expended normally. Example: A 5th level Alchemist who has 20 total power points, but is down to 8 PPs (4 after this spell is cast), casts this spell on a ring of flying (7th level Fly (Lofty Bridge) usable 5 times per day). The caster drains 4 uses of the fly spell (providing him with 14 PPs). If the caster drains too many PPs, and raises his total power points above their normal maximum, he will suffer burnout (see Channeling skill, Section 7.0 RMCII). The above caster could have drained 5 of the charges, but this would have caused burnout (4PP + 17.5PP (35I2)=21.5PP). |
spell name: MULTI-JOIN | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 5 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target/lvl | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster is able to use up to 1 target per level as extra storage slots for the Intangible Storage spell. Caster is able to store the actual abilities of a drained item, e.g., the magical power or ability itself within the target. This spell will allow caster to store one specific ability per casting, e.g., flying ability, +5 bonus, returning ability, etc. Targets have one storage 'slot' per level of experience. These stored abilities are vulnerable to dispel, anti-magic effects, etc. as if they were the actual item that the selected ability was drained from. In order for the caster to gain access to the 'stored' powers, the target must be within 10'/lvl of the caster. The caster may have 1 target per level as extra storage. Targets may not “intangible store” any powers of their own. |
spell name: ASSIMILATIVE TRAP | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 6 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Creates a magical trap on an enchanted item which affects any caster who attempts to 'assimilate' the protected item. ' Assimilator' must make a RR versus the level of caster or have his 'Assimilative' spell automatically fail (requiring a roll on the Attack Spell Failure table). If the “Assimilator's” RR is successful, he then proceeds with his spell normally, and the Assimilative Trap is discharged. If the 'Assimilator' fails his save, he is affected as stated above and the Trap remains active. |
spell name: TRANSFER | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 7 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 2 items | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster 'moves' the enchantment from one item to a different normal item. The caster must have sufficient 'slots' to encompass the entire amount of magical energy to be transferred. The 'old' magical item becomes non-magical and the 'new' magical remains magical for the duration of this spell. A magical item 'created' in this way may not be made permanent due to physical and magical incongruities between the old and new items. At the end of the duration, the temporary item loses its enchantment as well. |
spell name: UNITE | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 8 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: varies | range: self | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster 'absorbs' all magical energy from an item. Caster may use these powers once, as he desires, and they are then consumed. There is no limit to the amount of magical abilities, gained in this manner, that the caster may retain. These 'absorbed' abilities are not usable with other spells on this list, e.g., Assimilative Creation, Intangible Storage, etc. For example, a caster who drains a +20 sword of flying (allows flying 3x per day) would gain a +20 bonus that could be added to any one roll of the caster's choice as well as 3 'Flys' that he could also use as 3 separate Fly spells. Any item so drained is no longer magical. |
spell name: WEAKEN POWER | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 9 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may weaken a magical item's bonus by up to -1 per level (assuming the item misses its save). For example, a 15th level caster casts this spell on a +20 sword, which misses it's RR, and alters it's bonus to +5 - The sword is now, forever, a +5 weapon. Unless the power is enhanced by the Enhance Power spell. |
spell name: PREVENT ASSIMILATION | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 10 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster places a magical 'cap' or guard on an item which prevents any 'Assimilative'-type spell from affecting the item. For a caster to affect an item that has been protected in this manner, he must first dispel or disable the Prevent Assimilation spell. |
spell name: CONVERT | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 11 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: self | area of effect: self | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may convert an ability, which has been stored (through Intangible Storage), into an amount of power points equal to 5 PPs per slot converted (each +5 bonus, multiplier, adder, etc.). If caster exceeds his normal total power points he will suffer burnout (see Channeling skill, Section 7.0 RMCI1). |
spell name: DRAIN ITEM | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 12 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may drain all power from an item. The power is either channeled away or, through the use of the Intangible Storage spell, stored for later use. |
spell name: ABSORB ITEM | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 13 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 10 minutes / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster physically absorbs a magical item into his body to gain the benefits of that item. For example, a caster absorbs armor (type 20) which gives him AT 20 skin. The caster could also absorb a +10 sword which would allow him a +10 sword-like hand attack. At the end of the duration the magical item returns to the place it was at the casting of this spell. The item must be magical to effect the change, normal or simply well-made items are not absorbable. |
spell name: COMBINE ITEM | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 14 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 minute / level | range: touch | area of effect: 2 items | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may temporarily join two magical items into one whole (If they miss their RRs). If one item makes it's RR while the other item misses, then the item that missed it's RR will be destroyed (physically intact, but non-magical). The items must be compatible, e.g., a +20 sword and a magical set of lockpicks would be useless. The items are 'averaged' to gain the new item, e.g., a two-handed sword combined with a broad sword would produce a bastard sword. The magical bonuses of the two items are combined by adding the dominant magical item's bonus to half that of the lesser item. Example: A +20 broadsword is combined with a+10 dagger of Orc-Slaying. The dagger is dominant (+10 (bonus) +15 (Orc- Slaying)=25) broadsword = +20-The resultant item is a short sword, +20 (+10 (dagger) +20/2 (broadsword) = +20) that Slays Orcs. Alternatively, if the dagger had been only +0, then the broadsword would have been dominant, and the resultant weapon would have been a +20 (allfrom the broadsword) short sword of intermittent Orc Slaying (only slays orcs 50% of the time (half of the dagger ability)). Note: Ar the end of the duration, the items become separated and return to their normal status. |
spell name: DEVOUR ITEM | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 15 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 items | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster absorbs all abilities from an item and converts them into power points gained by the caster. This may be done 'blind', e.g., without knowing the abilities of a 'Devoured' item, but caster is subject to burnout (see Channeling skill, Section 7.0 RMCII) if he gains more PPs than he could normally possess. Caster may convert an ability, which has been devoured into an amount of power points equal to 5 PPs per each +5 bonus, multiplier, adder, etc. converted. |
spell name: ASSIMILATE INTELLECT | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 16 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F* | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may drain the intellect of an intelligent item, gaining a bonus to the appropriate mental stat for the duration of this spell. If the caster casts another Assimilate Intellect while one is in effect, then the second one takes precedence over the first (displacing it). The caster gains the following amounts to each mental stat when he 'Assimilates' an intellect: +1 per point over caster's temporary stat and +1 per +25 points if caster has a higher temporary stat than the item does. For example, a caster (Pr:101 Em: 101 In: 100 SD:92 Re: 100) casts this spell on an intelligent item (Pr:55Em:102In:106SD:l 11 Re: 100) which fails it's RR. The caster's stats for the duration of this spell become (Pr:103 Em: 105 In: 106 SD:111 Re: 104). Note the Empathy bonus,+4 because this spell allows caster to gain the most advantageous bonus from the item (instead of gaining 1 because the item has 1 point more than the caster in RE). |
spell name: SELECTIVE DRAIN | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 17 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may drain (if item misses it's RR) chosen magical abilities from an item, leaving the remaining abilities intact (assuming a second RR is made). If the first RR is made, obviously, the spell fails. If the second RR is missed, the remaining abilities of the item are lost. |
spell name: CONJUNCTION | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 18 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 2 items | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may 'add' one magical item's powers to another for the duration. Caster must have sufficient 'slots' available to Intangibly Store both item's magic. For example, a 50th level Alchemist (10 'slots') combines a +20 Sword of Warning (7 'slots') with a +3 adder ring (3 'slots'). The Alchemist may then place the combined magical energy into either the ring or the sword (the sword would probably be best). At the end of the duration the item that wasn't separated from its magic will remain enchanted while the other item loses it's potency. |
spell name: REPAIR FAULT | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 19 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 day / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may 'repair' a curse on a magical item (if RR is missed) and free the item of the curse. In the course of doing this spell the caster eliminates the permanency binding the magic to the item, hence the duration of this spell. At duration's end, the item becomes non-magical. |
spell name: ENHANCE POWER | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 20 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster enhances a power already present in an item by making up the difference in PPs between the original and the desired outcome, e.g., increasing a fly spell from 150'/rnd to 450'/rnd would cost 10 PPs (7th level spell to 17th level spell is an increase of 10 levels) plus the 20 PPs for this spell. The enhanced power is usable for the duration of this spell or the duration of the enhanced power (whichever is less). |
spell name: ASSIMILATIVE CREATION | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 25 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: 1 hour / level | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may combine any powers, previously Assimilative Stored, into an item which will be effective for the duration of this spell. |
spell name: PERMANENCY | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 30 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: permanent | range: touch | area of effect: 1 item | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may make any item altered or affected by any spell on this list, permanent. Only one such Permanency may be in effect per spell caster, as a portion of the caster's life force is used to keep the enchantment permanent. |
spell name: ASSIMILATIVE STRUGGLE | list name: Assimilation Mastery | level: 50 | realm: Essence | type: alchemist base | spell class: F | duration: - | range: touch | area of effect: 1 target | sourcebook: spell user's companion |
description: Caster may assimilate a chosen target's power points (who misses his RR) leaving the target magically drained. All power drained from a target will be absorbed by the caster, e.g., burnout is possible (see Channeling skill, Section 7.0 RM Cl I). If caster of this spell desires he may add additional power points to this spell to lower the target's RR (-1 per additional 5 PPs added). |