May 29, 7761
In which the assault force attacks the eastern mine complex.
A Rolemaster Campaign
In which the assault force attacks the eastern mine complex.
In which our heroes and their gang of mercenaries arrive at the Sudaar camp.
In which our heroes prepare for their next outing.
In which our heroes find some work and a piece of Magnus’ past is revealed.
In which our heroes settle in in Opal and plan their next moves.
I’ve fleshed out details of the Four Tribes and the Sudaar orc sections of the Geopolitics page.
I’ve added three maps of Opal to the geography section of the title menu. A city map, a detail map of the Merchant’s Quarter centered on the recently purchased house for the Troupe, and a map of locations of note […]
In which our heroes get paid and take some time off.
In which our heroes recover the box for their mysterious guest, rescue some survivors from certain death and return to Opal safe and sound.
In which the adventurers get into mischief and explore the wilderness a bit.