November 2, 7761

Over the next few days, the troupe faces the reality of a long dark winter.

Ravenna and Mar’khabazza arrange for some last minute additions to the Salt House while Magnus spends some time with Lady Catriona von Indi. For the first time she has no business to discuss and their time together is strictly entertainment for the both of them.

Mar’Khabazza makes arrangements for a small barn to be built in the courtyard to house Schist and Feldspar so the horses can be available at a moment’s notice. Ravenna commissions for an herbology lab to be built in her tower. Her intention is to grow her own rare herbs and use her arcane ability to speed growth and increase potency. If the construction proceeds on time, Ravenna’s lab will be complete by the 9th and the barn will be completed on December 1.

November 4, 7761

In the morning gloom, Lotwil Veriatus the Salt House doorman, announces that Senior Sergeant Joktuk is at the door. After getting him settled in the parlor with a cup of black tea Mar’Khabazza asks him to state his business.

Joktuk sips his tea and the grizzled chutki begins to speak. “We have not had a messenger from Beryl in three weeks, nor have our messengers returned.”

“And this is unusual becauseā€¦?” asks Mar’Khabazza.

“The Rangers mantain communications between the Jewell Cities year round, barring the most extreme weather conditions. It is normal for cities to lose contact each other for seven to ten days or so, but three weeks is very unusual. Espcially as the winter hasn’t truly begun yet.”

Mar’Khabazza is wary. “And what does any of this have to do with me?”

“Postmaster Malowne has tasked me with putting together an armed expedition to travel to Beryl and make sure they are okay. Huntress Lokni and Huntress Kina has both volunteered to accompany me on the condition that you, your daughter and the silent one accompany us.”

Mar’Khabazza sips his tea and temporizes. “Why us? Surely you have expedition guides more capable than us of travelling through mountain peaks in the dark winter.”

“Yes, and they will be coming with us. But the success we had at the river valley mines against the Sudaar was partially based on the three of you. No fatalities and barely a scratch. Your reputation precedes you in this case. Will you accompany us?”

They negotiate terms of payment, booty, and salvage rights but in the end they have an accord. It will take Joktuk eight days to organize volunteers, provisions and sleds for supplies but at the end of a week the troupe will depart. The expedition will consist of the same troops who explored the river valley all these months ago:

Senior Sergeant Joktuk
Corporal Furlbrow
Sentinel Thenysil
Sentinel Stillwater
Explorer Jaren
Huntress Kima
Huntress Lokni

November 10, 7761

Mar’Khabazza sacrifices a goat to Culcordia the Spinner and the ten members of the expedition depart Opal for the northern city of Beryl.

It is a weary and treacherous journey to Beryl with the expedition dragging their own supplies on towed sleds. There isn’t yet enough snow on the ground to merit snowshoes or skis, but the snow does make the footing treacherous. The temperature hovers steady at a few degrees below freezing, but the wind roars down the flanks of the Upheaval and cuts to the bone.

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