Loose Ends and Plot Hooks

Translating the Sudaar journals recovered from the sudaar shaman in the river valley Magnus’ translation viewable here.

Translating the “book in a strange language” from the sudaar shaman from the river valley

Translating Earthmender Gorboto’s three journals and the one older journal recovered from the complex in the mines

Translating Earthmender Gorboto’s “Religious Cookbook”, the creation of the Shapeless Ones, and his other writings about a dark one Ravenna translated this from Duergar: The two stacks of parchment bound in slate, the “Religious Cookbook”, detail Earthmender Gorboto’s various experiments in the creation of the Shapeless Ones. These books contain elaborate notes on necromancy, jewelcraft and enchanting.

Translating the Gorboto’s stack of parchment in a strange language recovered from the Duergar mine complex Things Ravenna has learned: Duergar have a merit-based leadership in which the most experienced person for the role assumes leadership. This leads to a very dynamic social order that can be confusing to outsiders. Also, the Duergar came to the Opal glacial valley 40 years ago, arriving ten years after the founding of Opal. They are searching for their lost city that was rumored to be where the Upheaval now stands.

Translating the pile of books and scrolls collected from the ruins of Kelemis the Lost’s tower (Ravenna’s old home)

Researching the partially-excavated ropey structures of Laen in the Duergar mine complex. the Opal Duergar came to the Upheaval looking for their ancestral home and descovered that the human mines had exposed ropes of laen. Unable to bypass or remove the unbreakable laen, the Duergar convinced the humans to abandon those mines and expand their mines in a different direction.

Explore the portal to the Void in the Chamber of Stars and the network of passages therein

Why is the library at Opal so extensive?

Why are the Duergar here? Opal founded 50 years ago. Duergar arrived 40 years ago.
Why do they do things for the town?
What do they want?
See above.

How to repeal the law prohibiting House Terilaen’s and House Tesper’s access to the merchant’s guild before the spring trading season begins

What to do about house Rin’ji’s control of the town council and it’s control over Opal’s legislative process

How to raise money to create a fleet of merchant caravans for House Terilaen and House Tesper before the spring trading season begins

What did the old salt trade look like? The Salt Merchant imported salt from the Chati of Mod Bay and the Sea of Konora via Shalah.

How to destroy house Bates

Who or what is the thing stalking Mar’Khabazza?

Where did Kyle disappear off to?

Is the Slenderman still a threat?

Is Elder Sarophas and his hoods still a threat? Elder Sarophas was slain by Ravenna though his understudy, Arne Gunhilde, has taken over the hoods. The Hoods are now much less organized and diminished in strength.

What is the weird phenomenon affecting Mar’Khabazza’s luck?

What happened to the town council in Edmond’s Crossing? What happened to the “box of cold” and why did the town council of Edmond’s Crossing want it? The winter elves are using the cold ore to harvest laen. It is suspected that the town council of Edmonds Crossing has somehow been co-opted by the winter elves.

Who is the Rogue Knight in Edmond’s Crossing?

What is the significance of Magnus’ iron rod and iron kris?