June 27, 7761 – Morning

The day of Ravenna’s trial begins with the 6am steam whistle, but that is where any change of an ordinary day ends. Word of the trial has spread like an avalanche though Opal and an exhausted Magnus and Mar’Khabazza are in the barracks attempting to win hearts and minds.

All too soon, court is convened and the privileged of Opal file into the upstairs balcony, while the common citizenry fill the gallery below. The seven leaders of the community file in and take their seats at the bench and Ravenna is brought in.

Ravenna on trial

The tribunal first produces witnesses who bear testimony against Ravenna for witchcraft:

  • Kanosak the Keeper testifies about how he was charmed in his own home by Ravenna as she was inquiring into the Ledger
  • The three rangers (Huntress Kima, Huntress Lokni and Huntsman Markhor) testify about how Ravenna summoned the water demon in the mines and how she put the Sudaar into enchanted slumber
  • Kyle testifies about being put to sleep on the trail to Opal as well as his visits to the tower of Kelemis the Lost to visit Ravenna
  • Morley Bates testifies about how Ravenna bewitched him and his friends in the Tempest while having dinner

For the defense the tribunal produces:

  • Magister Kalendris, the sage who helps Ravenna in the library, is a character witness who describes Ravenna as “a girl who has lost her way but with good intentions”
  • Merchant Felagunne, also a character witness
  • Anastasia Hartwell testifies that Ravenna is honest and trustworthy
  • Senior Sergeant Joktuk testifies on how Ravenna’s magic certainly saved lives in the assault on the mines
  • The remaining soldiers from the Sudaar expedition also testify on how the battle went quickly their way due to Ravenna’s enchantments
  • From their encounter in the Menagerie, Senator Mehr Redstone has located and produced the three survivors of the Sudaar raid, prisoners of the Sudaar destined to meet a grim end if not for the troupe
  • Ravenna herself who, heeding the advice of Savinia Loresong admits to her guilt and throws herself at the mercy of the court

While the trial proceeds Magnus and Mar’Khabazza have been out front of the fortified mansion that is the residence of the Captain of the Watch, barracks, the court, and jailhouse. Mar’khabazza is stirring up the crowd with the intention of having them storm the doors should the verdict go sourly for Ravenna. In the crowd, Magnus spots an old crone moving steadily towards him with hands outstretched. Fearing treachery he wastes now time and knocks the woman backwards down the front steps of the building.

With the bedlam outside rising to a fever pitch, the verdict is handed down:

Speaker Mar’grom – guilty
Senator Barin Redstone – innocent
Senator Mehr Stonehallow – guilty
Postmaster Malown – innocent
Overseer Dathrohan – guilty
Inquisitor Caleras – guilty
Justiciar Mariel Trueheart – guilty

With the vote five to two against, Justiciar Mariel Trueheart speaks. “Ravenna, daughter of Kelemis, you are hereby found guilty of witchcraft by this court and are sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. Sentence to be carried out immediately.”

Just then Mar’Khabazza leads the gathered crowd into the chamber, shouting invectives about the abuse of power and the mockery of the judicial process.

As the courtroom erupts into a confusion of shouting and noise, a Chakagari man in a tattered black robe walking with a gnarled black cane pushes his way into the clear and approaches the bench. He shouts over the din, “My lords and ladies! I am Merajit the Alchmemist and I have in my possession a potion that can cure the ability to cast hexes from man or woman! Allow me to administer it to the girl and save her life while ridding her of her affliction.”

As the tribunal huddles in conference Mar’Khabazza is ready for a jailbreak, but Ravenna shakes her head at him and tells him to stand down. Confused, he meekly does just that and leaves the building and leaves Ravenna to her fate.

Merajit gives Ravenna a bitter draught and she collapses to the floor in convulsions.

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