June 25, 7761

An uneventful journey to the crossroads finds our troupe in a wagon train heading south and five days after departing Beryl the troupe arrives back in Opal.

With business to attend to, Mar’Khabazza visits the Merchant’s Guild to repay the loan and Paymaster Fairweather gives them tips on selling the ore in the Open Market, and once again, the silver-tongued Mar’Khabazza sells the ore to a departing merchant at a handsome profit.

The troupe then returns home, drops off Feldspar and Schist and the box of mysterious cold and head to the Crow Club to gamble and drink. Ravenna spots Savinia Loresong entering the club and walking upstairs but proceeds to get very drunk instead.

June 26, 7761

The morning steam whistle sounds at the sixth hour, waking the troupe and alerting it to a pounding at the door. Mar’Khabazza opens it to see a white-haired man in chain armor and white tabard with a red rose stitched into the breast. Accompanying him is an incredibly tall and incredibly gaunt man in robes and mask. The white-haired man speaks, “I am Elder Sarophas and I am here at the people’s will. You will hand over she who is called Ravenna immediately to stand trial for witchcraft!”

Inside, a hung-over Ravenna walks out to the back patio and sees a cordon of city guards, though draped in the rose-embroidered white tabard. They spot her and give chase back into the house where a wild melee ensues, with Magnus joining the fray in an attempt to buy Ravenna time to escape.

Mar’Khabazza hears the commotion and blocks their entry. The tall man speaks as he attempts to swat him out of the way, “I am Tharnun, Mar’Khabazza. You will do well to not trifle with me. I am here on the people’s will.”

Tharnun “the Slenderman”

Mar’Khabazza begins to orate to the crowd gathering to watch the spectacle, clamoring at the injustice of the accusers and the sham of the proceedings, in an attempt to sir up the crowd in revolt. But ultimately Ravenna is subdued and brought in shackles to a cell deep in the Captain’s Mansion – a fortified mansion in the southern part of the city.

Mar’Khabazza and Magnus follow, exhorting the crowd to follow and bear witness but they are thwarted by the fortress itself. They learn that Ravenna will stand trial tomorrow at the first whistle, and the penalty for witchcraft is to hang by the neck until dead. Ravenna is meek and taciturn in the jail cell, perhaps remembering Savinia Loresong’s words to her weeks ago: “I know what you are. When the Slenderman comes for you, and he will come for you, do not resist and readily admit to anything he professes. If you value your life and your sanity, do not fight the mob. Throw yourself at the mercy of the Rose.”

While in her cell, Mar’Khabazza and Magnus try to rally support for her. Magnus meets with the Lady Catriona von’Indi who tells him about how the trial will work: The trial will be overseen by seven heads of the community and a simple majority prevails.

Speaker Mar’grom – the Mayor of Opal
Senator Barin Redstone – representative of the Empire
Senator Mehr Stonehallow – representative of the Empire
Postmaster Malown – Head of logistics for the Empire
Overseer Dathrohan – Head of mining operations in Opal
Inquisitor Caleras – The people’s representative
Justiciar Mariel Trueheart – The arm of the law in Opal

  • They go to the Postmaster who says he’s on their side but “can’t say anymore than that”.
  • The go to the Captain’s Landing to appeal to Senator Stonehallow. He is lonely and self-pitying and craves the respect that a senator is due. He is a late stage alcoholic and a slovenly mess, but Mar’Khabazza wins him over.
the lobby of the Captain's Landing
the lobby of the Captain’s Landing

The barkeep of the Tavern knows that the other senator frequents the Menagerie so they head there next.

  • They go to the Menagerie and speak with Noreliqe the Madam and are informed that Senator Barin Redstone isn’t around yet. Magnus spends silver to avail himself of the offered services while Mar’Khabazza plays cards with some of the ladies. Eventually the senator arrives and Mar’Khabazza pitches him, appealing to his sense of justice and his power to make things happen in town. He does such a convincing job that the senator is now a staunch supporter.

Very late they go to bed, and then very early they wake up to go to the barracks to win over the soldiers who went with them on the sudaar expedition.

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