June 2, 7761

After destroying the sudaar in the eastern mine, the group turns its attention to the western mine. This mine was the first mine assaulted in order to rescue the hostages from the merchant caravan during the sudaar raid a month ago.

Repeating the tactics that proved to be successful in the eastern mine, the rangers remain outside to cover the entrance with their bows while Mar’Khabazza scouts ahead through the mine, followed by Magnus, the soldiers and Ravenna. The raid is quick and vicious and the group comes through with the mine completely in their control in a matter of hours.

After pooling the booty from the mine, the group decides to explore the rest of the river valley to catch up any sudaar stragglers. Magnus’ instincts let him avoid a sudaar ambush and the group is able to quickly destroy the attackers. However, the positioning of the sudaar leads Magnus to believe that the were watching for something- waiting for something to arrive from the northern side of the valley.

After some discussion, the group decides to follow the path north out of the valley to make sure the threat from this valley is well and truly vanquished.

the river valley
the river valley

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