List of all Rolemaster (2e) Herbs

(from pages 29-31 of CL&CL and
pages 215 - 218 of Shadow World Master Atlas


ID Name Class Climate Locale Search
Form Preparation
Cost Addiction
Level Effect Source
106Finrot Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)oysteroyster eat250gp200("fang") Strong Hallucinogen. Imbiber is in a trance (subtract 90 from perception,60 from maneuver and melee) and has sometimes prophetic visions. (2-3hours)ShadowWorld
110Jiri Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogensmild temperateocean/saltwater shoressheer folly (-50)lichenrub (on eyelids) 10gp 30Infravision (one hour)ShadowWorld
115Nira Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogenshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)rootchew 60gp 250Haste (3 rnds)ShadowWorld
125Akunga Concussion Reliefcool temperateocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafsalve 8gp 10Heals 2-20ShadowWorld
134Raman Concussion Reliefsemi-aridocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafchew 10sp 10Heals 1-10ShadowWorld
139Bevolin Antidotesmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)leafbrew/drink 45gp 50Antidote for GhidaShadowWorld
140Deon Antidoteshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)rooteat 110gp 30Antidote for LoryaakShadowWorld
147Tevy Antidotesmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)leafboil/inhale 25gp 30Antidote for Vyurk. Cures HurothgaarShadowWorld
153Baalak Specific Repairshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)reedreed br/dr 160gp 120Repairs one shattered bone. Takes one minuteShadowWorld
155Chuma Specific Repairshot and humidocean/saltwater shoressheer folly (-50)rootcrush/rub 12gp 80Doubles rate of healing for sprains, torn ligaments, cartilage damageShadowWorld
176Macajou Specific Repairscoldocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)leafboil/apply 250gp 600Regenerates one major organ. Takes five minutes. Imbiber is at max hits due to drain on bodyShadowWorld
184Reslyn Specific Repairscool temperateocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)kelppoultice 90gp 200Cures blindness (if eyes not destroyed)ShadowWorld
186Salufa Specific Repairsmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)flowerplace in mouth 1000gp 400LifegivingShadowWorld
202Trice Specific Repairscool temperateocean/saltwater shoressheer folly (-50)kelppoultice 200gp 20Will heal up to two square feet of fourth degree burns. Victim must recouperate one dayShadowWorld
210Zan Specific Repairscoldocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)stemcrush/rub 250gp 180Spine repair. Takes one minuteShadowWorld
602EldaanaAntidotescoldocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)leafbrew99gp22antidote for reduction poisonsCL&CL 2e
609BaalakBone Repairhot and humidocean/saltwater shoressheer folly (-50)reedbrew160gp120repairs shattered bonesCL&CL 2e
613AlambasBurn & Exposure Reliefsemi-aridocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)grassapply66sp40heals 4 square feet of burnsCL&CL 2e
618VeldurakBurn & Exposure Reliefhot and humidocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)kelpapply8sp20cures frostbite (heals 1-50 hits resulting from cold)CL&CL 2e
619AnserkeCirculatory Repairhot and humidocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)rootapply75gp70stops bleeding by clotting and sealing the wound. takes 3 rounds to take effect. Patient cannot move (appreciably) without wound reopeningCL&CL 2e
620FekCirculatory Repairhot and humidocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)nutbrew50gp50stops any bleeding. Takes 1-10 rounds to take effect. Patient cannot move (appreciably) without wound reopeningCL&CL 2e
623AkbutegeConcussion Reliefsemi-aridocean/saltwater shoreseasy (+20)leafingest3sp10heals 1-10CL&CL 2e
627DraafConcussion Reliefaridocean/saltwater shoreseasy (+20)leafingest7sp10heals 1-10 for two roundsCL&CL 2e
636YavethalionConcussion Reliefmild temperateocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)fruitingest45gp40heals 5-50CL&CL 2e
642FelmatherGeneral Purposemild temperateocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafingest105gp150mental summons of one "friend" (beasts or folk). Range 300' x users level. Coma relief.CL&CL 2e
646CarcatuLife Preservationhot and humidocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)grassapply89gp250Lifekeeping* (1 day).CL&CL 2e
647DegiikLife Preservationhot and humidocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafingest100gp100Lifekeeping* (1 day).CL&CL 2e
648LaurelinLife Preservationmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)leafingest999gp210Lifegiving for Elves, if given within 28 days of death.CL&CL 2e
651OlvarLife Preservationfrigid (severe cold)ocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)floweringest200gp200Lifekeeping* 2-20 days.CL&CL 2e
659EburMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)floweringest22gp180Repairs sprains.CL&CL 2e
661TarfegMuscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repairhot and humidocean/saltwater shoresextremely hard (-30)floweringest23gp30Repairs sprains.CL&CL 2e
681GylvirPhysical Alterationmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresvery hard (-20)algaeingest45gp200Allows one to breathe under water (only) for 4 hours.CL&CL 2e
715TatharsulEnchanted Breadscool temperateocean/saltwater shoreslight (+10)bread [fruit]ingest75gp150Dose/4oz slice. Restores nervous system to normal (in 1-10 rnds). 10-slice loaf 690gp. Tastes of pumpkin and lemon; keeps 1-2 months.CL&CL 2e
716UlginorEnchanted Breadscoldocean/saltwater shoresroutine (+30)bread [leaves]ingest4sp00Dose/4oz slice. A slice provides a day's nutrition. 10-slice loaf 35sp. Tastes of cheese and spinach; keeps 1-2 months.CL&CL 2e
806HugarIntoxicantshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)rootingest1sp330Causes sleep and quick unconsciousness. 1 hour's sleep equals 6.CL&CL 2e
809SwuthIntoxicantshot and humidocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafingest4sp30Invisible smoke relaxes (-75) 1-10 rds.CL&CL 2e
922Wek-baasNerve Poisonshot and humidocean/saltwater shoresabsurd (-70)fishliquid70gp05Acts in 1-100 rnds. RR failure of 31+ results in total paralysis; failure by 16-30 results in degeneration of balance and hearing in 1-10 days; RR failure of 1-15 results in sleep.CL&CL 2e
932JitsuRespiratory Poisonsmild temperateocean/saltwater shoresmedium (+0)clamliquid34gp05Yellow venom gives 5-50 hits.CL&CL 2e