List of all Rolemaster (2e) Herbs (from pages 29-31 of CL&CL and |
ID | Name | Class | Climate | Locale | Search Difficulty |
Form | Preparation Method |
Cost | Addiction Factor |
Level | Effect | Source |
103 | Basira | Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogens | mild temperate | frestwater coasts | extremely hard (-30) | bud | boil/inhale | 15gp | 15 | 0 | ("gloweyes") Allows one to perceive Essence Flows, and enchantments. Imbiber's eyes glow red. (1 hr) | ShadowWorld |
104 | Borga | Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogens | mild temperate | frestwater coasts | sheer folly (-50) | toad | secretion drink | 50gp | 10 | 0 | ("voyager") Strong hallucinogen. Subtract 50 from perception, 30 from maneuverand melee. (4-6 hours) | ShadowWorld |
121 | Selig | Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogens | mild temperate | frestwater coasts | very hard (-20) | fungus | fungus chew | 18gp | 5 | 0 | Enhances hearing 1 hr | ShadowWorld |
138 | Alzo | Antidotes | cool temperate | frestwater coasts | sheer folly (-50) | leaf | chew | 27gp | 5 | 0 | Antidote for Yosis | ShadowWorld |
142 | Ikbal | Antidotes | mild temperate | frestwater coasts | absurd (-70) | crystal | dissolve/drink | 300gp | 20 | 0 | Antidote for any poison if taken within one hour | ShadowWorld |
152 | Arrine | Specific Repairs | mild temperate | frestwater coasts | very hard (-20) | stem | rub | 10gp | 1 | 0 | Doubles rate of healing fractures | ShadowWorld |
160 | Dorn | Specific Repairs | cool temperate | frestwater coasts | sheer folly (-50) | leaf | poultice | 40gp | 3 | 0 | Heals up to 50 burn-caused hits, and instantly relieves up to 2nd degree burns. 3rd degree healed in one hour | ShadowWorld |
180 | Nyasani | Specific Repairs | cool temperate | frestwater coasts | absurd (-70) | flower | boil/dr | 240gp | 20 | 0 | Regenerates one eye. Takes one day | ShadowWorld |
182 | Orlian | Specific Repairs | frigid (severe cold) | frestwater coasts | very hard (-20) | leaf | poultice | 30gp | 0 | 0 | Preserves one limb | ShadowWorld |
189 | Sebrun | Specific Repairs | cold | frestwater coasts | hard (-10) | root | chew | 5gp | 5 | 0 | General anesthetic. Lasts 10-12 hours. Level 5 atack | ShadowWorld |
606 | Shen | Antidotes | cool temperate | frestwater coasts | very hard (-20) | leaf | ingest | 27gp | 3 | 3 | antidote for nerve poisons | CL&CL 2e |
608 | Arfandas | Bone Repair | cold | frestwater coasts | very hard (-20) | stem | apply | 2sp | 1 | 0 | doubles rate of healing for fractures | CL&CL 2e |
611 | Edram | Bone Repair | cold | frestwater coasts | sheer folly (-50) | moss | ingest | 31gp | 10 | 0 | mends bone | CL&CL 2e |
640 | Attanar | General Purpose | cool temperate | frestwater coasts | medium (+0) | moss | apply | 8gp | 1 | 0 | cures fever | CL&CL 2e |
643 | Latha | General Purpose | cool temperate | frestwater coasts | medium (+0) | stem | brew | 9sp | 4 | 0 | +10 to RR vs disease, cures common cold. Heals 1-2 hits. | CL&CL 2e |
644 | Trudurs | General Purpose | cold | frestwater coasts | medium (+0) | moss | brew | 12sp | 8 | 0 | +10 to disease resistance for 1-10 days. | CL&CL 2e |
649 | Nur-oiolosse | Life Preservation | frigid (severe cold) | frestwater coasts | sheer folly (-50) | clove | ingest | 200gp | 13 | 0 | Lifegiving (1 day). Kills one day later unless Sorul nut (c-F-2; 1sp) is ingested. | CL&CL 2e |
650 | Oiolosse | Life Preservation | frigid (severe cold) | frestwater coasts | sheer folly (-50) | clove | ingest | 600gp | 22 | 0 | Lifegiving for Elves, if given within 7 days of death. (aka Ololosse). | CL&CL 2e |
656 | Arpsusar | Muscle, Cartelage & Tendon Repair | cool temperate | frestwater coasts | hard (-10) | stalk | brew | 30gp | 15 | 0 | Mends muscle damage. | CL&CL 2e |
668 | Febfendu | Organ Repair | cold | frestwater coasts | medium (+0) | root | brew | 90gp | 24 | 0 | Restores hearing. | CL&CL 2e |
690 | Splayfoot | Physical Alteration | mild temperate | frestwater coasts | medium (+0) | seeds | brew | 23gp | 16 | 0 | For "god in heart" instils confidence and singleness of purpose (+25) for 1 to 4 hours. | CL&CL 2e |
697 | Suranie | Stun Relief | cool temperate | frestwater coasts | light (+10) | berry | ingest | 2gp | 3 | 0 | Stun relief (1 rnd). | CL&CL 2e |
908 | Brithagurth | Conversion Poisons | frigid (severe cold) | frestwater coasts | sheer folly (-50) | fish | liquid | 25gp | 0 | 2 | Black venom causes hardening of tendons in 1-4 appendages (making them useless). | CL&CL 2e |
913 | Dynalka | Muscle Poisons | hot and humid | frestwater coasts | light (+10) | leaf | paste | 14gp | 0 | 3 | Tan paste destroys hearing and gives 1-10 hits. | CL&CL 2e |
933 | Jitsutyr | Respiratory Poisons | cold | frestwater coasts | very hard (-20) | clam | paste | 145gp | 0 | 2 | Tan paste destroys lungs and kills in 1-100 rounds. | CL&CL 2e |