List of all Rolemaster (2e) Herbs (from pages 29-31 of CL&CL and |
ID | Name | Class | Climate | Locale | Search Difficulty |
Form | Preparation Method |
Cost | Addiction Factor |
Level | Effect | Source |
107 | Furk | Sense Enhancement & Hallucinogens | arid | waste | sheer folly (-50) | leaf | boil/inhale | 15gp | 25 | 0 | Enhanced vision (x3 plus mild infravision) for 3 hrs.1x/day | ShadowWorld |
136 | Sheku | Concussion Relief | arid | deciduous mixed forest | absurd (-70) | berry | place in mouth | 140gp | 50 | 0 | Heals all hits. Instant effect. Imbiber stunned for one round due to shock | ShadowWorld |
146 | Siri | Antidotes | arid | waste | sheer folly (-50) | root | chew | 80gp | 8 | 0 | Antidote for Luku | ShadowWorld |
148 | Alaec | Stat Modifiers | arid | deciduous mixed forest | absurd (-70) | flower | chew | 450gp | 10 | 0 | Restores any stat losses other than those due to age. Affects only one stat | ShadowWorld |
177 | Milinka | Specific Repairs | arid | deciduous mixed forest | sheer folly (-50) | root | salve/rub | 12gp | 7 | 0 | Mends bone. Takes one hour | ShadowWorld |
207 | Wor | Specific Repairs | arid | deciduous mixed forest | very hard (-20) | cactus | poultice | 60gp | 14 | 0 | Skull repairs. Takes one minute | ShadowWorld |
601 | Arsbargies | Antidotes | arid | desert | hard (-10) | flower | ingest | 38gp | 7 | 4 | antidote for muscle poisons | CL&CL 2e |
615 | Culkas | Burn & Exposure Relief | arid | desert | medium (+0) | leaf | apply | 35gp | 0 | 0 | heals 10 square feet of burns | CL&CL 2e |
627 | Draaf | Concussion Relief | arid | ocean/saltwater shores | easy (+20) | leaf | ingest | 7sp | 1 | 0 | heals 1-10 for two rounds | CL&CL 2e |
629 | Gariig | Concussion Relief | arid | desert | light (+10) | cactus | ingest | 55gp | 3 | 0 | heals 30 | CL&CL 2e |
652 | Pathur | Life Preservation | arid | heath/scrub/moor | medium (+0) | nodule | brew | 35gp | 7 | 0 | Lifekeeping* (1 hour). | CL&CL 2e |
692 | Zulsendura | Physical Alteration | arid | underground | medium (+0) | mushroom | ingest | 70gp | 22 | 0 | Haste (3 rnds). | CL&CL 2e |
694 | Lestagii | Stat Modifiers | arid | desert | absurd (-70) | crystal | ingest | 520gp | 45 | 0 | Restores any stat losses other than those due to age. Affects only one stat. | CL&CL 2e |
808 | Swigmakril | Intoxicants | arid | desert | very hard (-20) | flower | brew | 50gp | 25 | 0 | Relaxant. User takes 2x usual hits befiore passing out (but dies due to hits at usual #), although he operates at -30. Lasts 1-2 hrs. | CL&CL 2e |
901 | Carnegurth | Circulatory Poisons | arid | desert | medium (+0) | flower | liquid | 53gp | 0 | 1 | Reddish juice causes massive blood clotting and death in 1-100 hrs. | CL&CL 2e |
906 | Sharduvaak | Circulatory Poisons | arid | desert | extremely hard (-30) | berry | liquid | 36gp | 0 | 3 | Brown liquid slows blood flow. Victim sluggish, at -50 for all activity, and needs 2x usual sleep. | CL&CL 2e |
918 | Juth | Nerve Poisons | arid | desert | hard (-10) | scorpion | liquid | 41gp | 0 | 2 | Causes gradual insanity (1-100 weeks). | CL&CL 2e |
937 | Yoxonqu | Magical Poison | arid | tall grass | extremely hard (-30) | stalk | brew | 100gp | 2 | 20 | Prickly black stalk brewed into tea and drunk. If RR fails user loses ability to channel for 24 hours. | special |