List of all Rolemaster (2e) Herbs (from pages 29-31 of CL&CL and |
ID | Name | Class | Climate | Locale | Search Difficulty |
Form | Preparation Method |
Cost | Addiction Factor |
Level | Effect | Source |
148 | Alaec | Stat Modifiers | arid | deciduous mixed forest | absurd (-70) | flower | chew | 450gp | 10 | 0 | Restores any stat losses other than those due to age. Affects only one stat | ShadowWorld |
149 | Azele | Stat Modifiers | frigid (severe cold) | glacier/snowfield | absurd (-70) | bud | chew | 340gp | 0 | 0 | Allows one to increase any one stat's potential by one point. Effect permanent. User can only use the drug once in his lifetime, or body will reject (all stats drop by 5-50) | ShadowWorld |
150 | Sahn | Stat Modifiers | cold | alpine | absurd (-70) | flower | chew | 500gp | 50 | 0 | Allows one to increase any one stat's potential by 4 (up to 100), but 10 must be deducted from any other one stat of the imbiber's choice. Effect lasts one year exactly | ShadowWorld |
694 | Lestagii | Stat Modifiers | arid | desert | absurd (-70) | crystal | ingest | 520gp | 45 | 0 | Restores any stat losses other than those due to age. Affects only one stat. | CL&CL 2e |
695 | Merrig | Stat Modifiers | semi-arid | short grass | sheer folly (-50) | thorn | brew | 90gp | 50 | 0 | Daily use increases Pr by 5. Interruption of use will not reverse addictive resistance, but means loss of benefit. Withdrawal means loss of 10 from Co, 15 from Re and Me. | CL&CL 2e |