List of all Rolemaster (2e) Herbs

(from pages 29-31 of CL&CL and
pages 215 - 218 of Shadow World Master Atlas


ID Name Class Climate Locale Search
Form Preparation
Cost Addiction
Level Effect Source
637ArkasuGeneral Purposemild temperatetall grassmedium (+0)sapapply12gp20heals 2-12 hits. doubles rate of healing for major wounds.CL&CL 2e
638ArlanGeneral Purposecoldmountaineasy (+20)rootingest1bp30decongestant. +20 to resistance vs common cold. Speeds recovery from respiratory illness by 5x.CL&CL 2e
639AthelasGeneral Purposecool temperateconiferous foresthard (-10)leafbrew300gp200Capable of healing anything while the patient is still alive, but healing is only as effective as the healer. Full effect only in the hands of an "ordained" king. Will not keep or give life.CL&CL 2e
640AttanarGeneral Purposecool temperatefrestwater coastsmedium (+0)mossapply8gp10cures feverCL&CL 2e
641DelreanGeneral Purposecoldconiferous foresteasy (+20)barkapply3sp10repels any insect. Smells foul (range 50')CL&CL 2e
642FelmatherGeneral Purposemild temperateocean/saltwater shoreshard (-10)leafingest105gp150mental summons of one "friend" (beasts or folk). Range 300' x users level. Coma relief.CL&CL 2e
643LathaGeneral Purposecool temperatefrestwater coastsmedium (+0)stembrew9sp40+10 to RR vs disease, cures common cold. Heals 1-2 hits.CL&CL 2e
644TrudursGeneral Purposecoldfrestwater coastsmedium (+0)mossbrew12sp80+10 to disease resistance for 1-10 days.CL&CL 2e
645UkurGeneral Purposefrigid (severe cold)heath/scrub/moormedium (+0)nutingest34sp10one day's nutritionCL&CL 2e