Fauna & Flora

The Northern Waste

The ice fields of the north tundra are covered on the top by lichens, mosses, grasses and flowers, which for nine months are buried under snow. There are only a few trees and bushes here which are in a twisted dwarfed condition as their roots can not penetrate the permafrost.

The forests are densely populated with spruces, firs, pines and larch. On the forest floors grass, moss, lichen, berries and mushrooms. The steppe consists of croplands, grass lands, and low lying scrub bushes.

In the Inaro river delta, lotus flowers in pink and white spread across the water during the summer. The North Brilend region has lots of plant species of various types including wild flowers.

Reindeer, which can endure temperatures down to −50 °C (−58 °F), thrive here in great numbers; their count is said to be in the millions. Lemmings are among the rodents present. Arctic foxes, seals, walruses, polar bears and whales can be found in Mod Bay and in the mouth of the Kehah Ria.

Southern Steppes

In the taiga forests of Aphend,Thelan and the Thelan Oxbow, species include squirrels, chipmunks, voles and lemmings. The carnivores are polecats, brown bear, lynx, wolves, foxes, wolverines and the sable. Elk are also common in this habitat.

Central Steppes

Grazers on the hills and plains include the mountain goat, antelope, reindeer, woolly mammoth, wild horses. Small animals like squirrels, foxes, sea otters can be found in forests. Steppe animals include wild boar, brown and black bear, snow leopards, wolves, and tigers.

In the rivers, salmon and trout are common during their spawning seasons, and vultures, imperial eagles, peregrine falcon and smaller birds are fairly common overhead.