Name: Demons of the Void - Agothu - Althoi Description:
Class: 9.2.1 Demons of the Void
Level: 30G Size: L MS / AQ: MD \ FA
Base Move: 60 Max Pace: Dash MM Bonus: 20
Hits: 200H Crits: LA AT(DB): 11(40)
# Enc: up to 1 Treasure: - Bonus XP: H
Attacks: 6MGr \ 40SSt \ Spells
Outlook (IQ): Aloof (VH)
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Name: Demons of the Void - Agothu - Moglath Description:
Class: 9.2.1 Demons of the Void
Level: 25G Size: L MS / AQ: FA \ FA
Base Move: 120 Max Pace: Dash MM Bonus: 30
Hits: 250H Crits: LA AT(DB): 11(60)
# Enc: up to 1 Treasure: - Bonus XP: I
Attacks: 100LCl(2x) \ Spells
Outlook (IQ): Cruel (HI)
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Name: Demons of the Void - Agothu - Tresh Description:
Class: 9.2.1 Demons of the Void
Level: 20G Size: L MS / AQ: MD \ VF
Base Move: 50 Max Pace: Dash MM Bonus: 30
Hits: 300H Crits: LA AT(DB): 12(50)
# Enc: up to 1 Treasure: - Bonus XP: H
Attacks: 120LGr \ 80HPi \ Spells
Outlook (IQ): Aloof (HI)
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Name: Demons of the Void - Agothu - Uthuro Description:
Class: 9.2.1 Demons of the Void
Level: 30G Size: SL MS / AQ: MD \ FA
Base Move: 20 Max Pace: Dash MM Bonus: 30
Hits: 350H Crits: LA AT(DB): 3(100)
# Enc: up to 1 Treasure: - Bonus XP: J
Attacks: 150HGr \ 80LTs \ Spells
Outlook (IQ): Hostile (IN)
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