Name: ant Description: Ants adhere to a complex social organization based on a nest or colony which contains a single relatively large, egg-laying queen and thousands of specialized servants. Small males and mostly sterile females compose the queen’s mates, workers, and in some species, soldiers. Using chemical deposits secreted from glands in the abdomen, ants can communicate with one another and act in relative unison. These same glands produce stronger toxins for used in personal combat. Exceptionally strong jaws complete their formidable arsenal. These pincher-like mandibles are made all the more deadly by virtue of the ant’s incredible strength. All varieties of ants are capable of lifting many times their own body weight. The ant diet is quite varied and includes plant and animal matter (food-gathering and nest-building both require considerable physical effort). Queen ants are normally either dormant or producing eggs in nest. They have wings that allow them to fly, though they are usually only used when a newborn queen flies off to start a new nest. Soldier arts are programmed to defend their nest until they die. They have an abnormally large head that contains huge jaws, and their abdomen contains a retractable stinger that injects a mild level 1C respiratory poison. Worker ants have routines confined to nest-building or defense.
Class: 3.3 Insects, Arachnids and Crustaceans
Level: 0A Size: T MS / AQ: IN \ VF
Base Move: 1 Max Pace: Spt MM Bonus: 10
Hits: 1 Crits: -- AT(DB): 11(30)
# Enc: up to 2000 Treasure: Bonus XP: -
Attacks: 0TPi (100) (100%) \ 0SSt (30%) \ Special
Habitat: (f)-(—,GLO,A,T)-4
Outlook (IQ): normal
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Name: beetle Description: Beetles are insects that vary considerably in size and habits. Found on land or in freshwater, beetle varieties include predators, scavengers, and herbivores. All have protective non-aerodynamic forewings that fold back to form a horny shell over the top of the thorax and abdomen. This pair of wings serves as a sort of armor that completely covers their functional hind wings.
Class: 3.3 Insects, Arachnids and Crustaceans
Level: 0A Size: T MS / AQ: IN \ VF
Base Move: 1 Max Pace: Spt MM Bonus: 10
Hits: 1 Crits: -- AT(DB): 12(30)
# Enc: up to 100 Treasure: - Bonus XP: -
Attacks: 0TPi (50%) \ Special
Habitat: (f)-(—,O,—,—)-2
Outlook (IQ): normal
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Name: crab/lobster Description: Crabs and lobsters are related crustaceans, both known for their aggressive, predatory manner, relatively large size, and huge pincher claws. These creatures are remarkably unintelligent; but they are also efficient killing machines that will gorge until they molt. Molting occurs 3-5 times during their long lives (lobsters can live to age 60) and involves the complete shedding of their shell and outer skin. After holing up and growing a new covering (over a 2-5 week period), they emerge anew, often 15-25% larger. There are aquatic and amphibian varieties of crabs. most of the amphibian-type are nocturnal. The land-dwelling burrowers employ hibernation to face the cold. All lobsters are aquatic and can regenerate lost appendages or shell casing. Lobsters and crabs share many of the same structures. They have long antennae that contain no pain-receiving nerves and, although very sensitive to food or danger, are designed to ignore damage. These beasts listen with their legs, taste with their feet, chew with their stomachs, and propel themselves backwards when swimming. Both have shell armor that covers their fused head and thorax, and each sports a pair of pinchers. The slightly larger pincher is used to capture and crush prey, while the smaller claw has a sawtooth cutter and is generally a defensive weapon. Their claws immobilize a foe, allowing their side-chewing mandibles to tear it apart and deliver the pieces to the other four pairs of mouth parts. Food is “chewed” after delivery to the stomach.Crabs differ from lobsters in a number of ways, notably in terms of lifestyle. While both crabs and lobsters are burrowers (who dig holes of live in nooks or caves), the ultra-adaptable and numerous crab varieties are not confined to aquatic living. Many types live in extremely shallow water, on tidal flats, or in the sands above the high water mark.Because crabs are often amphibious, they must be mobile on land and therefore have stronger legs and smaller pinchers (all but the sea-dwelling Soldier Crab walk sideways). On the other hand, lobsters are exclusively aquatic and prefer deep water. This allows them to grow disproportionally huge claws (as much as 60% of their body weight), for their water buoyancy aids in their mobility.
Class: 3.3 Insects, Arachnids and Crustaceans
Level: 0A Size: T MS / AQ: VS \ SL
Base Move: 10 Max Pace: Run MM Bonus: 10
Hits: 10A Crits: -- AT(DB): 12(30)
# Enc: up to 10 Treasure: - Bonus XP: -
Attacks: 0TPi \ 20SPi (6)
Habitat: (f)-(—,O,—,—)-2;
Outlook (IQ): aggressive
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Name: flea Description: Fleas are parasitic insects, that feed on the blood of warm-blooded hosts (mammals and birds). There are both aquatic and land varieties. Their mouth parts combine to form a syringe that pierces the host’s skin. While sucking blood, they may deposit any one of the numerous disease organisms they carry (e.g., the bubonic plague) into the host’s wound. Wingless, they move by leaping in a tumbling, cartwheel-like manner (they can jump distances equal to 100 to 300 times their own body length). Their elongated rear legs provide the spring, while the shorter center and forward pairs are held up over and out from their body (respectively) to break the fall. In this way they can land in any position, even on their backs, before attacking. Fleas spot their targets by using movement-sensitive and heat-sensitive sensor hairs on the backs of their abdomens.
Class: 3.3 Insects, Arachnids and Crustaceans
Level: 0A Size: T MS / AQ: CR \ VS
Base Move: 5 Max Pace: Special MM Bonus: 0
Hits: 1 Crits: -- AT(DB): 11(30)
# Enc: up to 100 Treasure: - Bonus XP: -
Attacks: 0SSt (12) \ Special
Habitat: (f)-(—, GO, —, T)-7
Outlook (IQ): passive
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Name: praying mantis Description: The praying mantis is a carnivorous insect closely related to the cockroach. They have long antennae, cigarshaped bodies, and tough, leathery forewings that sweep back to shield their functional hindwings. Extremely agile, they can strike or take flight with alarming quickness. Generally, however, they use their brown or green coloration as camouflage, and hide in grass (or other foliage) until their invertebrate prey happens along. They then capture their foe with their large, spiny front legs. The larger, more deadly female usually consumes its male consort after mating.
Class: 3.3 Insects, Arachnids and Crustaceans
Level: 0A Size: T MS / AQ: CR \ BF
Base Move: 5 Max Pace: Run MM Bonus: 10
Hits: 1 Crits: -- AT(DB): 11(30)
# Enc: up to 2 Treasure: - Bonus XP: -
Attacks: 0TGr (6) \ 0TBi \ TPi
Habitat: ahmns-V,BFQZ,R,CDHJP-5
Outlook (IQ): aggressive
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Name: scorpion Description: Scorpions are secretive, nocturnal arachnids whose forward appendages are tipped with large pinchers, and whose long rear segment ends in a large, bulbous stinger. Carnivorous hunters, they feed on various invertebrates, particularly insects, during the mild hours of the warm night. During day or when faced with a larger foe, they retreat into burrows or beneath rocks. They use their potent, venomous stinger only when hunting or forced into a corner. Stronger scorpion poisons can fell a dog in seven minutes or kill a man in under seven hours. The stinger attack injects a level 3D Respiratory Poison.
Class: 3.3 Insects, Arachnids and Crustaceans
Level: 0A Size: T MS / AQ: IN \ VF
Base Move: 2 Max Pace: Spt MM Bonus: 10
Hits: 1 Crits: -- AT(DB): 12(30)
# Enc: up to 2 Treasure: - Bonus XP: -
Attacks: 0TPi (50%) \ 10SSt (50%) \ Poison
Habitat: ahkmnsw-(—),BMQZ,R,DJP-3
Outlook (IQ): aggressive
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Name: spider - non-poisonous Description: Spiders are eight-legged invertebrates that are related to scorpions and mites. They are carnivorous hunters noted for their pincher-like jaws, groupings of eight primitive eyes, and glands that produce silky, web-producing proteins. Spiders use their webs as both nests and traps. They spin remarkably strong, interwoven lines across shady defiles, creating a sticky web in a matter of hours, or even minutes. Movements in these sensitive devices are keyed to vibration receptors in the spider's legs, allowing the spider to distinguish between wind gyrations and the presence of prey. Once alerted, the spider will move on the trapped victim, using its powerful jaws to finish the poor trapped victim. There are a number of variations on the web trap. One variety uses tempting "fishing lines", dangling threads ending with lures and covered with an extremely thick fluid. Others build silk-lined pit traps or actually resort to tossing small snare-webs at passing victims. Feasting often involves the injection of a solvent fluid (level 1A Reduction Poison) that combines with the victim's innards to produce a jelly-like meal. The spider then sucks the food out of the lifeless body. Poisonous spiders immobilize their foes with sprays or injections of toxic venom (level 1C Muscle Poison).
Class: 3.3 Insects, Arachnids and Crustaceans
Level: 0A Size: T MS / AQ: IN \ VF
Base Move: 1 Max Pace: Spt MM Bonus: 10
Hits: 1 Crits: -- AT(DB): 1(10)
# Enc: up to 5 Treasure: - Bonus XP: -
Attacks: 0TPi (6) \ 20TPi (12)
Habitat: amnhkstw-(—),FM,AR,CDHJP-5
Outlook (IQ): normal
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Name: spider - poisonous Description: Spiders are eight-legged invertebrates that are related to scorpions and mites. They are carnivorous hunters noted for their pincher-like jaws, groupings of eight primitive eyes, and glands that produce silky, web-producing proteins. Spiders use their webs as both nests and traps. They spin remarkably strong, interwoven lines across shady defiles, creating a sticky web in a matter of hours, or even minutes. Movements in these sensitive devices are keyed to vibration receptors in the spider's legs, allowing the spider to distinguish between wind gyrations and the presence of prey. Once alerted, the spider will move on the trapped victim, using its powerful jaws to finish the poor trapped victim. There are a number of variations on the web trap. One variety uses tempting "fishing lines", dangling threads ending with lures and covered with an extremely thick fluid. Others build silk-lined pit traps or actually resort to tossing small snare-webs at passing victims. Feasting often involves the injection of a solvent fluid (level 1A Reduction Poison) that combines with the victim's innards to produce a jelly-like meal. The spider then sucks the food out of the lifeless body. Poisonous spiders immobilize their foes with sprays or injections of toxic venom (level 1C Muscle Poison).
Class: 3.3 Insects, Arachnids and Crustaceans
Level: 0A Size: T MS / AQ: IN \ VF
Base Move: 1 Max Pace: Spt MM Bonus: 10
Hits: 1 Crits: -- AT(DB): 1(10)
# Enc: up to 2 Treasure: - Bonus XP: -
Attacks: 0TPi (50) \ 0SSt \ Poison
Habitat: ahkmnsw-V,BFLMQZ,R,CDHJP-5
Outlook (IQ): normal
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Name: tick Description: Ticks are small, parasitic arachnids, related to mites. Slow-moving, they nonetheless present a danger to their foes. These beasts are well-armored, with a tough, flexible outer shell/skin. Their pedipalps bear dangerous pinchers, smaller than those of scorpions, but larger than those of spiders. They are exceptional climbers. Like fleas (which are insects), ticks prey upon warm-blooded hosts. When attacking, they wait in trees or on upright plants, drop onto the host, affix themselves to the host's skin, burrow a shallow hole, and gorge themselves using a syringe-like sucking mechanism. They can consume quantities of blood equal to many times their own body-weight by storing it in their expandable abdomen. Their bite is often accompanied by the delivery of disease organism.
Class: 3.3 Insects, Arachnids and Crustaceans
Level: 0A Size: T MS / AQ: CR \ VS
Base Move: 1 Max Pace: Special MM Bonus: 0
Hits: 1 Crits: -- AT(DB): 12(30)
# Enc: up to 100 Treasure: - Bonus XP: -
Attacks: 0TPi (100) \ 0SSt (12) \ Special
Habitat: mnhstw-(—),FM,(—),CDHJP-5
Outlook (IQ): passive
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