August 17, 7761

Two days later the troupe arrives in the wooded enclave of Edmond’s Crossing.

The trio immediately split up with Magnus heading to procure rooms and stables at the River Shining Inn and visits with Sammy the proprietor while Ravenna and Mar’Khabazza make arrangements for meeting with Lady Morwen Daggerford, Elder Goldwell and Quartermaster Urgronn and make delivery of the box of cold.

The town leaders are eager to take possession so representatives summon the trio from the River Shining and head to the City Hall and the upstairs chambers of Lady Daggerford with Magnus hauling the insulated box with them. Upon arrival, Mar’Khabazza negotiates for a letter of credit to be extended to pay for wagons, ore, troops and staff that will haul the eight wagonloads of iron tools to Beryl. They agree on a letter for 2667 silver backed by the Merchant’s Guild and part company, heading back down the stairs to the main room.

As they are exiting the building, there is a massive implosion and a whirlwind of air that is being sucked into the open windows of Daggerford’s office. As quick as it started, the tempest ceases with frost and ice coating every surface in the Guildhall. The frostbitten Lady Daggerford and Quartermaster Urgronn are brought staggering down stairs wrapped in blankets and Ravenna uses the ensuing commotion to push through the crowd and head upstairs.

She enters Lady Daggerford’s office to find the ice covered wreckage of the room and manages to see the tracks of an individual dragging what is most probably the cold box to the shattered window and disappearing without a trace. She heads back down to the common room and begins a series of pointed questions towards the pair of town leaders and all but accuses them in front of the mob of being fey, but Magnus interrupts and pulls Ravenna away.

August 18, 7761

The town is in an uproar over the “strange weather phenomenon” but Mar’Khabazza has his brass ring in sight and gets busy hiring staff and troops for his wagon train to Beryl. It takes four days to assemble the caravan, and during that time Mar’Khabazza interviews staff and mediatates on the nature of fate, Ravenna gambles and drinks and Magnus spends time with Sammy.

August 21, 7761

The caravan departs Edmond’s Crossing and once again Ravenna attempts to get sober and after two days on the road the worst of her withdrawals are over, with the voices in her head yammering at full volume.

August 25, 7761

On the plains of North Brilend the wagon train is overtaken by a group of six Chakagari horsemen. This time they deliberately approach the wagons and begin to peer into them. When pressed, the leader of the band sais, “We hear that Red Feather walks. We search for him.”

Feeling uneasy, Magnus hides from them and after the Chakagari leave without finding what they are searching for has Ravenna dye his hair black.

September 1, 7761

While still travelling north across the plains towards the unnamed forest, the hired caravan master reports to Mar’Khabazza that three men had deserted in the twilight hours. (It will later be discovered that they had taken a shortcut via the Ranger’s Road to Opal to warn House Bates about Mar’Khabazza’s incoming cargo of iron bound for Beryl.) There is a short debate over what do do about this development, but Mar’Khabazza decides to continue on towards Beryl and deal with any trouble along the way as it comes.

September 3, 7761

Still on the road north, the wagon train encounters a merchant caravan heading south out of the unnamed forest. They report that there was a “brief fire” in the craftsman’s quarter of Opal that was controlled and put out without too much damage to the surrounding buildings. Magnus is happy to hear that the building itself was totally destroyed.

The merchants also report that the iron embargo against Beryl is still in full effect, thereby pretty much garanteeing a fine price for Mar’Khabazza’s cargo.

September 6, 7761

The wagon train arrives in Beryl and Mar’Khabazza directs the wagons stright to the residence of Mordant Grimsby to begin negotiations for the iron tools. As they discuss terms over lunch there is a knock on the door and a tall, grim-looking man enters. He introduces himself as Ogslight Bates, son of Master Ashlock Bates of Opal, and he brandishes an official scroll.

It is an imperial decree signed by Senator Mehr Stonehallow stating that House Bates will provide four of the eight wagons of iron tools – eight being the agreed upon number of wagons covered by Mar’KHabazza’s charter as issued by Lady Daggerford in Edmond’s Crossing. Mar’Khabazza tries to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Ogslight’s claim but the Senator’s document is valid. Frustrated, Mar’Khabazza challenges Ogslight to a duel outside and he, Ravenna, Ogslight and Grimsby head outside. Instead of following, Magnus lingers behind, grabs the Redstone decree and throws it on the fire.

Outside, Mar’Khabazza demands satisfaction. Instead Ogslight turns tail and flees down the block resisting sorcerous charms cast at him by Ravenna as he flees. Seizing the opportunity and seeing that the decree is missing, Mar’Khabazza concludes the business transaction, selling the iron to Quartermaster Grimsby and giving his fleet of wagons to the caravan master to acquire trade goods on his own to return to Opal or Edmond’s Crossing. Mar’Khabazza, Ravenna, and Magnus grab their mounts and flee the city as fast as possible.

September 10, 7761

After four days on the road, days spent daydreaming of a new home and new servants, the trio arrive at the outskirts of Opal and head straight to the Crow Club to gamble away a portion of their winnings.

The Crow Club
The Crow Club

September 11, 7761

The steam whistle wakes the trio early after a night of carousing, so Mar’Khabazza heads to the merchants guild to pay off his letter of credit and look for an available house that will suit his new status as a “man of means” in Opal. Over the next few days, Mar’Khabazza becomes the new owner of the Salt House, a sturdily-built two-story mansion with a fancy tower just off of Noble’s Row. The Troupe hires a cook, a steward and two guards (one for the day shift, one for the night shift) who immediately set about acquiring provisions to fortify them against the grueling winter that is right around the corner.

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