Added Spells to the Rolemaster Spells Database

I finished adding spells from Rolemaster Companion V (RMC5) to the spells database. At this time the spells database contains 7,545 spells from the following sources:

– Rolemaster 2e Spell Law (ICE 1200)
– Rolemaster 2e Companion I (ICE 1500)
– Rolemaster 2e Companion II (ICE 1600)
– Rolemaster 2e Companion III (ICE 1700)
– Rolemaster 2e Companion IV (ICE 1800)
– Rolemaster 2e Companion V (ICE 1900)

I’ve also added the ability to list spells from the Arcane school as well as list spells by level to get a better sense of relative spell power between lists. I think it’s funny how you can cast Fire Bolt, Stun Cloud and Fly, but if you take the Household Magic Arcane Coven base list you can cast… wait for it… Cleaning 1 which says

“all walls, floors, dishes, clothes, windows, etc. are completely cleaned, polished and ‘put in their proper places’. Causes dust and grit to fly outside. Molds, mildew, micro-organisms are unaffected.”

Yeah! Forget about blowing up monsters. I went to mage school for years, spent a bazillion hours studying ancient lore so that I can make sure my house is clean, baby!

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