January 25, 7762

That night, Mar’Khabazza visits Senator Barin Redstone in the Menagerie to solicit his vote for the upcoming edict and to do some gambling. Luck is very much with him that night as he has an amazing streak of good fortune and wins several hundred silver.

Over the next two weeks, while waiting the mandatory 14 days for the edict to come before the city council for a vote, Mar’Khabazza spends time with Senator Redstone to solidify his vote for the edict. Ravenna spends the time forging and selling enchanted exotic weapons to House Tesper for resale.

Lianne and Ambrose Tesper of House Tesper
Lianne Tesper – Matriarch of House Tesper
Ambrose Tesper – grandson of Lianne

Magnus spends time away from the Salt House, ranging the countryside with Naisha and spending time with Arlaina as she recovers from her abuse in Tothkubad.

During this time there are public debates in the Menagerie, the Tempest and the Captain’s Table between Senators Stonehallow and Redstone on the merits of the edict.

February 6, 7762

Attempting to time the edict vote witht he arrival of the imperial couriers, Mar’Khabazza visits Senator Redstone to have him introduce the edict for vote. He learns that the senator is scared that Senator Stonehallow and his patron, Lord Josha Rin’ji of House Rin’ji, will use their influence to overturn his edict and will be made a laughingstock, but Mar’Khabazza repeatedly assures him that the votes will be there.

Mar’Khabazza also meets with the Overseer and appeals to his sense of commerce and eficiency of transport. “Opal’s mines will more readily be able to deliver its production to the Empire”

He also meets with Truheart who says she will go with the prevailing wind. Members of the Sept of the Serpent stop by the Salt House over the next few days to speak with Ravenna and see if she really is the God of Knowlwdge.

Postmaster Malown: “this whoring, addict, wench? Is the god of knowledge?”
Justiciar Mariel Trueheart: “The sisters spin as the weaver wills.”
Merajit the Alchemist: “Hah hah hah! Why not? The fates, it seem, are not without a sense of humor.”
Savinia Loresong: “God or not. She needs a friend.”

Savenia Loresong is bothered by the seeming lack of progress towards the plight in Beryl and challenges Mar’Khabazza: “Our mission is a failure and we still are no closer to understanding the plight there.”

Magnus spends time observing Stonehallow’s home, intercepts and kills a messenger from Rin’ji heading to Stonehallow with a small chest of silver coins, presumably a bribe to ensure the vote goes Rin’ji’s way. Magnus takes the bribe and stuffs the body under a nearby house where it will freeze solid until spring.

February 18, 7762

Leaving Opal for an ambush point along the Ranger’s Road, Magnus, Ravenna and Arlaina spend two cold nighs along the route, waiting for the couriers to pass by.

February 20, 7762

Mar’Khabazza stalks Stonehallow’s house. He lets himself into the house with his copied key and assassinates Stonehallow, his steward, and a harpsicord playing companion. He stuffs them under a rug and creates a glimmer about himself, taking on the appearance of Senator Stonehallow. He then heads to the council chambers to vote on the edict. After a short discussion, the vote is cast:

Speaker Mar’grom – NO
Senator Barin Redstone – (actually Mar’Khabazza) YES
Senator Mehr Stonehallow – YES
Postmaster Malown – YES
Overseer Dathrohan – YES
Justiciar Mariel Trueheart – YES
Inquisitor Caleras – NO

With Trueheart correctly deducing the vote, she casts a yes vote, 5-2 for opening the Merchan’ts Guild to all houses. As the vertict is decided the gallery explodes in an uproar. Mar’Khabazza, as Stonehallow, takes the opportunity to flee the council chamber but is confronted by Josha Rin’ji and his eldest son Rasvesk. “Stonehallow” recoils and shouts loudly about being threatened by the Rin’jis and then flees to Senator Redstone’s house to lay low. A short time later, the irate seneschal of Rin’ji darkens the Senator’s doorstep, pounding on the door. He is promptly murdered and dragged into the house by Mar’Khabazza.

While waiting for darkness to fall so he can burn down the Senator’s home and immolate the pile of bodies in the parlor, Mar’Khabazza spots a shadowy form stalking up the street at the rear of the house, so he starts a blaze and flees the house as it catches fire rather than having a confrontation.

the end of Senator Stonehallow’s manor

At the same time, the couriers appear on the Ranger’s Road and the four are ambushed with arrows from cover. Magnus drags the bodies into the rock field and Ravenna recovers a battered wood box, sealed in wax and embossed with the emperor’s seal.

After ensuring the house is well and truly engulfed, Mar’Khabazza drops his disguise and returns to the Salt House, sending the house staff to help fight the blaze.

February 21, 7762

Early in the morning gloom, as the sun struggles and fails to rise over the Mulpara range, Magnus, Ravenna, Naisha return to the Salt House with the emperor’s box in hand.

In the formal dining room they open the box, with Mar’Khabazza managing to save the internal seal perfectly intact. They read the missive from the Chancellor Franz Morelli demanding iron and bronze to be mined and transported to the heart of the Empire for a civil war that is being waged there [link].

They decide to call a meeting with Lady Catriona in the Crow Club. Over tense negotiations, they go into partnership but not before Catriona voices her shack/awe at Mar’Khabazza’s seeming ability and willingness to influence events in the city though murder.

the Lady Catriona von Indi
the Lady Catriona von Indi

They will give 13,000 silver to Catriona to fund the expedition, leaving the details of the logistics to her. In return for the advanced word of the incoming trade requirements Lady Catriona of House Indi agrees to give Mar’Khabazza of the Salt House 10% of her profits. As a token of goodwill she suggests that Mar’Khabazza might forge a different set of papers to deliver surreptitiously to House Rin’ji, papers that direct Opal to buy precious metals as a bribe to the leaders of the rebellion to not fight. She hopes that this misdirection will encumber all of House Rin’ji’s liquid capital and prevent them from buying iron and bronze instead.

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