January 14, 7762 (afternoon)

Walking through the archway into the citadel, the foursome enters into a vestibule with multiple exits and a staircase leading upwards. There are humans and sudaar and winter elves gathered in groups of threes and fours along the edges and conferring in low voices as others walk to destinations deep in the citadel.

The foursome moves out of the entrance and stands by one wall, observing the activity and trying not to draw attention. But that doesn’t last.

“McNabb! Rowan McNabb!” A gaunt and haggard woman is shouting at Magnus from across the chamber. She is accompanied by a red-horned demon that is taller than the tallest man. The demon and the woman cross the open space to stand in front of them. Up close it is clear that the woman has been though hard times.

“Bastard!” she snarls and slaps Magnus hard across the face. The red-skinned demon laughs a deep rumbling laugh. “It’s good to see you, McNabb. You’ve been gone a while. I trust that Daiocni is about as well?”

Magnus shrug a noncomittal shrug and says, “Daiocni’s business is Daiocni’s business.”

“That’s it?” shouts the woman. “You drag me here, get me strung out on your Yoxonqu shit, leave me with this bastard Zalgroth so you can disappear for half a year to lords know where, and that’s all you have to say for yourself?”

Magnus can only shrug again.

Zalgroth the demon rumbles to Magnus, “She is still as fiery as you left her, though I had my fun trying to break her. Oh we had our fun, didn’t we Arlaina?” He runs a clawed hand across her face and down her back. Arlaina can only close her eyes and tries unsuccessfully to not flinch.

Ravenna blurts, “Wait. Arlaina? Did you know Kelemis?”

Eyes closed she nods. Zalgroth pauses his caresses, his hand still on the small of her back. “Who?” He turns to Ravenna. “Who is Kelemis? Who are you? What business?”

He turns back to Magnus. “McNabb, who are your companions? Who is this Kelemis? What are you doing here? Where is Daiocni?”

In a flash, Magnus has his claymore out and, with a mighty two-handed stroke, splits the demon open. Black blood pours out of the wound as Zalgroth stares in mute surprise and falls to the floor. Magnus then grabs Arlaina by the wrist and strides purposefully for the archway and out into the night. Mar’Khabazza, Savenia Loresong and Ravenna follow quickly out of the citadel and out onto the street. Mar’Khabazza says, “we probably should get off the street and lie low for a while.”

“You.” He gestures to Arlaina. “Do you know of a place we can go, quickly and quietly?”

Arlaina nods. “McNabb, we can go to the Moon Bridge. It’s still your favorite, right?”

Magnus nods noncommittally and gestures for her to lead the way.

As they walk west past the Citadel and the Palace, she asks Magnus, “Why did you kill him? He deserved it, but why did you kill him? Did he fall out of favor with Daiocni? Is Daiocni mad at me?”

Magnus ignores her questions and she eventually quiets.

The five of them eventually reach a ramshackle building, but it seems human friendly and they enter, grabbing space at one of the long tables at the edge of the place.

A stern looking southern man with almost as many scars as Magnus is behind a notched and gouged bar. “Oy McNabb!” he says by way of greeting. “Haven’t seen you in a bit. The usual? something for your crew?”

Magnus nods and the five sit down. Mar’Khabazza starts off, “Daughter of mine, you recognize this woman?”

Ravenna nods. “This Arlaina, one of Kelemis the Lost’s projects.”

At this introduction, Arlaina speaks, “You know Kelemis? The devils take his black soul to the pits of hell. McNabb can tell you.”

Magnus says, “Sure, but I like to hear you tell it.”

Arlaina continues, “I was found and adopted by Kelemis after he discovered I had voices in my head. He said I was meant for a special destiny. I was to be the most learned scholar on Cignoria. We trained in lore and languages and sent me here to free a god. Can you believe that crap? He sent me here to die. Instead I was caught, stripped of my talent and given to Rowan McNabb here ‘as a treat’ by Daiocni. Ten years I’ve been here. Ten years I stand near Faylin’s prison and can do nothing. Ten years I am forgotten.” Her voice cracks and she stops.

Ravenna asks, “Who is Daiocni?”

Arlaina first looks to Magnus, as if for permission. Magnus nods and Arlaina says, “You do not know this? Friends of Rowan McNabb? Daiocni is one of the original thirteen. Daiocni is an arcangul of Az. Just like Father Eye, Shogg’rar, Pale Night, and the rest.”

As goal focused as ever, Mar’Khabazza says, “My dear Arlaina, did you say you stand near Faylin’s prison? You know where it is?”

Arlaina says, “Of course. I could take you right to it.”

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