August 3, 7761

Rather than answer to the inevitable questions, Mar’Khabazza, Magnus and Ravenna decide to flee Opal, hoping that they haven’t burned down the town behind them. They are moving quickly with a wagon completely empty except for foodstuff and the insulated crate of cold ore. This deep into the summer, the roads are well established an the travelling is easy: Magnus wakes early and swims in the glacial lake and they even manage to spot the ghost leopard as it descends down the scree field from the heights of the Barrier Mountains.

They reach the crossroads and continue onwards, deciding not to linger where the trio of guards might ask some questions or any potential pursuit from Opal might catch up. They cross the pass for the sixth time this summer, listening to the endless crash of avalanches and rocks falling from the heights of the Upheaval to explode like bombs against the flanks of the mountains. They travel slowly to avoid any mishaps and giving the merchant convoy the opportunity to catch up with them.

August 6, 7761

The Troupe eventually pull to a stop in the unnamed forest so the ore train can catch up. As they wait by the side of the road, they are passed by other caravans heading eastwards into the mountains. They bring news of the plains and forests to the south:

  • Smoke from multiple fires has been seen in the unnamed forest. The columns of smoke are too big to be cook fires, and too stationary to be forest fires. Upon further questioning, the location of the smoke is near or in the river valley of the old mine.
  • The Rogue Knight has been active on the eastern shores of the Thelan Forest. She has managed to evade patrols and “continues her mischief” whatever that might be. She has even been spotted within Edmond’s Crossing late at night.
  • Chakagari tribesmen have been spotted watching the Great Road. Some have even offered to trade, seeking jewels and jewelry for stacks of animal pelts.

August 8, 7761

The Troupe is overtaken by the ore train. They link up and start their journey south to Edmond’s Crossing.

August 15, 7761

Two days north of Edmond’s Crossing, the convoy is approached by six Chakagari horsemen approaching from the rear. The horsemen remain non-threatening but instead move up the line of wagons, engaging in small trades with the caravanners while still moving southwards. When they approach Mar’Khabazza’s wagon, they engage in small-talk while comparing goods for barter and one of them regards Magnus intently.

“Do I know you?” the Chaka man ask magnus in the common tongue.

Magnus simply shrugs.

“You look familiar to me. Where are you from?”


“Lived there long?”

“As long as I can remember.”

The group of Chaka ride up the column, but the solitary man lingers to look hard at Magnus, committing his face to memory. He then catches up with his group and they ride east over the rolling plains.

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