May 28, 7761

The next morning arrives with the shift whistle, and the trio depart for the Postmaster’s tower to head on their way to the river valley in the Unnamed Forest.

When Magnus, Ravenna and Mar’Khabazza arrive with Feldspar, out front of the Postmaster’s tower there are four horse-drawn wagons and their muleskinners, the Postmaster and seven tough looking men-at-arms. “we are waiting for the last three rangers” says Malown when asked as the muleskinners set about the work of loading provisions and supplies on their wagons.

Eventually four individuals do arrive. Three of them are doughty rangers in leather with bows and swords, and the fourth is Kyle. The four stop their approach just out of earshot and Kyle can be seen pointing out the Troup to the three rangers and talking.

“Well this should make for pleasant company,” quips Mar’Khabazza as they come closer. Kyle is stand-offish and speaks up only to say, “Ravenna. I see you are still consorting with this old man. Will you not take this opportunity to ask the Judiciar for mercy and let him help you be free of your burden? Come with me and let me help.”

Mar’khabazza sends him on his way with pleasantries and the seventeen member caravan sets off for the pass through the Barrier Mountains.

pass through the Barrier Mountains

Over the five day trip, Marr’Khabazza introduces him to Senior Sergeant Joktuk, who is native Chati. He has been soldiering for the Empire for almost two decades having left his people in the ice-blasted north for better prospects in Opal and Provence Brilend.

Senior Sergeant Joktuk

Joktuk also give Mar’Khabazza a rundown on the seven individuals that make up the governing body in Opal:

Speaker Mar’grom – the people’s elected official of Opal
Senator Barin Redstone – the Emperor’s representative in Opal
Senator Mehr Stonehallow – the Emperor’s representative in Opal
Postmaster Malown – head of supply and logistics
Overseer Dathrohan – head of the Emperor’s mine’s in Opal
Justiciar Mariel Trueheart – executor of the Emperor’s Will in Opal
Inquisitor Caleras – prosecution of breakers of the Emperor’s Law in Opal

At the Crossing, where the Great Road splits towards Opal to the South and Beryl to the north, they arrive at the watch post and encounter a inbound wagon train. They mention that they have a load of crafted iron parts and tools originally bound for Beryl, but the Captain of Logistics in Edmond’s Crossing tried to redirect them to Garnet but when pushed agreed to send them to Opal for reasons unknown.

The trip passes uneventfully, passing two eastbound wagon trains as they head west into the Unnamed Forest. Finally they reach the elbow in the road and the five rangers dismount and fan out into the underbrush looking for landmarks as described to them by the Troupe. The surging spring growth has changed the landscape substantially and any original traces of the Sudaar’s assault on the wagon train have long since been grown over. But the five rangers and the trio of the Troupe manages to keep them heading steadily northwards until they reach the valley and establish camp well back from the Sudaar threat.

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